ambit 发音
英:['æmbɪt] 美:['æmbɪt]
英: 美:
ambit 中文意思翻译
ambit 网络释义
n. 范围;周围n. (Ambit)人名;(西)安比特
ambit 短语词组
1、ambit llc ─── 有限责任公司范围
2、ambit energy ─── 范围能量
3、ambit synonym ─── 界限同义词
4、ambit definition ─── 范围定义
5、ambit customer care ambit ─── 客户服务
6、ambit crossword ─── 界限纵横填字游戏
ambit 相似词语短语
1、ambitty ─── 模棱两可的
2、Timbit ─── 音色
3、ambi- ─── pref.表示两边
4、a bit ─── 一点儿;有一点儿
5、amberite ─── n.琥珀炸药;阿比里特炸药(一种无烟炸药)
6、amrit ─── n.(锡克教)圣水,天赐之露;n.(Amrit)(印、美)阿姆里特(人名)
7、ambits ─── n.范围;周围;n.(Ambit)人名;(西)安比特
8、gambit ─── n.话题;开始;以取得优势的开局棋法;开场白
9、ambient ─── adj.周围的;外界的;环绕的;产生轻松氛围的;n.周围环境;一种背景音乐
ambit 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、First chapter, the exordium, contains three sections and describes the motives, aims, ambit, and the values of this study. ─── 共分为三节,分别叙述本文的研究动机与目的、范围与方法及研究价值。
3、Her case falls within the ambit of moral law. ─── 她的案子属于道德法的范围。
4、As ambit sometimes it is far from you sometimes near. It is near when you go after it. It is far when fall away . ─── 关于境界,有时很远,有时很近。追它时,它离你很近;背离时,它很远,远在天边。
5、9.This point, however, hardly falls within the ambit of a book about nutrition. ─── 然而这一点,几乎不落在关于营养的书籍的?围之内。
6、The artist, artwork and spectator are caught in a complex ambit of fantasy and control, inviting us to re-examine the place of art in a technological world, and our place in relation to it. ─── 艺术家、作品和观众置身于一个复杂的关于幻想和控制的领域,这样一个空间似在邀请我们重新审视艺术在科技世界中的位置,以及与此相关的,我们的位置。
7、The highest ambit and core of social science research method is the kind of epistemology on society and history. ─── 其最高层次、最终境界与核心问题是一种社会历史认识论
8、Archaism, ancient charm and ancient raining spring (Guyuchun) are the ambit of Guyuchun Tea. ─── “古风,古韵,古雨春”是古雨春茶的境界。
9、" the man was thinking for a while,and said:" It should the living and the death, you know, if some one could die for the other, it should be called the highest ambit of love, isn`t it? ─── 男人想了想说:是生与死吧!你想啊!一个人可以为另一个人去死,还不是爱的最高境界吗?
10、Currently discussed in the ambit of the proposed Broadcasting Treaty and exceptions and limitations debate. ─── 目前正在有关拟议的广播条约以及例外与限制的辩论中讨论。
11、within the ambit of the law ─── 在法律的范围内
12、Philosophy and Life Ambit--Discussion on the living quality of human beings Series, Number Four ─── 哲学与人生境界--人的生存质量说之四
13、Hailed as a crusading spirit,Duffy is poetry editor of AMBIT and is a reviewer for the Guardian newspaper. ─── 她因为具有圣战精神而备受称赞,现为英国AMBIT杂志的诗歌编辑和Guardian报的评论员。
14、For the poet, he couldn't offer master piece of poem without good ambit. ─── 写诗的人没有好的境界,是写不出来好诗的。
15、The Panel discussed a paper on the proposed ambit and operational arrangements of the Youth Sustainable Development and Engagement Fund YSDE Fund. ─── 事务委员会讨论关于下述事项的文件:青少年持续发展及培育基金的拟议资助范围及运作安排。
16、The Ambit of “Emptiness” and “Ecstasy” in Calligraphy Writing ─── 书法创作中的“目空”与“忘形”境界谈
17、Keywords specificity respiration muscle training;non-specificity respiration muscle training;applicable ambit; ─── 特异性呼吸肌锻炼;非特异性呼吸肌锻炼;适用范围;
18、The court may refuse to entertain a PIL if it finds that the issues raised are not within the judicial ambit or capacity. ─── 法院发现公益诉讼内容超越司法职权时,可以拒绝受理。
19、However, the concept of the artistic ambit is larger than that of the imago,which is usually,formed by imagoes thus imago consisted in the ar... ─── 意境的概念比意象大,它由意象构成,意象包含在意境之中,但意象又不等于意境,二者是两个不同的而又密切联系的概念。
20、The aesthetic principles of aesthetic consciousness are person-oriented, harmonious, zoology-centered,artistry ambit. ─── 审美意识指向的审美原则是:天人合一、人为中心原则,和谐原则,生态中心转向,“庖丁解牛”的高远艺术境界。
21、the extractive Buddhism"s renaissance and the moral conception that regard impacting and ameliorating society as duty, is this research"s ideal ambit. ─── 精英佛教的复兴和以影响、改善社会为己任的道德观,是本次研究的理想境界。
22、Recognizing itself and other side in the comparison to Chinese and West arts, is always companied with one and another meditation to reach a higher ambit. ─── 中西艺术的自我认识和相互认识,总是伴随一个又一个的思考达到更高的境界,思考是困难的,甚至是痛苦的。
23、On Zhuang Zi's Broad-Minded Ambit of Surpassing Life and Death ─── 略论庄子超越生死的旷达境界
24、To put it in another way, in this transactional ambit the conduct of each organism corresponds to a description of the behavior of its partner. ─── 换一种思路,在交易范围内,每个机体的行为都相当于它的伙伴的特性的描述。
25、Meanwhile, it clarifies the limitation of registrations function, namely, the ambit of influence on validity of related contracts. ─── 同时,阐明登记应当发挥作用的界限即其对有关合同效力影响的限度。
26、The fund mainly caters for worthwhile non-profit making initiatives within the ambit of basic education, i.e. pre-primary, primary, secondary and special education. ─── 基金主要资助基础教育范围内(即学前、小学、中学及特殊教育)值得推行的非牟利创新计划。
27、As extension of IDN network, ISDN has broken the ambit between the traditional telephone network and data network, expanded the application types and scope of network operation. ─── 综合业务数字网(ISDN)是综合数字网的延伸,它打破了传统电话网和数据网之间的界限,扩展了网络业务的使用类型和范围。
28、Being an important issue of philosophy,particularly of traditional life philosophy,the doctrine of life ambit has always been focused,explored and studied. ─── 人生境界说作为哲学尤其是中国传统哲学的重要内容,历来被人们加以关注、探索和研究。
29、Optimum Research and Design of Open-pit Ambit of Fenghuangshan Copper Mine ─── 凤凰山铜矿露天采场境界优化研究设计
30、Difference Between Contract Law and Tort Law -- Injurious Fulfillment : Within the Ambit of Contract Liabilities or Tort Liabilities ? ─── 合同法和侵权法的边界--加害给付:合同责任?侵权责任?。
31、deformation intrude structure ambit ─── 变形侵限
32、Technical textiles have also been brought under the ambit of the Technology Upgradation Fund Scheme, the minister said. ─── 技术纺织部也在技术更新基金计划的管理范围之内,该部长表示。
33、Abstract: The tiptop ambit of regional economic and financial cooperation just is complete economic integration,which has became the historic tide in the present world. ─── 文章摘要: 区域经济金融合作的最高境界就是完全的经济一体化。
34、A Difference Between Contract Law and Tort Law--Injurious Fulfillment: Within the Ambit of Contract Liabilities or Tort Liabilities? ─── 合同法和侵权法的边界--加害给付:合同责任?侵权责任?
35、Between the Debate of Literature "Ambit" and the "Aestheticization of Everyday Life" ─── 在文学"边界"之争与"日常生活审美化"之间
36、the amBit of municipal legislation; ─── 市议会的立法范围;
37、Though the main direction does not change in a given period of time, within its ambit the secondary directions may shift at any moment; when we find ourselves checked in one direction, we must turn to another. ─── 大方向虽在一个时期中是不变更的,然而大方向内的小方向则是随时变更的,一个方向受了限制,就得转到另一个方向去。
38、It can also be called a discovery in the ambit and beauty value. ─── 可以说,这也是一种境界和美学价值的发现。
39、price ambit? ─── 价格范畴是多少?
40、The thesis is divided into four parts: Chapter one: defining the “red furor” and interpreting its unique and wonderful ambit which has reached during that times. ─── 本文分为四部分: 第一章:对“红色激情”进行界定,并阐释这种“红色激情”在此时间里达到了空前绝后、登峰造极之境界。
41、existence ambit ─── 生存境界
42、Searching for Terminal Ambit of Life's Mingling with Religious Spirit --On Novels by Anonym ─── 探寻生命与宗教精神融通的至境--论无名氏的小说
43、On the other hand, if an issue raised in the court action falls outside the ambit of the agency's special expertise or unique authority, the claim will not be barred by the primary jurisdiction doctrine. ─── 另一方面,如果在法院提起的问题不属于行政机关的特殊专长或独有的权限范围,申诉将不受优先管辖权理论的禁止。
44、The right tends to blame the left for the Supreme Court's expanded ambit, and not unjustly. ─── 右翼总是以美联邦最高院日益扩大的权力责备左翼,这并非空穴来风。
45、Remarks: Visitor refund requests involving shops whose registration has been suspended or revoked are beyond the ambit of the TIC. ─── 备注:旅客的退款要求如涉及登记已被暂停或撤销的店铺,议会无法处理。
46、If it is the intention to discuss issues relating to the GSM in the context of the cooperation, then the riparian states should also be brought into the ambit of the discussions here. ─── 如果要把讨论与大湄公河次区域相关的问题置于合作的框架中进行的话,那么,湄公河沿岸各国也应该纳入到本讨论的范围中来。
47、For existence is a whole and a spectrum, once you separate it, you just begin to create an opinionated ambit and definition, which makes humans miss life and its profound mysteries. ─── 因为存在是一个整体,它是一个光谱,一旦你开始将它分开,你就开始制造出武断的界限和定义,这样的方法便使人错过了生命和它的奥秘。
48、Accordingly,in the artistic space,the death imago presents antinomy and compromise among sense and emotion,and knowledge and belief.It searches a route to the eternal artistic ambit for human beings. ─── 与此相关,在艺术空间里,死亡意象呈现出理性与情感、知识与信仰的对峙与和解,为人类寻找一条通向永恒的审美境界的路径。
49、The tiptop ambit of regional economic and financial cooperation just is complete economic integration,which has became the historic tide in the present world. ─── 区域经济金融合作的最高境界就是完全的经济一体化,这已成为当代世界一股不可阻挡的潮流。
50、It is the highest ambit for mathematic spirit to seek for the truth, the new, the beauty and the good, so it becomes very important to develop mathematic spirit in the education of mathematics. ─── 求真、求新、求美、求善是数学精神的最高境界,因而,它的培养也就成为现在数学教育中的重中之重。
51、ambit theory ─── 境界说
52、control ambit parameters(CAP) ─── 约界参数(CAP)
53、Its purposes and ambit have been clarified to a certain extent, and may serve as very good reference for Taiwan's future development in this field. ─── 我们仍应正视其效果有限之事实并为适当之修严。
54、ambit of port ─── 港界
55、Meanwhile,Buddhism,whose doctrine,manners and ambit had something in common with the hermitic life,appealed to the intellectuals seclude. ─── 佛家遁迹山林的修行方式、清静超脱的人生境界也吸引着唐代文人奔趋山林。
56、7.It edifies people to consciously cultivate themselves to be in "benevolence", and improve themselves to pursue a highest spiritual ambit of life, so as to realize self-value of life. ─── 它启迪着人们自觉修身达“仁”,完善自我,去追求人生的最高精神境界,实现人生自我价值。
57、ambit temperature ─── 界限温度
58、Now , retro- vaccinology is just one technique within the ambit of so- called rational vaccine design . ─── 现在,还原接种技术是一种在所谓理性疫苗设计范围内的技术。
59、ambit blockout ─── 境界圈定
60、To achieve the highest ambit of dance, one needs extraordinary persistence and sweat in addition to genius. ─── 而要达到舞蹈的最高境界,除了天分,更要付出超出常人的毅力与汗水,这是一个奇迹缔造的过程。
61、It introduced mainly the methods and applicable ambit of both specificity and non-specificity respiration muscle training ─── 主要介绍了特异性和非特异性呼吸肌锻炼方法和适用范围。
62、All things are endowedwith natural and mysterious colors in the chaste artistic space,which constructs a pure ambit. ─── 生活,就是用一种最恰当的方式满足自己物质与精神的双重需求。
63、The party's sixth plenary of sixteen session carved out a new ambit of Chinese characteristics socialistic affairs. ─── 摘要党的十六届六中全会开辟了中国特色社会主义事业的新境界。
64、This point, however, hardly falls within the ambit of a book about nutrition. ─── 然而这一点,几乎不落在关于营养的书籍的範围之内。
65、Thus, coming out from the ambit of business concerns, this issue has become an inevitable topic to think upon in general. ─── 准此,自商业取向之领域显现出来的,本议题已成为必须面对之议题而应全盘考量。
66、Moral freedom includes three dimensions of will freedom, moral right and moral ambit, which are related with each other. ─── 摘要道德自由包括意志自由、道德权利与道德境界三个基本层面,三者相互联系,共同构成道德自由范畴的丰富内涵。
67、Elegance as one kind of ambit grade accumulate. ─── 优雅,是一种境界,一种品位,一种沉淀。
68、The right tends to blame the left for the Supreme Court's expanded ambit, and not unjustly. ─── 右翼总是以美联邦最高院日益扩大的权力责备左翼,这并非空穴来风。
69、Wang Guowei's Theory of Artistic Conception and the Idea of Artistic Ambit ─── 王国维的意境论与境界说
70、The party's sixth plenary of sixteen session carved out a new ambit of Chinese characteristics socialistic affairs. ─── 党的十六届六中全会开辟了中国特色社会主义事业的新境界。
71、A bandsman in highest ambit can add life to a melody;a excellent poet, his poem can inspire the king. ─── 一个乐手到了最高境界,可以为曲子增添生命,一个了不起的诗人,帝王都会为他的诗感动。
72、life ambit ─── 人生境界
73、Implement the Strategic Management - Create a New Ambit for Copper Industry ─── 实施战略管理创造铜工业新境界
74、All things are endowed with natural and mysterious colors in the chaste artistic space, which constructs a pure ambit. ─── 在这纯洁的艺术空间里,一切都被赋予了自然的神秘色彩,营造出物我两忘的境界。
75、As a graduated student, it’s no doubt that I have all the characters what others have, I also have the ambit... ─── 我深信会用勤勉的汗水同仁一道为贵公司锦绣前程奋斗不息,希望贵公司能给我一个发挥自我的平台。
76、I imagine what ambit I can reach, what kinds of player I can become,I really know my goal, I concentrate myself to get there. ─── 我构想我能达到的境界,我能成为什么样的选手。我深知我的目标,我集中精力,到达那里。
77、Keywords unitization;ambit blockout;deploitation system;safety in production;inner dumping site; ─── 联合开采;境界圈定;开拓系统;安全生产;内部排土场;
78、MiroSot is second marker of artificial intelligence drived after Computer Chinese Chess, it promotes artificial intelligence to new ambit. ─── 机器人足球比赛是继计算机象棋后出现的人工智能发展的第二个里程碑,它将人工智能技术发展到新的境界。
79、"Realistic individual" is a jumping-off place of the Marxian new philosophy, it belongs to a entirety spectrum in the linguistic ambit of the Marxian philosophy. ─── 摘要“现实的个人”是马克思新哲学的出发点,它在马克思哲学语境中是一个总体性的范畴。
80、This case falls clearly within the ambit of the 2001 act. ─── 这件案子显然属于2001年法案的范围。
81、The human and god ambit of the Peacock Dance ─── 孔雀舞的人神境界
82、The amBit of municipal legislation ─── 市议会的立法范围
83、The effects on literature creating and literary theory were that it promoted the development of the lyric literature and the perfection of the idea of artistic ambit. ─── 唐代文人大多习佛好禅,在佛学的深刻影响下,促进了对意境说的研究,推动了意境说的产生与逐步发展。
84、Will is an ambit, self-confidence, firmness and hardihood; it is full of unlimited desire to conquer oneself, courage to face the future and self-transcendence to complete! ─── 意志是一种境界,是自信、坚定和刚毅,饱含着无限的征服自我的欲望,还有对未来征程的一份果敢,一种自我的超越!
85、Art as an open concept revises ambit continually and takes on new member. ─── 艺术又是一个开放性的概念,不断地修正自己的界限,接纳新成员。
86、We will review the ambit of loan funds for building safety. ─── 我们会检讨各个有关楼宇安全贷款基金的适用范围。
87、Thus, an sale of surplus equipment by a business does not fall within the ambit of this rule. ─── 因此,企业偶尔出售多余设备的行为不在本规则的适用范围内。
88、ambit of charges ─── 征税范围;收费范围
89、This maintaining ambit of self-implying and self-blessing is much better than pure skin care. ─── 这种自我暗示和自我祝福的保养境界可比单纯的皮肤护理强多了。
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