alderman 发音
英:['ɔːldəmən] 美:['ɔldɚmən]
英: 美:
alderman 中文意思翻译
alderman 网络释义
n. 市议员;总督;市府参事;高级市政官n. (Alderman)人名;(英)奥尔德曼
alderman 词性/词形变化,alderman变形
名词: aldermancy |形容词: aldermanic |
alderman 短语词组
1、alderman maldonado ─── 马尔多纳多议员
2、alderman silverstein ─── 西尔弗斯坦议员
3、alderman ford ─── 福特议员
4、alderman lopez ─── 洛佩兹议员
5、alderman napolitano ─── 那不勒斯市议员
6、alderman white school ─── 白人议员学校
7、alderman definition ─── 议员定义
8、alderman farm ─── 奥尔德曼农场
9、alderman spottiswood ─── 斯波提 ─── 斯伍德老人
alderman 相似词语短语
1、aldermanly ─── 议员
2、ladderman ─── n.云梯消防队员
3、alderwoman ─── n.女高级市政官,市政委员会女委员
4、aldermancy ─── n.市议员;总督;市府参事;高级市政官(alderman的变形)
5、ealderman ─── 郡长
6、aldermen ─── n.市参议员(市议会长老议员)
7、ealdorman ─── n.郡长(等于alderman)
8、aldermanry ─── n.市府议员;参事之职位(选举区)
9、aldermanic ─── adj.市府参事的;市议员的;市长助理的
alderman 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Alderman nerve ─── 奥尔德曼神经, 迷走神经耳支
2、Alderman Tim Evans ─── 市政委员会委员蒂姆 埃文斯
3、A city alderman who lives nearby found a technical reason to jettison the sign . ─── 一位家住附近的市议员给抛弃这个告示找到了一个名正言顺的理由。
4、” The alderman was astounded to find someone who did not want money. ─── 竟然有人干活不要钱,这让市政委员感到很惊讶。
5、and no letter shall be sealed with the common seal, nor any charter taken out of the common-chest but in the presence of six or twelve sworn men, and of the alderman or steward; ─── 任何信件都不能加盖公章,在没有六位或十二为宣誓者以及会长或管事在场的情况下,不得从橱柜内取出任何文书;
6、The alderman was respected by the citizens ─── 这位市议员受到市民的敬重
7、Mr Alderman's complaints opened the floodgates; ─── Alderman先生此举可谓一石激起千层浪。
8、The Alderman, being of a sensitive, retiring disposition, shrank from further comparison, and, strolling to another part of the garden, stole the camel. ─── 市议员本着处事低调小心的态度,躲避开他俩之间更为深入的比较,晃荡到了园区另一头,偷走了动物园的骆驼。
9、8. the alderman was respected by the citizens. ─── 这位市议员受到市民的敬重。
10、of or relating to or like an alderman. ─── 属于、关于或象市议员的。
11、By the time you are forty, you will be as fat as an alderman. ─── 你到了40岁,一定会变得大腹便便的。
12、Chance or fate or whatever you may like to call it brought one of the town's alderman round the corner just at that moment. ─── 或许是机缘巧合,或许是命中注定,无论怎么说,此时正有一位市政委员走过市政厅的拐角。
13、Women need to be proactive about their health care," Alderman says. ─── 研究人员提到,辅助决策系统也应纳入关于乳房重建的信息。
14、(as) fat as an alderman ─── 过度肥胖,大腹便便
15、The director of the Serious Fraud Office in London, Richard Alderman, says he was delighted with the outcome of the case. ─── 伦敦严重欺诈办公室的主任说:他对这个案件的结果感到满意。
16、Seaman, David. (ed.). "The Electronic Text Center." Alderman Lib., U of Virginia. [n. d.]. 14 Feb. 1997. . ─── 作者."文件名."出版信息(如电子期刊名,或出版名称).[发表日期].登陆查看日期.网址.
17、In 1829, he won his first office as an alderman, or county councilman. ─── 在1829年时,他第一次赢得市议员(或郡议员)的选举。
18、After a full hearing, the alderman gave it as his opinion ─── 参事先生听了全部报告之后,说出了他的意见。
19、Mr. Didlum rose with the intention of posing a resolution to that effect when he was interrupted by Alderman Grinder. ─── 当迪德卢姆先生站起来准备把这个建议提付表决时,格林德议员打断了他的话。
20、As an alderman, he should always have the lives of the people in his mind. ─── 作为一任地方官,应时刻把民命民生放在心间。
21、Alderman's nerve ─── 奥耳德曼(氏)神经:迷走神经耳支
22、The alderman's son was found guilty of abusing special privileges. ─── 郡长的儿子被判犯有滥用特权之罪。
23、"I called the building inspector and told him to do his job and he did," said Alderman Burton Natarus. ─── 市议员BurtonNatarus说:“我叫来了建筑巡查员让他履行职务,然后他照做了。
24、His father, John Shakespeare, was a well-to-do trader in wool, hides and leathern articles, and once held the office of chief alderman . ─── 他的父亲约翰•莎士比亚是一个富有的商人,经营羊毛、兽皮和皮革商品生意,并曾任市首席议员一职。
25、A Scottish municipal officer corresponding to an English alderman. ─── 市政高级官员苏格兰地方市政官员,相当于英国的高级市政官
26、alderman n. ─── [英]市参议员;
27、NTDTV:2009 Chinese New year greeting from MP,Alberta MLA,Calgary Alderman,Mayor of City of Airdrie, ─── 祝愿温哥华市在新任市长管治之下能够体察民情,能令所有市民安居乐业!
28、2.A city alderman who lives nearby found a technical reason to jettison the sign. ─── 一名住在附近的市议员找了一个技术上的理由,把该广告牌给拆除了。
29、"I see quite a number of rings on your tail," said an Alderman to a Raccoon that he met in a zoological garden. ─── 市议员与浣熊”我看见有许多环纹在你的尾巴上,“在动物园里一位市议员与碰上的一只浣熊在交谈。
30、And when the gild shall be sitting no one of the gild is to bring in any stranger, except when required by the alderman or steward. ─── 公会集会时,若非得到了会长或者执事的许可,任何成员都不得带陌生人入内。
31、The grocery became a British equivalent of Lincoln's log cabin; and by the time she became prime minister her father, Alderman Alfred Roberts, was mythologized as a small-town Socrates. ─── 于是,格兰瑟姆这间杂货铺简直就成了英国版的林肯小木屋;而当她当上首相以后,她的父亲,艾尔德曼·阿尔弗雷德·罗伯茨更被神化成为这个小城里的苏格拉底式的人物。
32、Since 1995 he has been alderman for finances and public works of the city of Damme, where he now holds the position of first alderman, responsible for culture and local economy. ─── 1995年起担任Damme市的公务财务部长,现在仍然保持首任部长,致力与当地文化和经济的发展。
33、The alderman had hunderds of people at his feet. ─── 数以百计的人都拜倒在这位议员的权势之下。
34、One problem with the salt debates, Dr. Alderman said, is that all the studies are inadequate. ─── 食盐的各种争论存在一个问题,埃德尔曼博士说,就是所有的调查研究其实都是不完善的。
35、“the town's got no money for frills,” said the alderman. ─── “市里可没有钱来搞什么美化。”
36、The shrieval year of a sheriff is seen as a testing-ground for any alderman who aspires to be elected lord mayor. ─── 担任郡长的经历被视为一种测试,用于检验那些渴望当选市长的市政官。
37、2.The steward ought to keep the rolls and treasures of the gild under the seal of the alderman of the gild. ─── 经过会长的密封盖章之后,行会的卷档和钱财应有管事保管。
38、the new study is not the only one to find adverse effects of low-sodium diets. ─── 发现低盐饮食的副作用并非是该新研究的首创。
39、Seaman, David. (ed.). “The Electronic Text Center.” Alderman Lib., U of Virginia. [n. d.]. 14 Feb. 1997 . ─── 作者.“文件名.”出版信息(如电子期刊名、或出版名称).发表日期.登陆查看日期.网址.
40、"If you choose to be sexually active, you need to protect yourself and be screened for these infections," Alderman said."And all girls between the ages of 11 and 26 should get vaccinated for HPV. ─── “如果想做性活跃者,你就需要保护自己并且对这些传染病作好防护,”阿尔德曼还提到,所有年龄介于11到26岁的女孩应该接种疫苗,尤其是乳突状淋巴瘤病毒的疫苗”。
41、In terms of the racial disparity, "it's what we've always seen, which is very unfortunate," Alderman said. ─── 在种族差异方面,阿尔德曼看法是:“我们总是看到如此情况,这是非常不幸的”。
42、"I see quite a number of rings on your tail, " said an Alderman to a Raccoon that he met in a zoological garden. ─── 市议员与浣熊”我看见有许多环纹在你的尾巴上,“在动物园里一位市议员与碰上的一只浣熊在交谈。
43、a Scottish municipal officer corresponding to an English alderman ─── 苏格兰地方市政官员,相当于英国的高级市政官
44、I see you got that nomination for alderman." ─── 我得知你被提名当市议员了。”
45、A puritan may go to his brown-bread crust with as gross an appetite as ever an alderman to his turtle. ─── 一个清教徒可能狂吞他的面包皮屑,正如一个议员大嚼甲鱼。
46、In 1571 as an ex-bailiff he began another year of office as chief alderman. ─── 能够顶住事业初期的压力的人,始终值得尊敬,也有资格成功。
47、“We have to move commuters under the ground,” says Tjeerd Herrema, the alderman responsible.“There is simply no space for them on the streets any more. ─── “我们必须把这帮人转移到地下,”负责地铁项目的市政官员TjeerdHerrema如是说,“地上已经没有多余的空间了。”
48、Alderman Richard Thompson initiated the program after he saw a newspaper photograph of a firefighter in Superior giving mouth-to-mouth resuscitation to a cat rescued from a house fire. ─── 该行动的发起者是阿普尔顿市议员理查德·汤普森。他现是在报纸上看到一名消防员对一只被从火灾中抢救出来的猫进行人工呼吸,后来便产生了为宠物设计氧气面具的想法。
49、Council, counsel A member of the town council for thirty years, Alderman Smith gave good counsel and loyal service. ─── 作为一个担任镇地方议会的成员,阿尔德曼·史密斯提供了很好的建议和忠诚的服务。
50、His father, Mike McGee, a former Milwaukee alderman, said in an interview on WNOV-AM (860) that there would be a protest outside the Wauwatosa police station at 10:30 am today. ─── 他的父亲,迈克麦吉,前雄鹿队阿尔德曼在接受采访时说的WNOV调幅( 860 )将有抗议的沃瓦托萨派出所在今天上午10时30分。
51、Alderman said, the new study is not the only one to find adverse effects of low-sodium diets. ─── 但是发现低盐饮食的副作用并非是该新研究的首创。
52、Mr. Didlum rose with the intention of proposing a resolution to that effect when he was interrupted by Alderman Grinder. ─── 当迪德卢姆先生站起来准备把这个建议提付表决时,格林德议员打断了他的话。
53、McGee was pulled over minutes later, and that's where the versions of the alderman and police diverge. ─── 麦吉是退出了几分钟后,这是在版本的阿尔德曼和警察的分歧。
54、Alderman, who is an unpaid consultant to the Salt Institute, an industry group. ─── 每年死于这两种疾病的美国人高达85万之多。
55、Women need to be proactive about their health care, " Alderman says. ─── 对自己的健康问题,妇女们需要更积极主动。
56、A $10,000 bond was furnished by an alderman. ─── 一位市议员提供了一万美元的保证金。
57、After a full hearing, the alderman gave it as his opinion. ─── 参事先生听了全部报告之后,说出了他的意见。
58、15. Alderman sat in municipal councils. ─── 高级市政官在市议会主持事务。
59、Guy, C.Wayne Alderman, Alan J. ─── 书名/作者 Auditing/Dan M.
60、the judge set bail at $10,000; a $10,000 bond was furnished by an alderman. ─── 一般市民是交不起这么大的一笔保释金的。
61、Seaman, David. (ed.). "The Electronic Text Center." Alderman Lib., U of Virginia. [n. d.]. 14 Feb. 1997. . ─── 作者.“文件名.”出版信息(如电子期刊名、或出版名称).[发表日期].登陆查看日期.网址.
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