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09-15 投稿



homophony 发音

英:[hoʊˈmɑːfəni]  美:[hɒˈmɒfəni]

英:  美:

homophony 中文意思翻译



homophony 词性/词形变化,homophony变形

名词复数: homophonies |

homophony 相似词语短语

1、photophony ─── n.光音机;光线电话机(photophone的变形)

2、homophonic ─── adj.齐唱的;同音异义的

3、homophones ─── n.同音异形异义词(homophone的复数)

4、homotony ─── 同音

5、homophyly ─── n.类似性

6、colophony ─── n.树脂;松香

7、homogony ─── n.花蕊同长

8、homophobe ─── 憎恶同性恋的人

9、homophone ─── n.同音异形异义字

homophony 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The paper describes the phonological system and its features,and lists its homophony syllabary of Longshii dialect in Jinggangshan County,Jiangxi province. ─── 介绍江西省井冈山市砻市镇方言的声韵调、音韵特点和同音字汇。

2、As a culture-centered feature in Chinese rhetoric, homophony is closely related to Chinese culture. ─── 摘要谐音作为一种具有汉民族文化特色的修辞手段,与汉文化的关系极为密切。

3、The Values of Applied Linguistics of Homophony ─── 谐音文化的语用价值

4、Dalian has been the origin of the names of five claims, an allegation that is selected by a grand theory from Bay homophony; ─── 大连名字的由来曾经有五种说法,一种说法认为是由大砺湾谐音而来;

5、The Phonetic System of Pingle Ming Dialect of Guangxi and Its Homophony Syllabary ─── 广西平乐闽语音系及同音字汇

6、In addition to "homophonic synonymy", we have also three other cases, namely, "homophony", "homography", and "difference both in sound and in sense". ─── 除了“音同义通”外,还有“音同而义不通”、“音不同而义通”、“音不同义亦不通”三种情况。

7、The thesis describes the phonology and its features of the Linyi dialect in the northwest of Shandong province and lists its homophony syllabary. ─── 本文介绍山东临邑方言音系及其特点,并列出同音字汇。

8、antonym;homophony;homomorphism;conjugate) Second, different strategies to different categories but to make the CAI visual, interesting, and systematic. ─── 反义词学习主要采取下面三种形式,结合影片片段学习反义词,学生参与反义词教学,和游戏竞赛学习;

9、2. Its origin should be the homophony "dao" brought into the dialect by immigrants from the Can dialect areas. ─── “倒”的本字应该是“到”,是移民从赣语区带来的。收藏指正

10、The composer used the homophony thoughts and technique with the counterpoint music, which was the way to obtain the new result of innovation. ─── 而主调音乐思维和写作技法同复调音乐交缘,正是获得此创新成果的途径。

11、Homophony Syllabary of Susong Dialect in Anhui Province ─── 安徽宿松方言同音字汇

12、homophony phoneme ─── 同音语素

13、Homophony is a phenomenon widely existed in Chinese. ─── 谐音是汉语里一种普遍存在的语言现象。

14、The Homophony Syllabary of Linhai Dialect in Zhejiang Province ─── 浙江临海方言音系

15、Homophony: A Pragmatic Strategy in Net Language ─── 谐音:网络语言中一种语用策略

16、Its origin should be the homophony "dao" brought into the dialect by immigrants from the Can dialect areas. ─── “倒”的本字应该是“到”,是移民从赣语区带来的。

17、The paper describes the phonological system and its features of Changle dialect in Miluo county, Hunan province and lists its homophony syllabary. ─── 本文描写湖南汨罗长乐方言音系,主要包括长乐方言的声韵调及其特点、长乐方言同音字汇。

18、The Phonetic System of Pingle Ming Dialect of Guangxi and Its Homophony Syllabary ─── 广西平乐闽语音系及同音字汇

19、The paper describes phonology and its features of Luxi (Baisha Quwang) Xianghua in Hunan province, and list the homophony syllabary. ─── 摘要本文介绍湖南沪溪白沙镇屈望社区乡话的声韵调系统和音韵特点,并列出同音字汇。

20、A Probe into the Significance of the Cultural Psychology of Chinene Homophony ─── 汉语谐音的运用及其文化心理意义

21、the latter: true homophony steaming, that is, authentic martial arts are true skills. ─── 后者:真谐音蒸,功夫即是地道有实力。

22、The royal noble's sad and dreary homophony in the happy office and origin cause of formation of Han Dynasty ─── 汉代皇室贵族乐府的悲凉主调及其成因

23、The paper introduces the phonology of Badu Tuhua in Etang, Babu district, Hezhou city, Guangxi Autonomous Region, which is compares it with the MC phonology, and lists its homophony syllabary. ─── 摘要本文介绍广西东部贺州市八步区鹅塘镇“八都话”的语音系统,与中古音作简略比较,并列出同音字汇。

24、The paper mainly describes the phonological system, features and the homophony syllabary of Hakka dialect in Shangsi County, Guangxi. ─── 描写广西上思县在妙镇屯隆村客家话音系,包括声韵调、语音特点和同音字汇三个部分。

25、Back to hostels, trabeculae越想越wrong, network companies and insurance companies, these two words do not homophony that he will not even got it wrong, right? ─── 回到宿舍,小梁越想越蹊跷,网络公司和保险公司,这两个词不谐音,自己不至于连这都会听错吧?

26、Homophonic nonce words, composed of two types-those of whole homophony and those of similar sounds, belong to lexical parody. ─── 摘要谐音杜撰词分为完全谐音词和近音词两大类,均属于仿拟中的谐音仿词。

27、The pure numbers have formed new numerical words in some variant ways such as homophony, substitute, abbreviation and metaphor, which can express more complicated and perfect meaning. ─── 它们以谐音、指代、缩略及隐含等异化方式构成比单纯数字更复杂、更完善的新词语。

28、Musical forms have undergone from a single sound thinking (homophony) to a three-dimensional sound thinking (polyphony), and finally achieved both coexistence. ─── 音乐形式则表现为从单个音的线形思维(主调音乐)到多个音的立体思维(复调音乐),最后达到二者的共存;

29、The Homophony Syllabary of the Changle Dialect, Hunan Province ─── 邵阳长乐方言音系

30、Homophony Syllabary of Changle Dialect in Zhejiang Province ─── 长乐话音系

31、This paper describes phonology and its features of Tuocheng dialect in Longchuan County, Guangdong province, and lists the homophony syllabary. ─── 摘要本文记录广东龙川县佗城客家方言音系,并列出同音字汇。

32、dumplings the dumplings and "pay" homophony, "competent" and "pay" and intended to meet, so the symbol of reunited with dumplings. ─── 饺子的饺和“交”谐音,“合”和“交”又有相聚之意,所以用饺子象征团聚了。

33、He preferred counterpoint music writing that being very special in the period of Romantic, which homophony been dominated. ─── 他在浪漫派这一主调音乐占统治地位的时期,特例独行地沉浸于复调音乐创作天地。

34、Chinese Homophony and its Cultural Connotation ─── 汉语谐音及其文化内涵

35、Homophony Syllabary of the Jiangjin Dialect in Chongqing ─── 江津方言同音字汇

36、Harmonious campus shall become the goal of university development along with the harmonious society becoming the homophony of our society during this favorable strategic phase. ─── 随着和谐社会成为我国战略机遇期的社会主调,和谐校园理应成为校园建设的目标。

37、As a culture-centered feature in Chinese rhetoric, homophony is closely related to Chinese culture. ─── 谐音作为一种具有汉民族文化特色的修辞手段,与汉文化的关系极为密切。

38、Use movie clip to learn some antonym;Use flash cartoon to create the mini-situation of homomorphism ;Use audio equipment to learn homophony; ─── 近音词、同音词学习方式主要采取利用音频手段比较学习,利用操练的形式学习近音词;

39、How the toad changed into the silkworm resulted from the homophony of the two words, the flourishing of silk knitting, the imagination and exaggeration of literators. ─── 之所以“蟾”演变为“蚕”,首先是二者的谐音;其次是后世蜀地丝织业的发达;最后则离不开文人的想像和渲染。

40、The paper describes the phonology and its features of Shangcheng(Nansi) dialect in southern Henan province, and lists its homophony syllabary. ─── 本文记录了商城(南司)话的声韵调系统,并列出了同音字汇。

41、An analysis is made of the 20 years' researches on the relationship between homophony and Chinese culture, and some problems and shortcomings are raised for further improvement. ─── 从汉文化对谐音的影响研究和谐音对汉文化的影响研究等方面,就20年来有关谐音与汉文化关系的研究加以梳理和阐释,并指出其中尚需改进的问题与不足。

42、The Homophony Syllabary of the Shibei Dialect, Fujian Province ─── 福建石陂方言音系

43、The common methods of creating traditional patterns are symbology, homophony, substitution, composition, using traditions and stories and using the nature themes. ─── 在创作思路上,常用象征、谐音、借代、组合的方法创作图案,还直接从自然界、民间传说故事中获取创作题材;

44、The Homophony Syllabary of Chengguan Dialect in Yongxing County, Hunan Province ─── 湖南永兴城关方言音系

45、The study of the Chinese semantic relationship relies on that of the phonetic-semantic relations among Chinese characters which fall into three types: homophony,synonymy and paronym. ─── 汉语语义关系的探求离不开汉字音义关系的探求,汉字的音义关系分为同音、同义和同源三种。

46、dumplings the dumplings and "pay" homophony, "competent" and "pay" and intended to meet, so the symbol of reunited with dumplings. ─── 饺子的饺和“交”谐音,“合”和“交”又有相聚之意,所以用饺子象征团聚了。

47、3. How the toad changed into the silkworm resulted from the homophony of the two words, the flourishing of silk knitting, the imagination and exaggeration of literators. ─── 之所以“蟾”演变为“蚕”,首先是二者的谐音;其次是后世蜀地丝织业的发达;最后则离不开文人的想像和渲染。收藏指正

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