awarder 发音
英:[[ə'wɔ:dər]] 美:[[ə'wɔ:dər]]
英: 美:
awarder 中文意思翻译
awarder 短语词组
1、awarder definition ─── 获奖者定义
2、awarder to ─── 获奖者
awarder 相似词语短语
1、awardees ─── n.受奖者
2、awardee ─── n.受奖者
3、rewarder ─── 提供奖励、赏金的人(reward的变形)
4、awarded ─── n.嘉奖,得奖;给予;已获得;v.授予;判定(award的过去分词形式)
5、hazarder ─── 赌博者
6、adwarded ─── adwarded公司
7、warder ─── n.看守;守卫;典狱官;n.(Warder)人名;(英)沃德
8、-yarder ─── 木材堆垛机
9、awaiter ─── 服务员
awarder 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、He was pipped at/to the post for the top award. ─── 他到终点时以些微之差被超越,失去了冠军奖。
2、How to grade HSK score and award the certificate? ─── HSK考试如何来评定等级和颁发证书?
3、Faculty exemplary teaching award, 2005. ─── 2005年获学院优秀教学奖。
4、Scientific Research Award of Peking Univ. ─── 北京大学优秀科研奖。
5、She showed us the athletics award she had won. ─── 她给我们看她赢得的体育运动奖。
6、Just wait till I receive the award. ─── 只要等到我获奖。
7、Tien Niu receiving the best actress award. ─── 下:获得最佳女主角奖的恬妞。
8、He won the award as the best student. ─── 他得奖成为最佳学生。
9、VB100 award is given by Virus Bulletin magazine. ─── VB100测试奖是由《病毒公告》(Virus Bulletin)杂志颁发的。
10、A valuable prize, award, or gain. ─── 奖励一个有价值的奖励、奖品或收获
11、It is impossible to honor her with the award. ─── 奖品授给她是不可能的。
12、The arbitration award shall be final and binding on both parties. ─── 仲裁裁决应是终局裁决,对双方均有约束力。
13、In 2005, Harold Pinter received the award. ─── 2005年,哈罗德。平特(HaroldPinter)获此殊荣。
14、H. Smith Award and Heinemann Award. ─── 史密斯文学奖。
15、She's been getting a bit above herself since winning her award. ─── 她获奖以来,渐渐有点骄傲了。
16、The Olympic winner received a gold medal as an award. ─── 奥林匹克的优胜者获得一枚金质奖章作为奖赏。
17、The 2005 Nansen Refugee Award went to Ms. ─── 2005年南森奖章由玛格丽特.巴朗科茨获得。
18、Another film award? Where is the paparazzi? ─── 另一个电影颁奖典礼?狗仔队在哪里?
19、He received a posthumous award for bravery. ─── 他表现勇敢, 死后受到了嘉奖。
20、TPO Secretariat hosts the award ceremony. ─── 八、由TPO事务局主持颁发奖项。
21、The list of award winners is out! ─── 中奖名单已经出来了!
22、It has got this year's Oscar Award. ─── 它获得了今年的奥斯卡奖
23、Her career climaxed in the award of an Oscar. ─── 她荣获奥斯卡金像奖是她事业的顶峰。
24、Prior to award TJ suppliers' business. ─── 优先奖励天津供应商的业务量.
25、To assist raising BlueSky Award Fund. ─── 协助筹集蓝天奖基金。
26、A bill to reauthorize the Congressional Award Act. ─── 143再授权国会奖赏法的法案。
27、For the grand award winner of last month. ─── 上个月的月大奖得主了。
28、Last year, the award went to young director Li Yu. ─── 去年,这个电影节的奖项颁给了年轻的女导演李玉。
29、The court has announce the award to disallow the claim. ─── 仲裁庭已宣布裁决,拒绝诉讼。
30、She was delighted with the award. ─── 她因得奖而喜气洋洋。
31、Something, especially an official award or citation, that commends. ─── 奖品,奖状称赞的某事,特别是官方的奖品或奖状
32、He agrees this sum of award distributes in Tom and An between two men. ─── 他同意这笔奖金在汤姆和安两个人之间分配。
33、I hereby recommend the applicant for The Baden-Powell Award. ─── 兹推荐申请人获取贝登堡奖章。
34、The court has announce the award to meet causation. ─── 仲裁庭已宣布同意撤销原判决。
35、He won the best actor award four years in a row. ─── 他连续四年荣获最佳男主角奖。
36、The arbitrator's award is set aside on appeal. ─── 上诉时仲裁人的裁决被罪于一边或变为无效。
37、So this award is only mine in trust. ─── 因此,这份奖金只不过是托我保管而已。
38、He won the award with the best student. ─── 他以最优秀学生而获奖。
39、Any arbitral award is shall be final and binding upon both parties. ─── 仲裁将在香港开庭。审判结果为终审判决,约束诉讼双方。
40、Have you heard the good news about my award ? ─── 你听到我获奖的好消息了吗?
41、When does the referee award a fall? ─── 在什么情况时裁判员给获胜分?
42、The VB100 award was first introduced in 1998. ─── VB100测试奖始于1998年。
43、Director, Award Disbursement Center. ─── 主任, 奖支付中心。
44、The loser's scorn for the award is pure sour grape. ─── 失败者对奖品的轻视纯粹是吃不到葡萄说葡萄酸。
45、He stood there bug-eyed when told that he had won the award. ─── 他得知获奖后,愣住了。
46、He was nominated for the best actor award. ─── 他获得最佳演员奖提名。
47、MC: It's quite a special award today, isn't it? ─── 主持人:今天是一个十分特别的日子,不是吗?
48、He won a Grammy award for his music and an Oscar for his acting. ─── 他曾经获得一项格莱美奖和一项奥斯卡奖。
49、What company sponsored the Best Young Player Award? ─── 哪个公司赞助了最佳年轻队员奖?
50、Such a good article did he write that he won the award. ─── 他的这篇文章写得这么好,因此获奖。
51、Personal honor or other record of award. ─── 个人相关之荣誉及得奖纪录。
52、He won an award for his strong performance. ─── 因为他强劲的表现,他赢得了大奖。
53、Two actresses tied for the Best Actress award. ─── 两名女演员并列获得最佳女演员奖。
54、He won the award of the best student. ─── 他得了最佳学生奖。
55、Did you win any award in the States? ─── 你在美国获得什么奖没有?
56、Entrusting paper or design winning documents issued by the Contract Awarder to the Contractor. ─── 1发包人给承包人的委托书或设计中标文件。
57、She is eligible for a job/an award. ─── 她有资格得到工作/奖励。
58、What award we can get?so nervous! ─── 不知道等会我们会拿什么奖呢?好紧张哦!
59、His horse won the highest award. ─── 他的马赢得最高的奖项。
60、The award for the second prize is a lap-top. ─── 二等奖的奖品是一台手提式电脑。
61、Cherie Blair presenting the award to me. ─── 今次出席的活动是接受‘全球多元文化’的奖项,这个奖项是表彰我促进世界多元化与文化融和所做的贡献,由贝理雅太太彭雪玲颁奖给我。
62、A liberal award policy is simply good management. ─── 丰富的奖酬政策确实是一个好的手段。
63、Her excellence in music earned her a award. ─── 她在音乐方面的优秀让她获了奖。
64、He wasn't present at the award presentation. ─── 他没有出席颁奖典礼。
65、He accepted the award with characteristic modesty. ─── 他以他一贯的谦逊态度接受了奖励。
66、They are frequently bypassed by current award systems. ─── 他们还常常得不到现行奖励制度的奖励。
67、Gouge does not award a combo point anymore. ─── 凿击不再奖励连击点。
68、The award of this prize crowned his career. ─── 他荣获此奖,这是他事业的顶峰。
69、Something offered or won as an award for superiority or victory, as in a contest or competition. ─── 奖赏,奖品如在竞争或在比赛中给予的或力求获得的作为对胜利或优胜的嘉奖的东西
70、How is an image chosen for the CG Choice Award? ─── 发布的图片如何被评为cg精选奖?
71、He made a graceful speech accepting the award. ─── 他作了一个得体的获奖演说。
72、Today we'll make sure gainer of award. ─── 4今天我们要确定奖项的获得者.
73、An award of aggravated damages if still compensatory. ─── 加重性损害赔偿仍然是补偿性的。
74、He won the Oscar Award for the best actor. ─── 他获得奥斯卡最佳男演员奖。
75、He got above himself after he was nominated for the award. ─── 他被提名为该奖候选人后开始骄傲自大起来了。
76、Only students may nominate someone for the award. ─── 只有学生才可以提名一些教师去拿这个奖项。
77、One of these honors is the Newbery award. ─── “纽伯瑞奖”是众多奖项中的一个。
78、He begrudged his friend the award. ─── 他嫉妒朋友的得奖。
79、She begrudged her friend the award. ─── 她嫉妒她的朋友获奖。
80、Stevie thoroughly deserved the award in my opinion. ─── 在我看来,杰拉德绝对是这个奖项的最佳人选。
81、Leo wish for an "Academy Award". ─── “狮子”的生日愿望是拿到“学术奖”。
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