visibly 发音
英:[ 'vɪzəbli] 美:[ˈvɪzəbli]
英: 美:
visibly 中文意思翻译
visibly 反义词
visibly 短语词组
1、visibly gloomy crossword ─── 明显阴郁的纵横字谜
2、visibly clear ─── 明显清晰
3、visibly reduce age spots ─── 明显减少老年斑
4、visibly and sooner ─── 很明显更快
5、visibly soft ─── 明显柔软
6、visibly dirty ─── 明显肮脏
7、visibly better eye care costco ─── 明显更好的眼部护理好市多
8、visibly more radiant ─── 明显更 ─── 明亮
9、visibly damp papa john ─── 明显受潮的约翰爸爸
10、visibly online test ─── 可视在线测试
visibly 词性/词形变化,visibly变形
副词: visibly |名词: visibleness |
visibly 同义词
plainly |apparently | outward | perceptibly | noticeably | obviously | clearly | discernibly | manifestly | evidently
visibly 相似词语短语
1、fusibly ─── 易熔的
2、vincibly ─── 不可思议地
3、visible ─── adj.明显的;看得见的;现有的;可得到的;n.可见物;进出口贸易中的有形项目
4、invisibly ─── adv.看不见地;看不出地
5、visibles ─── adj.明显的;看得见的;现有的;可得到的;n.可见物;进出口贸易中的有形项目
6、risible ─── adj.可笑的;爱笑的;引人笑的
7、viscidly ─── adv.粘地,胶粘地
8、divisibly ─── 可分地
9、risibly ─── 可笑的;引人发笑的
visibly 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、In the international financial crisis, last year started the fourth quarter of China's economy has visibly slowed the pace of growth. ─── 在国际金融危机的冲击下,去年四季度开始我国经济明显放慢了增长的步伐。
2、Espresso thus visibly coats our tongues and continues to release the aromatic volatiles dissolved in the emulsified oils as long as it remains there. ─── 因此,浓缩咖啡会黏覆在我们舌头表面,只要它存在一刻,就会持续释出溶解在乳化油滴里的挥发性香气分子。
3、Looking visibly infirm, 82-year-old leng Sary appeared in court today to appeal for his release from pre-trial detention on the grounds of ill-health. ─── 82岁的英萨利看上去身体非常虚弱。他星期一在法庭上以身体有病为由呼吁法庭不要再对他进行审前羁押。
4、He does not seem to enjoy his visits to testify in Congress, often tensing visibly in the face of hostile questions. ─── 他看上去不喜欢在国会作证,在面对敌意问题时经常显示出紧张。
5、Since then, although the level of performance has improved visibly, none has yet come close to winning the magical one-million dollars bonanza. ─── 但是,要赢得百万大奖还言之过早。
6、Neither George H.Bush at Madrid in 1991 nor Bill Clinton at Camp David in 2000 nor George W.Bush at Annapolis in 2007 succeeded in making peace or even bringing it visibly closer. ─── 即使老布什1991年在马德里,克林顿2000年在戴维营还是小布什2007年在安纳波利斯做出的努力都无济于事,还是没法平息纷争,无法让他们的关系得到明显的改善。
7、A borrowed coin appears to VISIBLY MELT! ─── 借来的硬币出现明显熔融!
8、On the right, the masquerade is much less convincing.A visibly brown dog is dressed in an ill-fitting Dalmatian skin with a long, black dangling ear. ─── 作品右边的装扮似乎就比较看得出破绽:一只棕色的狗穿上一件怪怪的大麦町的狗装,并露出长长的、晃来晃去的黑色大耳朵。
9、She was visibly nervous. ─── 她显然很紧张。
10、Jesus could have vanished instantly, as He had done previously (Luke 24:31).But He chose to ascend visibly to impress on His followers that this was the end of His visits. ─── 主耶稣原本可以立即消失,就像祂之前向门徒显现一般(路加福音24章31节),而祂却选择让众人看见祂升天,好让祂最后的造访,给门徒们留下深刻的印象。
11、As they approached the outskirts of the city, Ella's mood visibly lightened. ─── 随着他们越来越接近市郊,埃拉的心情明显变得轻松了。
12、The involved organs and hypotension affect the prognosis of the patients visibly. ─── 受累脏器与低血压对预后有明显影响。
13、Blot the canal dry with a large paper point, leaving the dentin visibly moist. ─── 使用大量的纸尖吸干根管,但保持牙本质粘结所需的明显湿润。
14、The lip of that confounded cub , the second mate, quivered visibly. ─── 二副,那个惊慌失措的小伙子的嘴唇明显地哆嗦起来了。
15、The horses neighed as they entered the forest and were visibly heated. ─── 几匹马儿走进树林里,都打着响鼻,可以更加明显地看出,身上开始出汗了。
16、The rewards for the people of China are clear,most visibly in the dynamism and prosperity of Peking and the coastal cities. ─── 中国人民获得的酬劳是清楚的,特别是在北京和沿海城市的繁荣上。
17、Half an hour later, he could see that her abdomen was visibly swollen, but she did not seem any more distressed. ─── 又半小时过去,他彷佛感觉她的腹部比之前更隆起了,但美玲却没有表现出任何的痛苦。
18、Since then,although the level of performance has improved visibly,none has yet come close to winning the magical one-million dollars bonanza. ─── 但是,虽然绩效可嘉,要赢得百万大奖还言之过早。
19、But whether resented or welcomed, western influence is visibly manifest and out there in public discourse, where it is vociferously debated. ─── 但不管是怨恨还是欢迎,西方的影响力是明明白白的,就存在于公众喧闹的辩论中。
20、She paled visibly at the news. ─── 她听到这消息时脸色明显地变得苍白。
21、Temperature and vacuity rising can enhance osmotic flux visibly. ─── 升高温度和降低膜下游压力可明显提高膜的渗透通量。
22、The town's outlook started to be visibly influenced by Germany in the early 1900s. ─── 20世纪之初,这个城镇的外观开始受德国风格的影响。
23、Your skin will be clearer, suppler and visibly smoother. ─── 使肌肤美白细腻,亮泽可人。
24、Good: Floor, wall, ceiling, and equipment visibly clean. ─── 好:地面、墙面、天花板和设备是清洁的。
25、The driver, a little Cockney dressed in proper black, not visibly suffering from the Moscow heat. ─── 司机是个矮小的,穿着合乎传统的黑色制服的伦敦市井小民,看不出莫斯科的热浪对他有什么影响。
26、A few words made him much embarrassed.; He was visibly embarrassed at the remarks. ─── 几句话说得他脸上下不来。
27、The male rats aged 30 months was visibly aged and weakened,and was used as the natural aging model. The senility of the brain was closely linked to senility of bone in male rats. ─── 30月龄雄性大鼠已显著衰老,雄性大鼠脑衰老与骨衰老有关。
28、The district-attorney's persistence was visibly at variance with the sentiments of every one, of the public, of the court, and of the jury. ─── 检察官这样坚持原议,显然是和每个旁听人、法庭的各个成员和陪审团的看法相反的。
29、As an aggressive patrolling mode, the Pakistani air force have been seen visibly flying in a number of cities such as Islamabad, Rawalpindi and Lahore on Monday,a source said. ─── 作为一项预防措施,巴空军战斗机22日数次飞过伊斯兰堡、拉瓦尔品第、拉哈尔和其它城市上空。
30、Good: Floor, walls ceiling and equipment visibly clean. ─── 好:地面,墙壁,天花和设备看上去清洁。
31、Day after day, skin becomes more supple, softer and silky-smooth.Lines and slackened areas are visibly reduced for a more defined silhouette.By Clarins. ─── 令身体线条紧致,而且效果持久,瞬间消除身体的压力和疲倦,不油腻,能迅速渗透肌肤。
32、In pivots with splits and trunk at the horizontal, the trunk must visibly be kept at the horizontal position for the full rotation. ─── 在劈腿和转体中躯干处于水平位置,为了完美的旋转躯干必须明显的保持在水平位置上。
33、It was only when she was seated and he could gaze down upon her whole person that he noticed how visibly swollen her feet and ankles were. ─── 只有当她坐了下来,他能俯看到她整个人的时候,他才注意到她的脚和脚踝全都肿起来了。
34、On 19 March, though the weather was visibly threatening, the warships from the two nations would not sail to safety and relinquish their positions in Apia harbour. ─── 三月十九日,天气明显变得恶劣,但两国战船都守着阿皮亚海港的阵地,不肯开到安全水域。
35、His lips trembled a little, so that the rough thatch of brown hair which covered them was visibly agitated. ─── 他的嘴唇有点发抖,因此,他嘴上那丛乱棕似的胡子也在明显地抖动。
36、She has visibly blossomed over the last few months. ─── 她近几个月以来身体明显好多了。
37、Before I knew that I had cancer, I had thought of it as similar to leprosy -- a disease that rotted people slowly -- and visibly -- away. ─── 在我得知自己患癌症之前,我想象癌症和麻风病一样,都是慢慢而明星地破坏人体直至其死去。
38、Prince Frederik, 35, in a formal Danish naval uniform, was visibly moved by the occasion, wiping away tears as he smiled, waiting for his bride. ─── 35岁的弗雷德里克王储穿着一身正式的丹麦海军服,他显然是被这一时刻深深打动了,他微笑着拭去眼泪,等候新娘的到来。
39、On Monday night, the second round went heavily to Polaris, leaving the human players visibly demoralized. ─── 在周一晚,第二轮曾耗费巨资,宝来,离开人体球员明显低落。
40、Keep hands clean and wash hands properly. Alcohol-based hand rub is also effective when hands are not visibly soiled. ─── 保持双手清洁,并用正确方法洗手。如双手没有明显污垢时,可用酒精搓手液消毒双手;
41、The Under Eye Cream visibly reduces dark circles and crepiness**. ─── 下眼霜可以明显减少黑眼圈和幼纹。
42、She paled visibly at the news. ─── 她听到这消息时脸色明显地变得苍白。
43、In the sixteenth, it seems to retreat visibly, and to bury itself deeper and deeper in the old city, so thick had the new city already become outside of it. ─── 到了十六世纪,乍一看城垣好象后退了,益发深入到旧城里面,因为城外一座新城已经很可观了。
44、But other members of the coalition known as U.S.Cap, most visibly Duke Energy (DUK, Fortune 500), a coal-burning utility, are strongly opposed. ─── 但美国气候行动伙伴的其它成员则表示强烈反对,其中反对呼声最高的,是主要依靠燃煤发电的杜克能源公司。
45、Its economy, grossly overestimated by the CIA and others in the west, fell ever more visibly behind that of the capitalist states. ─── 其经济实力曾被美国中央情报局(CIA)以及其他西方机构严重高估,而实际上与资本主义国家的差距日益显著。
46、The people's standard of living has visibly improved. ─── 人民的生活水平明显提高了。
47、This all-natural anti-acne formulation combines the most effective pimple-removal ingredients that will visibly improve your acne problems. ─── 天然祛痘精华,有效改善粉刺、暗疮问题,并能修复受损肌肤;
48、She(= her face)paled visibly at the sight of the police car. ─── 她一看见警车,脸色就刷地变白了。
49、When he went into retirement, he visibly withered. ─── 到了退休年龄时,他明显变得虚弱了。
50、After one month, wrinkles are visibly reduced, the skin looks plumper. and your eyes sparkle with new youthfulness. ─── 在一个月以后, 皱痕可看见被减少, 皮肤看起来更加紧实并且您的眼睛闪耀以新年轻。
51、Their poems and prose are often parodies or adaptations of earlier classics, by imitating either the theme or the wording of the latter, visibly or invisibly. ─── 其诗文经常仿拟或改编前人的佳作,或师其意,或师其词,有的明显,有的隐晦;
52、Any missing or visibly damaged parts should be reported to your dealer immediately. ─── 如有零件缺失或外观损坏,请立即报告经销商。
53、A luxurious moisturizer works while you sleep to rejuvenate age-damaged skin, repair advanced age-related damage and visibly change the way skin naturally ages. ─── 一款奢华的润肤霜,在你夜间睡眠的时候改善老化的皮肤,修复因年龄老化而受损的肌肤,使皮肤显著年轻。
54、Only go to licensed, trained professionals. Each manicurist should have a state-issued cosmetology license that is current and visibly displayed. ─── 只去找有许可证的,受过培训的专业修甲师。每一个修指甲师应该有一个是当前值得炫耀的国家发行的美容学许可证.
55、Students risk psychological harm, they fret, if visibly labelled successes and failures. ─── 他们担心如果明显的标示出成功和失败,将有造成学生心理伤害的危险。
56、A hive about to swarm is a hive possessed.It becomes visibly agitated around the mouth of its entrance.The colony whines in a centerless loud drone that vibrates the neighborhood. ─── 即将离巢的蜂群是疯狂的,在蜂巢的入口处明显地躁动不安,嗡嗡喧闹的哀鸣振动邻里。
57、she , lifting her head , was looking at him , flushing crimson , and visibly trying to control her breathing , which came in panting gasps. ─── 她抬起头来望着他,满面通红,显然她力图抑制急促的呼吸。
58、He was visibly anxious about the examination. ─── 他显然在为考试而焦虑。
59、The spokesman was visibly pulling back from too much revelation. ─── 发言人欲言又止,显然不肯透露太多情况。
60、Visibly transformed, your skin looks beautifully radiant. ─── 令肌肤倍感柔软,润滑,清爽,舒适。
61、Next, after showing the faces and backs of the cards clearly, the magician tosses the deck onto the table and the backs visibly change color! ─── 其次,在清楚显示卡片的面孔和后面以后,魔术师扔甲板在桌上,并且后面显然地改变肤色!
62、After only a minute, the visibly shaken officer returned to his squad car with his ticket book still unopened. ─── 只不过一分钟之后,这警官明显是吓到了,退回到他的警车,罚单簿都还没打开呢。
63、She becomes very quiet and pale, looking quite visibly shaken. ─── 她一直沉默寡言,脸色苍白,而且明显地心烦意乱。
64、She was visibly still in the virgin stage of vice. ─── 可以看出她虽然过着放荡的生活,但内心还是纯洁的。
65、The passenger is visibly upset and threatens to get out of the car the next chance he gets. ─── 乘客显然愤怒了,威胁说如果下次再闯红灯他就下车。
66、It is the noblest and safest thing for a great army to be visibly animated by one spirit -Archidamus of Sparta. ─── 一支伟大的军队能被一个可以看到的精神激励鼓舞是最高尚最安全的事。
67、The expression of love was reciprocated and,in his later years,as his life began to visibly ebb,we grew even closer. ─── 在他晚年,当他的健康日渐衰退时,我们更加亲密了。
68、Christ will return bodily, visibly, audibly, to consummate salvation. ─── 基督的再来将会是亲身、可见、可闻的,祂来是要做成救恩。
69、Under Eye Cream: with Derma-Refine Technology is formulated to accelerate cellular metabolism. Puffiness, dark circles and crepiness are visibly reduced. ─── 下眼霜:运用真皮组织修复科技,加速细胞新陈代谢。有效减少眼袋、黑眼圈和幼纹。
70、He would visibly dance around the aspects of my reports that needed improvement, he says. ─── 哈德卡斯特勒说,老板很明显地绕开那些需要改进的地方。
71、At the end of the third period a visibly angry Duncan was given a technical for complaining about his third foul in the quarter. ─── 在第三节比赛最后阶段,邓肯在吃得一次技术犯规以后对这次判罚明显不满。
72、Since the beginning of this year, the world economy has visibly slowed down its growth, but our economy has maintained a good momentum of growth. ─── 今年以来,在世界经济增长明显减缓的情况下,中国经济保持良好的发展势头。
73、The mountainous countryside is visibly overpopulated, with even precipitous slopes planted with beans and other staples. ─── 多山的农村地区出现明显的人口过剩,甚至连那里陡峭的斜坡上都种满了豆类农作物与其它的必需品。
74、The seven times men's champion battled the pain of tendinitis in his left shin during the Wimbledon fortnight and visibly hobbled his way through several matches. ─── 七次夺得温布尔登冠军的桑普拉斯在温布尔登比赛的两周里就在不断的同左胫骨肌腱的伤病斗争,在多场比赛中,蹒跚的步履已经明显影响了他的发挥。
75、Although he may not bequeath any debt to his children, his family is visibly worse off than unbonded villagers in the same region. ─── 他也许不会留给孩子任何债务,但比起其他不受债务束缚的人,他的家庭看来就过得差多了。
76、Walls ceiling and equipment visibly clean. ─── 地面,墙壁,天花和设备看上去清洁。
77、In London China pressed that advantage most visibly with France, which during the past year has been singled out for opprobrium by Chinese nationalists. ─── 在伦敦,中国使用这种优势最明显的例子是对法国。过去几年间,法国是被中国的民族主义者羞辱最多的对象。
78、The expression of love was reciprocated and, in his later years, as his life began to visibly ebb, we grew even closer.. ─── 他这种爱的表达得到了回报;在他晚年,当他的健康日渐衰退时,我们更加亲密了.....
79、Its economy, grossly overestimated by the CIA and others in the west, fell ever more visibly behind that of the capitalist states. ─── 其经济实力曾被美国中央情报局(CIA)以及其他西方机构严重高估,而实际上与资本主义国家的差距日益显著。
80、She slowly confessed she was not visibly affecting lives. ─── 久而久之,她承认自己并不能给予别人以显著的影响。
81、He blanched visibly when he heard the news. ─── 他听到这个消息,脸唰一下就白了。
82、Previously, dissent had been crushed, most visibly when Ms Fiorina set about merging HP with Compaq. ─── 在此之前,费奥瑞纳着手惠普和康柏的合并时,很明显所有异议都遭到压制。
83、After one hour, wrinkles and fine lines are visibly smoothed out and the skin is more radiant. After one month, wrinkles are visibly reduced and the skin looks plumper. ─── 使用一个小时后,皱纹和细纹明显改善抚平,皮肤看起来有光彩,一个月后,皮肤皱纹明显减少,而且明显看起来皮肤饱满。
84、Now the female MC is complimenting his smile, he's visibly squirming. ─── 女主持开始对他微笑,他显然在颤抖。
85、The momentum is building: government leaders, NGOs and foundations are seeing the progress, and have visibly shifted their activities to harness technology as never before. ─── 动力强大:政府领导人、非政府组织和基金会看到了进步,并且首次如此明显地将其工作重心转向技术领域。
86、Good: Floors, walls, ceilings, and equipment visibly clean. ─── 好:地面、墙、天花板和设备目视清洁。
87、Outside the sweet spot, an aberration known as coma visibly degrades the image. ─── 在“甜点”区域以外,成像的质量就下降,也就是常说的像差,慧差。
88、People at the top visibly have no coaches, but use people around them as their coaches. ─── 在高位没有明显的教练,但是由于他们的教练用身边人。
89、The woman, described as "visibly upset" , later told police she was frustrated that she had not been granted French citizenship. ─── 这名“看起来十分沮丧”的女子事后告诉警察,她对于未能获得法国国籍非常失望。
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