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illiterate 发音

英:[ɪˈlɪtərət]  美:[ɪˈlɪtərət]

英:  美:

illiterate 中文意思翻译




illiterate 网络释义

adj. 文盲的;不识字的;没受教育的n. 文盲

illiterate 短语词组

1、illiterate synonyms ─── 文盲同义词

2、illiterate define ─── 文盲定义

3、illiterate dnd ─── 文盲

4、illiterate definition ─── 文盲定义

5、illiterate tenant farmer ─── 文盲佃农

6、functional illiterate ─── 职业上的文盲(指读写能力不能满足 ─── 职业和形势的要求)

7、illiterate rp ─── 文盲

8、illiterate person ─── 白丁;睁眼瞎子

9、illiterate inmate ─── 文盲囚犯

10、functionally illiterate ─── 缺乏生活工作常识的

11、illiterate ssa ─── 文盲ssa

12、computer-illiterate n. ─── 电脑文盲,简称“脑盲”

13、illiterate meaning ─── 不识字的意思

14、illiterate population ─── 文盲人口

illiterate 词性/词形变化,illiterate变形

复数--illiterates;比较级--more illiterate;最高级--most illiterate。

illiterate 同义词

uninformed | untaught |ignorant | unlearned | uncultured | unschooled | uneducated | nonreader | untrained

illiterate 反义词


illiterate 习惯用语

1、functional illiterate ─── 职业上的文盲(指读写能力不能满足职业和形势的要求)

illiterate 相似词语短语

1、illiterati ─── n.未受教育的人,文盲(illiteratus的复数)

2、alliterates ─── v.押头韵;用头韵体作

3、illiterately ─── 文盲的;无知的

4、biliterate ─── adj.有两种语言的读与写之能力的;n.具有双语读写能力的人;双语读写

5、illiteracy ─── n.文盲;无知

6、alliterated ─── v.押头韵;用头韵体作

7、aliterate ─── n.不爱读书者;adj.不爱读书的;不接触文字的

8、illiterates ─── adj.文盲的;不识字的;没受教育的;n.文盲

9、alliterate ─── v.押头韵;用头韵体作

illiterate 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Just like Liu Changxiu, she would have been an illiterate housewife if she had not strived. ─── 就像刘长秀,如果她不争,目前不过是一个文盲家庭妇女而已。

2、He is musically illiterate. ─── 他对音乐一无所知。

3、He was sneered at because he was illiterate. ─── 他因为是文盲而遭人嗤笑。

4、Too many of those who work in unskilled jobs are illiterate and need their workmates to read for them. ─── 太多从事非技术工作的人都是文盲,需要他们的工作夥伴帮他们阅读。

5、Do you want to write a letter to an illiterate? ─── 你要写信给一个文盲吗?

6、Lenin said that "a communist society cannot be built in an illiterate country". ─── 列宁说过:“在一个文盲充斥的国家内,是建成不了共产主义社会的。”

7、They made an illiterate out of my daughter. ─── 他们使我女儿变成了文盲。

8、He had been to school but he had learnt nothing there, so he was now illiterate. ─── 他上过学但什么也没学到,因此现在还是个文盲。

9、He was illiterate and did not read the book one day, but it can cut into a variety of full spiritual works of art. ─── 他是个文盲,没读过一天书,却能剪出各种充满灵性的艺术作品。

10、Artwork depicted the historical sagas and biblical tales for the illiterate faithful. ─── 墙上的插图为不识字的信徒描绘了历史传说和圣经故事。

11、He's an illiterate. ─── 他目不识丁。

12、Most linguists recommend that illiterate adults should achieve basic reading and writing skills in their own language before attempting to master them in English. ─── 多数语言学家建议成人文盲应先学会母语的读写技能,再来尝试学习英文的读写技能。

13、When noon came, she put off her apron and sneaked away from the hospital while Mrs. Merriwether was busy writing a letter for a gangling, illiterate mountaineer . ─── 一到中午,她就解下围裙,从医院溜出来,这时梅里韦瑟太太正忙着替一个瘦高的不识字的山民伤兵写信,思嘉觉得她再也无法忍受了。

14、The generals subsidised sales of television sets to build a sense of nationhood in a large and then largely illiterate country. ─── 军官们对购买电视实施补贴,原本为了在一个土地广袤但是文盲众多的国家里建立民众对国家的归属感,国家新闻就是以此为己任。

15、China can't handle free elections yet, the vast majority illiterate and manipulable. ─── 中国不能处理自由选举,然而,绝大多数文盲和manipulable 。

16、He was fond of calling his detractor illiterate, denouncing his scientific theories as illegitimate and illusive. ─── 他喜欢把他的恶意批评者称盲,公然抨击他的科学理论是非法的,迷惑人的。

17、Trading will demand good mathematical skills. A math illiterate who can't manage risks is guaranteed to bust out. ─── 交易需要优秀的数学能力。一个数学盲如果不能管理好风险,肯定会被踢出局。

18、Most 11-year-olds are not encouraged to develop reading skills; a small but significant number are illiterate. ─── 大多数11岁的儿童没有被鼓励去培养阅读技能。有为数不多、但足以引起人们注意的数目的儿童是文盲。

19、Unable to read; illiterate. ─── 不识字的;文盲的

20、Only an historical illiterate would have assumed that the divided Iraqis were bound to thank their invading liberators and coalesce in democratic government. ─── 只有不懂历史的人才会天真的认为,国破家亡的伊拉克人会对“解放”他们的入侵者感恩戴德,感谢他们带来了一个民主政府。

21、One who is unable to read; an illiterate. ─── 不识字的人;文盲

22、Nearly a billion people are illiterate. ─── 有近10亿人是文盲。

23、He is an illiterate, but he knows “ taking jade ”, choosing a way to use other people's intelligence for their own profit, illiteracy likewise to become a millionaire! ─── 他是一个文盲,可他却懂得“他山之石,可以攻玉”的道理,选准一条创业之路,利用别人的智慧为自己赚钱,文盲照样也能成为亿万富翁!

24、There is a large illiterate population in the countryside. ─── 在农村文盲占多数人口。

25、But disreputable, illiterate and ignorant though he was, Fegelein seems to have been possessed of a simon-pure instinct FOR survival. ─── 菲格莱因虽然声名狼藉,愚昧无知,但似乎仍具有贪图活命的单纯本能。

26、Two-thirds of the illiterate adults in the world are women and two-thirds of the children not in school today are girls. ─── 世界上三分之二的文盲成人是妇女而且目前三分之二没有上学的孩子是女孩。

27、It could never have happened if I had not been blessedly illiterate. ─── 如果我不是那么幸运地被降临无知,这可能永远都不会发生。

28、large percentage of the population is illiterate. ─── 人口中文盲的比例相当高。

29、But even the piercing eyes of the owl to the day, in the eye rod cell has lost its power, became the authentic illiterate. ─── 但就是这火眼金睛的猫头鹰到了白天,眼睛里的视杆细胞却失去了威力,成了地道的睁眼瞎。

30、Deporting a population the size of Ohio's is impossible, economically illiterate and morally wrong. ─── 将数量相当于整个俄亥俄州人口的非法移民驱逐出境是不可能的,经济上不划算,道德上也说不过去。

31、About half the population is still illiterate. ─── 大约一半人口仍是文盲。

32、Up to 50% of prisoners on release cannot read or write well enough to hold down a job, and up to 85% of young offenders are functionally illiterate. ─── 多达50%的犯人在释放之后不能阅读或书写一份足以申请工作的信函,并且多达85%的年轻罪犯者是机能上的文盲。

33、Dr. Andrew Sneddon is particularly excited by what has been found as it gives a unique insight into the lives of the working but illiterate inhabitants of the city. ─── 安德鲁斯内登博士对于发现到的事物感到非常兴奋,因为可以深入的了解到这城市劳动但文盲的居民生活。

34、One-fourth of the 3,260 patients in the study were considered medically illiterate. ─── 在调查的3260名病人中,有四分之一不了解用药知识。

35、In his leisure moments, which were far from frequent, he read, although he hated books, this caused him to BE not wholly illiterate. ─── 他尽管厌恶书籍,但在偶然得到一点闲空时也常读书,因此他并不完全不通文墨。

36、The percentage cost of making microloans is even higher because clients generally have no credit history, no collateral, are frequently illiterate, and often live in remote areas. ─── 小额信贷利率更高还因为信贷人没有信用记录或是担保,且很多未受过教育住在偏远地区。”

37、The masses of serfs and slaves had no chance to receive education at all and illiterate persons accounted for 95 percent of their total number. ─── 广大农奴根本没有接受教育的机会,文盲占95%。

38、He was fond of calling his detractor illiterate, denouncing his scientific theories as illegitimate and illusive. ─── 他喜欢把他的恶意批评者称作文盲,公然抨击他的科学理论是非法的,迷惑人的。

39、His mute and illiterate mother, and her extended family, raised her two sons in a small flat in Algiers with neither a lavatory nor running water. ─── 原译:加缪的母亲沉默寡言、目不识丁,她和家人共同抚养两个儿子,住在阿尔及利亚的一套小公寓里,没有厕所也没有自来水。

40、Those who died were not just illiterate peasants from the Highlands but shopkeepers, students and young men starting legal careers. ─── 在那些战死的人当中,不仅有来自苏格兰高地的农民,还有店主、学生和开始律师生涯的年轻人。

41、Natty, brave, kindly, and illiterate hovers between the two worlds of Indian and white man. ─── 勇敢、善良、目不识丁的纳蒂,徘徊于印第安人与白人世界之间。

42、Do you always use the right word?Can you pronounce and spell it correctly?Do you know how to avoid illiterate expressions?Do you speak grammatically without embarrassing mistakes? ─── 一般人对于语言的学习最大的挑战就是单字太多,一时无法吸收,不过假如一昧僵化记忆,反而达不到想要的效果。

43、About 40% of India's people are illiterate, and its pool of trained talent is limited. ─── 印度40%的人口还是文盲,其高素质人才库也资源有限。

44、He read everything and talked about what he read to his fellow townsmen, patients who were illiterate peasants, the estate shepherds, and this gave him a local reputation for foolishness. ─── 他什么书都读,而且要把自己读的书的内容讲给本镇居民听,讲给不识字的农民听,讲给庄园的牧人听。 这使得他在本地落了个傻瓜的臭名。

45、Many of them are illiterate and understand little about their rights under the law. ─── 他们之中有许多人是文盲,对自己在法律上的权利所知不多。

46、Anyone can teach you to use a program,but unless you get the gist of what you're doing when the technology changes,you'll be left computer illiterate. ─── 任何人都可以教你使用一个程序,但当技术发生诸多变化时,除非你掌握了怎样做的要领,否则你仍会成为一个计算机盲。

47、Reach Out is looking to start a literacy program for many of the illiterate adults (especially women) within the Buea area. It is preferred that... ─── 区:卡麦隆-|专业领域:成人教育|行业部门:非盈利|实习开始时间:九月2009|实习种类志愿工作

48、Out of the total would population of 5.4 billion, one billion live in abject poverty;800 million remain hungry every day; 960 million are illiterate. ─── 全世界54亿人口中,有10亿人生活在贫苦中,8亿人每天饿肚子,9.6亿人不识字。

49、There are still many illiterate people in our country. ─── 在我国还有许多文盲。

50、One can be hard-nosed about illiteracy but the hard-nosed fact is that the functionally illiterate are going to be part of our society for the rest of their lives. ─── 人们可以对文盲抱着一种视而不见的顽固态度,但是铁一般的事实是:半辈子带着半文盲帽子的人将成为我们社会的一部分。

51、You can make as good a thing of being raised by loving but illiterate Traveller folk in a leaky caravan. ─── 假如你被慈爱但不识字的吉普赛人带大,曾经住在漏风的大篷车里,你可以把这种经历变成一件好事。

52、In Chinese character copying, three illiterate exhibited dysorthograph and spatial disorder of writing, one educated individual had mistakes in copying pseudowords and nonwords. ─── 3例文盲、半文盲者抄写时出现构字障碍和空间性书写障碍,熟练阅读者在抄写假字和非字时也出现错误(造新字或偏旁遗漏),而熟悉字抄写基本正确。

53、In developing countries, 45 percent of women are illiterate. ─── 为了使段落更具说服力,往往将最重要的置于最后。

54、And no, at the trial Hanna did not weigh exposure as an illiterate against exposure as a criminal. ─── 不,在审判期间,汉娜没有就是肯做文盲还是罪犯之间进行过权衡。

55、Nevertheless, two out of every three children not in school are girls; and two out of every three illiterate adults are women (UNESCO 2003). ─── 但是,三分之二的失学儿童是女童,三分之二的成年文盲是女性(联合国教科文组织,2003)。

56、The best comment on the system is this illiterate message recently scrawled on a wall: “I were a teenage drop-out and now I are a teenage millionaire. ─── 对考试制度最好的评论是乱涂在墙上的这则没受过教育的一句话:“我曾是一个十几岁的辍学者,而现在我是一个十几岁的百万富翁。”

57、Awareness of the requirements of the audience is essential. For example, newspaper advertisements will not provide information to illiterate people. ─── 了解聽眾之條件是必須的,例如,報紙廣告不會提供資訊給文盲。

58、To ensure their cooperation, BRAC trained about 160 village women, even some who were illiterate, to test tubewell water using field kits. ─── 为了确保他们的合作,BRAC训练村中约160名妇女,其中也包含不识字者,利用野外套件来测试管式井泵的水。

59、Illiterate? Write today for free help. ─── 不识字吗?今天就写信请求得到免费帮助吧。

60、Her powers had received no aid from education: she was ignorant and illiterate. ─── 她的才能没能得到教育的帮助,她蒙昧无知。

61、He is an illiterate person. ─── 他是一个文盲。

62、About one-sixth are functionally illiterate and one-fifth innumerate, meaning they cannot read and write or deal with numbers as well as an average 11-year-old. ─── 大约有六分之一的实际上不识字,有五分之一的人计算能力差,也就是说,他们读写以及计算能力和一般11岁的孩子差不多。

63、But she was illiterate herself. Why was she so anxious for me to study? ─── 妈是不识字的,为什么这样催我念书呢?

64、The Englishman who talked to him might be an Oxford graduate but he treated his illiterate compradore with respect. ─── 一个跟他谈话的英国人可能会是牛津大学的毕业生,但他对没受过教育的买办依旧是毕恭毕敬。

65、Illiterate young men from rural Pakistan fly into Riyadh, Saudi Arabia's capital, their passports signed with a thumbprint. ─── 充满梦想的年轻人从贫困的巴基斯坦飞抵沙特首都雅利得,护照上按着指纹。

66、In old China, the majority of the working people did not have such a right. With only less than 20 percent of school-age children going to school, more than 80 percent of the total population were illiterate. ─── 在旧中国,绝大多数劳动人民享受不到受教育的权利,全国人口中80%以上是文盲,学龄儿童入学率仅20%左右。

67、In the time of globalization a lawyer who is illiterate of English is just like a stammer at the international stage. ─── 其中希望能够使用英语顺畅地和国外客户、同行进行交流的人自非小数。

68、People who have never go to school are usually illiterate. ─── 从未上过学的人往往目不识丁。

69、When a considerable percentage are illiterate, the whole machinery of government has to take account of the fact. ─── 如果有相当大的百分比都是文盲,整个政府机构对于这样一个事实,应该加以重视。

70、The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who can learn, relearn, and unlearn. ─── 二十一世纪的文盲不是不能读和写的一群,而是不能学、无法抛弃弊习和不愿重新再学的人。

71、An illiterate,later he received some schooling. ─── 他原先大字不识一个,后来接受一些学校教育。

72、If that be true of men of intelligence, how much more true is it of the ignorant and illiterate, or those of feeble intellect. ─── 若对有知识智慧的人都如此,那么对无知的人和文盲或那些智力低下的人就更可想而知了。

73、An educational outreach to illiterate adults. ─── 对文盲的教育服务项目扩大

74、Picture cards were mainly used in the illiterate or semiliterate patients and those who did not understand Putonghua, giving a satisfaction rate of 94.25%. ─── 图片卡主要适用于文盲或半文盲和听不懂普通话的患者,满意率为94.25%;

75、A mother in a family, who is illiterate, can hardly shoulder the responsibility for a good education of their younger generation. ─── 一个母亲如果没有文化就很难担负好教育下一代的责任。

76、Still, most Afars remain illiterate, with little access to clean water or to medicine. ─── 但绝大多数阿法斯人仍是文盲,缺乏清洁的饮用水和药品。

77、In Roman culture, the lettered writers often disdained the lower illiterate populace, but the writers were also the bottom layer of Roman society and discriminated by Romans. ─── 从图书与文化的关系看,有文化的作家们是为上层社会的阅读而写作,不屑于下层民众,但作家们自身地位同样也很低下,受到社会的歧视;

78、One technique they often use is to confuse me, a foreigner plus an auto illiterate, with terminologies. ─── 多数汽车部件的专业术语就是他们说中文我都听不懂,更别说说英文了。

79、However, after following Master, he could understand every word of Masters teachings, though he remained illiterate when reading other books or newspapers! ─── 可是跟师父修行后,看师父的教理时,却突然什么字都认得,但读别的书报就不认得。

80、When he had been at school he had learnt nothing, so he was now illiterate. ─── 他上学的时候什么也没学到,因此现在他还是个文盲。

81、Their names were Jeronimo Melrinho and Josefa Caixinha, and they were both illiterate. ─── 他们一个叫热罗尼乌 - 梅尔里尼奥,一个叫若塞法 - 凯希尼亚,两人都目不识

82、Saturday afternoon before Easter in the grocery business is what my august and illiterate son would call "for the birds". ─── 复活节前礼拜六下午食品杂货铺的生意,如果用我那粗野而神气活现的宝贝儿子的话来说,等于是“扯淡”。

83、In his leisure moments, which were far from frequent, he read, although he hated books,this caused him to be not wholly illiterate. ─── 他尽管厌恶书籍,但在偶然得到一点闲空时也常读书,因此他并不完全不通文墨。

84、Although illiteracy is a major problem in America, only on e percent of the Japanese can be considered illiterate. ─── 尽管在美国文盲是个大问题,但在日本只有百分之一的人可被看成是文盲。

85、An illiterate, later he received some schooling. ─── 他原来一字不识,后来学了一点文化。

86、Human language is an altogether inadequate vehicle to express supersensuous perception.Sri Ramakrishna was almost illiterate. ─── 人类语言对于表达超感觉现象,是一种完全不适当的工具。

87、It is difficult to find a good job if you are illiterate. ─── 如果你是文盲,你就会很难找到工作。

88、Great! I have been illiterate for so long. ─── 太棒了!我当文盲已经很久了。

89、Even if I were an illiterate, rustic woman, it in no way detracts from my poetic qualities. I had neglected all these qualities previously. ─── 即使我现在是个目不识丁的村妇,也不能稍减我诗人的品质,而这些却是我过去忽略的。

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