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09-12 投稿


belladonna 发音

英:[,belə'dɒnə]  美:[,bɛlə'dɑnə]

英:  美:

belladonna 中文意思翻译



belladonna 网络释义

n. 颠茄,莨菪n. (Belladonna)人名;(意)贝拉东纳

belladonna 短语词组

1、Atropa belladonna ─── [化] 颠茄

2、belladonna plant ─── [网络] 颠茄植物

3、atropa belladonna L ─── 颠茄属

4、belladonna extract ─── [医]颠茄浸膏

5、belladonna leaf ─── [化] 颠茄叶

6、Japanese belladonna root ─── [医] 东茛菪根

7、belladonna root ─── [化] 颠茄根

8、amaryllis belladonna ─── [机] 孤挺花

9、belladonna lily ─── 孤挺花

10、Atropa belladonna L. ─── [医] 颠茄

11、juice of belladonna ─── [医] 颠茄汁

12、belladonna plaster ─── [医] 颠茄硬膏

13、belladonna ointment ─── [医]颠茄软膏

belladonna 词性/词形变化,belladonna变形

动词第三人称单数: bells |动词过去分词: belled |动词过去式: belled |动词现在分词: belling |

belladonna 相似词语短语

1、belladonnas ─── n.颠茄,莨菪;n.(Belladonna)人名;(意)贝拉东纳

2、beladying ─── 迟到了,

3、bellibones ─── 腹骨

4、bellarmine ─── n.贝拉明酒瓶;n.(Bellarmine)人名;(意)贝拉尔米内

5、Madonna ─── n.圣母玛利亚;圣母像

6、celadon ─── n.青瓷;灰绿色;n.(Celadon)人名;(意)切拉东

7、bellamoure ─── 贝拉莫

8、belladonna lily ─── 孤挺花

9、bellibone ─── 腹骨

belladonna 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、amaryllis belladonna ─── [机] 孤挺花

2、Title: Tissue culture and rapid propagation of Atropa belladonna L. ─── 关键词:颠茄;组织培养;快速繁殖;培养基;激素

3、Any of various similar or related plants, such as belladonna. ─── 其他相似或相关的植物的一种,如颠茄

4、belladonna root ─── 颠茄根

5、Keywords Belladonna teblet;RP-HPLC;Atropine;Anisodamine;Scopolamine; ─── 颠茄片;反相高效液相色谱;阿托品;山莨菪碱;东莨菪碱;

6、Effects of Belladonna alkaloid on morphine-induced mice dependence ─── 莨菪类生物碱对吗啡致小鼠依赖性作用的影响

7、belladonna leaf ─── 颠茄叶

8、In Italian, the word belladonna means "beautiful woman. " ─── 在意大利语中,莨宕的意思是“漂亮女人”。

9、Our company mainly produces Monopotassium Glycyrrhizinate, Nifuratel, Belladonna Liquid Extract, Puerarin, troxerutin and other APIs. ─── 我公司主要生产甘草酸单钾盐、硝呋太尔、颠茄流浸膏、葛根素、曲克芦丁等原料药.

10、belladonna poisoning ─── 颠茄中毒

11、These drugs include atropine, belladonna, cascara, castor oil, cocaine, curare , ephedrine, morphine, opium, and senna. ─── 阿托品,颠茄,波西鼠李皮,海狸香油,可卡因,箭毒,麻黄碱,吗啡,鸦片和番泻叶。

12、aconite, belladonna, chloroform ─── 乌头、颠茄、氯仿

13、Keywords Vitamin U;belladonna and aluminium capsules;scopolamine hydrobomide;atxopine sulfate;HPLC;content determination; ─── 维U颠茄铝胶囊;硫酸阿托品;氢溴酸东莨菪碱;HPLC;含量测定;

14、What effect does element of heart inject belladonna have? ─── 心脏注射颠茄素有什么作用?

15、Other names for belladonna include devil's herb and deadly nightshade. ─── 颠茄的其他名称还包括魔鬼药草和致命的茄属植物。

16、Ever heard of the Belladonna plant? ─── 听说过的颠茄植物?

17、Tissue culture and rapid propagation of Atropa belladonna L. ─── 颠茄的组织培养与快速繁殖。

18、(2) treats to disease: Bellyacke person can grant local hot compress or with spasmolysis agent, be like atropine, propantheline, belladonna piece or hill Lang Dang is alkaline etc; ─── (2)对症治疗:腹痛者可予局部热敷或用解痉剂,如阿托品、普鲁本辛、颠茄片或山莨菪碱等;

19、The hardy Amaryllis belladonna are completely dependent upon sunshine and I have them growing in one of the hottest spots in the garden. ─── 耐寒的孤挺花完全随阳光而定,我将它们种在庭院中最热的地方。

20、Lighter to general ache person, but right amount choose diminish inflammation painful, go painful piece, belladonna piece, yanhusuo piece, atropine. ─── 对于一般疼痛较轻者,可适量选用消炎痛、去痛片、颠茄片、延胡索片、阿托品等。

21、Belladonna Sulfamethoxazole and Trimerhoprim Tablets ─── 颠茄磺苄啶片

22、The hardy Amaryllis belladonna are completely dependent upon sunshine and I have them growing in one of the hottest spots in the garden. ─── 耐寒的孤挺花,颠茄完全随阳光而定,我将它们种在庭院中最热的地方。

23、" It is a cousin of the eggplant, red pepper, ground cherry, potato, and the highly toxic belladonna, also known as the nightshade or solanaccae.There are more than 10,000 varieties of tomatoes. ─── 它是茄子、红椒、樱桃、土豆及剧毒颠茄等茄科类植物的表亲,有超过10 000不同的品种。

24、Yet just because something is dangerous does not always mean it is all bad. Belladonna and other poison plants have a long history of medical use. ─── 不过,有些东西虽然危险但不意味着它总是不好的。颠茄和其他毒性植物有着很长的药用史。

25、Atropa belladonna L. ─── [医] 颠茄

26、The deliberate or accidental ingestion of belladonna alkaloids or other classes of drugs with atropinic properties is a major cause of poisonings. ─── 故意或意外服用颠茄生物碱或其它具有阿托品的药物是中毒的主要原因。

27、Establishment of Hairy Root Cultures of Atropa belladonna ─── 颠茄发根培养系统的建立

28、Belladonna is highly poisonous and is cultivated for medicinal substances (alkaloids) that are derived from the crude drug and used in sedatives, stimulants, and antispasmodics. ─── 颠茄有剧毒,栽培它是为了提取药材(生物碱),用于镇静、兴奋和镇痉挛。

29、Atropa belladonna rhabdovirus ─── 颠茄弹状病毒

30、Belladonna teblet ─── 颠茄片

31、2.A poisonous, bitter, crystalline alkaloid, C17H23NO3, obtained from belladonna and other related plants. It is used to dilate the pupils of the eyes and as an antispasmodic. ─── 阿托品,颠茄碱一种有毒、味苦的结晶生物碱,C17H23NO3从颠茄或其它茄科植物中提取而得。用于扩大瞳孔,治疗痉挛

32、" Many other drugs obtained from plants have also been used by man for thousands of years. These drugs include atropine, belladonna, cascara, castor oil, cocaine, curare, ephedrine, morphine, opium, and senna. " ─── 许多其它植物药物人类也已使用数千年之久。这些药物有:阿托品,颠茄,波西鼠李皮,海狸香油,可卡因,箭毒,麻黄碱,吗啡,鸦片和番泻叶。

33、belladonna preparation ─── 颠茄制剂

34、However, this is not recommended, as belladonna is a kind of poison! ─── 但是由于颠茄实际上是一种毒药,因此,这种方法并不可取。

35、Belladonna extract tablet ─── 颠茄浸膏片

36、Observaion on the therapeutic effect of Belladonna mixture in treatment of Rotavirus enteritis on infants ─── 颠茄合剂治疗婴幼儿轮状病毒肠炎疗效观察

37、5.Such pharmacologic agents as antidepressants, belladonna alkaloids, opiates, and oral contraceptives may induce pruritus, even without producing a dermatitis. ─── 药物因素如抗抑郁剂、颠茄生物碱、鸦片制剂、口服避孕药甚至在不引起皮炎的情况下都可诱发瘙痒。

38、A poisonous,bitter,crystalline alkaloid,C17H23NO3,obtained from belladonna and other related plants. It is used to dilate the pupils of the eyes and as an antispasmodic. ─── 阿托品,颠茄碱一种有毒、味苦的结晶生物碱,C17H23NO3从颠茄或其它茄科植物中提取而得。用于扩大瞳孔,治疗痉挛。

39、Keywords Compound Belladonna Mixture;Hyoscyamine;Improvement of preparation; ─── 复方颠茄合剂;莨菪碱;工艺改进;

40、belladonna lily ─── 孤莲花

41、Establishment of the Exogenous Gene Expression System Based on Atropa belladonna Hairy Roots ─── 基于颠茄发根的外源基因表达系统的建立

42、belladonna extract ─── 颠茄浸膏

43、Botanists placed the tomato in the same family as belladonna, black henbane, and deadly nightshade. ─── 植物学家把西红柿与颠茄、黑天仙子和其他有毒的前属植物归于同一科。

44、Japanese belladonna root ─── [医] 东茛菪根

45、Keywords Belladonna alkaloid;Morphine;Dependence;Pain threshold; ─── 莨菪类生物碱;吗啡;依赖性;痛阈;

46、Belladonna mottle tymovirus ─── 颠茄斑点芜菁黄花叶病毒

47、A poisonous Eurasian perennial herb(Atropa belladonna) having usually solitary, nodding, purplish-brown, bell-shaped flowers and glossy black berries. ─── 颠茄一种有毒的欧亚大陆的多年生草本植物(颠茄颠茄属),通常开单生的、摇摆的浅紫棕色钟状花,结有光滑的黑色浆果

48、or accidental ingestion of belladonna alkaloids or other classes of drugs with atropinic properties is a major cause of poisonings. ─── 故意或意外服用颠茄生物碱或其它具有阿托品的药物是中毒的主要原因。

49、belladonna and opium ─── 颠茄与鸦片

50、belladonna plaster ─── [医] 颠茄硬膏

51、aconite, belladonna, chloroform liniment ─── ABC搽剂:乌头、颠茄、氯仿搽剂

52、Complex Belladonna ─── 复方颠茄[解痉药]

53、The Characteristics of the Chinese Herb Belladonna and Its Cultivation ─── 中药材颠茄的特性及栽培技术

54、juice of belladonna ─── [医] 颠茄汁

55、What effect does element of heart inject belladonna have? ─── 心脏注射颠茄素有什么作用?

56、Determination of Content of Atropine Sulfate in Belladonna Tablet by Dual Wavelength Thinlayer Scanning Method ─── 双波长薄层扫描法测定颠茄片中硫酸阿托品的含量

57、September to October: Summer bulbs in September in the Woodland Glade - Kew's first burst of autumn colour. Heather Garden by the Pagoda. Belladonna lilies. Trees in autumn colour. ─── 九月至十月:林中空地中的夏季球茎花卉-充满园区的秋色;塔旁的石楠花园;百合及秋色树。

58、Definition: Belladonna leaf consists of the dried leaf or of the dried leaf and flowering, and occasionally fruit-bearing, tops of Atropa belladonna L. ─── 本品为茄科植物颠茄Atropa belladonna L.的干燥叶片,或花期的干燥叶片和地上部分,有时具果。

59、Keywords differential spectrophotometry.compound belladonna tablets phenobarbital; ─── 差示分光光度法;复方颠茄片;苯巴比妥;

60、belladonna liquid extract ─── 颠茄流浸膏

61、The Nightshade family is a category of plants which also includes many that you wouldn't want to eat, like mandrake, belladonna, and even tobacco. ─── 科包括的一系列植物有很多你们是不会食用的,如曼德拉草、颠茄、甚至烟草。

62、any of certain Australian shrubs or small trees of the genus Duboisia having leaves used for the commercial extraction of belladonna alkaloids ─── 澳茄属的一种澳大利亚灌木或乔木,叶子用于商业上提取颠茄生物碱

63、Belladonna alkaloid combined with morphine for morphine-addicted mice ─── 莨菪类生物碱与吗啡并用对小鼠吗啡成瘾性的影响

64、Cultivation techniques of Atropa belladonna L. ─── 药用植物颠茄的高产栽培技术。

65、Time to decorate for those red, white and blue holidays!This basket of white Asiatic lilies, blue belladonna, and red carnations is sure to add a festive touch to your home. ─── 白色的百合,兰色的风铃草,红色的康乃馨一定会给你的家带来欢乐的气氛!

66、Definition: Belladonna Herb is ihe dried herb of Atropa belladonna L. (Fam.Solanaceae). ─── 本品为茄科植物颠茄 Atropa belladonna L. 的干燥全草。

67、Atropa belladonna ─── 颠茄

68、A good example is belladonna. ─── 一个很好的例子就是颠茄。

69、Keywords acid dye colorimetry;compound belladonna mixture;hyoscyamine;content; ─── 酸性染料比色法;复方颠茄合剂;莨菪碱;含量;

70、And a passionate kiss has the same effect as belladonna in making our pupils dilate. ─── 接吻引起瞳孔放大,和颠茄的效果一样。

71、Belladonna Tincture is a widely used preparation that consists of an aqueous-alcoholic extract of belladonna leaves. ─── 颠茄酊是一种应用广泛的制剂。它是颠茄叶的水和乙醇浸出物。

72、an alkaloidal extract or tincture of the poisonous belladonna herb that is used medicinally. ─── 一种生物碱提取物或药用的颠茄根的酊剂。

73、But every part of it is poisonous.Other names for belladonna include devil's herb and deadly nightshade. ─── 事实上,世界上一些看起来极为美丽的的植物(你)最好只是远观。

74、levorotatory alkaloids of belladonna ─── 左旋颠茄生物碱

75、Here is Belladonna, the Lady of the Rocks, ─── 这是美女贝拉磨娜,岩石的女人,

76、belladonna alkaloids ─── 颠茄生物碱

77、Compound Belladonna and Aluminum Hydroxide Powder ─── 复方颠茄氢氧化铝散

78、Compound Belladonna Mixture ─── 复方颠茄合剂

79、Comparison of effects of Belladonna alkaloid on pain threshold of morphine-dependentmice ─── 莨菪类生物碱对吗啡依赖小鼠痛阈影响的比较

80、With opium, belladonna, brucaea, snake-wood, and the cherry-laurel, they put to sleep all who stand in their way ─── 有了鸦片,颠茄,番木鳖,蛇木根,樱桂皮,他们就可以使那些清醒的人一齐睡去。

81、belladonna alkaloid ─── 颠茄碱

82、A. belladonna L buib ─── 孤挺花鳞茎

83、Determination of content of hyoscyamine in compound belladonna mixture by acid dye colorimetry ─── 酸性染料比色法测定复方颠茄合剂中莨菪碱含量

84、Any of certain Australian shrubs or small trees of the genus Duboisia having leaves used for the commercial extraction of belladonna alkaloids. ─── 澳茄澳茄属的一种澳大利亚灌木或乔木,叶子用于商业上提取颠茄生物碱

85、Improvement of the preparation techniques of Compound Belladonna Mixture ─── 复方颠茄合剂的工艺改进

86、Keywords Vitamin U;Belladonna and Aluminiu Capsule;Extractum Belladonna;Atropin;stability.; ─── 维U颠茄铝胶囊;颠茄浸膏;阿托品;稳定性;

87、aloin, belladonna, strychnine ─── 芦荟甙, 颠茄, 士的宁

88、Technique of Ultrasonic Wave Extraction of Hyoscyamine from Belladonna Herbs ─── 超声波提取颠茄草有效成分莨菪碱的技术













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