discipleship 发音
英: 美:
discipleship 中文意思翻译
discipleship 网络释义
n. 门徒的身分,做门徒的时期
discipleship 词性/词形变化,discipleship变形
名词: discipleship |
discipleship 短语词组
1、bema discipleship.com ─── 好discipleship.com网站
2、discipleship vs agon ─── 门徒vs阿贡
3、discipleship focus ─── 门徒专注
4、discipleship ministries ─── 门徒职事
5、discipleship training school ─── 门徒训练学校
6、discipleship ministries umc ─── 门徒职事会
7、discipleship agon ─── 门徒身份
8、discipleship questions ─── 门徒问题
9、deepen discipleship ─── 深化门徒训练
10、discipleship now ─── 现在是门徒
11、discipleship women ─── 女门徒
12、discipleship steps ─── 门徒步骤
13、discipleship essentials ─── 门徒训练要领
discipleship 相似词语短语
1、disciplinaria ─── 学科
2、disfellowship ─── v.除名,解职
3、associateship ─── n.为准会员;准社员的职位
4、disciplinal ─── adj.惩罚的;训练的;风纪的
5、discides ─── 讨论
6、aedileship ─── n.古罗马掌管公共建筑物、道路、供水、社会秩序和文娱活动等的民选行政官(aedile的变形)
7、disciple ─── n.门徒,信徒;弟子
8、disciples ─── n.门徒,信徒,追随者,学徒;耶稣的门徒(尤指十二使徒)(disciple的复数)
9、disciplelike ─── 学科
discipleship 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、He did not change for the better over those years of discipleship under the greatest teacher and trainer, Jesus. Sad! ─── 这些年以来,在耶稣这位最好的老师的教导下犹大并没有改变。这是多么令人难过的事啊!
2、for gospel study enables us both to keep our Lord in clear view and to hold before our minds the relational frame of discipleship to him. ─── 在我们的读经生活里,强调经常默想四福音书,甚至其他经文,因为研读福音书可以帮助我们对主有清晰的观念,并在思想里掌握到作为祂门徒的意义。
3、Discipleship begins the moment we come to Jesus for help, but it goes on from day to day as we follow Christ. ─── 我们从这个故事得到的教训是:作门徒是始自我们来到耶稣面前祈求帮助,但接著,却要天天地跟随主。
4、Discipleship Program: ECBC uses the MasterLife Series to provide a one year commitment in four parts of classroom and personal study. ─── 门徒培训: 以马内利华人浸信会使用塑造主生命提供为期一年,包括四期和个人学习的灵修课程。
5、Without the labour of church planters and evangelists before us, you and I may not have had the opportunity of being saved by Christ, receiving discipleship training and serving in the ACEM family! ─── 事实上,今天华基教会有超过六十多位牧师传道,都在自己的母会蒙主呼召、接受培训、实习和任命,在属灵生命和心志成熟上逐渐长大,成为主合用的器皿。
6、Real practical help given to the poor is an integral part of discipleship. ─── 给于穷人真正、实际的帮助是作为门徒所不可缺少的部分。
7、He fully oversees the church administration and faithfully transcribes the Bible Overview Message for every Discipleship Training session. ─── 他负责教会的行政事务以及预备门徒培训信息的抄本。
8、This was their call to discipleship. ─── (第10节)这是要他们成为门徒的召唤。
9、A contradictory theme is Lawrence's "dream of leadership": one man shall dominate, the other live in submissive discipleship to him. ─── 另一个矛盾的主题是劳伦斯的“领袖梦”的体现:一个男人必将居于主宰支配地位,而另一方则将以门徒的身份向他俯首听命。
10、Quotes from Bonhoeffer's The Cost of Discipleship, first published in 1937. ─── 是没有复活和道成肉身的耶稣基督之恩典。
11、Discipleship begins the moment we come to Jesus for help, but it goes on from day to day as we follow Christ. ─── 我们从这个故事得到的教训是:作门徒是始自我们来到耶稣面前祈求帮助,但接著,却要天天地跟随主。
12、Pastor Gong has a special burden and gift for discipleship training and a new vision and plan to expand our church ministries. ─── 我们向往的是在那荣耀的日子听到我们主的称赞“你这良善有忠心的仆人。”
13、Clearly, discipleship is not something for after-hours only.We are not, so to speak, to moonlight for Christ. ─── 明显地,作门徒不是只在下班时间才作的,我们不是在基督那里兼差。
14、“Radical discipleship exalts the Lordship of Christ and builds up the Church.” ─── “门徒训练,彻底完全;高举基督,建立教会。”
15、Two adults were baptized in the first 12 months. Then 18 adults were baptized in the following 12 months. Last year, 5 adults were baptized, and our emphasis had been on discipleship training. ─── 在教会成立头12个月有2个成年人接受洗礼.接下来一年中有18个.去年有5个.过去我们工作的重心主要是放在门徒训练上.
16、Similar things happen in our race of discipleship. ─── 信徒奔跑生命路时,也会有同样的事情发生。
17、” But the race of discipleship promises a far better prize than a wilting crown of olive branches. ─── 然而,跑完信徒生命路程所获得的奖赏,会远远超过一顶会枯乾的橄榄枝冠冕。
18、The strategies and directions for the ACEM community in terms of Discipleship Training, Church Planting, Missions and Social Concern have always existed. ─── 华基联会的方向和策略一向以培训门徒、植堂建堂、普世差传和社会关怀为重点。
19、Having a passion for preaching and discipleship, Pastor Jim put his emphasis in Pastoral Ministry during his four years of seminary training. ─── 由于他热忱于讲道学和门徒训练,在四年的神学院受训期间,他都专注于教牧学事工上。
20、Working long hours make church ministry and discipleship effort very difficult as meeting times tend to be very late at night. ─── 华人工作时间长,为当地教会的事工以及实行栽培训练计画增添很多困难。会议的时间必须订在夜晚。
21、Some of us have been nudged by God recently.We sense his answers to our questions about discipleship. ─── 神最近已取得了我们当中一些人的注意力,我们已听见神解答我们应如何作祂的门徒了。
22、Pray that this widespread evangelism would be followed by Bible-based discipleship and teaching to help people follow Jesus Christ in their lives. ─── 祷告以圣经为基础的门训及教导能接续在广传的宣教行动之后,帮助信徒在生活中跟随主。
23、Let us pray for the new practical teaching methods of teaching and discipleship that will connect with urban believers. ─── 求主赐智慧给牧者,更新他们灵命及教导栽培信徒的模式,帮助信徒将真理活用于生活中。
24、We confess that we are not willing to pay the high cost of discipleship. ─── 那你为甚麽不做建筑师或土木工程师?
25、But God shows amazing generosity: all who follow Jesus are winners in the race of discipleship. ─── 但神却极为慷慨,因为凡跟随耶稣的人,都是信徒生命赛跑中的胜利者。
26、He mentioned only one condition of discipleship and service. ─── 他只提出一个作门徒和服务的条件。
27、Well, what I have in mind is the quotation from our seminary chaplain, "We were all sinners, yet elected by God for the discipleship for being Christ-like. ─── 套句我们学院校牧的话:我们是一群罪人,蒙神选召,来学习活得更像耶稣。
28、We are also diligently doing discipleship training by consciously coordinating our efforts in order to foster spiritual growth through Sunday School, Sunday sermons, and special trainings and events. ─── 当然我们并没有疏忽到信徒质素的栽培,在主日学造就上,在主日讲台信息上,和不同形式的特别聚会等安排上,全都是为了可以帮助信徒在生命和真理上的成长。
29、The Master demanded seriousness of purpose from those who sought discipleship. ─── 大师要求拜师的人目的严肃。
30、One day he told of a man who deliberated long and anxiously before embarking on discipleship. ─── 一个人不安地考虑了很长时间,不知该不该拜入大师门下.一天,大师告诉他.
31、Now they are asking for help on how to begin a discipleship group in the area. ─── 现在他们正在寻求帮助,希望知道如何在当地开始有门徒小组。
32、Many students accept Jesus, but then graduate without real discipleship and follow-up.The universal problem is a lack of mature leadership. ─── 然而当他们毕业后,属灵生命缺乏跟进与栽培,乃因缺乏成熟的属灵领袖有策略地带领。
33、Paul reminds Timothy that we are saved by grace and that we have some responsibility in the journey of discipleship. ─── 保罗提醒提摩太,我们得救是本乎恩,我们也有责任去操练自己。
34、This fourth book in the growing disciple series completes a year-long discipleship training course. ─── 这使徒成长系列的第四本书是使徒训练课程一年期完成的。
35、“If a man hate not his own life.” And why does Christ make such an exacting demand the condition of discipleship? ─── “人若不恨自己的性命”,为什麽基督要对门徒开出如此严格的条件?
36、Our Church has followed the Biblical pattern in adopting the following as her purpose of existence: worship, fellowship, discipleship, evangelism and service (Acts 2:42-47; ─── 我们的教会,学效圣经的模式,以敬拜、团契、门徒培训、传播福音、及服务事奉作为教会存在的目的 (参考徒 32:42-47;
37、CCF has its strong affiliations with North Texas Chinese Church who is strongly focused on discipleship training. ─── 北德华人基督徒团契与注重门徒训练的北德华人教会有密切的联系关系。
38、Pray that the churches in Chad would grow and mature in their faith and discipleship. ─── 祷告查德的教会在信仰与门训上能长大成熟。
39、Pray also for real spiritual growth and discipleship in the Church. ─── 祷告在教会中有真实属灵的成长与门训。
40、Not all athletic events draw gigantic crowds, but there is one in which an audience is unavoidable.It’s the race of Christian discipleship. ─── 不是所有体育项目都能吸引大量观众的,但有一个项目却肯定会有很多人观看,这个项目就是基督徒生命成长的赛跑。
41、The evidence of the impact of her discipleship is seen in the mourning widows who showed up at her house. ─── 她那门徒生命的影响力,我们也可从那些出现在她家里很悲伤的寡妇可以看出。
42、This and most other outward observances of the Law have been translated in the New Testament to inward spiritual evidences of discipleship (Rom. 2:28, 29; ─── 以上和大部分律法所规定的外在仪节,已在新约中转化成内在作门徒的心灵证据(罗2:28、29;
43、Christians find their security and hope in God as revealed in Jesus Christ, and say" amen" to that unique relationship to God in the Holy Spirit through love and obedience as expressed in lives of discipleship and service. ─── 基督徒在基督所启示的神里面寻得保障和盼望,并通过门徒与服事生命所表达的爱与顺服,对那在圣灵里的独特的与神的关系说“阿们”。
44、When Jesus presented to the rich young ruler the condition of discipleship, Judas was displeased. ─── 当耶稣向那富足的青年官长提出作门徒的条件时,犹大心中大为不悦,认为耶稣错了。
45、The doctrines on which our discipleship rests are clearest in the epistles, but the nature of discipleship itself is most vividly portrayed in the gospels. ─── 其实,有关门徒实践的教义,在书信里写得最清楚;但门徒实践的性质,却在福音书里有最传神的描绘。
46、Just a little for you, the entry program for YWAM is called a Discipleship Training School (DTS). ─── 稍微你,入境计划使命青年协会被称为门徒训练学校( DTS公司) 。
47、3. What does Jesus say about discipleship? ─── 耶稣如何说明门徒的身份?
48、Working long hours make church ministry and discipleship effort very difficult as meeting times tend to be very late at night. ─── 华人工作时间长,为当地教会的事工以及实行栽培训练计画增添很多困难。会议的时间必须订在夜晚。
49、The Great Commission Discipleship Training Series ─── 大使命门徒训练系列
50、We offer several discipleship and ministry electives for students, and teachers lead Chinese and English Bible studies and evening devotions for students. ─── 我们提供一些门徒训练及事工的选修课程,此外老师也带领中英文的圣经查经班以及宿舍内的晚祷。
51、But to follow him in discipleship is equally important. ─── 但以使徒的位置来跟从他同等重要。
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