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08-28 投稿


unclouded 发音

英:[ʌn'klaʊdɪd]  美:[ʌn'klaʊdɪd]

英:  美:

unclouded 中文意思翻译



unclouded 网络释义

adj. 晴朗的;明朗的;清晰的

unclouded 词性/词形变化,unclouded变形

动词过去分词: unclothed |动词过去式: unclothed |动词第三人称单数: unclothes |动词现在分词: unclothing |

unclouded 短语词组

1、unclouded day/song ─── 晴天/歌

2、unclouded day ─── 无障碍日

3、unclouded brow ─── 不遮眉

4、unclouded moon ─── 明月

5、unclouded summer ─── 晴朗的夏天

6、unclouded premium apk ─── 无遮蔽高级apk

7、unclouded sky ─── 晴朗的天空

8、unclouded app ─── 未屏蔽应用程序

9、unclouded def ─── 无遮蔽def

10、unclouded premium ─── 无遮蔽保险费

unclouded 相似词语短语

1、enclouded ─── vt.阴云遮蔽;使阴郁

2、uncloaked ─── vt.揭露;脱去……的外套;vi.脱去外套

3、uncloudedly ─── 毫不掩饰地

4、clouded ─── adj.乌云密布的;有暗影的,阴的

5、uncloudier ─── 疏通者

6、uncoloured ─── 无色的;不受影响的

7、beclouded ─── vt.蒙蔽;使变暗

8、included ─── v.包括;(使)成为……的一部分;允许(某人)加入活动(或同享特权)(include的过去式及过去分词);adj.包括在内的

9、unclogged ─── 使通畅;排除(困难);去除(障碍)

unclouded 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Answer: I respect every unclouded life. ─── 答:我尊重每个阳光的生命。

2、His skin was dark, like unclouded 峭茶(chocha). ─── 他黑色的皮肤,象没泡开的峭茶(chocha)。

3、I saw the bright Altair, and the two adjacent stars in the sky in a unclouded summer night. ─── 晴朗的夏夜,我望见了明亮的扁担星。

4、Unclouded, tranquility, an advocate of science, egalitarian, enjoy doing both-win and multi-win things, Only one the empressement person I shall train with! ─── 开朗,宁静,崇尚科学,平等主义者,喜爱做双赢或多赢的事情,只结交真诚的朋友!

5、8. having a color similar to that of a clear unclouded sky. ─── 他们代表着天的颜色和植物的颜色。

6、“The Eternal Truth is now come. He hath lifted up the Ensign of Power, and is now shedding upon the world the unclouded splendor of His Revelation.” 35 ─── “永恒真理现已来临。祂已举起大能之旗,正将祂的启示之灿烂光辉照耀世界。”35

7、In an unclouded harmony of tastes and interests they cultivated ferns in Wardian cases. ─── 出于和谐一致的兴趣和爱好,他们在沃德式的玻璃罩盒子里种植文竹.

8、So off they went, driving the country roads of northern Rhode Island on the kind of day only mid-May can produce: sparkling sunshine, unclouded azure skies and vibrant newness of the green growing all around. ─── 于是,他们就出发了,驱车行驶在罗德岛北部的乡村小路上,那种天气只有5月中旬才会有:闪亮的阳光、蓝色的晴空以及生机勃勃、处可见的绿意。

9、having a color similar to that of a clear unclouded sky. ─── 有一种类似于晴朗无云的天空的颜色。

10、So off they went, driving the country roads of northern Rhode Island on the kind of daymid-May can produce:sparkling sunshine, unclouded azure skiesvibrant newness of the en growing all around. ─── 她那天早上给母亲打去,祝母亲节日愉快。随后,她的母亲向她提起,春天已经来临,院子里的色彩是多么绚丽。

11、It is sunny and unclouded today, let's go to the amusement park. ─── 今天天空晴朗无云,我们去游乐场玩玩吧!

12、"So off they went, driving the country roads of northern Rhode Island on the kind of day only mid-May can produce:sparkling sunshine, unclouded azure skies and vibrant newness of the green growing all around. ─── "于是, 他们就出发了, 驱车行驶在罗德岛北部的乡村小路上, 那种天气只有5月中旬才会有:闪亮的阳光、蔚蓝色的晴空以及生机勃勃、随处可见的绿意。

13、In an unclouded harmony of tastes and interests they cultivated ferns in Wardian cases ─── 出于和谐一致的兴趣和爱好,他们在沃德式的玻璃罩盒子里种植文竹。

14、During an unclouded summer night,i saw the bright shoulder pole star; ─── 晴朗的夏夜,我看见了明亮的扁担星。

15、Everywhere around him reigned silence, but that charming silence when the sun has set in an unclouded azure sky. ─── 四周一片寂静,这是太阳在碧空西沉时令人心旷神怡的寂静。

16、Neither in what it gives, nor in what it does not give, nor in the mode of presentation, must the unclouded face of truth suffer wrong. ─── 这句倒装了,正常的汉语语序还是把他掉过来比较好理解,意思是对于那些确切的事实,无论是可以提供的消息与否,还是报道的形式,都不应该出错的

17、To preserve an unclouded capacity for the enjoyment of life is an unusual moral and psychological achievement. ─── 在任何条件下都能享受生活的能力,是道德上和心理上不可多得的收获。

18、harmony of tastes and interests they cultivated ferns in Wardian cases. ─── 和谐一致的兴趣和爱好,他们在沃德式的玻璃罩盒子里种植文竹。

19、Vivacious and unclouded character, having the compassion and responsibility, be favor with the juvenile children, profound painting base; ─── 性格活泼开朗,有爱心和责任心,喜爱少年儿童,有较深厚的绘画功底;

20、The best way for Handling question is to think the worse,to do optimistic and unclouded. ─── 处理事情是心理要做最坏打算,但是处理起来要乐观和豁达!

21、Handling question is to think the worse, to do optimistic and unclouded. ─── 处理事情是心理要做最坏打算,但是处理起来要乐观和豁达!

22、It was my good fortune to be linked with Mme. Curie through twenty years of sublime and unclouded friendship. I come to admire her human grandeur to an ever growing degree. ─── 我很荣幸,20年来一直和居里夫人保持高尚而纯洁的友谊。我对她高贵品德的敬佩与日俱增。

23、Our path, however, was not totally sweet and unclouded. We had to be observant and patient. ─── 但是, 我们的道路并不是总是甜蜜的、洒满阳光的.我们必须守纪律,有耐心.

24、Your breadth of mind widened makes you unclouded. ─── 心胸开阔,心情便会开朗。

25、I saw the bright shoulder pole star in the unclouded summer night. ─── 3. 晴朗的夏夜,我看见了明亮的扁担星。

26、Heaven isn't just a nicer planet in a distant galaxy.Heaven is the realm of the eternal, the place of direct, unclouded contact with the Father. ─── 天堂不只是遥远的银河系中一颗更美丽的行星而已,天堂是一个永恒的国度,是一个可以与父神直接接触,毫无阻隔的地方。

27、Yang Yuqiong is unclouded and eager to do things well.She often said that “since I have engaged in sports, I will certainly try to be the first. ─── 阳玉琼性格开朗、要强,她经常说的一句话是“既然从事这项运动,就一定要拿第一”。

28、The wine was unclouded. ─── 这种酒很清澈.

29、“The end of an unclouded day.Almost a happy one,” Mr. ─── “晴天作为一日的结束,几乎可以算是快乐的一天。”

30、It is sunny and unclouded today, let's go to the amusement park. ─── 今天天空响晴, 我们去游乐场玩玩 吧!

31、Uncle Albert lives a life of unclouded happiness in the village. ─── 艾伯特大伯在乡下过着清静的幸福生活。

32、Reality can dawn only on an unclouded mind. ─── (实相只能显示给未受蒙蔽的心灵。

33、So off they went,driving the country roads of northern Rhode Island on the kind of day only mid-May can produce: sparkling sunshine,unclouded azure skies and vibrant newness of the green growing all around. ─── 于是,他们就出发了,驱车行驶在罗德岛北部的乡村小路上,那种天气只有5月中旬才会有:闪亮的阳光、蔚蓝色的晴空以及生机勃勃、随处可见的绿意。

34、Being unclouded and having good capacity of communication ─── 为人开朗、有良好的沟通能力

35、As I panted up the dusty path under the unclouded sun, I remembered that a younger me could make this climb without pain. ─── 当我气喘吁吁地爬上晴朗阳光下尘土飞扬的小道,不禁回忆起当初更年轻的时候,我可以毫不费力地攀登上去。

36、The good king's mind was unclouded by preconceptions , so he was able to dive into the hearts of everyone he met and discover their true nature. ─── 和蔼的国王由于先见之明而性格开朗,所以他能够深入到每个他所遇到的人的内心深处去发现他们的天性。

37、3.Vivacious and unclouded character, fly right, Dedication spirits and being honestly, having the compassion andresponsibility, having a rough time; ─── 性格活泼开朗,为人正直,敬业务实,有爱心和责任心,吃苦耐劳;

38、So off they went, driving the country roads of northern Rhode Island on the kind of day only mid-May can produce: sparkling sunshine, unclouded azure skies and vibrant newness of the green growing all around. ─── 于是,他们就出发了,驱车行驶在罗德岛北部的乡村小路上,那种天气只有5月中旬才会有:闪亮的阳光、蔚蓝色的晴空以及生机勃勃、随处可见的绿意。

39、an unclouded moon; the moon in a cloudless sky ─── 霁月

40、Our path, however, was not totally sweet and unclouded. ─── “这儿就是你们的新家!”

41、The spring water is bluer than the unclouded sky. ─── 春水碧于天

42、Of course, the purest water is the most untainted and unclouded. ─── 当然,最纯净的水是最无污染与清澈的。

43、Born and grown up in the Shanghai intellectual family, with gentle and unclouded characters. ─── 生长于上海的高知家庭,性格温和开朗,善解人意的知性粉领。

44、In this era, we have many wonderful gentlemen who keep sagacious, resolute, righteous, sober, brave, unclouded, lofty sentiments, and kind in their lives. ─── 我们这个时代有很多上智、刚毅、正直、节制、勇敢、豁达、豪情、温存的绅士。

45、and the two adjacent stars in the sky in a unclouded summer night. ─── 晴朗的夏夜,我望见了明亮的扁担星。

46、How beautiful the summer night is, which is not night, but a sunless, yet unclouded day, descending upon earth with dews and shadows and refreshing coolness! ─── 夏日的夜晚也是美丽的,与其称它为夜晚,它其实更像一个阳光照射不到的,晴朗的白昼,它携带清露,阴凉以及一丝丝清爽降落到了地球!

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