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08-21 投稿


skirmisher 发音

英:[ˈskɜːrmɪʃər]  美:[ˈskɜːmɪʃə(r)]

英:  美:

skirmisher 中文意思翻译



skirmisher 词性/词形变化,skirmisher变形

动词现在分词: skirmishing |名词: skirmisher |动词过去式: skirmished |动词第三人称单数: skirmishes |动词过去分词: skirmished |

skirmisher 短语词组

1、skirmisher cuirass rs3 ─── 小兵护甲

2、skirmisher cuirass ─── 骑兵胸甲

3、skirmisher hat ─── 小战士帽

4、skirmisher halo ─── 散兵光环

5、skirmisher jump ─── 小战士跳跃

6、skirmisher helm ─── 小战士头盔

skirmisher 相似词语短语

1、skirmishing ─── n.冲突;争执;v.冲突(skirmish的ing形式)

2、skirmishes ─── n.小冲突,小规模战斗;小争论;vi.进行小规模战斗;发生小争论

3、Britisher ─── n.英国人

4、cherisher ─── 珍爱者

5、Yiddisher ─── 意第绪语。

6、skirmished ─── n.小冲突,小规模战斗;小争论;vi.进行小规模战斗;发生小争论

7、burnisher ─── n.磨光器;研磨器;把东西擦亮的人

8、blemisher ─── n.瑕疵;污点;缺点(blemish的变形)

9、skirmish ─── n.小冲突,小规模战斗;小争论;vi.进行小规模战斗;发生小争论

skirmisher 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Surviving Abyssins defeated in the skirmish are usually assimilated into the victorious tribe. ─── 失败部落的幸存者通常会被吸纳进战胜的一方。

2、In this case, it is set to 7, which means Skirmisher. ─── 在这种情况下,设置为7,这意味着前卫。

3、In that small naval skirmish some 80 Vietnamese sailors were killed by Chinese battleships, which were trying to enforce Beijing's claim on some remote South China Sea reefs. ─── 为了宣示对南中国海某些岛礁的主权,在一场小规模海军战斗中,中国军舰打死了80名越南海军士兵。

4、Scale Leggings of the Skirmisher ─── 散兵鳞片护腿

5、After the victory of the French at Borodino, there was no general engagement, nor even a skirmish of any great importance, yet the French army ceased to exist. ─── 在波罗底诺法国人打了大胜仗之后,不仅没有打过大仗,甚至连一次像样的战役也没有发生,而法国军队就不复存在了。

6、The headmaster and teacher skirmish for a term over the question of corporal punishment ─── 校长和教师为体罚的问题争论了一学期

7、Then, each player chooses a combat card from his hand for each skirmish, placing it (and potentially a bonus "reinforcement" card) facedown next to his units in each skirmish. ─── 然后,双方玩家从手牌中为每一对冲突出一张战斗卡(援军会有‘援助卡’),面朝下地依次放在对应的冲突部队边上。

8、The Heavy Skirmisher is just the kind of guy who has a machine gun and shoots everyone and every thing. ─── 到士兵,拥有的武器是散弹枪,火箭炮等。

9、Washington has urged North Korea not to escalate tensions in the Yellow Sea following a naval skirmish between the North and South Korean navies Tuesday. ─── 华盛顿敦促北韩方面不要使黄海紧张态势进一步升级。此前星期二南北韩海军在黄海发生短暂冲突。

10、Analysts said this is the latest skirmish over globalization in a nation that has gone from zero McDonald's in 1984 to 250 today. ─── 分析人士指出,这是全球化在这个麦当劳连锁店从1984年的零增长到现在的250家的国度造成的最新摩擦。

11、a street fight; a street battle; a street skirmish; house-to-house (or street) fighting ─── 巷战

12、Go out of the barricade, slip along close to the houses, skirmish about a bit in the streets, and come back and tell me what is going on. ─── 你到街垒外面去走一趟,沿着房屋的墙壁溜到街上各处去看看,回头再来把外面的情况告诉我。”

13、The headmaster and teacher skirmish for a term over the question of corporal punishment. ─── 校长和教师为体罚的问题争论了一学期。

14、You play like a lame camel. I am the skirmish master. ─── 你像一个瘸腿的骆驼一样,我才是战斗的大师。

15、But the woman tried to free herself, and bit, kicked and hit the detectives who wrestled her down in a skirmish, prompting passers-by worried about her safety to help her. ─── 可是,这位女士不愿束手就擒,对两名保安又咬又踢又打。争执之间,保安把这个女人按到了地上,旁边经过的人们认为她的安全受到了威胁,立刻伸出了援手。

16、A slot opened up when a standout forward went down and the Shock got caught up in a skirmish with the Los Angeles Sparks. ─── 开赛第一小节,一名杰出的前锋状态不佳,致使休克队和洛杉矶斯克帕斯队短兵相接。

17、An encounter between hostile forces;a battle or skirmish. ─── 小冲突敌对力量间的遭遇;战斗或零星冲突

18、In this case, it is set to 7, which means Skirmisher (s). ─── 在这种情况下,设置为7,这意味着前卫(县)。

19、(AFP report from Seoul) South Korean officials said that despite of a small-scale sea skirmish between South and North Koreas one month ago in the Yellow Sea the two sides still opened a historic airway between the two Koreas. ─── (法新社汉城电)南韩官员表示,南北韩虽在一个月前于黄海上爆发一场小规模海战,双方仍开辟一条深具历史意义的两韩间空中航道。

20、skirmish with the enemy's advance guards ─── 与敌前哨接触

21、Well I remember the day! once save my life in a skirmish; ─── 啊我可记得那一天!曾经在一场前哨战救了我的命;

22、Shahir Sultanate - A middle eastern / Indian inspired faction ruled by a Sultan, featuring wide access to cavalry, skirmisher infantry, and elite medium infantry. ─── 沙希尔阿曼苏丹国-中东/印度的启发派系统治的苏丹,具有广泛的接触骑兵,前卫步兵,中期和精英步兵。

23、There they had a bit of a skirmish in getting rid of the duties; the excise was, in truth, the everlasting enemy of the patron of The Young Amelia ─── 从那儿回来的时候,他们和少女阿梅丽号船长的死对头税警发生了冲突。

24、Tianjin after Brown Delta region, the Shunchi have entered Shanghai, Nanjing, Suzhou, Wuxi four cities, and it is only the Shunchi "triangles of" skirmish. ─── 天津之后当属长三角区域,目前顺驰已进入上海、南京、苏州、无锡四城市,而这仅仅是顺驰“长三角布局”的前哨战。

25、Skirmish Warfare Link - Evasive Maneuvers ─── 游击作战网络-规避机动

26、Scale Leggings of the Skirmisher ─── 散兵鳞片护腿

27、A minor skirmish ensued as people fought over supplies. ─── 由于争抢供给品而引发了一场小冲突。

28、And utterly untapped, in this little skirmish of ours. ─── 和完全开发的,在这个小规模冲突我们的。

29、Mihm was well-liked by teammates despite an uncharacteristic skirmish at Monday's practice after Mbenga elbowed him during a scrimmage. ─── 米姆在球队里很受队友喜欢,尽管在周一的训练中他因为肘部击倒母本加而发生了混战。

30、thought on skirmisher warfare ─── 散兵战思想

31、Clinical Significance of Skirmish Lymph Node of Mammary Carcinoma for Axillary Lymph Node Metastasis ─── 乳腺癌前哨淋巴结活检对腋窝淋巴结转移的临床意义

32、The longer is the Yeti’s way to the target, the better it will be prepared for the skirmish. ─── [雪人朝目标走得越近,战斗准备就做得越好。]

33、After a short skirmish, the five police once again had the madman pinned on the ground. A group of people had already gathered around them. ─── 一阵短暂的混战后,五个警官再次将疯子按倒在地。周围,已经聚集了一些围观的人群。

34、Then again if im playing as the PLA online or in some skirmish i made myself then of course i want them to win. ─── 如果我用美军我希望美军最后胜利。如果我在线使用PLA或者自定义的任务时候我希望PLA胜利。

35、In this case, it is set to 6, which means Elite Skirmisher(s). ─── 在这种情况下,它被设置为6,这意味着精英前卫(县)。

36、In this case, it is set to 6, which means Elite Skirmisher. ─── 在这种情况下,它被设置为6,这意味着精英前卫。

37、formations of Enforcers in their skirmish ships; ─── 强击机战舰编队;

38、The vessel was wounded in the skirmish, and Anakin nursed the Jabitha to the outpost world of Seline, but it was too late. ─── 该船在冲突中受伤,安纳金在边远星球塞林救治这船,但太晚了。

39、The scout is almost like a light skirmisher, who focuses on stuff like locomotion. ─── 游戏里的侦查员就像轻型散兵,特色就是移动能力。

40、Another skirmish is the Shanghai real estate to find hot money, its overseas speculators bet on RMB appreciation of the idea. ─── 另一个前哨战便是上海房地产,旨在挤出热钱,断绝海外投机者靠人民币升值大赚一笔的念头。

41、The main body of horsemen, Marcach are used by Gaels to skirmish and run down routers, or charge a weak enemy position. ─── 作为盖尔骑兵主力,玛卡什骑兵通常用于侧翼骚扰、追杀残兵或冲击敌军薄弱环节。

42、He was shot in a skirmish with the enemy. ─── 他在与敌人的一次小冲突中被击中。

43、Each station, each crossroad the conductor called was the name of a battle, the site of a skirmish. ─── 对每一个站和每一个十字路口,列车员都是以一个战役或一次交火的名称来称呼。

44、Ideally suited for both skirmish warfare and fleet support, destroyers are touted as one of the best anti-frigate platforms available. ─── 无论是小规模战斗中还是舰队护卫任务里,驱逐舰都被认为是最好的反护卫舰武器。

45、"Skirmisher is in to fight all the time before company network sale means, individual agent releases room source information outside. ─── “公司网络营销之前一直处于散兵作战方式,个别代理人在外面发布房源信息。

46、The skirmish between the crafty but mostly uneducated hawkers and five of the world’s best known producers of designer goods is part of a much bigger fight over China’s vast counterfeit industry. ─── 一方是虽然精明但是没受过什么教育的小贩,一方是世界上最为著名的五大奢侈品制造商。双方的冲突其实不过是一场更大的全国范围内的打假活动的前奏曲。

47、If the truce and ceasefire had remained in place, with both forces returning their original positions, the Marco Polo Bridge Incident would have ended as a minor skirmish. ─── 如果这一停火能一直很好的维持下去,双方军队回到原来的位置,那么或许卢沟桥事件就只能算是鸡毛蒜皮了。

48、In this case, it is set to 7, which means Skirmisher(s). ─── 在这种情况下,设置为7,这意味着前卫(县)。

49、"But it will not be. They will drive them out of Georgia in one skirmish." ─── "可实际上不至于如此。 他们只消打一个小仗就会把北军赶出佐治亚去。

50、a skirmish over the rules before the debate began. ─── 在争论开始之前的关于规则的小争论

51、Of the five floating vessels at Qingdao's naval history museum, two were involved in the sinking of a Vietnamese ship during a skirmish in the South China Sea in 1988. ─── 浮泊在青岛海军历史博物馆中的五艘舰艇中,两艘参加了1988年发生在南海上的一场小规模冲突,那次战斗中有一艘越南舰艇被击沉。

52、Cana certainly has grit.Last week he escaped with a one-match ban after being sent off following an ugly skirmish with Lorient's Arnaud Le Lan in last weekend's Ligue 1 match between the two sides. ─── 塔卡纳当然有毅力,上个星期法甲联赛他与阿尔诺发生争执,结果被红牌罚下,赛后他也逃脱法甲对他禁赛一个月的惩罚。

53、The skirmish ability allows the rogue to ignore enemy units' zones of control and thus move unhindered around them. ─── 本单位的'减速'攻击能够减缓敌人的行动,使其移动速度和攻击输出减半,直到本回合结束。

54、An encounter between hostile forces; a battle or skirmish. ─── 小冲突敌对力量间的遭遇;战斗或零星冲突

55、30 another small skirmish between zerglings and reapers is fought outside the Terran base, with the reapers preventing the Zerg from pushing into the base. ─── 30人类基地外正进行着另一场异化虫和收割者之间的冲突战,收割者正奋力地阻止虫族入侵基地。

56、Things moved fast;thirty days after their fateful skirmish, historians already had a name for it: The Battle of 73 Easting. ─── 形势迅速发展:短短30天之后,这场宿命的交战已经在历史学家那里获得了一个命名:东73公里处战役(theBattleof73Easting)。

57、It was seven years ago, and the gunfire from the warships in the two-hour naval skirmish was close enough to rattle his windows, sending him and his wife ducking for cover. ─── 七年前,海上两小时冲突而引发的炮火声近到足以使他家的窗户晃动,他和妻子不得不四处躲藏。

58、Yet, somehow his vision hadn't shown him a swift flight of Enforcer skirmish ships that, flying high above, picked him up on infrared heat detectors. ─── 然而,不知何故显像没有告诉卡米这些:在上空有一支以燕式编组飞行的武装(因维)强击机小队,它们用红外热能探测器捕捉到了他;

59、Elite Light Infantry Light infantry forces form a skirmish line to slow the enemy advance and keep their own line unmolested by enemy skirmishers. ─── 我来试着翻译一下 轻步兵用以组成散兵队形以迟滞敌军的前进速度,并驱逐敌军轻步兵以防他们骚扰本军阵线。

60、A skirmish is the Hong Kong dollar peg to make adjustments to mitigate the Hong Kong dollar because of the potential pressure on the renminbi appreciation. ─── 一个前哨战是香港对港元联系汇率做出的调整,旨在减轻港元因人民币升值可能带来的压力。

61、The scouting parties met in a skirmish. ─── 斥候队发生小冲突。

62、The British Empire is pulled into what is expected to be a brief skirmish, well within the means of the colonial army, expected to last no more that a matter of weeks. ─── 不列颠帝国倾向于仅仅只是短暂的小规模冲突,也就是说,殖民军希望这件事情不要超过几星期。

63、Cannon Fodder? Try spreading them out in a skirmish line. They cover a bigger front, reveal more terrain and are harder target. It's what the AI does! ─── 炮灰?展开成散兵线。他们可以形成更大的防线,看到更多地方,更不容易被当成目标。电脑就是这样做的。

64、There will be units included in the Map Editor which will not be in the standard multiplayer skirmish mode. ─── 地图编辑器中含有一些并未出现在多人对战模式中的单位。

65、3) In the beginning, there was a diplomatic skirmish though Hitler as was his custom, did most of the talking. ─── 译文:会议刚开始时,虽然希特勒照例只顾自己说话,双方还是有过一番外交上的小交锋。

66、This is only a skirmish in the class war, the war between the two religions of Capitalism and Communism which is , at bottom , a war between labour and landowning. ─── 在那里,所有资本主义大国都正在通过一个干涉委员会参与支持佛朗哥将军的行动,但它们却认为称这个委员会为不干涉委员会更适宜。

67、an encounter between hostile forces; a battle or skirmish ─── 敌对力量间的遭遇;战斗或零星冲突

68、In the most recent skirmish, police fired on the Kashmiri protesters, killing seven. ─── 在最近的克一些地区,警察向反对开枪,死亡七人。

69、Githyanki are an ancient line of humanlike beings who reside in the Astral Plane, filling their armories for their next skirmish, raid, or war. ─── 吉斯洋基人是居住在星界位面的类人生物的一个古老分支,他们总是扩充其军备准备着下一次冲突、奇袭或是战争。

70、How dare you keep giving those shits to spoil the quasi-academic communication, making it deteriorate from a kind of colloquium subsequently to an accidental skirmish, finally, to a street brawl?! ─── 你竟敢跑到这些准学术研讨帖子里来一直撒野乱搞,将研讨搞成恶斗,最后成了骂街!

71、During a typical skirmish he observed, Lebanese army soldiers started shooting at some Druze militiamen, who responded by firing on American marines (who were supposed to be keeping the peace). ─── 他经常看到这样的冲突:开始的时候是黎巴嫩士兵向德鲁兹教派民兵开枪,后者做出的反应则是向美国海军陆战队开火(他们应该是在执行维和任务)。

72、In ancient Greece, the Prodromoi (singular, Prodromos) were the skirmisher light cavalry. Their name means "runners". ─── 在古代希腊,斥侯骑兵是突袭轻骑兵,他们的名字的意思是“信使”。

73、And Enforcer skirmish ships darted in overhead now, to fire on the flagship. ─── 而且此刻因维强击机群也冲入了头顶的天空,向旗舰法拉戈号开火。

74、a skirmish between the two party leaders ─── 两党领导人间的摩擦.

75、We won a skirmish, and we'll win him some more. ─── 我们打赢了一场小仗,还要再给他打赢几仗。

76、Then, compelled to quit Rome, he went and got himself obscurely killed in a night skirmish, scarcely noticed in history. ─── 于是,他被迫离开罗马,在一次精历史学家所遗忘的夜间的小战斗中被人莫名其妙地打死了。

77、A conventional skirmish would escalate into a nuclear exchange. ─── 传统的小规模战斗更有可能逐步升级为核战争。

78、The skirmish grew into a major battle ─── 小冲突扩大形成大战斗。

79、"There'll be just one brief skirmish and the Yankees will skedaddle back into Tennessee. ─── "只要打一次小小的遭遇战,北方佬就会逃回田纳西去的。

80、a skirmish(ing) line ─── 散兵线

81、There had been a skirmish in the half light of dawn. ─── 天朦朦亮的时候曾经有过一场小规模的战斗。

82、Of the five floating vessels at Qingdao’s naval history museum, two were involved in the sinking of a Vietnamese ship during a skirmish in the South China Sea in 1988. ─── 位于青岛的海军历史博物馆漂浮着五艘舰只,其中两艘是越南的,它们在1988年发生在南中国海的一场小规模冲突中沉没。

83、Skirmish Warfare Link - Rapid Deployment ─── 游击作战网络-快速机动

84、Battle it out online with new spectator modes that let you play RTS games like a sport. Multiplayer will include Skirmish, Deathmatch, Team Deathmatch, and World Domination. ─── 新的观战系统让即时战略游戏就像一种运动。多人连线模式包括遭遇战、死斗、团队死斗以及世界统治之战。

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