diatribe 发音
英:['daɪətraɪb] 美:['daɪətraɪb]
英: 美:
diatribe 中文意思翻译
diatribe 网络释义
n. 诽谤;恶骂
diatribe 短语词组
1、diatribe music festival ─── 诽谤音乐节
2、diatribe definition ─── 谩骂定义
3、diatribe antonym ─── 诋毁反义词
4、diatribe rhetorical device ─── 谩骂修辞手法
5、diatribe music ─── 诽谤音乐
6、diatribe against ─── 抨击
7、diatribe learn ─── 谩骂学习
diatribe 词性/词形变化,diatribe变形
diatribe 相似词语短语
1、diatomite ─── n.[地质]硅藻土(等于diatomaceousearth)
2、aviatrice ─── 航空
3、diatribist ─── n.诽谤;恶骂(diatribe的变形)
4、diatribists ─── 诽谤者
5、diarise ─── 日记
6、diatribes ─── n.(无休止的)指责;(长篇)抨击,谴责
7、diarize ─── vt.记日记
8、diatreme ─── n.火山爆发口,[地质]火山道
9、mediatrices ─── 女仲裁者
diatribe 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Broad-shouldered, handsome and passionate, Nasser stunned even this gathering of enthusiastic supporters with the vehemence of his diatribe against British imperialism. ─── 纳赛尔肩膀宽阔,长相英俊,为人热情,但他对英国殖民主义的强烈谴责却让聚集起来的热情支持者们都感到吃惊。
2、a poem should have a purpose, because meaningless diatribe will always be meaningless diatribe no matter how pretty the words. ─── 诗应该有一个目的,因为没有目的的抨击诗歌(diatribe)永远都是没有意义的抨击诗歌不论用词多么绚丽。
3、a diatribe against the police state ─── 对警察国家的连声怒骂.
4、The diatribe quickly gained wide circulation in Chinese financial circles. ─── 这篇批评文章在中国金融届流传甚广。
5、Michael Moore's Bush attack couldn't halt the president's re-election. But his diatribe grossed almost $120 million, a record for documentaries, and made the genre safe for mass consumption. ─── 麦克摩尔对布什的攻击并未阻挠到总统选举。但他的诽谤却带来了1.2亿美元的票房收入,打破了纪录片的票房记录,并使安全类型的影片题材成为大众的消费品。
6、Judge Blount ably seconded him, and Martin, whose ears had pricked at the first mention of the philosopher's name, listened to the judge enunciate a grave and complacent diatribe against Spencer. ─── 布朗特法官给了他强有力的支持。
7、He launched a bitter diatribe against the younger generation. ─── 他对年轻一代发起了猛烈的抨击。
8、Raikkonen: I don't feel like getting into this diatribe at all. ─── 我可不想陷入这场争吵。
9、His most recent videotaped speech was a rambling diatribe broadcast four days before the last United States Presidential election. ─── 他最新的录像讲话是一场杂乱无章的谴责,于最近一次美国总统大选4天前发表。
10、Sure enough, the men in the hall, when they heard this diatribe, looked at each other in some surprise. ─── 大厅上众人你瞧瞧我,我瞧瞧你,都感惊异。
11、4.A long angry or violent speech, usually of a censorious or denunciatory nature;a diatribe. ─── 长篇抨击激烈演说一种愤怒的或激烈的长篇言辞,通常为挑剔或谴责性质;
12、"Operation Shylock" (my favourite of his works, for whatever that's worth) is part mystery and part diatribe. ─── 《夏洛克行动》(无论对它的评价如何,在他的作品中这是我最为欣赏的一部)是部分神秘,部分在控诉。
13、Nevertheless, it would be a mistake to dismiss Mr Taheri's book as merely a diatribe against the Shia mullahs. ─── 不管怎样,将塔哈里的书仅仅看做是对什叶穆拉的讽刺那就错了。
14、George III clapped John Wilkes in the Tower for his diatribe not for his documents. ─── 乔治三世在伦敦塔内教训约翰-威尔克斯,原因不在于后者的纪实文章而是后者对他的抨击谩骂。
15、He launched into a long diatribe; She plunged into a dangerous adventure. ─── 他投入到一个长期的诽谤中;她投入一个非常危险的冒。
16、A few months ago, a Ugandan newspaper ran an antigay diatribe with Mr. Kato's picture on the front page under a banner urging, "Hang Them. " ─── 几个月前,一家乌干达报纸发表了一篇诽谤同性恋的文章,并在首版配上了卡托的照片,下面还有一行标语“绞死他们”。
17、"Sally, that was an unwarranted diatribe against her! " Jane said with a laugh. ─── “莎莉,你讽刺她是无正当理由的。”简大笑着说,
18、“Sally, those were an unwarranted diatribe one more timest IT!” ─── “莎莉,你讽刺她是无正当理由的。”
19、Then she shouted another diatribe, and would not go away or be silenced. ─── 写毕,又怒嗔了一句(龙旗),而且既不愿离去,也不愿缄口。
20、That severity is not diatribe. ─── 这种严厉不是谩骂。
21、The book is a diatribe against the academic left. ─── 该书是对学术左派的抨击。
22、an unlistenable operatic solo;an unlistenable diatribe. ─── 糟得不能听的一段歌剧独唱;一段冗长得让人无法听闻的议论
23、an unlistenable operatic solo; an unlistenable diatribe. ─── 糟得不能听的一段歌剧独唱;一段冗长得让人无法听闻的议论
24、But his diatribe grossed almost $120 million, a record for documentaries, and made the genre safe for mass consumption. ─── 但他的诽谤却带来了1.2亿美元的票房收入,打破了纪录片的票房记录,并使安全类型的影片题材成为大众的消费品。
25、Cicero was severe towards Caesar, and he was right.That severity is not diatribe. ─── 不久前他们刚熄灭了放置在石块凹穴处的火把。
26、"He launched into a long diatribe"; ─── 注释列句:begin with vigor;
27、At first I tried not to cry, and tried to defend myself against their diatribe, tried to tell them when they asked. ─── 起初,我试图不哭,并试图对他们的谩骂为自己辩护,试图当他们问的时候告诉他们真相。
28、Ferguson, the Manchester United manager, believes he will need to become an expert on Sigmund Freud before understanding Benitez's infamous diatribe at him. ─── 曼联的主帅弗格森表示,他得成为像弗洛伊德那样的哲人才能理解贝尼特斯之前对他臭名昭著的谩骂。
29、On opening the message, I thought (an act that provided axiomatic evidence of my being) that I recognized the contents as an antiregulatory diatribe I had already received a few times. ─── 一看到邮件内容后,我就想到(由这个动作证实,我的确还活著,没死),这封信我已经收过好几次了,内容是在抨击政府的规定与制度。
30、Later, it's Liv's cruelty toward her mother in that unforgettable late night diatribe. ─── 七年来,夏洛特第一次来看望女儿。
31、As we turned under the colonnade of the Rue de Rivoli he burst into a long diatribe against France. ─── 我们在里沃利街的柱廊下拐弯时,他开始长篇大论地破口大骂法国。
32、“Sally, that was an unwarranted diatribe against her!” ─── “莎莉,你讽刺她是无正当理由的。”
33、he launched into a long diatribe; she plunged into a dangerous adventure ─── 他投入到一个长期的诽谤中;她进行了一次非常危险的冒险
34、Likewise, if someone seems to be lecturing you, try to turn the diatribe into a dialogue. ─── 同样地,如果某人似乎在教训你,就去试着把训斥扭转为一场对话吧。
35、Oh, and a note about that ego you left at the door: now is not the time to go into a diatribe about your profession or your skill as a designer. ─── 当面对客户要求修改设计,特别是那些没有接受过设计培训的客户, 收起你设计者的自尊 并问清问题很重要。
36、Unfortunately, he stayed away from foreign policy, and instead launched into a diatribe against student demonstrators and the whole anti-war counterculture. ─── 不幸的是,他避而不谈外交政策,反而是向学生示威者和整个反战的“反文化运动”发起了猛烈抨击。
37、Sally, that was an unwarranted diatribe against her! ─── 莎莉,你讽刺她是无正当理由的。
38、At times it is little more than a self-serving diatribe. ─── 有时这就是一个供自我谩骂发泄的平台。
39、diatribe n. ─── 恶骂, 诽谤;
40、Cho, who killed 32 people and committed suicide at the Blacksburg campus Monday, cast himself in his video diatribe as a persecuted figure like Jesus Christ.Cho, who came to the U. ─── 这是太简单的道理,简直不值得一讲,然而现实却往往叫人大跌眼镜,好像太平洋对岸的人就不是人,而只是绑在美国政府裤带上的一串蚂蚁,碾死就碾死,活该陪葬。
41、A long angry or violent speech,usually of a censorious or denunciatory nature;a diatribe. ─── 长篇抨击激烈演说一种愤怒的或激烈的长篇言辞,通常为挑剔或谴责性质;抨击
42、A long angry or violent speech, usually of a censorious or denunciatory nature; a diatribe. ─── 长篇抨击激烈演说一种愤怒的或激烈的长篇言辞,通常为挑剔或谴责性质;抨击
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