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09-01 投稿


malignant 发音

英:[mə'lɪgnənt]  美:[mə'lɪgnənt]

英:  美:

malignant 中文意思翻译

adj.恶性的,致命的; 恶意的,恶毒的


malignant 网络释义

adj. [医] 恶性的;有害的;有恶意的n. 保王党员;怀恶意的人

malignant 短语词组

1、malignant diphtheria ─── [医] 恶性白喉, 坏疽性白喉

2、malignant catarrh of cattle ─── [医] 牲畜恶性卡他

3、malignant angina ─── [医] 恶性咽峡炎, 坏死性咽峡炎

4、malignant aphthae ─── [医] 恶性口疮, ─── [接]触 ─── [传]染性口疮

5、malignant carbuncle ─── [医] 恶性痈

6、malignant catarrhal fever virus ─── [医] 恶性卡他热病毒

7、malignant cholera ─── [医] 恶性霍乱, 亚洲霍乱

8、malignant disease ─── [医] 恶性病, 癌

9、malignant dermatitis ─── [医] 恶性皮炎

10、malignant bubo ─── [医] 恶性腹股沟淋巴结炎, 鼠疫性腹股沟淋巴结炎

11、malignant anaemia ─── [网络] 恶性贫血

12、jaundice malignant ─── [医] 恶性黄疸(急性黄色肝萎缩)

13、malignant edema ─── [医] 恶性水肿

14、malignant anthrax ─── [医] 恶性炭疽

15、malignant adenoma ─── [医] 恶性腺瘤, 腺癌

16、malignant beriberi ─── [医] 恶性脚气病

17、malignant anemia ─── [医] 恶性贫血, 进行性恶性贫血

18、malignant craniopharyngioma ─── [医] 恶性颅咽管瘤

19、malignant dysentery ─── [医] 恶性痢疾

malignant 反义词

benign | benignity

malignant 词性/词形变化,malignant变形

副词: malignantly |

malignant 同义词

nasty | unkind | spreading | fatal | spiteful | cancerous | evil | mortal | malicious | toxic | wicked | killing |harmful | malevolent | menacing | hateful | destructive | lethal | poisonous | deadly | pernicious | progressive

malignant 相似词语短语

1、maligning ─── v.(公开地)诽谤;adj.有害的;邪恶的;(疾病)恶性的

2、nonmalignant ─── adj.良性的;非恶性的

3、malignments ─── 恶意

4、premalignant ─── adj.恶化前的;癌变前的

5、malignants ─── 恶意分子

6、malignment ─── 恶意

7、malignancy ─── n.恶性(肿瘤等);恶意

8、malignantly ─── adv.怀恶意

9、malignance ─── n.恶意,恶性

malignant 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The most common malignant entities are lung cancer and mediastinal tumor. ─── 常见的恶性肿瘤主要是肺癌和纵隔腔肿瘤。

2、You malign a generous person when you call him a stingy person. ─── 当你说一个慷慨的人吝啬时,你是在诋毁他。

3、Morphological changes of malignant tumor cellular flocks. ─── 七、恶性肿瘤细胞群形态的变化。

4、All patients were administrated by adjuvant radiotherapy or and chemotherapy after malignant seminomas resection. ─── 恶性生殖细胞瘤术后均行辅助放、化疗。

5、Malignant gliomas are more aggressive in older people. ─── 恶性的神经胶质瘤在老人身上更具有攻击性。

6、Can malign lipoma turn cancer? ─── 恶性脂肪瘤会转癌吗?

7、A malignant book would hurt nobody but the fool who wrote it. ─── 一本怀有恶意的书籍将不会伤害到任何人,除了写作它的傻瓜。

8、Uterine cancer: Malignant tumour of the uterus. ─── 子宫癌: 子宫的恶性肿瘤。

9、He has soldiered on for ten years after the resection of malignant tumour. ─── 切除了恶性肿瘤后他战胜种种困难已活了10年。

10、It has high correctness for distinguishing benign tumor and malignant tumor. ─── 对鉴别肿瘤的良性与恶性有较高的诊断率。

11、Ovarian cancer: Malignant tumour of the ovaries. ─── 卵巢癌:卵巢的恶性肿瘤。

12、Have you no regard for true merit, you malignant fellow? ─── 你就不能尊重真正的品德吗,你这个坏东西?

13、Primary carcinoma of the liver is one of proceeding and developing common malignant tumor. ─── 原发性肝癌是一种进行性发展的常见恶性肿瘤.

14、He's a great man. He has soldiered on for ten years after the resection of malignant tumour. ─── 他是个很了不起的人。切除了恶性肿瘤后他战胜种种困难已活了10年。

15、In general, mitoses are more likely to be seen in malignant neoplasms. ─── 一般来说,恶性肿瘤的核分裂相多见;

16、Background characteristics of malignant tumor cells. ─── 九、恶性肿瘤细胞的背景特点。

17、Malignant hypertension is the most lethal form of hypertension. ─── 恶性高血压是最容易导致死亡的一种高血压。

18、To demonstrate injuring effect alternating impulse magnetic field on malignant tumor. ─── 为证实磁场对恶性肿瘤杀伤作用.

19、He was died of a malignant tumour. ─── 他死于恶性肿瘤。

20、Source: Retrospective Sampling Survey on Malignant Tumor in China in Later 1980 s and early 1990 s. ─── 资料来源: 《八十年代末、九十年代初中国恶性肿瘤死亡抽样回顾调查》.

21、Open wounds of this type can develop a highly malignant form of squamous cell carcinoma. ─── 这种类型的开放型伤口可发展成为一个高度恶性型的鳞状细胞癌.

22、But the general aspect of the swamp was malignant. ─── 但是,这片沼泽地总的来看是其貌不善的。

23、A malign tumour was found in his stomach. ─── 在他的胃部发现了一个恶性肿瘤。 

24、Your behaviours exercised a malign influence on the children. ─── 你的行为对孩子们产生了不良的影响。

25、Moreover, in the domestic rabbits, the warts were no longer benign, but malignant. ─── 此外,家兔的疣不再是良性的,而是恶性的。

26、For malign and ab extra inbreak fireweed. ─── 为恶性外来入侵杂草。

27、Rarely, a malignant carcinoid tumor can occur as a large bulky mass. ─── 很少有恶性类癌发展到体积很大。

28、Alexander got a malignant slander. ─── 亚历山大受到恶意的诽谤。

29、In malignant nephrosclerosis, the kidney demonstrates focal small hemorrhages. ─── 恶性肾硬化时,肾脏出现局灶性出血。

30、Cardiac myxoma is benign tumour, but it may become malignant. ─── 心脏粘液瘤虽属良性肿瘤,但也可恶性变。

31、She developed a malignant breast tumour. ─── 她得了恶性乳腺瘤。

32、She developed a malignant breast tumour. ─── 她长了一个恶性的乳房肿瘤。

33、The malign consequences are evident in many areas of public policy. ─── 公共政策在许多领域的负面影响是明显的。

34、But the general aspect of the swamp was malignant. ─── 但是,这片沼泽地总的来看是其貌不善的.

35、Objective To study the ultrasonic images of malignant lymphoma and their clinical diagnostic significance. ─── 目的探讨恶性淋巴瘤的声像图表现及超声检查的临床意义.

36、Autonomous abnormal hyperplasia of malignant tumor cells. ─── 恶性肿瘤细胞的自主性异常增生。

37、A few years does the terminal prognosis of tumour have malign melanin probably? ─── 恶性黑色素瘤的晚期预后大概有几年?

38、Malignant erythema prompts a bad prognosis. ─── 恶性红斑提示预后不良。

39、Extremely infectious, malignant, or poisonous. Used of a disease or toxin. ─── 剧毒的,致命的极度传染性的、恶性的或剧毒的,用于疾病或毒素

40、Thyroid cancer is a disease cancer ( malignant ) cells are found in the tissues of thyroid gland. ─── 甲状腺癌是一种在甲状腺组织中发现恶性肿瘤细胞的疾病.

41、Objective : To evaluate the effects of endostatin adenoviral vector on malignant ascites. ─── 目的: 探讨内皮抑素基因治疗在癌性腹水中的治疗作用.

42、It is more frequent in the young, but is more malignant in the elderly. ─── 年轻人较常见,但老年人恶性率更高。

43、A benign or malignant tumor derived from epithelium. ─── 上皮瘤从上皮中长出的良性或恶性肿瘤

44、He deals with the crumbling old house and the malignant Pyncheons as novelist rather than allegorist. ─── 他是用小说家而非寓言家的笔法去描写那座倾颓的老屋和狠心的品奇昂一家。

45、Indeed, not all viruses are malignant. ─── 事实上,并非所有的病毒都是有害的。

46、A cancer is a malignant tumour. ─── 癌是一种恶性瘤。

47、Uterine cancer: Malignant tumour of the uterus. ─── 子宫癌:子宫的恶性肿瘤。

48、Of no danger to health; not recurrent or progressive; not malignant. ─── 对健康无害的;非复发性或渐进性的;非恶性的。

49、The cure of disease of malign organization cell? ─── 恶性组织细胞病的治疗?

50、Malignant pleural mesothelioma(MPM)represents a rare disease. ─── 恶性胸膜间皮瘤(MPM)是一种罕见的恶性肿瘤。

51、DNA aneuploidy, DI, SPF and PI are associated with malignant degree of gliomas. ─── DNA异倍体是恶性胶质瘤特征性标志 ; DI值 ,SPF值、PI值与胶质瘤的级别呈正相关

52、Breast cancer has been the most dangerous malignant tumor for women. ─── 乳腺癌已经成为妇女发病率最高的恶性肿瘤。

53、The malignant tumor does not recur . ─── 恶性肿瘤没有复发。

54、How to judge lipoma benign malign still? ─── 如何判断脂肪瘤良性还是恶性?

55、After chemotherapy, the serum IAP level of malignant ovary tumor was decreased. ─── 化疗后卵巢癌患者血清IAP水平明显下降;

56、When radiated, they may undergo malignant transformation. ─── 如呈放射状,它们可能发生恶性转变。

57、Malignant viruses are designed to damage the system. ─── 恶性病毒被设计出来破坏系统。

58、Objective : To study the diagnosis and therapy of primary malignant tumors of heart and pericardium. ─── 目的: 探讨原发性心脏及心包恶性肿瘤的诊断和治疗方法.

59、Aspiration of the cystic lesion revealed dark-red substances without evidence of malignant cells by cytology. ─── 囊状病灶的抽出液为暗红色物质,细胞学检查无恶性细胞。

60、He started to his feet with a malignant glance at Winston. ─── 他爬了起来,不高兴地看了温斯顿一眼。

61、It takes ten years or more for a benign polyp to turn malignant. ─── 良性息肉转为恶性要经过10年或更长的时间。

62、GIST in intestine and mixed cellularity showed more malignant than others. ─── 小肠部位的GIST和混合型的GIST肿瘤恶性程度相对高(P<0.05)。

63、Most of parenchymatous tumors were malignant, which excision rate was low. ─── 实性肿瘤多为恶性,手术切除率低。

64、Size and shape changes of malignant tumor cells. ─── 恶性肿瘤细胞大小与形态的变化。

65、Two patients with malignant glucagonoma died 51 and 39 months later. ─── 10例转移癌中,3年生存率70%,其中肠癌2例,至今无瘤生存分别为37和48个月。

66、Area-Effect; 8 MP, Range 7, AOE 1; Foe drifts into unconsciousness and is damaged by malignant visions. ─── 区域效果;8MP,射程7,效果范围1;敌人陷入无意识并被恐惧的视觉所伤害.

67、Malignant disease was found in a total of 18 patients. ─── 总共在18个病人身上发现恶性疾病。

68、Is malign and lymphatic tumour how to return a responsibility? ─── 恶性淋巴瘤是怎么回事?

69、Malignant hypertension leads to fibrinoid necrosis of small arteries as shown here. ─── 恶性高血压导致小动脉纤维素样坏死.

70、Objective To analyze the diagnosis and surgery of the eyelid malignant tumor. ─── 目的分析探讨眼睑恶性肿瘤的诊断及手术效果.

71、Conclusion Osborn wave in electrocardiogram is an effective index in predicting malignant ventricular arrhythmia after AMI. ─── 结论心电图Osborn波可作为AMI病人恶性室性心律失常有效预测指标.

72、Ovarian cancer is a malignant tumour in the ovary. ─── 卵巢癌是生长在卵巢的恶性肿瘤。

73、Unfortunately he has got a malignant tumor and needs to receive chemotherapy. ─── 他不幸患上了恶性肿瘤,需要化疗。

74、He was died of a malignant tumour. ─── 他死于恶性肿瘤.

75、As a general rule, benign neoplasms do not give rise to malignant neoplasms. ─── 一般地说,良性肿瘤不会发展成恶性肿瘤。

76、Objective To evaluate the value of ultrasound in diagnosing greater omentum malignant tumors. ─── 目的探讨超声诊断大网膜恶性肿瘤的价值.

77、Objective To understand the epidemic characteristics of malignant tumor death in registered population of city. ─── 目的掌握珠海市户籍人群主要恶性肿瘤死亡的流行特征.

78、DNA aneuploidy is one of the characteristics of malignant tumors. ─── DNA非整倍体是恶性肿瘤的特征性标志之一。

79、How could we stop them once they reached this malignant state? ─── 一旦它们演变到这种有害的状态,我们要如何制止?

80、The chance for palliation and long-term survival is greater with metastatic breast carcinoma than with any other late malignant disease. ─── 乳腺转移癌得到缓解和长期生存的机会大于其它恶性肿瘤的转移癌。

81、Malignant carotid body tumor(CBT) is a rarely seen and controversial neoplasm. ─── 恶性颈动脉体瘤临床罕见,迄今国内外文献报道病例仅100余例。

82、But sounds have more malign uses too. ─── 但声音也有恶毒的用途。

83、There is only one known cause of malignant mesothelioma: exposure to asbestos. ─── 世界上只有一个已知造成恶性间皮瘤:吸入石棉。

84、Can be malign and lymphatic tumour treated? ─── 恶性淋巴瘤能治吗?

85、Objective : To discuss the method of pre operation diagnosis of primary malignant lymphoma in stomach. ─── 目的: 探讨胃原发性恶性淋巴瘤术前诊断的方法.

86、Only fragmentary information on pathogenesis of bovine malignant catarrhal fever is availible. ─── 关于牛恶性卡他热的病理发生,仅能获得一些零星的资料。

87、He can boost a person in the front, but malign him in the back. ─── 他会当面吹捧一个人,背后又说他坏话。

88、Objective To study the effects of misdiagnosis on the prognosis of anorectal malignant melanoma ( AMM ). ─── 目的探讨肛管直肠恶性黑色素瘤 ( AMM ) 误诊对其预后的影响.

89、The doctor successfully operated on the patient for the malignant tumour. ─── 医生成功地为病人切除了恶性肿瘤。

90、Alexander got a malignant slander. ─── 亚历山大受到恶意的诽谤.

91、The sensitivity of % and specificity 100 % in diagnosing malignant pleural effusion. ─── 其对恶性胸腔积液诊断的敏感性及特异性%100%.

92、Pemetrexed disodium is the only agent for the treatment of malignant pleural mesothelioma ( MPM ). ─── 培美曲塞二钠是唯一治疗恶性胸膜间皮瘤 ( MPM ) 的药物.

93、The clinicopathologic characteristics of primary gastric malignant lymphoma. ─── 原发性胃恶性淋巴瘤的临床病理特点。

94、Arrangement changes within malignant tumor cellular flocks. ─── 八、恶性肿瘤细胞群内细胞排列的变化。

95、A malign tumor was found in his stomach. ─── 在他的胃部发现了一个恶性肿瘤。

96、That has made it harder to sort malign from benign business practices. ─── 因此,恶性与良性的商业行为变得难以区分。

97、DNA aneuploidy,SPF and EGFR is associated with malignant degree of gliomas. ─── DNA异倍体的发生、SPF值、EGFR阳性率与胶质瘤恶性级别正相关。

98、Characteristic malignant cells called Paget cells are present in the epidermis. ─── 它特有的恶性细胞称为偑吉特细胞,存在于上皮中。

99、The change that causes malignant melanoma is the first one they have found. ─── 他们首先发现的是导致恶性黑素瘤的突变,

100、Complications of gastric ulcers ( either benign or malignant ) include pain, bleeding, perforation, and obstruction. ─── 胃溃疡的并发症 ( 良性或者恶性 ) 有疼痛, 出血, 穿孔和梗阻.

101、The majority of PTLD originates from malignant proliferation of B-cell. ─── 大多数PTLD起源于B细胞单克隆恶性增殖。

102、Heparanase resides in metastatic malignant tumor cell generally. ─── 乙酰肝素酶普遍存在于转移性恶性肿瘤细胞中。

103、She likes to malign innocent persons. ─── 她爱诋毁那些清白的人。

104、Malignant melanoma can Begin in moles But almost never before puberty. ─── 恶性黑素瘤可能发展自色素痣,但青春期前几乎不会发生。

105、Leukemia is a malignant hematopoietic system, is the most common malignant one. ─── 白血病是造血系统的恶性肿瘤, 是我国最常见的恶性肿瘤之一.

106、Objective To investigate the effect of different treatment for malignant glaucoma. ─── 目的探讨睫状环阻塞性青光眼的治疗及其效果.

107、Pathology of the bronchoscopic biopsy via LB6 showed malignant melanoma. ─── 常见于肺部转移的原发肿瘤有乳癌、头颈部肿瘤、大肠癌或胃癌。

108、The malignant lymphoma is the main tumor type happened in palatine tonsil. ─── 在扁桃体中发生的肿瘤主要以恶性淋巴瘤为主.


tumour; core; neoplasm; phyma都可以翻译为肿瘤。


malignant tumour


benign tumour

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