darwinism 发音
英:[ˈdɑːrwɪnɪzəm] 美:[ˈdɑːwɪnɪzəm]
英: 美:
darwinism 中文意思翻译
darwinism 常用词组
social darwinism ─── 社会达尔文主义
darwinism 短语词组
1、darwinism treatment ─── 达尔文主义治疗
2、darwinism and design ─── 达尔文主义与设计
3、darwinism in america ─── 美国的达尔文主义
4、darwinism definition ─── 达尔文主义定义
5、darwinism seems to offer ─── 达尔文主义似乎提供了
6、darwinism and eugenics ─── 达尔文主义与优生学
7、Neo-Darwinism n. ─── 新达尔文主义 [医] ─── 新达尔文主义
8、darwinism define ─── 达尔文主义定义
9、darwinism 1889 ─── 达尔文主义1889
10、social darwinism ─── 社会达尔文主义
11、darwinism means ─── 达尔文主义意味着
darwinism 词性/词形变化,darwinism变形
形容词: Darwinistic |名词: Darwinist |
darwinism 相似词语短语
1、Calvinism ─── n.加尔文主义;加尔文教派
2、Darwinism ─── n.达尔文学说;达尔文主义;进化论
3、Marxianism ─── 马克思主义
4、Darwinian ─── adj.达尔文的;达尔文学说的;n.进化论者;达尔文主义者
5、Batinism ─── 巴蒂尼主义
6、Cainism ─── n.凶手;杀兄弟者;该隐(亚当之子)(Cain的变形)
7、Marcionism ─── n.马西昂派(公元2至3世纪兴起的一个基督教教派)
8、diactinism ─── n.透光化线
9、Darwinist ─── n.进化论者;崇拜达尔文之学说者;adj.达尔文的
darwinism 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Other scientists tinker with Darwin by borrowing a page from the creationists' book. ─── 其他科学家借上帝创造宇宙论者们书中的片言只语来修补达尔文的理论。
2、The Ranger Mine is located about 260 kilometres east of Darwin, the capital city of the Northern Territory, Australia. ─── RANGER矿位于达尔文东部260km,是澳大利亚北部地区的首府。
3、It doesn't know about Darwin and only builds static libraries. ─── 它不认识Darwin并且只构建静态库。
4、President Jose Ramos Horta has been flown to Darwin in northern Australia for treatment. ─── 东帝汶总统若泽.拉莫斯-奥尔塔被送往澳大利亚北部城市达尔文接受医治。
5、Most biologists agree with Charles Darwin that the two movements mimic infantile nursing patterns. ─── 多数生物学家赞同查尔斯·尔文的观点,认为这两个动作是模仿婴儿吃奶的样子。
6、Iceland and Denmark are Darwin's most ardent adherents. ─── 冰岛和丹麦是最热心的达尔文拥护者。
7、On the other hand, we must beware of a very common misunderstanding of Darwinism. ─── 另一方面,我们必须留心对于达尔文主义的一个很普遍的误解。
8、He will go to Darwin before long.He will fly to Perth from there. ─── 他不久还将到达达尔文去,从那里,他再飞往珀斯。
9、Roentgen discovered X-rays; Darwin found many new species on the Galapagos Islands. ─── 伦琴发现了x射线;这里发现了很多古物。
10、Darwin wins inside these walls. ─── 在这围墙里达尔文说了算。
11、Which side would Darwin have taken, Philo's or Cleanthes's? ─── 斐罗还是克里安堤斯?
12、In 1974 Darwin was devastated by Cyclone Tracy. ─── 1974年达尔文被热带气旋特蕾西夷为平地。
13、Mr Gandigorrtij was recovering in Royal Darwin Hospital following surgery for three deep cuts in his left leg. ─── 尽管帕斯科幸运地从鳄口脱脸,但还是被鳄鱼咬了三个深深的伤口。
14、We offer CFR Darwin for 60 tons Albumen. ─── 兹报盘60吨蛋白CFR达尔文价。
15、The notion of a universal, objective scale of intelligence, however, did not take shape until the 19th century and the arrival of Darwinism. ─── 而普遍、客观的智力等级的概念,直到19世纪达尔文主义的产生才成型。
16、Expressing Silicon Valley's version of corporate Darwinism, Gates claimed that Microsoft could be brushed aside by the next guy in a garage. ─── 盖茨通过宣称微软会被下一个来自车库的家伙超越,来表达一种硅谷版本的公司达尔文主义。
17、Time, perhaps, for philosophers toput away their copies of Kant and pull a dusty tome of Darwin off the bookshelf. ─── 也许现在正是时候需要哲学家们放好康德的各类学说并从书架上取下满覆尘灰的达尔文大卷册来研习了。
18、As the development of new Darwinism in gene level, sociobiology tries to interpretthe human social life and behavior with gene evolution theory. ─── 作为达尔文主义在分子生物学水平上的新进展, 社会生物学用基因进化理论来解释人类行为及社会生活。
19、French naturalist whose ideas about evolution influenced Darwin's theory. ─── 拉马克,简 巴蒂斯特 皮尔 安东尼 德 莫奈1744-1829法国博物学家,他关于进化论的观点对达尔文的理论产生过影响
20、Darwinism as modified by the findings of modern genetics. ─── 新达尔文主义由现代遗传学修正的达尔文主义
21、The beginning of that understanding was provided by Darwin, and the application of Darwinism will be an important part of the process. ─── 达尔文为理解这一切开了头,对达尔文主义的应用将会是这一过程中重要的一环。
22、He was flown for emergency treatment in the northern Australian city of Darwin. ─── 之后他乘飞机前往澳大利亚北部的达尔文市接受急救。
23、Its title was the Origin of Species, written by Charles Darwin. ─── 书的名字叫“物种起源”。作者是查理士。达尔文。
24、The remarkable variety of life on the Galopagos Islands inspired Charles Darwin to establish his theory of evolution. ─── 加拉帕格斯群岛上异常多样的生命物种激励查理斯·达尔文创立了他的进化论。
25、Xu : Are the past cook Darwin working with you? ─── 徐:以前那个厨师达尔文现在跟你在做?
26、Mr. Gould was a strong supporter of the evolutionary theory developed by Charles Darwin in the 1800s. ─── 古尔德先生是19世纪查尔斯?达尔文进化论的忠实拥护者。
27、This is techno-social Darwinism, nature red in pixel and claw. ─── 这就是科技社会的达尔文主义,同时用像素和爪子描绘自然的红色。
28、Tennyson was writing before Darwin but he got it right. ─── 丁尼生(Tennyson)在达尔文之前所写下的诗句是正确的。
29、An analysis of the Darwin term is described in detail. ─── 对达尔文作用项作了较详尽的分析。
30、Office Darwinism" is a bureaucratic form of "survival of the fittest." ─── 办公室进化论”是“适者生存”的官方形式。
31、It is the great misunderstanding to Darwin to regard Darwin as the person who maintains social Darwinism that the weak are the prey of the strong. ─── 把达尔文当作主张弱肉强食的社会达尔文主义者是对达尔文的一大误解。
32、I believe that Darwin, are in ignorance of my age. ─── 我相信达尔文,是在我无知的年龄。
33、Bush, Darwin, Gates, Kissinger, Newton, Nixon, and so on. ─── 布什、达尔文、盖茨、基辛格、牛顿、尼克松等。
34、Influenced by Darwin?s Evolutionism,Nietzsche formed his cultural evolutionism on the basis of life philosophy. ─── 受达尔文进化论影响 ,尼采在生命哲学的基础上形成了文化进化思想。
35、NBA is a place of Darwinism. ─── 他只想在篮球场上不停的飞翔。
36、The authors are Charles Darwin and Alfred Russel Wallace. ─── 作者是达尔文(CharlesDarwin)和华莱士(AlfredRusselWallace)。
37、For example, Darwin's points about slow evolution did not agree with the story of how Man was created in the Bible. ─── 例如, 达尔文关于生物缓慢进化的观点与圣经中讲的人类是怎样被创造出来的故事不一致。
38、It is of the same status as the historical statement; "Charles Darwin and Francis Galton had a common grandfather". ─── 它和“达尔文和哥尔顿有共同的祖父”这个历史命题在性质上是相同的。
39、"Pacific swells push against Darwin Island, where white salema and black triggerfish feed beneath breaking waves. ─── 太平洋海浪拍打着达尔文之岛,白石鲈和黑色扳机鱼在迸溅的波浪下觅食。
40、The major sources of her thought are: Feuerbach's religion of humanity, positivism and Darwinism. ─── 她的思想的主要来源是人本宗教、实证主义和达尔文主义。
41、His workers in Pittsburgh felt the full force of his pitiless Darwinism. ─── 匹兹堡的工人充分地体会到卡耐基冷酷无情的达尔文主义。
42、Most scientists of the time were prepared to accept Darwin's case. ─── 当时许多科学家都愿意接受达尔文的令人信服的论点。
43、He understood financial Darwinism (read: “odds”) through and through. ─── 他懂金融界的进化论(其实就是概率论)。
44、Poole, Darwin Porter, Danforth Prince, Beth Reiber, Linda Romine, Karl Samson, Karen K. ─── 作者: David Baird, Harry Basch, Amy Donohoe, Amy Eckert, Bill Mcrae, Matthew R.
45、Mr. Ramos Horta is being treated at Australia's Royal Darwin Hospital after being airlifted there Monday. ─── 拉莫斯-奥尔塔被飞机运到澳大利亚的达尔文皇家医院,正在那里接受治疗。
46、He confronts Darwin daily in his work as head of the human genome project. ─── 作为人类基因工程的负责人,他在工作当中每天都要和达尔文的理论打交道。
47、We naturally associate the name of Darwin with the doctrine of evolution. ─── 我们很自然地把达尔文的名字与进化论联系在一起。
48、Yet no one doubts that bees get angry, as Darwin himself pointed out. ─── 但是,正如达尔文自己指出的那样,没人怀疑蜜蜂也会生气。
49、Indomitable struggle is the only way to win. Darwin ....... ─── 不屈不挠的奋斗是取得胜利的唯一道路。.......达尔文
50、It is possible to see in such corporate Darwinism a healthy rebalancing of power. ─── 在这种弱肉强食的企业界中,可能会重新出现有益的权力平衡。
51、In a letter to a fellow scientist, Darwin wrote that confiding his theory was "like confessing a murder. ─── 在给一位科学家同行的信中,达尔文写道,吐露他的理论就“象披露了一件谋杀案。”
52、"We approach evolution with a capital D for Darwin," Joyce told me. ─── “我们随着代表达尔文的大写D接近了进化,”乔伊斯告诉我。
53、It parodies Darwin's doctrine of survival of the fittest and the traditional mythical idea of Lady Fortune. ─── 同时又仿写一些哲学思想如英国的经验主义等;
54、And yet, many Darwinians are anxious, a little uneasy, would like to see some limits on just how far the Darwinism goes. ─── 可是很多达尔文主义者都有点急切不安,想看看达尔文主义的极限,看它到底能走多远。
55、For example,Darwin's points about slow evolution did not agree with the story of how Man was created in the Bible. ─── 例如,达尔文关于生物缓慢进化的观点与圣经中讲的人类是怎样被创造出来的故事不一致。
56、But these people are not content to disagree with Darwin and the scientists. ─── 但这些人并不满足于不同意达尔文和科学家。
57、Perhaps it’s just me but I also detect a slight whiff of social Darwinism in the views expressed. ─── 或许只是我不清楚吧,不过从中我感到了一点点达尔文进化论的味道。
58、February 12th is the 200th birthday of Charles Darwin and Abraham Lincoln. ─── 2月12日是查尔斯达尔文和亚伯拉罕林肯的200周年诞辰。
59、The BSD heritage still shows, in fact Darwin was recently modernized with code from FreeBSD and NetBSD. ─── BSD的继承关系在它上面仍然表现出来,事实上,最近Darwin仍然使用FreeBSD和NetBSD的代码来进行改进。
60、"Do you know Darwin?" His new girl friend asked abruptly. ─── "你知道达尔文吗?"刚结识的女友突然问道.
61、As a biologist, Lamarck was equal to Darwin. ─── 作为生物学家,拉马克与达尔文旗鼓相当。
62、Clergymen also add to your research points until the discovery of Darwinism makes the obsolete. ─── 传教士也可与对你的研发点数做出贡献直到达尔文进化论的发表使他们显得陈腐。
63、One of Darwin's nagging problems was to discover where this variation originated. ─── 令达尔文困扰的问题之一,是寻找变异在什么地方发生的。
64、And she was most likely rescued from the soup tureen that she strongly resembled by Charles Darwin. ─── 当年牠能逃开成为炖海龟汤的厄运,极有可能就是达尔文伸出援手。
65、On the surface there appears to be nothing but classical Darwinism at work here. ─── 表面上看,这里除了讲到古典的达尔文进化论,似乎没有什么其它意义。
66、Not a repudiation of Darwinism as science, of course, for you cannot repudiate truth. ─── 当然,并不是对于作为一门科学的达尔文主义的批判,因为你不能批判事实。
67、Protecting larger businesses that refuse to adapt would thwart a healthy process of corporate Darwinism. ─── 保护那些拒绝革新的大型公司将阻碍健康的企业竞争进程。
68、Your name is Hope Darwin," said the detective. ─── 你的真名叫霍普.达尔文,"侦探说道.
69、Major Cities: Canberra, Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Perth, Adelaide, Newcastle, Golden Coast, Gelling, Darwin. ─── 主要城市:堪培拉、悉尼、墨尔本、布里斯班、珀思、阿德莱德、纽卡斯尔、黄金海岸、霍巴特、杰隆、达尔文。
70、Mr Darwin was working as a prison officer at Holme House Prison in Stockton at the time. ─── 失踪前达尔文是斯托克顿市哈姆休斯监狱的一名警官。
71、In 1859,The Origin of Species was published and Darwin was recognized as one of the most important thinkers in science. ─── 1859年《物种起源》一书发表了,选尔文被看作是在科学界最重要的思想家之一。
72、The origins of ethology can be traced back to Darwin. ─── 人种学的起源可以追溯到达尔文。
73、Garry conto que se habia quebrado al visitar el cementerio de Darwin. ─── Garry说:当他看见Darwin的墓的时候,情不自禁地流下了激动的泪水。
74、He who understands Darwin would do more toward political philosophy than Jefferson. ─── 懂得达尔文的人,比杰佛逊更懂政治哲学。
75、On Darwin, the version numbers are placed between the library name and the extension, e. G. Libqt.2.3.0. Dylib. ─── 在Darwin中,版本号被放在函数库名和扩展名之间,例如:libqt.2.3.0.dylib。
76、Charles Darwin is different from Charles Sturt wo... ─── 所以我不太清楚charles darwin univerisity.....
77、impact of Darwinism on modern biology is greater than Mendelism. ─── 达尔文学说对现代生物学的影响要大于孟德尔的遗传学说。
78、Commercial world is like battlefield. Darwin wins in the market. ─── 商场如战场.市场的竞争就象自然界,弱肉强食,非常残酷、非常现实.
79、He will soon visit Darwin. ─── 他不久将去达尔文港。
80、Huxley, Darwin's bulldog, founded his ethics on a repudiation of Darwinism. ─── H.赫胥黎在对达尔文主义的批判上形成了他的伦理观。
81、Charles Darwin : evolution of a naturalist. ─── 探索物种演化的博物学家.
82、For those “other ways” are also explicable by Darwinism. ─── 对于这些“其他方面”,也是可以被达尔文学说所解释的。
83、Some ignorant people are still skeptical of Darwin’s evolution theory. ─── 一些无知的人仍对达尔文的进化论持怀疑态度。
84、I am not quite saying Darwinism gave rise to creationism, though the “isms” imply equivalence. ─── 我不是很想说达尔文主义引出了创造说,虽然“主义”一词意思也差不多。
85、Thus, even a century after Darwin, these aquatic mammals remained an evolutionary enigma. ─── 因此,即使达尔文过世超过一个世纪,这些海栖哺乳类仍然是个演化谜团。
86、Then Social Darwinism retreated from the influential frontline with Consumer Culture emerging as the second influence on his works. ─── 在第二阶段,社会达尔文主义的思想已经不再是德莱塞创作的基调,取而代之的是对消费文化的感悟。
87、Universal Darwinism is ontological and its corresponding mechanism takes effect in a long period. ─── 广义达尔文主义是本体论,对应的“自然选择机制”作用周期较长。
88、In Melville Island near Darwin, Australia, lives a race of aborigines called the Tiwi. ─── 在澳大利亚达尔文附近的梅尔维尔岛,住着叫Tiwi的土著居民。
89、Hillary and Robert are backpacking around Australia. Today, they are hiking near Darwin, Northern Territory. ─── 希拉蕊和罗伯正在澳洲徒步旅行。今天,他们在北领地的达尔文附近健行。
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