apellous 中文意思翻译
apellous 相似词语短语
1、cancellous ─── adj.多孔的;罗眼状的(等于cancellate)
2、papillous ─── 乳头状
3、-phyllous ─── 叶状的。
4、aphyllous ─── adj.无叶性的;[植]无叶的
5、capellets ─── 头发
6、apetalous ─── adj.[植]无花瓣的
7、marvellous ─── adj.不可思议的;惊人的
8、acarpellous ─── adj.无心皮的
9、asepalous ─── adj.无萼片的
apellous 常见例句(双语使用场景)
2、Two Kinds of Transformation of Philosophy--A Comparison between the Philosophy of Rorty and Apel ─── 哲学的两种改造:罗蒂与阿佩尔哲学比较
3、Hence we might turn towards the "post-sceptical rationalism" of so-called "discourse ethics", as in Habermas and Apel. ─── 因此,我们得转向哈贝马斯和阿佩尔的所谓"商谈伦理学"的"后怀疑主义的理性主义"。
4、Development of a 3D GIS based on the 3D modeler Gocad[A].Marcus Apel,IAMG Meeting, Cancun, September 2001. ─── 江顺亮.复杂表面两点之间最短路径求解算法[A].第七届联合国际计算机会议论文集[C].
5、But the president of the German Society for the Protection of Animals, Wolfgang Apel, said using dead cats for fuel was illegal. ─── 这一支出约相当于目前加油站所售柴油价格的五分之一。科赫表示,将20只死猫加入到原材料中生产出的这种混合燃料就可以装满一个50升容量的油箱。
6、The dissertation, based on the synthetical analysis, pointed out that Apel's transcendent hermeneutic was the most persuasive theory at present. ─── 本文在综合分析的基础上,指出目前最具有理论说服力的是阿佩尔的先验解释学。
7、Karl - Otto Apel ─── 卡尔-奥托·阿佩尔
8、Karl-Otto Apel, "The Hermeneutic Dimension of Social Science and its Normative Foundation", ─── 社会科学的解释学维度及其规范基础
9、Apel has three main study interests: first, to transform the theory of epistemology since Kant with cognitive anthropology; ─── 阿佩尔主要的哲学旨趣有三个:第一,以认知人类学对康德以来的知识论进行改造;
10、 双语使用场景
11、Elimination or Convergence--a Comparison between the Philosophy of Rorty and that of Apel ─── 消解还是融合--罗蒂与阿佩尔哲学比较
12、The professional services industry, in good faith for the vast number of visitors Beijing friends to provide special fares to Apel. ─── 专业的行业服务,真诚的为广大旅客朋友提供北京到阿佩尔特价机票。
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