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adjunctive 发音

英:[[ə'dʒʌŋktɪv]]  美:[[ə'dʒʌŋktɪv]]

英:  美:

adjunctive 中文意思翻译



adjunctive 词性/词形变化,adjunctive变形

形容词: adjunctive |名词: adjunc-tion |

adjunctive 短语词组

1、adjunctive definition medical ─── 附加定义医学

2、adjunctive therapy ─── [医]附加疗法,辅助治疗

3、adjunctive modifier ─── 附加修饰语

4、adjunctive professor ─── 副教授

5、adjunctive chemotherapy ─── 辅助化疗

6、adjunctive definition ─── 附加定义

7、adjunctive care ─── 辅助护理

8、adjunctive clause ─── 附加条款

9、adjunctive antipsychotic ─── 辅助抗精神病药

10、adjunctive therapy meaning ─── 辅助治疗意义

11、adjunctive soothing cream ─── 辅助舒缓霜

12、adjunctive define ─── 附加定语

13、adjunctive treatment ─── 辅助治疗

14、adjunctive steroids ─── 辅助类固醇

adjunctive 相似词语短语

1、adjunctively ─── 附加地

2、adjustive ─── adj.调节的;调整的

3、injunctive ─── adj.命令的;指令的;禁止令

4、adjunctions ─── n.添加;附益

5、conjunctive ─── adj.连接的;结合的;n.连接词

6、adductive ─── 内收的,能内收的

7、adjunction ─── n.添加;附益

8、adjudicative ─── adj.判决的

9、adjective ─── adj.形容词的;从属的;n.形容词

adjunctive 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、A referee, in the form of a vulnerability-analysis tool, can be a valuable adjunct in keeping abreast of services and servers automatically. ─── 仲裁器(洞分析工具)一个在自动维护服务与服务器的同步方面非常有价值的附属工具。

2、A panel of neutralizing, cross-reactive mAbs might be useful for prophylaxis or adjunctive treatment of human cases of H5N1 influenza. ─── 可见在小鼠实验室感染模型研究中,H5N1单克隆抗体可起到预防和治疗的作用,提示该抗体可能也适用于人禽流感病例的预防和辅助治疗。

3、Whether there might be a role for carotid ultrasound as an adjunctive test in all patients referred for EST deserves further study. ─── 颈动脉超声是否在所有进行运动负荷试验病人都能作为辅助诊断,有待于进一步研究。

4、A sound economic base is considered an essential adjunct to Maori cultural resurgence. ─── 人们认为牢固的经济基础是毛利文化复兴必不可少的附带条件。

5、The aprotinin is the choice drug for the treatment of acute or chronic pancreatitis, emphysema, bronchitis and asthma, and its can also be used for the adjunctive treatment of tumors. ─── 抑肽酶是治疗急、慢性胰腺炎、肺气肿、支气管炎、哮喘的首选药物,还可用于肿瘤的辅助治疗。

6、AndAn adjunct professor is hired to teach for a limited time, usually once a one semester. ─── 一个副教授是有期限的被雇佣,通常是一个学期。

7、Beukema et al. Intermediate to Long-Term Results of Radiofrequency Modified Maze Procedure as an Adjunct to Open-Heart Surgery. Ann Thorac Surg 2008;86:1409-1414. ─── 心脏手术同期直视射频导管消融改良迷宫术治疗心房颤动1年有效率为69%,3年有效率56%,5年有效率52%。口服抗凝药物脑卒中的发生率仅为1.6%。

8、Objective: to evaluate resistance as an adjunctive therapy in treating hypertension complications. ─── 目的:抵抗力辅助疗法对高血压并发症的效果分析。

9、He has also been serving part-time as Adjunct Professor of Economics at the University of Basel, and is a Research Fellow of the Centre for Economic Policy Research in London. ─── 先生亦曾以兼职形式担任巴塞尔大学经济学客席教授,亦是伦敦经济政策研究中心研究员。

10、"We're not adocating that they chuck their medication, but I would adise that they could use it as an adjunct and see how they are doing," Streeter said. ─── “我们并不是主张人们放弃药物治疗,但我建议他们把瑜珈作为一种辅助手段来利用,并且看看它的效果如何,”Streeter说。

11、It may also be used as an adjunctive in treatment of toxicities due to alcohol, barbiturates, or sulphonamides. ─── 可用于酒精、巴比妥类、磺胺类药物中毒时的辅助治疗;

12、Results All the patients received operative treatment after basic nutritional support and adjunctive insulin therapy. ─── 结果全部患者在营养支持和胰岛素辅助治疗的基础上,以外科手术治疗为主。

13、Bulk-logged recovery increases performance for bulk operations and is intended to be used as an adjunct to the full recovery model. ─── 大容量日志恢复可提高大容量操作的性能,并可用作完整恢复模式的附加模式。

14、After publication of these findings, a task force of the American Psychological Association validated hypnosis as an adjunct procedure for the treatment of obesity. ─── 在这些成果发表后,美国心理学学会的一个工作小组认可催眠为治疗肥胖的附加疗程。

15、Adjunct professors may have a doctorate. ─── 助理教授也可能有博士学位。

16、He was an Associate professor of Engineering Science in Virginia and an Adjunct Professor of Business at NYU. ─── 他曾任弗吉尼亚大学工程学副教授,纽约大学商学院兼职教授。

17、When disease is seen as an invader, forced upon the integrity of the self for no reason, then the individual seems powerless and the conscious mind an adjunct. ─── 当疾病被视作侵略者,无缘无故地强加在自我的完整性上时,个人就变得软弱无力,意识头脑也成了附属物。

18、Acceleration.A few schools, such as Arizona State University, are responding to current budget shortfalls by laying off adjunct faculty. ─── 加速只有很少的学校,比如亚利桑那州立大学,为了应对现今的预算短缺而停止有助教的院系。

19、Creative thinking can search effective and adjunctive therapy. ─── 创造性思维可寻找有效的辅助治疗措施。

20、Sabril is approved for the treatment of infantile spasms and as adjunct therapy for adults with refractory complex partial seizures. ─── 喜保宁获准作为婴儿痉挛治疗药和成人难治性癫痫局部复杂发作的辅助治疗药。

21、Rice was the main adjunct in brewery. The varieties of rice with different quality were very rich in our country. ─── 我国啤酒酿造主要使用大米作为辅料,我国大米品种繁多,其品质有较大差异。

22、Ms.Davis is also the Adjunct Professor of Government at New York University Law School. ─── 戴维斯女士也是纽约大学法学院政府行政管理兼职教授。

23、Excision of brow fat pad is an extremely valuable adjunct to blepharoplasty surgery in some patient with heaviness and bulkiness in the lateral upper orbital region. ─── 尤其是合并有上眼眶部外侧肥厚沈重的症状,更可经由这个附加的步骤来去除多馀的脂肪层而达到更理想的效果。

24、An adjunct professor is hired to teach for a limited time, usually one semester. ─── 助手教授是在有限的时间内被雇佣用于教学,通常是一学期。

25、I just thought of a brilliant adjunct to the Chaos Theory. ─── 我刚刚想出一个绝好的方案 可以补充混沌理论

26、Duquesne University appointed Xu Zhihui as adjunct professor of Law on June 1, 2004. ─── 2004年6月1日,杜肯大学法学院特别聘请许智慧博士担任法学副教授。

27、For weight reduction in people with Type2 diabetes who are obese, it may sometimes be appropriate to consider weight loss medications as adjunct therapy. ─── 对于肥胖2型糖尿病人群的降低体重治疗来说,有时把降低体重药物视为辅助治疗方式可能是恰当的。

28、Of the 44 patients, 50% also received adjunctive therapy with memantine. ─── 这44名患者中,其中50%还接受美金刚辅助治疗。

29、Clinically, it has been used to treat peripheral neuropathic pain associated with diabetic peripheral neuropathy (DPN) , postherpetic neuralgia (PHN) and as an adjunctive treatment for epilepsy. ─── 临床用于治疗外周神经痛、糖尿病性外周神经病(DPN)引起的疼痛、疱疹后神经痛(PHN)及部分癫痫发作的辅助治疗。

30、Without these adjunct cereals, the limiting nutritional factor for yeast in fermentation would be protein. ─── 如果没有这些谷物的补充,发酵过程中酵母菌的限制营养因子或许是蛋白质。

31、And the application of evidence-based medicine in the adjunctive therapy of breast cancer was discussed based on philosoph... ─── 从哲学的角度探讨循证医学在乳腺癌辅助治疗中的应用。

32、The ZigBee Cluster Library, as an adjunct to the stack, standardizes application behavior across profiles and provides an invaluable resource for profile developers. ─── 图书馆的ZigBee集群,作为一种辅助的堆栈,标准化应用的概况和行为提供了一个宝贵资源概况开发商。

33、Anecdotal evidence suggests that immunosuppressive drugs as adjunctive therapy may be beneficial. ─── 非对照研究表明,免疫抑制剂作为一种辅助治疗可能有益。

34、Thus, L-arginine as adjunctive therapy will do good on human vascular endothelium as target organ for the preventive and therapeutic strategy in certain types of cardiovascular disease. ─── 因此,精氨酸做为辅助疗法,对于心血管疾病之预防及治疗,包括糖尿病、细血管疾病,因此我们将内皮系统视为治疗的器官,终将有良好的临床效应。

35、The DDI reflects the condition of left ventricular systolic and diastolic myocardial function ,it can be used as a reliable adjunctive index of myocardial function. ─── 多普勒推导指数可反映左室收缩及舒张功能状态 ,对于评价AMI患者预后具有重要意义。

36、For weight reduction in people with Type 2 diabetes who are obese, it may sometimes be appropriate to consider weight loss medications as adjunct therapy. ─── 对于肥胖2型糖尿病人群的降低体重治疗来说,有时把降低体重药物视为辅助治疗方式可能是恰当的。

37、Of the patients, 2034 received external drainage(82.5%) and 431 received internal drainage(17.5%) and 586 were performed adjunctive partial hepatectomy (23.8%). ─── 手术方式:单纯外引流2034例(82·5%),单纯内引流手术431例(17·5%),附加肝部分切除586例(23·8%)。

38、Objective: To understand further the e value and practice of fiberobronchoscopy and its adjunctive method to atelectasis etiopathogenisis. ─── 目的:探讨纤维支气管镜(纤支镜)检查及其辅助手段在肺不张病因诊断中的价值及应用。

39、Obligatory adjunct in English is a special element that syntactically and semantically complements the major predicator for the clause. ─── 作为信息焦点的载体之一,英语必具状语是从结构和语义方面对语句述谓进行必要补充的一种特殊成分。

40、However, the use of phenobarbital as a sedative in the postoperative surgical period and as an adjunct to cancer chemotherapy is well established. ─── 但是,术后镇静或作为癌症化疗辅助药物作用时则无此顾虑。

41、If you're going to be sharing a meal or some other human interchange in a relaxed way, alcohol can be a rewarding adjunct to the experience. ─── 如果你想轻松自在地与人共进晚餐或进行其他某种人际交往,酒可以为您助兴。

42、Clauses can have an adverbial, also called an adjunct. ─── 句子还可用状语,或称修饰语。

43、He added that the school-based program was ery effectie and said that schools could be "a ery iable adjunct" to accine distribution. ─── 他补充到,以学校为基础的免疫方案是非常有效的,学校可成为免疫分布的有力组成部分。

44、Other methods such as microwave therapy,ultrasound therapy,physical therapy and traditional Chinese Medicin are added as adjunctive treatment. ─── 并配合微波照射、超声波理疗、体疗及中药熏洗等康复治疗。

45、He serves as an Adjunct Assistant Professor of Computer Science at the University of Texas, Austin. ─── 他在奥斯汀的德州大学担任计算机科学助教。

46、Isabella Moore of Cilt said: "The UK needs linguists and people who can speak a language as an adjunct to other skills. ─── 国家语言中心的伊莎贝拉·摩尔说:“英国需要语言学家和会说外语的各类人才。”

47、As an adjunct to this study, he has identified every sandstone and siltstone unit within the Morrowan by number. ─── 作为这一研究的副产品,他根据层次对比了莫罗万系中的各层砂岩和粉砂岩单位。

48、Locality phrases or time phrases are often used as the adverbial adjunct at the beginning of the sentence. ─── 存现句的句首状语一般是表示处所和时间的词语。

49、Bromeleain is used as an adjunct in the treatment of soft tissue inflammation and edema associated with trauma and surgery. ─── Bromeleain被用来治疗与外伤及手术有关的软体组织发炎及水肿。

50、Many are assistant or adjunct professors. ─── 很多都是助理或者附属教授。

51、The bulk-logged recovery model is intended strictly as an adjunct to the full recovery model. ─── 大容量日志恢复模式旨在严格作为完整恢复模式的附加补充。

52、Additional data are needed on selection and dosing of adjunctive therapies and on complications in the elderly. ─── 对老年人选择再灌注的策略,以及辅助治疗和并发症的治疗还需要试验研究。

53、Since 1990, Elliot has also served as Adjunct Professor at Columbia University Business School and Columbia Law School. ─── 1990年起,Elliot也在哥伦比亚大学商学院和哥伦比亚法学院担任兼任教授一职。

54、He has also held adjunct and visiting positions at Stanford, the ETH, and Duke. ─── 他还曾在斯坦福大学、瑞士联邦技术学院(ETH)和杜克大学担任客座职务。

55、Effectiveness of Diyu Shengbai tabella as adjunctive treatment in the radiotherapy of malignant tumour. ─── 地榆升白片在恶性肿瘤放疗中的效果。

56、Not just a brag,not just a stepping stone to a higher title,not just an adjunct to competition. ─── 一个较高的称号不仅仅是自夸,也不仅仅是一块垫脚石,更不是参与竞争的附属物。

57、therapy is another important means for periodontal disease. ─── 治疗是牙周病治疗的另一个重要方面。

58、L. acidophilus may modify the microbial flora in the lower intestine, thus improving general health, and it often is used as a dietary adjunct. ─── 嗜酸乳杆菌可以改变一些肠道内微生物菌群,因此会改善健康情况,而且经常用它辅助食疗。

59、Not all college teachers are full professors.Many are assistant or adjunct professors. ─── 不是所有的大学老师都是教授,很多是助教或是副教授。

60、This presents us with both an insight into the nature of obligatory adjunct and a unified interpretation of various obligatory adjuncts in some seemly irrelevant structures. ─── 不仅帮助我们把握必具状语的本质,而且使我们对一些看似不太相关的句式结构所带的必具状语做出统一解释。

61、All these approaches treat the internet as an overlay or an adjunct to the physical world, not a separate space. ─── 所有这些技术都将互联网当成是对现实世界的延伸或补充,而不是一个完全独立的世界。

62、Bryan Caplan blogger, professor of economics at George Mason University and an Adjunct Scholar of the Cato Institute. ─── 布赖恩卡布兰,博客主,乔治马森大学经济学教授,卡图研究会的助理学者。

63、Clee."The books could seem at worst a mere adjunct of the films and television series that were made out of them. ─── 克里先生说,“最糟糕的是,图书可能仅仅变成了由他们改编而来的电影或电视剧的附属品。”

64、ARTHUR L.KLATSKY is a senior consultant in cardiology and an adjunct investigator at the division of research at the Kaiser Permanente Medical Center in Oakland, Calif. ─── 克拉斯基是美国加州奥克兰市凯瑟帕曼内特医学中心心脏科的资深顾问,也是研究部的兼任研究员。

65、Adjunctive therapy is another important means for periodontal disease. ─── 全身调节治疗是牙周病治疗的另一个重要方面。

66、Interventional ultrasound may serve as an adjunct or alternative treatment for disrupting thrombi. ─── 作为一种附助或替代的血栓消融方法超声介入治疗有着良好的应用前景。

67、Aggressive mechanical clot disruption: A safe adjunct to thrombolytic therapy in acute stroke? ─── 强力机械性血块破碎是否是急性卒中溶栓治疗的安全辅助措施?

68、No adjunct to the Muses' diadem. ─── 不会给缪斯的冠冕增添一分光彩。

69、Experience has been gathered using LMWHs as an adjunctive therapy with thrombolytics for acute myocardial infarction. ─── 经验常常将低分子肝素作为辅助疗法与溶栓剂治疗急性心肌梗死。

70、In more conventional use, the Silent Sounds Subliminal System might utilise voice commands, e.g., as an adjunct to security systems. ─── 在更通常的用法里,沉默声音潜意识系统可以利用声音的命令,例如,作为安全系统的配置。

71、On-line instruction is a useful adjunct to the real thing. ─── 在线指导是对真实事物的有力补充。

72、Another alternative or adjunct to using a formatted text field is installing an input verifier on the field. ─── 使用格式化的文本字段的另一个选择或另一个修饰方法是在字段上加装一个验证器。

73、A pressure-and-vacuum vent valve is a kind of important adjunct,which pressure testing relates to its security and reliability. ─── 呼吸阀是油罐的重要附件之一,其试验压力关系到呼吸阀的安全性和可靠性。

74、AndAn adjunct professor is higher hired to teach for a limited time, usually one semester. ─── 副教授被雇用在有限课时教书,通常只是一学期。

75、The SelectionRangeConverter class is an adjunct class to SelectionRange that enables you to convert to and from other types, most often strings. ─── SelectionRangeConverter类是SelectionRange的附属类,可用于与其他类型(最常见的是字符串)进行转换。

76、Our results suggest that MMP-9 could be an important target for adjunct therapy to enhance the response of tumors to radiotherapy. ─── 我们的结论认为MMP-9可以成为辅助治疗的一个重要靶点从而提高肿瘤对放疗的反应性。

77、This made me speculate that it was some adjunct course of study or department. ─── 因此我就猜测到学科或系的附属课程上去了。

78、KLATSKY is a senior consultant in cardiology and an adjunct investigator at the division of research at the Kaiser Permanente Medical Center in Oakland, Calif. ─── 克拉斯基毕业于哈佛医学院,他曾担任哈佛医学院心脏科的主任(1978~1994),并领导冠状动脉医疗小组(1968~1990)。

79、AndAn adjunct professor is hired to teach for a limitied limited time, usually once a simesterone semester. ─── 助理教授在有限的时间被聘用,一般一学期一次。

80、In the last 20 years they have been investigated as adjunctive agents to conventional antipsychotic drugs in the treatment of schizophrenia. ─── 在过去20年中,他们已进行了调查作为辅助剂常规抗精神病药物治疗精神分裂症。

81、Ramachandran directs the Center for Brain and Cognition at the University of California at San Diego and is adjunct professor at the Salk Institute for Biological Studies. ─── 拉玛钱德朗在美国加州大学圣地牙哥分校主持脑与认知中心,兼任沙克生物研究院教授。

82、Of the 44 patients, 50% also received adjunctive therapy with memantine. ─── 其中50%也接受美金刚的辅助治疗。

83、These two reports are considered by many as valuable adjunct to the Commerce Department's index of leading indicators. ─── 后者能相当准确地反映制造业的活动。

84、CBI theory is the one according to which foreign language teaching is adjunct to the teaching of a subject or a subject matter. ─── CBI理念是指外语教学中基于某个学科或是基于某个主题开展教学的一种理念。

85、Gene Callahan economist, writer, and adjunct scholar with the Ludwig von Mises Institute. ─── 基因卡亚汉,经济学家,作家,路德威格研究会的助理学者。

86、A word that may be modified by an adjunct. ─── 可以被一个修饰语修饰的词

87、The writer is scholar-in-residence at American University's School of International Service and adjunct associate professor at its Washington College of Law. ─── 作者是美利坚大学国际服务学院驻校学者,并在该校华盛顿法学院兼任副教授。

88、George Carlo, an adjunct professor at George Washington University in Washington D.C., there are serious questions that have been raised about the safely of cellphones. ─── 华盛顿大学的助理教授,他说有关手机的安全问题,已经提出了一些严肃的问题。

89、I believe that humor is a great adjunct to teaching and that, if it's the right kind of humor, it helps children learn faster and remember longer. ─── 我相信幽默有助于教学,适当的幽默可以增加儿童学习的速度与增强记忆。

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