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09-13 投稿


crump 发音

英:[krʌmp]  美:[krʌmp]

英:  美:

crump 中文意思翻译







crump 短语词组

1、crump wfg wfg crump ─── 公司

2、crump life insurance crump ─── 人寿保险

3、crump auto and trailer ─── 拖车和 ─── 拖车

4、crump insurance agency crump ─── 保险公司

5、crump texas ─── 克朗普德 ─── 克萨斯州

6、crump life login crump life ─── 登录

7、crump insurance crump ─── 保险

8、crump brokerage crump ─── 经纪公司

crump 词性/词形变化,crump变形

动词现在分词: crumping |动词过去分词: crumped |动词第三人称单数: crumps |动词过去式: crumped |

crump 相似词语短语

1、crumb ─── n.面包屑,碎屑;少许;vt.弄碎;捏碎;n.(Crumb)人名;(英)克拉姆

2、cramp ─── n.痉挛,绞痛;[五金]铁夹钳;vt.束缚,限制;使…抽筋;以铁箍扣紧;adj.狭窄的;难解的;受限制的;n.(Cramp)人名;(英)克兰普

3、crumps ─── n.炸弹;嘎吱声;vi.发嘎吱嘎吱声;猛烈爆炸;vt.嘎吱作响地嚼;adj.脆的;易碎的;n.(Crump)人名;(英、德)克伦普

4、chump ─── n.笨蛋;大肉片,大块排骨;大木片

5、clump ─── n.丛;笨重的脚步声;土块;vi.形成一丛;以沉重的步子行走;vt.使成一丛;使凝结成块

6、crimp ─── v.烫发,使卷曲;使有褶;阻碍……的发展;将金属压弯;用压合法连接(电线等);n.卷发,波浪形;皱褶;抑制,束缚;压合连接器

7、Trump ─── n.王牌;法宝;喇叭;vt.胜过;打出王牌赢;vi.出王牌;吹喇叭;n.(Trump)人名;(英)特朗普

8、crumpy ─── 皱巴巴的

9、scrump ─── v.(非正式,在果园或花园里)偷窃(果实)

crump 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、"We found that people who were born preterm had a higher risk of dying in young adulthood than those who were born full-term, " Crump says. ─── 我们发现,早产者比足月出生者在刚刚进入成年的时候死亡的风险更高。

2、Rothstein, Myrna S.Raeder, David Crump. ─── 作者声明: by Paul F.

3、Macdonald was a stockbroker, Pete Dye an insurance salesman, George Crump a hotel owner, and William Flynn a greenkeeper. ─── Macdonald(麦克唐纳得)曾是一名股票经济人,PeteDye(皮特戴伊)曾是一名保险销售员,WilliamFlynn(威廉弗莱恩)是一个草坪总监。

4、Despite the nearby crump of the shells, he keeps filming. ─── 尽管到处都是炮弹碎片,他还在继续拍摄。

5、Happy Tom Crump, never sees his own hump. ─── 快乐的汤克雷,从不曾看到自己的驼背。

6、the new product from Wander AG (Switzerland), which is manufactured by All Crump (Belgium). ─── 从漫步AG(瑞士),是由所有克伦普(比利时)制造的新产品。

7、WHO/TDR/Andy Crump;Dennis Kunkel Microscopy;Banana Stock. ─── 图片来源(从左上顺时针方向):Photodisc;

8、I have not a crump of comfort, not a grain. ─── 我没有一点宽慰,-没有一丝一毫。

9、Crump Credit problems bedevil a large number of people. ─── 信用问题困扰了一大批人。

10、Crump says the findings of his study underscore the need to reduce the number of preterm births. ─── Crump表示,他们的研究结果进一步强调了降低早产儿数量的必要性。

11、Crump's dilator ─── 克鲁姆(氏)血管扩张器

12、"Crump?", a surprise in Bill's face, but without saying any word. ─── ‘面包屑?’比尔很惊讶,但他啥话也没说。

13、1.to crowd together; to meet in large numbers; 2.a shrub; a crump; a thicket3.a hideout or den (for robbers, etc.) ─── 丛

14、All Crump produce chocolate and hazelnut spreads for a wide variety of retailers, importers and brand manufacturers. ─── 所有克伦普生产巧克力和一个零售商,进口商和品牌众多厂商的榛子差。

15、Clarence Crump and his interim committee, their task completed, wanted to step down. ─── 克莱伦斯克朗普和他的临时委员会的工作结束了,他们打算辞职。

16、Crump &Co discovered that Antigua football had no up-to-date constitution, just a ten-year-old pile of scribbled updates that hadn't been put to members. ─── 克朗普委员会发现安提瓜足球并没有及时更新的基本规章,只有一堆十年前草草弄出来的更新文件,却还没有下达给成员们。

17、Crump's mouse ─── n. 长嘴鼠

18、I have not a crump of comfort, not a grain. ─── 我没有一点宽慰,-没有一丝一毫。

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