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08-10 投稿


apostasy 发音

英:[əˈpɑːstəsi]  美:[əˈpɒstəsi]

英:  美:

apostasy 中文意思翻译



apostasy 短语词组

1、apostasy meaning ─── 背道义

2、apostasy prologue ─── 背道而驰的序言

3、apostasy trailer ─── 变节预告片

4、apostasy definition ─── 背道而驰的定义

5、apostasy synonym ─── 异教徒同义词

6、apostasy define ─── 背道而驰的定义

7、apostasy means ─── 背道意味着

8、apostasy watch ─── 叛徒监视

apostasy 词性/词形变化,apostasy变形


apostasy 相似词语短语

1、apogamy ─── n.无配生殖

2、isostasy ─── n.[地物]地壳均衡说

3、apostate ─── n.脱党者;变节者;叛教者;adj.变节的;脱党的;背教的

4、apostatise ─── 变节

5、apostatised ─── 叛徒

6、apostatises ─── 背道

7、apostatic ─── adj.背信的;变节的;弃教的

8、apostates ─── n.脱党者;变节者;叛教者;adj.变节的;脱党的;背教的

9、apostasies ─── n.变节;脱党;背教

apostasy 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、I will deliver them from all their sins of apostasy, and cleanse them so that they may be my people and I may be their God. ─── 我要把他们由他们因背约所犯的各种罪过中救拔出来,净化他们,成为我的民族,我作他们的天主。

2、But many left-wing friends never forgave his apostasy, doubtless reinforcing his inclination to keep the outside world at a safe distance. ─── 但许多左翼的朋友却永远不原谅他的“变节”,这无疑更坚定了他与外界保持一定距离的决心。

3、They believe that that organization fell into apostasy and was restored to the earth in its fullness and with divine authority in the 19th century. ─── 这一教派现已广布全球,许多美国人担心龙尼的坚定信仰,将导致他向教会领袖徵询世务的意见,就像当年的人以为肯尼迪的天主教信仰会引来教宗治国一样。

4、Instead of uniting the nation in the Truth, he united them in apostasy that subsequently cost many people their lives. ─── 他不但没能使以色列国民在真理里团契,而且还背离了自己的信仰,使他们付出了生命的代价。

5、I will heal their apostasy, I will love them freely, For My anger has turned away from them. ─── 何14:4我必医治他们背道的病、甘心爱他们、因为我的怒气向他们转消。

6、It is also generally thought that he created the Warp storm known as the Storm of the Emperor's Wrath during the Age of Apostasy . ─── 它通常也被认为他产生了在背教的年龄期间即是皇帝的愤怒的暴风雨的弯暴风雨。

7、APOSTASY:FAITH::A)benediction piety B)recantation heresy C)ordination doubt D)judgement pardon E)contrition penant 2. ─── 不好意思现在放在一起答案是BDADEEA 1。

8、"The twentieth century will bring death and destruction, apostasy from the Church, discord in families, cities and governments; ─── “二十世纪会带来死亡与毁灭,从教会中叛教,家庭、城市和政府意见不合;

9、The apostasy, complete though it was, formed merely the prelude to an event of much greater significance ─── 这种彻头彻尾的背教行为还不过是序幕,最惊人的大事犹未开场。

10、Acts 21:21 And they have been informed concerning you that you are teaching all the Jews throughout the nations apostasy from Moses, telling them not to circumcise their children, nor to walk according to the customs. ─── 徒二一21他们听说,你教训一切在外邦的犹太人背弃摩西,对他们说,不要给孩子行割礼,也不要遵行规例。

11、This scenario is in conflict with dispensationalism that sees the current age ending, not in revival, but apostasy. ─── 这个情景与认为现今时代正在结束,不是复兴,而是末日的时代论并不冲突。

12、15 The officers of the king in charge of enforcing the apostasy came to the city of Modein to organize the sacrifices. ─── 君王派来强迫人民背教的官吏,也来到了摩丁城,勒令人祭神。

13、What was Paul's solution for moral apostasy? ─── 保罗对道德上的背道的解决办法是什么呢?

14、"Why then has this people, Jerusalem, Turned away in continual apostasy? They hold fast to deceit, They refuse to return. ─── 耶8:5这耶路撒冷的民、为何恒久背道呢.他们守定诡诈、不肯回头。

15、The nominal conversion of the Roman emperor Constantine the Great to Christianity indeed led to compromise and apostasy. ─── 康士坦丁大帝和基督教名义上的谈判;其实是引向妥协和叛教。

16、But fatwas of apostasy and heresy as well as kufr within the Muslim ummah are neither few nor far in between. ─── 但变节和异端邪说fatwas并且kufr在回教ummah之内之间是不少数亦不。

17、One who practices apostasy. ─── 背教者,变节者,脱党者,背信者

18、Why has this people Jerusalem Turned away in perpetual apostasy? They hold fast to deceit; They refuse to turn back. ─── 5这耶路撒冷的民,为何恒久背道呢?他们持定诡诈,不肯回头。

19、The assurance of salvation: its basis (Westminster Confession, chapter 18). False faith. (Hebrews 6:4-5; John Owen, Apostasy from the Gospel). ─── 得救的确据的根据(《威敏斯特信仰告白》第十八章);假信心。约翰欧文,《背离福音》(中译本?只在网上。)

20、And yet, ultimately, such apostasy leaves me unsatisfied as well. ─── 可是,最终,这种失去信仰的行为也并不能使我满意。

21、Let no one deceive you in any way, because it will not come unless the apostasy comes first and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the son of perdition, ─── 3不要让任何人用任何方法诱骗你们;因为那日子以前,必有背道的事先来,并有那不法的人,就是灭亡之子,显露出来;

22、The Israelites were grieved by this judgment upon them for their apostasy. ─── 以色列因背道所得的审判使他们感到悲哀。

23、in traditional Islamic law, the penalty for apostasy is death; ─── 按照传统的伊斯兰法律,对背叛的惩罚是处死;

24、The apostasy, complete though it was, formed merely the prelude to an event of much greater significance. ─── 这种彻头彻尾的背教行为还不过是序幕,最惊人的大事犹未开

25、Also, pray Iranian Muslims continue to convert to Christianity in great numbers and that they are safe from being tried for apostasy when they convert. ─── 祷告伊朗籍的穆斯林持续大量地改信基督教,且当他们改教时是安全的,不因判教而受审。

26、For many of America's investors, Immelt's confession is an apostasy. ─── 对许多美国的投资者来说,伊梅尔特的坦白是一种背信。

27、Moreover, he was regarded as the chief poet and a symbolic poet of China modern new poems since the apostasy, distinction and modernization in his poems had been discovered in 1990s. ─── 进入90年代不久,其反叛性、异质性和现代性得以凸显,被列为百年诗人之首,升格为新诗现代化的“标志性诗人”。

28、Conversion from Islam (apostasy) is forbidden under Islamic law, which requires apostates to be put to death if they refuse to go back to Islam. ─── 伊斯兰律法禁止脱离伊斯兰的教徒皈依他教,如果脱教者拒绝回归伊斯兰信仰,会被处死。

29、3 Let no one deceive you in any way, because it will not come unless the apostasy comes first and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the son of perdition, ─── 帖后二3不要让任何人用任何方法诱骗你们;因为那日子以前,必有背道的事先来,并有那不法的人,就是灭亡之子,显露出来;

30、I will heal their apostasy; I will love them freely; For My anger has turned away from him. ─── 4我必医治他们的背道,甘心爱他们;因为我的怒气已从他们转消。

31、he converted to Anglican church for the sake of his worldly ambition, but could never release himself from the self-negation of this apostasy; ─── 他一方面为了实现自己的世俗野心而背叛天主教,皈依英国国教,一方面又为自己的改教行为陷入深深自责;

32、13 Transgressing, and denying the LORD, turning back from following our God, Threatening outrage, and apostasy, uttering words of falsehood the heart has conceived. ─── 背叛和否认上主,转背离开我们的天主,说欺骗与反叛的话,从心中说出虚妄的言语;

33、Do not let yourselves be deceived in any way. Apostasy must come first, when the man of Sin will appear, ─── 不要让人用任何方法欺骗你们,因为在那日子来临前,必有背叛之事,那无法无天的人,即丧亡之子必先出现。

34、God calls men out of apostasy, not into it. ─── 神叫我们离开背叛的事情,而不是身处其中。

35、Malik said, "The key issue is of apostasy, " referring to when a person leaves a faith. ─── 马利克说,“主要问题在于叛教,”也就是,一个人对自己信仰的背离。

36、" If believers did not have eternal security, the sealing could not truly be unto the day of redemption, but only to the day of sinning, apostasy, or disbelief. ─── 如果信徒没有永生的保障,印记就不可能等到救赎的那一天;只能到犯罪,背叛神或不信的那一刻。

37、Where will you be stricken again? Will you continue your apostasy? The whole head has become sick, And the whole heart faint; ─── 5你们还有何处可受责打?你们还要继续背道么?你们已经满头疼痛,全心发昏;

38、practice apostasy ─── 背教

39、One of the new pope's primary areas of concern is likely to be what is called Europe's silent apostasy, the sharp decline in Catholic Church attendance and religious observance. ─── 这位新教皇主要关注被称为“寂静的欧洲变节事件”,在欧洲参加教堂活动和遵守宗教教义的人数急剧下降。

40、The apostle Paul, in his second letter to the Thessalonians, foretold the great apostasy which would result in the establishment of the papal power. ─── 使徒保罗在帖撒罗尼迦后书中曾预言日后的大背道,其结果就是罗马教皇势力的建立。

41、Let no one in any way deceive you, for it will not come unless the apostasy comes first, and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the son of destruction, ─── 帖后2:4他是抵挡主、高抬自己、超过一切称为神的、和一切受人敬拜的.甚至坐在神的殿里、自称是神。

42、It is also generally thought that he created the Warp storm known as the Storm of the Emperor's Wrath during the Age of Apostasy. ─── 它通常也被认为他产生了在背教的年龄期间即是皇帝的愤怒的暴风雨的弯暴风雨。

43、Every lying excuse will be swept away.Human apostasy will appear in its heinous character. ─── 每个虚慌的藉口必被扫除,世人叛逆的穷凶极恶的本质将暴露无遗。

44、The nominal conversion of the Roman emperor Constantine the Great to Christianity indeed led to compromise and apostasy . ─── 康士坦丁大帝和基督教名义上的谈判;其实是引向妥协和叛教。

45、he foresaw the fearful consequences of apostasy and could not warn them enough. ─── 他预见以色列背道的可怕结果而对他们警告不已。

46、I have written elsewhere about the prescribed penalty for apostasy and said that there is no penalty for the apostate. ─── 我曾在别的地方写过关于对叛教者的处罚,说过,对叛教者没有什么可以罚赎的。

47、Apostasy often has its roots in moral failure. ─── 背教的人通常是先在道德方面一败涂地,

48、While most of their fellow Hebrews were already knee-deep in compromise and apostasy, these Hebrew boys stood firm and would not compromise. ─── 当大多数的希伯来同胞已深陷妥协和变节的泥沼时,这几个希伯来男孩却可以站立得稳,不愿妥协。

49、He was looked down upon for apostasy. ─── 他因背教而受轻视。

50、Subsequently, he has become a pet guru of Silicon Valley, precisely by preaching apostasy in the land of shiny gadgets: just pull the plug. ─── 其后,他变成矽谷抢手的大师,而且在这个充满闪亮小玩意的园地,教人高唱科技的反调:只管拔掉插头。

51、Foul apostasy, be stricken from this world! ─── 愚蠢的无信者,滚出这个世界吧!

52、2 Thes. 2:3 Let no one deceive you in any way, because it will not come unless the apostasy comes first and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the son of perdition, ─── 帖后二3不要让任何人用任何方法诱骗你们;因为那日子以前,必有背道的事先来,并有那不法的人,就是灭亡之子,显露出来;

53、The apostasy, complete though it was, formed merely the prelude to an event of much greater significance. ─── 这种彻头彻尾的背教行为还不过是序幕,最惊人的大事犹未开场。

54、To spend any more time on these matters became, thereafter, apostasy. ─── 从此以后,在这个议题上多花点心思,倒成了叛教的行为。

55、Likewise, they brand any attempt to leave Islam, whatever the circumstances, as a form of apostasy, punishable by death. ─── 同样,这些官员诬蔑任何试图离开伊斯兰教的行为,不管是什么一种情况,都当作是一种背教而要用死刑来进行惩处。

56、In Jude, verse 6, God kicked the angels out of Heaven when they committed the sin of apostasy. ─── 在犹大书第六节记载,神驱逐那些叛逆的天使,从神的面前离开。

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