cephalic 发音
英:[sɪˈfælɪk] 美:[sɪˈfælɪk]
英: 美:
cephalic 中文意思翻译
常见释义: 头的
cephalic 短语词组
1、cephalic groove ─── [医] 头沟
2、cephalic alae ─── [医] 头翼膜
3、cephalic tetanus ─── [医] 头部破伤风
4、cephalic suspension ─── [医] 头悬吊
5、cephalic ballottement ─── [医] 胎头冲击触诊 ─── [法]
6、cephalic triangle ─── [医] 头三角
7、cephalic presentation ─── [医] 头先露
8、accessory cephalic vein ─── 副头静脉
9、cephalic flexure ─── [医] 头曲, 颅曲
10、cephalic pole ─── [医] 头极
11、cephalic glands ─── [医] 头腺
12、cephalic mesoderm ─── [医] 头 ─── [部]中胚层
13、cephalic ganglionated plexus ─── [医] 头神经节丛
14、cephalic ganglia ─── [医] 头神经节
15、cephalic cone ─── [医] 头锥
16、cephalic angle ─── [医] 头颅角
17、cephalic vein ─── 头静脉
18、cephalic aura ─── [医] 头部先兆
19、cephalic index ─── [医] 颅指数
cephalic 反义词
cephalic 同义词
cephalic 词性/词形变化,cephalic变形
副词: cephalically |
cephalic 相似词语短语
1、encephalic ─── adj.脑的;头的
2、acephalic ─── 无晶状体的
3、cephal- ─── 头
4、cephalo- ─── 头部的(前缀)
5、bicephalic ─── 两头的
6、cephalin ─── n.[生化]脑磷脂
7、cephalad ─── adv.向头部地
8、-cephalic ─── adj.[动]头的
9、cephalon ─── n.头;头盾
cephalic 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、These results indicate that the vagal innervation of the gut mediates insulin release during the cephalic phase of feeding in sheep. ─── 这些结果提示在绵羊,消化道的迷走神经支配调节进食头期的胰岛素分泌。
2、Radiographic pelvimetry is of limited value in managing most cephalic presentations. ─── 大多数头先露时放射骨盆测量价值有限。
3、Indication and Timing of Surgery in Cesarean Section with Cephalic Dystocia ─── 头位难产剖宫产手术指征及时机选择
4、Results Cephalic vein was well exposed with horizontal incision. ─── 结果横切口同样能良好地暴露头静脉。
5、Caudally the junction of the upper lateral cartilages with the cephalic edge of the lateral crus defines the scroll area. ─── 上外侧软骨尾端与外侧脚的头侧端相交处为软骨间交界区。
6、internal cephalic version ─── 儿头内回转
7、vaginal childbirth of cephalic position analysis vaginal childbirth ─── 原因
8、An increase in extracellular potassium does in fact shift the pacemaker within the sinus node from the cephalic to the caudal portion. ─── 细胞外液钾的增高确实能使窦房结内的起博点从头侧移向尾侧。
9、Within hours the plankton run out, the feast winds down, and the mantas plow the bay's sandy bottom with their cephalic fins to throw hidden prey back into the water column. ─── 在几个小时内浮游生物的盛宴即将结束,而蝠鲼犁其头鳍于海湾的沙底中,等待下一批猎物的到来。
10、Keywords Cephalic presentation score;Delivery outcome;Positive predictive value; ─── 关键词头位分娩评分法;分娩结局;阳性预测值;
11、external cephalic version under tocolysis ─── 减缓宫缩下外倒转胎头术
12、Radiographic pelvimetry is of limited value in managing most cephalic presentations. ─── 大多数头先露时放射骨盆测量价值有限。
13、cephalic filament ─── 头丝
14、cephalic shield ─── 头盾
15、cephalic glands ─── [医] 头腺
16、Body-stalk anomaly is a severe abdominal-wall defect that results from abnormalities in the development of the cephalic, caudal, and lateral embryonic body folds. ─── 体蒂异常是一种严重的腹壁缺陷,是由于胚胎头襞、尾襞及两侧襞的发育异常引起的。
17、Superior (Cephalic, Cranial, Above) Toward the head or upper part of the body. ─── 上(头侧,颅侧,上方)指向头或身体上部的方位。
18、At 7 weeks of gestation, a sonolucent area is seen in the cephalic pole, presumably representing the fluid-filled rhombencephalic esicle. ─── 7周,可在头极观察到一透声区,可能是充满液体的后脑囊。
19、The clinical value of delivery score of cephalic position in preventing the obstructive dystocia ─── 头位分娩评分预防梗阻性难产的临床价值
20、The cephalic index is the ratio of the occipitofrontal distance to the biparietal diameter. ─── 头指数是枕额径/双顶径的比率。
21、cephalic disk ─── 头盘
22、postvertical cephalic bristle ─── 后顶头鬃
23、cephalic, on the internal oblique ponderosas; ─── 向头侧放置在腹内斜肌腱膜上;
24、cephalic groove ─── [医] 头沟
25、2001 Measurement of Contact Surface Pressures Exerted During External Cephalic Version SAHOTA Daljit Singh; ─── LEUNG Tak Yeung (梁德杨);CHAN Lin Wai Daniel (陈连伟);FOK Wing Yee (霍咏仪);
26、External cephalic version with tocolyis ─── 头位外倒转伴保胎
27、cephalic curvature ─── 儿头弯曲
28、Results The quality of realtime angiography is closely related with delaytime,collimation,pitch,followdisposal.2 realtime angiography can clearly display the cervical and cephalic artery. ─── 但在检查前临床很难判断头颈部血管病变的具体部位,因此希望能一次性成像了解整个头颈部血管的情况。
29、external cephalic version ─── 外倒转, 外回转术
30、Fifty newborns had a routine puncture of arteria femoralis,and the other sixty newborns were punctured of cephalic arteria. ─── 其中50例采用常规方法进行股动脉穿刺,60例采用头皮动脉穿刺采血。
31、Keywords lateral cutaneous nerve of forearm;cephalic vein;nutritional vessels;compound flap of distally based; ─── 前臂外侧皮神经;头静脉;营养血管;远端蒂复合瓣;
32、cephal hidrosis ─── 头汗
33、Having a head of medium breadth, with a cephalic index between76 and80. ─── 中型头的具有中等宽度头型的,头颅指数通常为76和80
34、cephalic cage ─── 头槛(动)
35、cephalic flexure ─── 头曲
36、Keywords Surgical flap;Nutrient vessels of cutaneous nerve lateral antebrachial;Cutaneous nerve cephalic vein; ─── 关键词外科皮瓣;皮神经营养血管;前臂外侧皮神经;头静脉;
37、The management options are to offer external cephalic version, to perform planned caesarean section or to aim for vaginal birth. ─── 管理选项提供外部胎头,以执行计划剖腹产或阴道分娩为目标。已有越来越不愿意,在许多中心,让阴道分娩。
38、The anterior or cephalic portion of the body of certain invertebrates, such as arachnids, in which segmentation is not evident. ─── 前体某些无脊椎动物比如蜘蛛类动物的头部或前面部分,在这一部位环节不明显
39、External cephalic version without tocolyis ─── 头位外倒转不伴保胎
40、Tubby body obesity, forehead, head, cephalic, occipital and Yuhina are black, about 60 centimeters Yuhina. ─── 体形短粗肥胖,前额、头顶、头侧、枕部和冠羽均为黑色,冠羽长约60厘米。
41、cephalic mesoderm ─── [医] 头[部]中胚层
42、Keywords cephalic vein;antidromic puncture;practicablity; ─── 关键词头皮静脉;离心性穿刺;可行性;
43、But the cephalic veins are sometimes difficult to isolate. ─── 但部分患者分离头静脉存在困难。
44、Adults develop a large cephalic hump, with that of males usually being more pronounced. ─── 比起普通雄性,成鱼额部具有明显的隆起。
45、Figure 1. Fetus in the cephalic dorsal position. The subsequent drawings are depicted with the fetus in this position. ─── 图1:胎儿呈头向仰卧位。后面的图像是胎儿位于这种姿势时所绘制的腹部和胸部超声切面的示意图。
46、The discussion on effect of CT enhancement of percutaneous forearmful radiad cephalic vein ─── 前臂桡侧头静脉穿刺CT增强效果的探讨
47、Cephalic muscles may be divided into(a) cervical muscle(b)muscles of the mouthparts, and(c)muscles of the antenna. ─── 头部肌肉可分为(a)颈肌(b)口器肌肉和(c)触角肌。
48、Analysis of 186 Cases of Cephalic Presentation Dystocia ─── 186例头位难产临床分析
49、cephalic kidney ─── 前肾
50、Study of cephalic presentation score in predicting the mode of labour ─── 头位分娩评分法预测分娩方式的探讨
51、Cephalic presentation dystocia ─── 头位难产
52、The lateral nasal and columellar arteries then meet over the dorsal region, forming an alar arcade that runs along the cephalic margin of the lateral crura. ─── 侧鼻动脉和鼻小柱动脉在鼻背区域汇合,形成沿外侧脚头侧缘走行的鼻翼弓。
53、Clinical Research on Cephalic Electro-acupuncture in Improvement of Cognition Function of Vascular Dementia Patients ─── 头电针对血管性痴呆患者认知功能改善的临床研究
54、cephalic foramen ─── 头孔
55、Intra-uterine Asphyxia of Foetus with Cephalic Presentation:Clinical Analysis of 350 Cases ─── 头位胎儿宫内窒息350例临床分析
56、cephal highness ─── 头为天象
57、cephalic phase ─── 头期
58、Double expansion of cephalic vein ─── 双扩张头静脉
59、Dolichocephaly (i.e., a long, thin head) is present on this sonogram, and can only be revealed by determining the cephalic index. ─── 在图中所见的长头(头特别长、扁),只能用头指数来定量诊断。
60、The cephalic fluid shift and elimination of the head-to-foot hydrostatic pressure gradient in weightlessness or simulated weightlessness may induce adaptations of the ve... ─── 失重或模拟失重时流体静压消失和血液的头向分布,使身体各部位血管的结构和功能发生着不同的变化,本文就近年来有关这方面的研究作了简要的回顾。
61、Chewing food only didnot increase the levels of plasma NTLI but adequate cephalic vagal stimulation didincrease plasma PP level. ─── 单纯咀嚼食物后,血浆pp水平明显增高,而对NTLI的释放无刺激作用。
62、cephalic lobe ─── 头叶
63、Figure 1. Fetus in the cephalic dorsal position. The subsequent images are drawings of abdominal and thoracic sonographic views depicted as if the fetus were in this position. ─── 图1胎儿呈头向仰卧位。后面的图像是胎儿位于这种姿势时所绘制的腹部和胸部超声切面的示意图。
64、Group A: The endangium of cephalic vein of left forelegs hurt obviously, the bulk of endothelial cells fell off and little mural thrombus was formed in the vessel. ─── B组:左前肢静脉血管内膜损伤,大部分内皮细胞脱落,管腔内可见大块附壁血栓形成,几乎充满管腔。
65、A new method for implanting pacemaker lead by puncturing cephalic vein ─── 一种经头静脉穿刺置入起搏器电极导线的新方法
66、cephalic vesicle The blister-like inflation over the head of larvae of some species of Gadidae. ─── 头泡在鳕科的仔稚鱼头上有像水泡一样的膨胀物。
67、But the cephalic veins are sometimes difficult to isolate. ─── 但部分患者分离头静脉存在困难。
68、Clinic analysis of 190 cases of cephalic presentation dystocia ─── 头位难产190例临床分析
69、cephalic presentation ─── 头先露
70、cephalic ballottement ─── [医] 胎头冲击触诊[法]
71、In general, the angular artery originates the lateral nasal artery, which passes medially along the cephalic margin of the lateral crura and gives off caudal branches toward the nostril rim. ─── 一般而言,内眦动脉起源于外鼻动脉,沿外侧脚头侧缘向内侧走行,并分出尾侧支供给鼻孔缘。
72、cephalic heart ─── 头心
73、Obesity-related complications in Danish single cephalic term pregnancies ─── 丹麦足月单胎头位足月孕妇的肥胖并发症
74、Delivery of cephalic presentation ─── 头先露分娩
75、cephalic angle ─── [医] 头颅角
76、cephalic aura ─── [医] 头部先兆
77、cephalic index ─── 头指数
78、A clinical analysis of 367 cases of pregnancy with nuchal cord and cephalic presentation ─── 头位脐带绕颈367例临床分析
79、The endangium of cephalic vein of right forelegs hurt, endothelial cells fell off and disappeared, the bulk mural thrombus was formed in the vessel and the vessel cavity was almost filled with it. ─── 右前肢隐静脉血管内膜损伤,内皮细胞脱落、消失,管腔内可见充满管腔的附壁血栓形成。
80、cephalic fever ─── 头热
81、Vascular distribution of face was observed on 10 sides cephal ficial cast specimens. ─── 在 10侧头面部铸型标本上 ,观测面部血管分布 ;
82、cephalic ganglia ─── [医] 头神经节
83、cephalic ganglionated plexus ─── [医] 头神经节丛
84、The cephalic index shows the size and shape of the human head. ─── 头骨横竖指数表示人脑袋的大小和形状。
85、cephalic salivary gland ─── 头唾腺
86、The Difficult Factors of Delivery Fetal Head and Countermeasure in 94 Patients Cesarean with Cephalic Presentation ─── 94例头位剖宫产术中出头困难因素分析与对策
87、cephalic alae ─── [医] 头翼膜
88、accessory cephalic vein ─── 副头静脉
89、median cephalic vein ─── 头正中静脉
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