esoteric 发音
英:[ˌesəˈterɪk] 美:[ˌiːsəˈterɪk]
英: 美:
esoteric 中文意思翻译
esoteric 反义词
esoteric 词性/词形变化,esoteric变形
副词: esoterically |
esoteric 常用词组
esoteric buddhism ─── 密宗(秘教性的佛教)
esoteric 短语词组
1、Esoteric Christianity ─── 神秘的基督教
2、esoteric order ─── 密教秩序
3、esoteric g ─── 深奥的g
4、esoteric studio ─── 神秘工作室
5、esoteric car care ─── 深奥的汽车护理
6、esoteric inc ─── 密宗公司
7、esoteric software ─── 深奥的软件
8、esoteric k ─── 深奥的k
9、esoteric hollywood ─── 深奥的好莱坞
10、esoteric f ─── 深奥的f
11、esoteric exposal ─── 深奥的揭露
12、esoteric definition ─── 深奥的定义
13、esoteric sacd ─── 深奥sacd
14、esoteric archives ─── 密宗
15、esoteric lab ─── 密室
16、esoteric x ─── 密宗x
17、esoteric cd ─── 深奥cd
18、esoteric n ─── 深奥的n
esoteric 同义词
cryptic |abstruse | in | mysterious | enigmatic | arcane | obscure | occult | inner | significant | secret | deep | impenetrable
esoteric 相似词语短语
1、exoteric ─── adj.开放的;外界的;通俗的;n.局外人;外行
2、exoterica ─── n.大众化的观念;大众化的作品;大众化的理论
3、esotery ─── 秘密
4、isosteric ─── adj.(电子)等排的;n.等比容线
5、esoteries ─── 深奥
6、esoterica ─── n.秘传的事物;黄色书刊
7、enteric ─── adj.肠的;肠溶的(等于enteral)
8、esoterism ─── 密宗
9、esoterist ─── 密宗
esoteric 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、the Indian Esoteric Buddhism ─── 密教
2、Virupa had many general followers as well as Mahayana followers, but Krishnapa and Dombipa were the two main followers of his esoteric, pith instruction. ─── 尊者有无数的显宗弟子和一般弟子,但克利什那巴和东毕巴是尊者极密窍诀的主要传人。
3、Only a few eldrith giants typically dwell in the same place, drawn together by shared interest in specialized or esoteric knowledge about one facet of arcane magic. ─── 一般来说,只有少数邪术巨人会定居在同一个地方,聚在一起分享它们在奥术的某个领域中专门或者深奥的知识的兴趣。
4、Classical Chinese really consists of tens of centuries of esoteric anecdotes written in a kind of terse miserly code for dissemination among a small elite group. ─── 古汉语确实含有数千年来积累起来的各种深宫秘闻,以一种简要、惜墨如金的密码写成,这种密码适合在一个很小的精英团体里传播。
5、She was worshipped by Songzan Gambo, the Tubo king in the 7th century, and later by the Esoteric Sect of Tibetan Buddhism. ─── 公元7世纪为吐蕃赞普松赞干布供奉的本尊,后为全藏佛教密宗本尊。
6、In their esoteric lexicon, "gang stalking" refers to the belief that they are being followed and harassed: by neighbors, strangers or colleagues who are agents for the government. ─── 在他们深奥的词汇中“组织的跟踪”是指他们相信自己被那些成为政府秘密工作人员的邻居,陌生人或同事跟踪和骚扰。
7、In Ireland, the name of the holiday was All Hallows' Eve (often shortened to Hallow Eve), and though seldom used today, the name is still well-accepted, albeit somewhat esoteric. ─── 在爱尔兰,名称的假期是所有圣'除夕(通常缩短到万圣节前夕) ,虽然今天很少使用的名称仍然是良好的接受,尽管有些深奥。
8、The school of esoteric Buddhism regards the Cundi Bodhisattva as one of the seven manifestations of Kuan-yin. ─── 准提为密教七观音之一,又名七俱胝佛母,代表观音崇高母性的一面。
9、They value skill over loopy beliefs, and as such don't like to get caught up in arguments over the esoteric concepts of good and evil. ─── 他们相信技术超过信仰,所以也不太愿意为那些深奥的好啊坏的概念起争执。
10、"TheArt in Zines," this year's exhibit at the ABC No Rio, a social centerin Manhattan that includes a gallery, was well attended "given that itwas pretty esoteric," says organizer Steven Englander. ─── "艺术杂志",今年的展览在美国广播公司没有里约热内卢,一名社会中心在曼哈顿,其中包括一个画廊,踊跃出席,"鉴于这是很深奥,说:"组织者潘国englander。
11、What Are The Esoteric Teachings / God Thoughts? ─── 什么是神秘的教义/神的理念?
12、The rest of Type's new members are for advanced and somewhat esoteric scenarios beyond the scope of this article. ─── Type的其余新成员用于高级的且有点深奥的方案,这些方案超出了本文的范围。
13、Existing texts on ethnicity and health are often esoteric and academic in focus, accessible to researchers and policy analysts rather than health practitioners. ─── 关于种族划分和健康的现有的正文对准焦点经常深奥和学术性,易接近研究人员和政策分析家而不是健康开业医生。
14、Master Knowledge: This includes the kind of esoteric information that only a master in the field of study could possibly know. ─── '''大师知识:'''这包括只有相关领域的大师才会知道的深奥资讯。
15、Safe in his enclosing study, with the lovingly filled and refilled pipe and the esoteric books, his fame would have centred round investigations of vagabonds in medieval Europe. ─── 他本可以安然处身于浓烈的学习氛围中,兴趣盎然且不停地吸着自己可爱的烟斗,终日与深奥的书本为伴,而他也能因专注于对中世纪欧洲游民的研究而享誉美名。
16、Esoteric Buddhism | Tantrism ─── 密教| 密宗
17、In literary contexts, it is applied, generally, to poetry of a Platonic, esoteric, recondite, or occult kind. ─── 就文学范围说,它一般用于指柏拉图式的、深奥的、晦涩的或玄妙的诗歌。
18、But I have encrypted this letter with one of our most esoteric ciphers.Its words are safe from these yokels. ─── 但我用了我们最深奥的密码来撰写这封信的具体内容,所以由这些乡巴佬送信是非常安全的。
19、This duo from Netherlands offers up an amazing mix of experimental electronics, tribal percussion and rythmic noise with an esoteric edge.A must for fans of bands like Muslimgauze and Ah Cama Sotz. ─── 实验性电子、部族撞击声和与一个神秘的边缘的节奏性噪声的惊人的混合。
20、When an Esoteric Buddhist has finished the four diligent exercises, he must vow not to breach samaya before Abhiseka, or he will never enter into the madala. ─── 在密法修行加行完毕准备接受灌顶之前,必须受三昧耶戒,否则入坛灌顶绝无可能。
21、Gym Climbing: Climbing in an indoor climbing gym which is designed with the esoteric training needs to the climbers. ─── 室内攀登:通常是进行攀岩训练。
22、On the other, beyond pickets of eucalyptuses, rose the dark mass of a more esoteric rain forest which obscured, presumably, the ocean. ─── 另一侧,比桉树桩更远的地方,冒出一片黑乎乎的,愈发深奥莫测的热带雨林,使得大海似乎显得模糊不清。
23、possessing intellectual or esoteric knowledge of spiritual things. ─── 具有对精神上的事物的睿智的或者深奥的理解。
24、There are some Zoroastrians who are influenced by Theosophy, an eclectic esoteric movement of the nineteenth century. ─── 一些琐罗亚斯德教徒受到见神论的影响,一种十九世纪的折衷的深奥运动。
25、He visited Mme Blavatsky, the famous occultist, and joined the Esoteric Section of the Theosophical Society, but was later asked to resign. ─── 他拜访了著名通神学者布拉瓦茨基夫人并加入了神智学社团的机密组织,但不久被迫离开。
26、In ancient India, the mandala was a round or square mud platform at a meditation site erected to ward off "demons" during meditation sessions of the Esoteric Buddhists. ─── 在古印度,坛城是一圆形和四方行的平台,在密教冥想开会期间在冥想的地方搭起来以挡开“魔鬼”。
27、Like many esoteric pursuits, this has been facilitated by the internet. ─── 像好多神秘的追求嗜好一样,互联网也已经为此提供了便利。
28、Famous Esoteric Pagoda---Jingang Pagoda at Guangdu Ancient Town ─── 官渡古镇的金刚宝塔
29、The secret chamber of the Heart, as it has been called by esoteric teachings, is simply the place where the Christ within resides. ─── 心之秘室,就是秘密教导过去被称它的,是基督居住的地方。
30、Then in a couple of years everyone will figure out that I'm too esoteric, and I'll be back to you again. ─── 如果几年之后读者们还是觉得我太晦涩难懂的话,那么我再来找回你。
31、At the same time the Western esoteric tradition also found a following in new schools, movements and cults. ─── 同时,西方秘密传统也成立其后一系列新的学派、运动和宗教仪式。
32、Esoteric securities backed by these mortgages were grossly mis-valued by the computer models of big banks and credit rating agencies. ─── 大银行的电脑模式和信用评级机构极其严重地误估了这些靠按揭支撑的非公开证券。
33、These calculations are not just esoteric academic tweaks. ─── 上述计算可不仅仅是深奥的学术问题。
34、The Influence of Esoteric Buddhism over Bai ethnic Society and its People ─── 佛教密宗对白族社会思想心理的影响
35、Esoteric School, also called Esoteric Buddhism, Secret Buddhism, Yoga Esotericism, the most important one of Buddhist schools, has deep influences in China, India, Japan and other countries. ─── 密宗又称密教、秘密教、瑜伽密教,是佛教的重要派别,在中国、印度、日本,乃至世界许多国家都产生过深远的影响。
36、Listed below are a few suggestions for the most common type of expressions (and a few more esoteric ones). ─── 下面是我们建议的一些常用的格式(同时也有一些有趣的搜索)。
37、A body of mystical teachings of rabbinical origin, often based on an esoteric interpretation of the Hebrew Scriptures. ─── 希伯来教义犹太原旨主义者神秘教义的一种集合体,常基于对希伯来手稿的深刻理解
38、Like other dualistic systems, it stresses salvation of the soul through esoteric knowledge, or gnosis, of its divine origin. (Its name derives from mandayya, “having knowledge. ─── 和其他二元论体系一样,曼达派强调灵魂透过奥秘的知识或诺斯(即真知)而获得解脱。
39、"But viewing it as an IT project is absolutely essential, because it's a distributed thin-client application and the skills required are quite esoteric. ─── 但其实将它看作IT项目才更准确。因为它实际上是一个分布式的瘦客户端应用,所需要的技术相当深奥”。
40、There are people in this world for whom the word "esoteric" seems to act as a divine ichor. ─── 对于这个世界上的某些人,“深奥”这个词似乎具有一种灵丹妙药的功效,正像《魔山》中裴波尔克伦先生对“安居”的反应。
41、Moving on from there, we have shown that our theories, however esoteric, ultimately can stand experimental test and verification. ─── 从这里开始,我们可以证明我们的理论最终可以禁受实验测试并被验证,尽管这一理论是非常深奥的。
42、In the channelling before this, seemingly a moment ago to me, we provided a great deal of esoteric information. ─── 在此次通灵之前,对我而言只是一分钟之前,我们提供了大量深奥的信息。
43、Finance is not a mysterious or esoteric subject, but it is often misunderstood. ─── 金融不是一个神秘难明的科目,但常常被人误解。
44、On paper your CCCP (Cat Colony Care Program) looks good but in practical application it seems esoteric to the point of losing focus of your noble objective to the point of destruction. ─── 在纸上,爱协的“猫只领域护理计划”(“CCCP”)看似不错,但在实践应用上似乎限于小圈子运作且到了与爱协的崇高目标背道而驰的地步,甚至已达摧残的程度。
45、The Liu esoteric doctrines believed that in financial crisis's situation, electronic commerce, because has these aspect superiority, not only will not wither, instead will accelerate to develop. ─── 刘胜义认为,在金融危机的情况下,电子商务由于具有这些方面的优势,不仅不会萎缩,反而会加速发展。
46、Kruger took a shine to me for some reason or other; it was impossible to get away from him once he discovered that I was willing to listen to his "esoteric" ideas. ─── 出于某种原因克鲁格很喜欢我,当他发现我乐意倾听他的“深奥”见解后我简直无法从他身边逃开。
47、In the 16th century the center of Kabbala was Safed, Galilee, where it was based on the esoteric teachings of the greatest of all Kabbalists, Isaac ben Solomon Luria. ─── 16世纪时,加利利的采法特已成为喀巴拉的中心,这里是最著名的喀巴拉大师卢里亚的故乡。
48、Her director is the versatile Ho Meng-hua -- the acknowledged master of the "esoteric weapon" actioner, who made of a success of everything from The Flying Guillotine to The Mighty Peking Man. ─── 小燕(秦萍)长大后,一次在镇上卸药,误入妓院,巧遇生母,竟被诱为妓,幸得柳之小孙青松(岳华)及时解围,但亦因此暴露身份而遭追杀;
49、On the surface, it might appear as if thisis a difficult or esoteric activity. ─── 表面看来,这似乎是一个很困难或者机密的活动。
50、What gives international finance its esoteric twist is the existence of national moneys. ─── 使国际金融具有其奥妙曲折的特点的原因是由于存在着各国货币。
51、Kabbala, also spelled KABALA, KABBALAH, CABALA, CABBALA, OR CABBALAH, is an esoteric Jewish mysticism as it appeared in the 12th and following centuries. ─── 卡巴拉也可拼写为KABALA,KABBALAH,CABALA,CABBALA或CABBALAH,是深奥的犹太神秘主义,那时它出现在第十二世纪和后来的世纪里。
52、But reviewers complain this work is too mystierious and esoteric. ─── 但是对文本特征的把握不够使得此书长期以来像天书一般无解。
53、In the 16th century, based on what struck many of his contemporaries as the esoteric minutiae of celestial motions, Copernicus suggested that Earth was not, in fact, at the center of the universe. ─── 在16世纪,哥白尼根据当时人们看做神秘而细微的天空运动现象,提出了实际上地球并不是宇宙的中心。
54、As in many rites in Esoteric Christianity, especially in transmitting a divine influence upon another, invocation is often made upon God or the angelic hierarchy. ─── 因为在许多仪式在密宗基督教,特别是在转递另一个神圣的影响,调用时所作的往往是上帝或天使等级。
55、The name Wei, or “Mighty”, is so popular that parents have been turning to ancient and esoteric dictionaries to find more unusual monikers for their children. ─── “伟”这个名字太普遍了,以至于有些父母不得不求助于古老深奥的字典来给自己的孩子找个与众不同的名字。
56、Although no ancient texts on Atlantean Vailixi are known to exist, some information has come down through esoteric, "occult" sources which describe their flying machines. ─── 尽管没有关于亚特兰蒂斯维利斯的文献存在,一些资料通过深奥而来,“神秘的”来源形容着他们的飞行机器。
57、On the other, beyond pickets of eucalyptuses, rose the dark mass of a more esoteric rain forest which obscured, presumably, the ocean. ─── 另一侧,比桉树桩更远的地方,冒出一片黑乎乎的,愈发深奥莫测的热带雨林,使得大海似乎显得模糊不清。
58、Perhaps out of his dislike of esoteric Buddhism, he was fascinated by Christianity and welcomed Jesuit missionaries. ─── 也许是出于对深奥佛教的厌恶,信长迷上了基督教和友好的基督教传教士带给他的东西。
59、Experts might occasionally look for esoteric features, and they might make heavy use of a few of them. ─── 专家可能会不时寻找深奥的功能,并且会经常使用其中一些。
60、Sergio: That sounds very esoteric. ─── 塞吉奥:这听起来很玄妙。
61、Lily: Yes. You can see both the popular and the more esoteric. ─── 在巴比肯中心,观众能看到的艺术形式范围之广真是让人吃惊。
62、Various theories have been put forward, many focusing on esoteric ideas from theoretical physics. ─── 已经提出了各种各样的理论,很多理论聚焦于来自理论物理学的深奥观点。
63、The difference between that mode and a direct American military airlift was so esoteric as to seem academic. ─── 在这种方式和直接的美国军事空运之间,很难看出有什么差别,因此要说有差别,就显得有些学院式的咬文嚼字了。
64、A number of doctoral students sighed with feeling after the event, saying they would benefit the rest of their life from listening to this esoteric lecture by a world-level master of physics. ─── 一些学物理的博士生事后感叹,听了一堂世界级大师“最高境界”的物理学术报告而将终生受用。
65、Posited in the eighth house, an Esoteric and Succedent house, a prenatal eclipse carries a most significant karmic message. ─── 处在第8宫,一个玄密宫和接续宫位中,这样的出生前日月食,带有显著的前世伤痕的痕迹。
66、Their esoteric doctrine the Kaballah (meaning: tradition) appeared in Jewish mystic circles in Spain and Southern France in the 12th century. ─── 它们深奥的学说“喀巴拉”(意思是传统)在十二世纪出现在西班牙和法国南部的犹太神秘主义圈子中。
67、Wall Street's most esoteric instuments were built on these ideas. ─── 华尔街最高深莫测的工具就是根据这些想法建立的。
68、Without this mind, no one can hope to be accepted by the Buddha, and therefore is not qualified for the practice of the Esoteric doctrine. ─── 没有这头脑,没有人能够希望被佛陀认可,而因此没有资格修习密教。
69、You will be inclined toward mysticism and show an interest for esoteric ideas. ─── 你将倾向于神秘主义,并表现出对密教理想的兴趣。
70、Zhu Fahu , known as "Dunhuang Bodhisattva ", translated many sutras of Esoteric Buddhism, which is the indirect evidence about the early Esoteric Buddhism importing Dunhuang area at the Western Jin Dynasty. ─── “敦煌菩萨”竺法护译出多部陀罗尼密典,这是西晋时期早期密教传入敦煌的间接依据。
71、Today this cosmology seems to attract rather the sectarian esoteric kind of people, and not liberals of the more rationalistic kind. ─── 今天,这种宇宙哲学似乎更为具有神秘色彩的教派主义人士欣赏,而不是那些理性得多的自由主义者。
72、An exclusive group of persons sharing an esoteric, usually artistic or intellectual interest. ─── 团体共享某一秘密的,通常在艺术或知识兴趣方面的排他性团体
73、Qabbalah refers to an oral tradition of esoteric or secret knowledge concerning' essentially' the mysteries of Nature, and more overtly, the hidden teachings concerning the Hebrew Torah. ─── 卡巴拉指的是关于自然界神秘‘质’口头相传的深奥或秘密知识,更多公开的关于希伯来律法教导。
74、In Hellenistic times many esoteric and magical texts were written using his name (though none of those texts had anything to do with the real Zarathushtra) and Zoroaster was thought of as one of the greatest magicians. ─── 在希腊化时期,很多深奥和不可思议的文本都以他的名字写出来(尽管那些文献与真实的琐罗亚斯德无关),琐罗亚斯德被认为是最伟大的魔法师之一。
75、At the esoteric edge of the timekeeper's craft, they are too wobbly to keep time by themselves. ─── 在这个原子钟的装置里,它们还是太不稳定了,不能靠自身确保时间。
76、Juergen Lipp, who has a bookstore specializing in esoteric articles in Hamburg, Germany, likes to surround himself with angels in numerous forms. ─── 尤尔根利普在德国汉堡拥有一个专营各类深奥书籍的书店。他喜欢各种类型的天使围绕在他身边。
77、It becomes a mean by which the follower of the Esoteric Buddhism can achieve self-purification of his nature. ─── 它成为一种意思,通过它密教信徒能够达到自我天性的净化。
78、He saw that (5) the only way to compete for "wall power" at the all-important annual exhibition of the RA was to carve out his own niche, the more eye-catching and esoteric the better. ─── 他发现,要想在至关重要的皇家美术学院年度画展上争取到“支持力量”,只有标新立异,越引人注目、越生涩越好。
79、At this point, you should have a good grasp of the basics. In this section we'll cover some more esoteric uses of the library. ─── 到目前为止,你应该很好地掌握了基本知识。在这一节中,我们将讲到这个库的一些更加细节的使用。
80、Even where it is not deliberately institutionalized as esoteric, it remains"secret" by virtue of its unintelligibility to the general populace. ─── 即令没有刻意的制度化使之具”隐密性,也会因常人难以理解而成为“秘密”。
81、Ter( s) are esoteric teachings concealed mainly by Guru Padmasambhava in the9 th Century through his mystical power. ─── “德玛”是公元九世纪时莲花生大士以其神通力伏藏起来的密法。
82、But I was also given to understand that issues of money and finance are considered to be rather esoteric subjects by the majority of the community. ─── 但与此同时我亦听过相反的意见,认为金融财经是社会大多数人感到较艰涩的课题。
83、Studies on Literature of Classical Esoteric Arts ─── 古典术数文献研究
84、PUL also offers an extensive range of esoteric tests. ─── 协和洛奇也提供范围很广的特检服务。
85、"Taking the six elements as essence" is the Esoteric interpretation of the origin of the cosmos. ─── “获得六种元素作为本质”是密宗的宇宙起源解释。
86、The consummately versatile director, soon to be declared a master of the "esoteric weapon" kung-fu film, develops his style with this sharp thriller that really gets to the point. ─── 寇取得遇害县官宋化龙身上的公文,得以入城,却仍为范捉拿,幸得酒店店主的女儿雪娘(李菁),自认寇是其表哥,寇才幸免被捕;寇向雪道出自己的身份及真相。
87、Their interest in philosophical speculation gave rise to a variety of Christian devotion that was much too private and esoteric, and irrelevant to the unbelievers at Colossae . ─── 他们热衷的哲学思维虽然有助于发展出各种较私人且较隐密难解的基督徒灵修方式,但这些对于在歌罗西的非基督徒来说却是风马牛不相及;
88、Five Buddhas of Esoteric School are enshrined in the Hall of Mahavira of the temple of the Trantrism Sect. ─── 五位主尊佛密宗佛寺大雄宝殿往往供奉五位主尊佛,亦称“五智佛”。
89、The Psychology Of The Esoteric ─── 奥秘心理学
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