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09-12 投稿



pentathlon 发音


英:  美:

pentathlon 中文意思翻译



pentathlon 网络释义

n. 五项运动;五项全能运动

pentathlon 词性/词形变化,pentathlon变形

形容词: Pentateuchal |

pentathlon 短语词组

1、modern pentathlon n. ─── 现代五项运动

pentathlon 相似词语短语

1、dentation ─── n.齿状;齿状突起

2、pentathlons ─── n.五项运动;五项全能运动

3、heptathlons ─── n.七项全能

4、pentathlums ─── 五项

5、pentathla ─── 五项

6、decathlon ─── n.十项运动

7、heptathlon ─── n.七项全能

8、pentathlum ─── 五项全能

9、pentathlete ─── n.五项全能运动员;参加五项运动的运动员

pentathlon 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Experimental Research to Improve Immunity of the Athletes in the Military Pentathlon ─── 提高军事五项运动员免疫力的实验研究

2、More stable: gymnastics, equestrian, swimming, gymnastics, diving, modern pentathlon. ─── 更稳:体操、马术、花样游泳、艺术体操、跳水、现代五项。

3、The original Greek games included footraces, the discus and javelin throws, the long jump, boxing, wrestling, the pentathlon, and chariot races. ─── 最初奥运会举行赛跑、铁饼、标枪、跳远、拳击、摔跤、五项全能、马车赛等其他项目。

4、More stable: gymnastics, equestrian, swimming, gymnastics, diving, modern pentathlon. ─── 更稳:体操、马术、花样游泳、艺术体操、跳水、现代五项。

5、Modern pentathlon used to be held over several days, but it's been compressed into a single day since Atlanta 1996. ─── 过去,现代五项分几天举行,但自从容不迫1996年亚特兰大奥运会以来,这项比赛缩短在一天内完成。

6、It is essential to recognize the complex nature of the controllable and uncontrollable psychological and non-psychological factors that can influence the military pentathlon performance. ─── 了解影响成绩的可控和不可控的心理和非心理因素的本质是十分重要的.

7、And there were financial problems.Modern pentathlon does not draw nearly the support as marquee sports like athletics, gymnastics, or swimming. ─── 她说:“我跑到最后两百米的时候排在第六位,离前面那个选手差得太远,根本追不上。

8、As early as 708 BC when the 18th ancient Athens Olympic Games were held, the pentathlon included discus throwing. ─── 早在公元前708年第18届古代奥运会上,五项全能比赛中的“投盘”指的就是掷铁饼。

9、VOA's David Byrd has this look at Taormina, who will compete in Beijing in the grueling, five-event modern pentathlon. ─── 她今年已经入选,即将参加挑战人体极限的现代五项的角逐。

10、The competition programme includes Track and Field events, Throwing and Jumping events, the Marathon and Pentathlon. ─── 残奥会自行车比赛分为场地赛和公路赛。场地赛包括计时赛、追逐赛、争先赛和团体竞速赛;

11、The two competitions requiring perhaps the most endurance and strength are the pentathlon and the decathlon, all performed by one man. ─── 奥运会上所有竞赛项目中有两个项目要求运动员必须具有很强的体力和耐力;一个是五项全能;另一个是十项全能,两项都要由一个人完成。

12、Do you know which five items pentathlon included? ─── 你知道五项全能比赛包括哪五个项目吗?

13、But the incidence is especially high in case of modern pentathlon. ─── 但现代五项出现这种问题的概率尤其高。

14、Lars Hall, a carpenter from Sweden, became the first nonmilitary winner of the modern pentathlon. ─── 拉斯-霍尔,一位来自瑞典的木匠,成为了首位在现代五项中获胜的非军人选手。

15、Modern pentathlon, women's football finals and men's 110m hurdles finals will also be highlights of the day. ─── 另外,现代五项、女足决赛和男子110米栏决赛也将是今日值得关注的比赛。

16、SK Gaming :Digital Games to host gaming Pentathlon? ─── 数字体育全球电子竞技大赛举办游戏五项全能?

17、The modern pentathlon. ─── 现代五项全能

18、International Union of Modern Pentathlon and Biathlon ─── 国际近代五项运动和两项运动联盟

19、He swam across a raging river, and then finally he delivered the message.So, legend has it, was born the modern pentathlon. ─── 他泅渡过急流,终于将消息送到目的地,这就是传说中的现代五项全能运动的起源。

20、Research on Structural Characteristics of Scores of Modern Pentathlon Male Athletes Abroad and at Home ─── 外优秀男子现代五项运动员成绩结构特征研究

21、The pentathlon is a traditional Olympic Sport most popular in Europe, but it is not popular outside the Olympics. ─── 五项运动是一项传统的奥运体育项目,在欧洲十分受欢迎,但是除此之外,不太流行。

22、Pentathlon dates back to the ancient Games of 708 B.C., but it resembled what we now know as decathlon and heptathlon. ─── 五项全能运动会可追溯到公元前708年的古代奥运会,它与我们现在所知的十项全能和七项全能运动很相似。

23、But unfortunately, the modern Pentathlon's Olympic history has all too often failed to live up to the lofty ideals of its founder. ─── 但遗憾的是,奥运会现代五项的历史却频频辜负其创始人的崇高愿望。

24、Some sports were invented specifically for the Olympics.One example is the modern pentathlon. ─── 有些运动项目是特别为了奥运会发明的,现代五项就是一例。

25、The two competitions requiring perhaps the most endurance and strength are the pentathlon and the decathon, all performed by one man. ─── 奥运会上所有竞赛项目中有两个项目要求运动员必须具有很强的体力和耐力;一个是五项全能;另一个是十项全能,两项都要由一个人完成。

26、The Experimental Research of Enhancing the Level of Hemoglobin in the Athletes of Pentathlon and the Influence to the Sports Work Capability ─── 军事五项运动员血红蛋白水平及其对运动能力影响的实验研究

27、Ten contestants are competing in the pentathlon. ─── 十位选手参与此次五项全能运动的竞赛。

28、Modern Pentathlon -- Women Semifinal ─── 女子现代五项半决赛

29、There were only running, wrestling, horse racing, and pentathlon at that time. ─── 比赛项目只有赛跑、摔跤、赛马、五项全能等。

30、Conceptual framework of factors affecting performance of military pentathlon ─── 影响军事五项运动成绩因素的理论框架

31、She competes at national level around the UK in the athletic pentathlon, meaning she has to train 3 times per week, and attend an athletics event on most weekends. ─── 她在英国参加的全国级赛事是五项全能,这意味着她每星期必须训练三次,而且大部分的周末都要参加比赛。

32、Within the first hundred years, the pentathlon was added. (In Greek, penta means "five"; athlon means "contest".) One of its contests was foot racing. The other four were wrestling, broad jumping, discus throwing and, javelin throwing. ─── 在最初的一百年内,增加了五项全能运动(即 pentathlon,希腊语penta是“五”的意思;athlon作“比赛”解),其中一项是赛跑,其它四项为摔跤、跳远、掷铁饼和掷标枪。

33、The Establishment of the Monitoring Indexes on Military Pentathlon Women Athletes'Physical Capability ─── 军事五项女运动员体能监测指标的建立

34、Never before in the history of the modernOlympics had one man competed in both pentathlon and decathlonat one meeting of the Olympic Games. ─── 在现代奥运会历史上,从来没有任何人在一届奥运会上既参加五项全能比赛又参加十项全能比赛的。

35、The combination of five completely different sports constitutes Modern Pentathlon, the most demanding sport of the Olympic Games. ─── 现代五项是由五种完全不同的运动项目组成的,是奥运会中最苛求的一个项目。

36、an athlete who competes in a pentathlon. ─── 在五项全能运动竞赛的运动员。

37、The most popular hero of the 1912 Games was Jim Thorpe of the United States.Thorpe won the five-event pentathlon and shattered the world record in the ten-event decathlon. ─── 1912年最受欢迎的英雄是美国的吉米-索普,他在五项全能比赛的5个项目上全部胜出,在十项全能比赛中又打破了世界纪录。

38、Gradually, other running events were added, as well as horse racing, wrestling, a pentathlon, chariot racing, and boxing. ─── 后来,运动项目不断增加,包括赛马、摔跤、五项全能、马车比赛和拳击等。

39、Modern Pentathlon -- Women Final ─── 女子现代五项决赛

40、Chinese military pentathlon team holds safer lead at World Military Pentathlon Championship ─── 军事五项世界锦标赛我军男女队继续扩大领先优势

41、Analysis on personality profiles of military pentathlon athletes ─── 军事五项运动员人格特征分析

42、Four multi-sport arenas within the Olympic Park will ensure that competitors in the Fencing, Modern Pentathlon, Volleyball, Handball and Basketball events would be right at the heart of the action. ─── 位于奥林匹克公园内的四个多功能运动场将可以确保障碍赛、现代五项、排球、手球和篮球等比赛成为众人瞩目的赛事。

43、Modern pentathlon became an Olympic event in 1912. ─── 现代五项在1912年被列为奥运会项目。

44、The sports events were much less than now — only racing, wrestling, horse-racing and pentathlon. ─── 运动会的比赛项目比现在少得多,只有赛跑、摔跤、赛马和五项全能。

45、The River Zone, along the Manzanares River, would host rowing, beach volleyball, archery, cycling, tennis, modern pentathlon, triathlon, equestrian and rhythmic gymnastics ─── 沿曼萨纳雷斯河的场馆区域,将举办赛艇,沙滩排球,射箭,自行车,网球,现代五项,铁人三项,马术,艺术体操

46、Mathematics Pentathlon relates to a mathematics curriculum and staff development program known as Mathematics Experience-Based Approach (MEBA). ─── 数学五项全能运动涉及到数学课程及以经验为基础的数学方法的教职员训练程序(MEBA)。

47、Modem Pentathlon ─── 现代五项

48、Modern Pentathlon -- Women ─── 女子现代五项

49、International Modern Pentathlon and Biathlon Union ─── 国际现代五项和冬季两项联盟

50、But unfortunately,the modern Pentathlon's Olympic history has all too often failed to live up to the lofty ideals of its founder. ─── 但遗憾的是,奥运会现代五项的历史却频频辜负其创始人的崇高愿望。

51、International Modern Pentathlon and Biathlon Union ( UIPMB ) ─── 国际现代五项和冬季两项联盟 ( UIPMB )

52、The women's pentathlon did not make the Olympic program until 1964, but Babe Didrikson would have won that event in 1932, with laughable ease. ─── 女子马拉松是在1964年以后才列为奥运会正式比赛项目的,但是米尔德丽德在1932年,就曾经获得马拉松比赛的冠军。

53、Modern Pentathlon -- Women Medal Ceremony ─── 女子现代五项颁奖仪式

54、The Analysis of Scientific Research Service to the Main Athletes in Military Pentathlon during Preparing the 52nd World Championship ─── 军事五项队出征第52届世界锦标赛的科研保障

55、Research on the Winning Factors of Chinese Modern Pentathlon in 2008 Olympic Games ─── 2008年奥运会我国现代五项运动制胜要素研究

56、He won the pentathlon and the very next day, while most of his competitors were recovering, Thorpe went out and competed in the decathlon, easily winning the gold medal. ─── 就在他夺得五项全能冠军后的第二天,大部分对手的体力还未恢复,他又出证去参加十项全能了,并轻松夺冠。

57、Modern Pentathlon men and women athletes need to have strength, endurance, quick reflexes and concentration. ─── 现代五项的参赛者要有力量、耐力、快速反应和集中精力的能力。。

58、Training load control is studied in modern pentathlon during altitude training by physiological and biochemical indexes. ─── 在八一现代五项队为备战九运会进行高原训练期间,利用某些生理生化指标进行训练负荷的监控。

59、Archery , Athletics , Artistic Gymnastics , Boxing , Canoe , Cycling,Modern Pentathlon, ─── 射箭,田径,体操,拳击,皮划艇,自行车,现代五项,

60、An Analysis on Swimming Training in the Modern Pentathlon ─── 对我国现代五项游泳训练的分析

61、The pentathlon is a traditional Olympic Sport most popular in Europe,but it is not popular outside the Olympics. ─── 五项运动是一项传统的奥运体育项目,在欧洲十分受欢迎,但是除此之外,不太流行。

62、The combination of five completely different sports constitutes Modern Pentathlon, the most demanding sport of the Olympic Games. ─── 现代五项是由五种完全不同的运动项目组成的,是奥运会中最苛求的一个项目。

63、74. What is modern pentathlon?Equestrianism, fencing, swimming, shooting and cross-country race. ─── 现代五项是什么?马术、击剑、游泳、射击和越野跑。

64、4 Germany 4: hydrostatic canoeing, equestrian, field hockey, modern pentathlon; ─── 4 德国4项:皮划艇静水、马术、曲棍球、现代五项;

65、By the late8 th century BC, events included running, wrestling, boxing, pancratium( a mixture of boxing and wrestling), chariot racing, a footrace with heavy armor, and the pentathlon. ─── 在公元前8世纪末,比赛项目包括赛跑、跤、击、斗(跤和拳击并用)赛车、重跑和五项全能运动。

66、Keywords military pentathlon;personality;16-PF;athlete; ─── 关键词军事五项;人格;16-PF;运动员;

67、When was modern pentathlon introduced to the Olympic Games? ─── 现代五项是何时成为奥运会比赛项目的?

68、The two competitions requiring perhaps the most endurance and strength are the pentathlon and the decathlon, all performed by one man ─── 奥运会上所有竞赛项目中有两个项目要求运动员必须具有很强的体力和耐力;一个是五项全能;另一个是十项全能,两项都要由一个人完成。

69、military pentathlon ─── 军事五项

70、By the late 8th century BC, events included running, wrestling, boxing, pancratium (a mixture of boxing and wrestling), chariot racing, a footrace with heavy armor, and the pentathlon. ─── 在公元前8世纪末,比赛项目包括赛跑、摔跤、拳击、角斗(摔跤和拳击并用)、赛车、负重跑和五项全能运动。

71、An athlete who participates in a pentathlon. ─── 五项全能运动员参加五项运动的运动员

72、Research on Training Control of Swimming and Cross Running Event in Modern Pentathlon ─── 现代五项运动中游泳和越野的训练监控研究

73、Mr.Liljenwall, who tested positive for alcohol use, caused his pentathlon team to surrender a bronze medal. ─── 利延瓦尔的尿液检测呈阳性,他所在的现代五项参赛队因此不得不归还所获的铜牌。

74、For the first time in Olympic history, Sydney 2000 featured a wonen's modern pentathlon event. ─── 2000年悉尼奥运会是历史上第一个次设立女子现代五项。

75、The ancient pentathlon was made the early Greeks to show all the skills a soldier of that time. ─── 古代的五项运动是用来展现早期希腊士兵的优秀技能。

76、ancient pentathlon ─── 古代五项全能运动

77、One example is the modern pentathlon. ─── 现代五项就是一例。

78、But she has also won medals in the pentathlon and long jump. ─── 她赢得过五项全能运动和跳远奖牌。

79、Keywords military pentathlon;personality;structured interview;qualitative analysis;exploratory factor analysis;confirmatory factor analysis;shooting;mental skill; ─── 军事五项;性格;结构式访谈;定性分析;探索性因子分析;验证性因子分析;射击;心理技巧;

80、"He was the nation's best football player, then, turning his attention to the Stockholm Olympic Games, won gold medals in the first Olympic decathlon and pentathlon. ─── 他是美国最棒的橄榄球球员,然后,他将目标转向斯德哥尔摩奥运会,并获得初次设立的十项全能和五项全能冠军。

81、A Probe into the Running Skills in Cross-Country Running in Modern Pentathlon ─── 现代五项越野赛中上坡跑和台阶跑技巧探讨

82、Taking the world major competition result in 2000 as basis,this paper analyzed the characteristics of result distribution of modern pentathlon and difference of our athletes. ─── 以2000年以来的世界重大比赛成绩为依据,分析现代五项运动的成绩分布特点和中国运动员的差距。

83、I still wanted to prove my all around strength in the pentathlon the next day. ─── 我还想在第二天的五项全能赛中证明我的综合实力。

84、Modern pentathlon, women's football finals and men's 110m hurdles finals will also be highlights of the day. ─── 另外,现代五项、女足决赛和男子110米栏决赛也将是今日值得关注的比赛。

85、The modern pentathlon was added to the Olympic program. ─── 现代五项全能被加入到奥运会设项之中。

86、GOSC-Goudi Olympic Modern Pentathlon Centre ─── 古蒂奥运场馆

87、Discussion about the New Way to Count the Points of Adult Group Individual Competition in Modern Pentathlon ─── 关于简化现代五项成年组个人赛记分办法之探讨

88、modern pentathlon ─── 现代五项运动

89、The 1968 Games also saw the first drug disqualification, as a Swedish entrant in the modern pentathlon, Hans-Gunnar, tested positive for excessive alcohol. ─── 在参加现代五项比赛项目的瑞典队中.有一名运动员汉斯冈纳在检查中被发现酒精含量过高。

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