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09-12 投稿



dismayful 中文意思翻译



dismayful 相似词语短语

1、disdainful ─── adj.轻蔑的;倨傲的;鄙视的

2、dismal ─── adj.凄凉的,忧郁的;阴沉的,沉闷的;差劲的;可怜的

3、diseaseful ─── adj.不健康的,产生细菌的

4、dismayfully ─── 沮丧地

5、Kismayu ─── n.基斯麦犹

6、dismayed ─── v.(使)灰心;(使)害怕(dismay的过去式及过去分词);adj.担心的;失望的

7、dismay ─── n.沮丧,灰心;惊慌;vt.使沮丧;使惊慌

8、dismayl ─── 迪斯迈尔

9、dishful ─── n.一碟;一碟量

dismayful 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、To their dismay, few customers have interest in their products. ─── 令他们失望的是,没什么人对他们的产品感兴趣。

2、"You don't want to have her to live with us, do you?" asked Bertha in dismay. ─── “你不想要她跟我们住在一起,是吗?”伯莎惊愕地问。

3、"The gay mayor maybe lay in the hay by the Baby bay," he says in dismay. ─── 他沮丧地说:"快活的市长大概躺在婴儿湾边上的干草中。

4、To the little boy's dismay, she said she would go. ─── 令小男孩感到惊慌的是,她说她会去。

5、He was staring with dismay the cup on the table. ─── 他垂头丧起地盯着桌上的杯子。

6、Imagine their dismay when they found a beautifully-cooked wallet notes turned to ash! ─── 可以想象他们发现一只煮的很好看的钱包、钞票已化成灰时的沮丧心情。

7、Imagine her dismay when she found all her efforts were in vain. ─── 可以想像她发现自己的心血化为泡影时的沮丧心情。

8、Used to express surprise or dismay. ─── 哎哟,天哪用于表达吃惊或惊恐

9、He stood up and gave a shout of nervous laughter to which their cries echoed dismay. ─── 他站起来,神经质地大笑了一声,他们的喊叫声反应着沮丧情绪。

10、Imagine their dismay when they found a beautifully-cooked wallet and notes turned to ash! ─── 可以想像他们发现一只煮得很好看的钱包,钞票已化成灰时的沮丧心情。

11、A dull, gloomy silence, like that which precedes some awful phenomenon of nature, pervaded the assembly, who shuddered in dismay. ─── 全场被一种象预示某种恶劣的自然现象那样阴森凄惨的沉寂弥漫着,大家都惊慌地寒颤着。

12、"Someone's stolen my bicycle!" she said in dismay. ─── “有人偷了我的自行车!”她沮丧地说。

13、The only foreseeable problem might be Kobe's dismay at having to concede so much ball-time to Steve Nash. ─── 唯一一个可能出现的问题就是,纳什将分走科比大量的控球时间,也许科比会因此沮丧。

14、To his dismay, he quickly learned the problem. ─── 使他吃惊的是,他很快发现了这个问题。

15、Much to her dismay, Vivien abandoned the academy, at Leigh's request, once they became serious about marriage. ─── 但沮丧的是,当他们正式开始谈婚论嫁时,费雯在利的要求下不得不放弃了学院的学习。

16、Soon the news was carried to Rome: "caesar has cross- ed the Rubicon;"and there was great dismay among those who had plotted to destroy him. ─── "恺撒越过卢比孔河了,"这一消息很快就传到了罗马,在那些曾经密谋消灭他的人中间引起了极大的惊慌。

17、Therefore, there should have been no concern or dismay if some of the proposals had not been included in the first list. ─── 因此,如果第一份清单没有把某些提案包含在内,我们不应该感到沮丧或焦虑。

18、To Liu Xing's dismay, Reiser discourages him;instead, he demands Liu Xing pursue topics that support his own research, specifically the Reiser Model. ─── 令他沮丧的是,瑞瑟教授却打击他的热情,要求他做有助于教授研究方向的课题,具体地说,就是要他研究瑞瑟模式。

19、The conservatives watched these developments with disbelief, then with dismay and finally with uncontrollable fury. ─── 保守派眼看事态发展,先是难以置信,然后是吃惊,继而怒不可遏。

20、Under a cruel eye outworn.The little ones spend the day, In sighing and dismay. ─── 在陈腐而残酷的眼睛监视下,在叹息和沮丧中,小孩子们度过白天。

21、She guessed it right, to my dismay. ─── 大牛:一下子被她猜出来了,真没劲。

22、Both men had just begun to swim towards the shore, when they noticed with dismay that the speedboat was moving in a circle. ─── 两个人刚开始向岸边游去,就突然惊愕地发现快艇正在转着圈行驶,

23、She had never willed to injure or dismay the boy, but the thing was done. ─── 她从来没有想伤害或鄙视那个男孩,但是事情已经这样了。

24、To my dismay, there were times where my teenage hormones spoke differently. But my mother continued to love me ever so gently. ─── 令我沮丧的是,有很多次,我作为一个少年人的年少轻狂纷沓而出,而我的妈妈,始终温柔地爱着我。

25、They looked round with dismay. ─── 他们垂头丧气地四下望了望。

26、"The gay mayor maybe lay in the hay by the Baby bay, " he says in dismay. ─── 他沮丧地说:"快活的市长大概躺在婴儿湾边上的干草中。"

27、They stared at each other in dismay. ─── 他们惊惶地面面相觑。

28、He watched the burning house with dismay. ─── 他绝望地看着火车的房子。

30、His thoughts were brusquely interrupted; looking in Ferrand's face, he saw to his dismay tears rolling down his cheeks. ─── 他的思潮被突然阻断了;朝费朗德的脸庞一看,他看见眼泪从他腮帮子上簌簌地滚下来,不由得很惊惶。

31、To many employers' dismay, traditional dress codes aren't always enough to keep employees from dressing inappropriately. ─── 令许多雇主感到沮丧的是,传统的着装规定不是从能防止员工穿着不当现象的发生。

32、For a moment she stared at him bewildered, dropping her skirts in dismay. ─── 她一时惶惑地凝视着他,连忙把手里提着的裙子放了下来。

33、He learned to his dismay that he had lost his job. ─── 他得知自己失去了工作,十分伤心。

34、To their dismay, the door was locked. ─── 使他们惊慌的是, 门已被锁上了。

35、His thoughts were brusquely interrutped; looking in Ferrand's face, he saw to his dismay tears rolling down his cheeks. ─── 他的思潮被突然阻断了;朝费朗德的脸庞一看,他看见眼泪从他腮帮子上簌簌地滚下来,不由得很惊惶。

36、To their dismay, their boss wouldn't push Monty hard enough, at least in their view. ─── 令他们沮丧的是,老板并没有给蒙蒂足够压力----至少在他们看来如此。

37、To his dismay, the lady took off her hat at once and said: "I don't want a hat that makes me look ten years older as soon as I take it off. ─── 但令他沮丧的是,这位女士马上摘下了她的帽子说:“我不想要一顶摘下来便使我立刻显得老十岁的帽子。

38、Strength resides in his neck; dismay goes before him. ─── 他颈项中存著劲力;在他面前的都恐吓蹦跳。

39、Imagine his dismay, when he knew that his girlfriend married and groom was not him. ─── 可以想像当他得知他女友结婚而新郎不是他时的沮丧心情。

40、They listened in/with dismay to the news. ─── 他们听到这个消息,惊恐万分。

41、To fill with consternation or dismay. ─── 使惊恐,使惊骇

42、To his dismay, the mouse was missing now. ─── 令他沮丧的是,老鼠不见了。

43、To his dismay, there was really nothing left to pawn. ─── 令他沮丧的是,根本没有东西可以典当了。

44、Much to my dismay, he made the same mistakes. ─── 使我很惊讶的是,他又犯了同样的错误。

45、To our dismay, our rezoning proposal was rejected by the Town Planning Board. ─── 可惜,建议遭城市规划委员会否决。

46、The Treasury secretary wants to harness shock and dismay to push for comprehensive change. ─── 他希望利用人们的震惊和沮丧来推行全面变革。

47、"But Wilson has not come," said Job, in dismay. ─── “可是威尔逊还没来呢,”约伯失望地说。

48、Imagine their dismay when they found a beautifully-cooked wallet and note turned to ash! ─── 可以想象他们发现了一个煮得很好看的钱包,钞票化成灰烬时的沮丧心情。

49、"Someone stole my house!" she said in dismay. ─── “有人偷了我们家!”她惊恐地说。

50、Therefore, does not want the quilt 1.4 this digit to hoodwink, its actual result is dismayful. ─── 因此,不要被“1.4”这个数字蒙蔽,它的实际效果让人惊愕。

51、The appearance of a comet caused universal dismay in the ancient world. ─── 在古代,彗星的出现引起普遍的恐慌。

52、As if moved by a single thought, they tried out in dismay and grief. ─── 仿佛被一种单纯的思想所促使,他们惊惶失措,高声哀叫。

53、He attacked those who sowed dismay and division. ─── 他攻击那些散布悲观情绪和煽动分裂的人。

54、To her dismay, her name was not on the list. ─── 使她难过的是,名单上没有她的名字。

55、To his dismay, James saw a tear steal down her cheek. ─── 令詹姆士惊愕的是,他看到一颗泪珠从她面颊上悄悄滚落。

56、As if moved by a single thought, they cried out in dismay and grief. ─── 他们似乎是被一种念头所感动,全都悲痛难过地哭了起来。

57、He glanced back, and saw to his dismay that they were gaining on him. ─── 他回头一看,发现他们正在向他逼近,不禁万分惊恐。

58、One should examine himself when he is in blank dismay. ─── 在最无可奈何的时候检讨自己。

59、The market is a great equalizer and usually readjusts portfolios for investors - sometimes to their dismay. ─── 其实投资大师的投资智慧已公开许久,就看你怎麽内化为自己的赚钱之道。

60、"Good heavens, how you see it through!" he cried with a dismay. ─── “我的天哪,你居然看得这么透彻

61、 双语使用场景

62、Xirun hurried in with the other maids in dismay to take him in her arms. ─── 吓得袭人辈众丫鬟忙上来搂住

63、He gazed, he drew breath, in pain; he turned in his dismay, and, turning, he had before him in sharper incision than ever the open page of his story. ─── 他痛苦地注视着,吸着气,黯然转过身去,就在转身的当儿,他看到他面前呈现着一本打开的他一生的全部经历,它从来也没有这样严厉的被剖析过。

64、He met the good lady at the station, and, somewhat to her dismay, greeted her with effusion. ─── 他去火车站迎接这位有教养的小姐,而且以一种使她感到惊愕的、热情奔放的态度欢迎她。

65、Wuduo stuck out her tongue in dismay at her gaffe. ─── 五多把舌伸伸,表示口不关风说错了话。

66、To her great dismay, Ho shows his love to Myunt only.Sheila thus helps him to be with Myunt again.Sheila's father is outraged. ─── 兰渐对浩产生爱恋,但兰发觉浩对其母亲深爱非常,于是帮助梁浩相约母亲一会。

67、"There, my dear, in you anxiety to walk, these dreams become very real." He was now exerting all his bedside manner to take the look of white dismay from her face. ─── "瞧你呀,亲爱的,急着下床走路急成这个样子,--这种热望是一定可以实现的。"他竭尽医生安慰病人之能事,力图驱散她那充满绝望的满脸愁云。

68、The captain made her advances that filled her with sickening dismay. ─── 上尉向着她动手动脚,慌得她心里作呕。

69、After squawks of dismay, Jim Jones, the national security adviser, went too. ─── 在声闻对方的抱怨之后,国家安全顾问吉姆.琼斯才也去了。

70、He was regarding with dismay the cup on the table. ─── 他垂头丧气地盯着桌上的杯子。

71、The gay mayor maybe lay in the hay by the Baby bay, he says in dismay. ─── 他沮丧地说快活的市长大概躺在婴儿湾边上的干草中。

72、The appearance of a cometcaused universal dismay in the ancient world. ─── 在古代,彗星的出现引起普遍的恐慌。

73、They surveyed the wreckage of their car in / with dismay. ─── 他们沮丧地察看他们的汽车残骸。

74、He also had part of the ruins rebuilt, to the dismay of archaeologists, with his name inscribed on many of the bricks, in imitation of Nebuchadrezzar. ─── 他也重建了部分废墟,让考古学家感到惊慌。因为他模仿尼布甲尼撒,把自己的名字记在很多砖块上。

75、He watched the burning bouse with dismay. ─── 他绝望地看着着火的房子。

76、To our dismay, we saw that there were snails everywhere: they had escaped from the paper bag and had taken complete possession of the hall! ─── 使我们惊愕的是门厅里到处爬满了蜗牛:它们从纸袋里逃了出来,爬得满屋都是!

77、Republican leaders must have surveyed the political scene during the early months of 1936 with considerable dismay. ─── 1936年头几个月,共和党的领袖们一定怀着相当的沮丧情绪考察过政治舞台。

78、Wrath and dismay contended in Ethan. ─── 伊坦是又愤恨又着急。

79、"Now where has Herb got to?" cried Mrs. Tremaine in dismay. ─── “哟,赫伯上哪儿去啦?”屈里曼太太慌张地喊。

80、Both in dismay and embarrassment looked at one another. ─── 他们俩人都吃惊地、窘迫地望着对方。

81、The owner of a small Toronto coffee shop had grounds for dismay when he received a bill for C$2.4 billion ($1.6 billion) from Canada's postal service. ─── 多伦多一家小咖啡店的老板最近被一张由加拿大邮政发给他的邮政账单弄得心慌慌。 账单上的欠费数额可真是不

82、To my dismay, this university was closed. ─── 使我沮丧的是,这所大学停办了。

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