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09-12 投稿


daubed 发音

英:[dɔːbd]  美:[dɔːbd]

英:  美:

daubed 中文意思翻译





daubed 词性/词形变化,daubed变形

动词过去式: daubed |名词: dauber |动词过去分词: daubed |动词现在分词: daubing |动词第三人称单数: daubs |

daubed 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、He daubed unimportant touches of paint on a finished picture ─── 他在一幅已完成的油画上作不必要的涂抹。

2、walls of the building were daubed with red paint. ─── 这栋建筑的墙上随意涂了一层红色涂料。

3、Application of VEGF scale daub in FGD equipment ─── VEGF鳞片胶泥在烟气脱硫装置中的应用

4、Keywords KP1 K 2SiO 3 daub;Acid resistance;Ceramic;Lining; ─── KP1钾水玻璃胶泥;耐酸;瓷砖衬里;施工;

5、However, he was not to be discouraged; he daubed his face over brown and black; pulled his cap over his ears, and knocked at the door. ─── 不过王子并不因此失望。他把自己的脑袋涂成棕里透黑,把帽子拉下来盖住眉毛,于是就来敲门。

6、The next procedure is to daub a layer of mortar on the wall. ─── 下一道手续是在墙面上涂抹一层沙浆。

7、Twigs daubed with pig's blood are inserted in the trunks of trees, as the aborigines invoke their gods. ─── 图2:将涂有猪血的小树枝插在树干上,并发出啧啧的唤神声。

8、Dip a suitable amount of this product with your finger tip, evenly daub onto cleaned face and neck and gently massage to allow for its completely absorption. ─── 以指尖蘸取适量本品,均匀涂抹于清洁后的面部及颈部肌肤轻轻按摩,直到完全吸收。

9、Use gimmick: Use finger tip or make up cotton daub, try to massage. ─── 使用手法:用指尖或化妆棉涂抹,并加以按摩。

10、Directions:shake up before using,apply appropriate product with cotton pads directly,slightly daub on the make-up area of eyes and face,then wash it with water. ─── 使用方法:用前先摇匀,直接用化妆棉取适量本品,轻轻涂擦眼部、面部的彩妆部位,然后用清水洗净即可。

11、Directions: wet face first, apply facial cleanser on palm, blend with warm water and scatter it, gently daub and circle, then rinse off with warm water. ─── 使用方法:先润湿脸部,再将洁面膏在掌心加温水混合打散,轻轻涂抹并打转,然后用温水洗干净。

12、His clothes were daubed with mud. ─── 他的衣服被泥浆弄脏了。

13、She daubed paint on the wall. ─── 她在墙上涂漆。

14、But generally speaking, most constant adopted should be the semicircle that daub makes wall lamp. ─── 但一般而言,最常被采用的应该是胶泥制的半圆型壁灯。

15、A kind of simple and easy test method is, the daub on the skin of preexistence elbow inside a few face film, after 20 minutes if do not have allergic reaction, criterion but apply is on the face. ─── 一种简易的测试方法是,先在手肘内侧的皮肤上涂抹少量面膜,20分钟后若无过敏反应,则可敷在脸上。

16、to daub plaster on a brick wall ─── 在砖墙上抹灰泥

17、KJV] And when she could not longer hide him, she took for him an ark of bulrushes, and daubed it with slime and with pitch, and put the child therein; and she laid it in the flags by the river's brink. ─── [新译]直到她不能把他再藏了,就拿一个蒲草箱来,涂上沥青和石漆;把孩子放在里面,把箱子放在河边的芦苇丛中。

18、He daubed up the door with a few drops of paint. ─── 他在门上乱涂了几处油漆。

19、Until he was fitted with Montandon's invention, his canvases were daubed with only black, white and charcoals. ─── 在拥有这个机器之前,哈比森的画布上,只有黑色和白色两种颜色。

20、When she could hide him no longer, she took for him a basket made of bulrushes and daubed it with bitumen and pitch.She put the child in it and placed it among the reeds by the river bank. ─── 后来不能再藏,就取了一个蒲草箱,抹上石漆和石油,将孩子放在里头,把箱子搁在河边的芦荻中。

21、No unit and individual shall revise, daub, mark or break down the documents of company registration files. ─── 任何单位和个人不得修改、涂抹、标注、损毁公司登记档案资料。

22、The sun was already clear of the mountains and it was painful to look at the white daub houses where it shone on the right-hand side of the street. ─── 太阳已经明确,这是痛苦的山上眺望白房子那里搠这烛光映照在右侧的街。

23、But face of soap daub lens, reoccupy does cloth to wipe, lilquid film of a black is formed namely on lens face, can prevent lens face faintness. ─── 可将肥皂涂抹镜面,再用干布擦拭,镜面上即形成一层皂液膜,可防止镜面模糊。

24、The willow twigs, daubed with a light green by several days of sunshine, are now covered all over with dust and look so sickly that they need to be washed. ─── 几天的阳光在柳条上撒下的一抹嫩绿,被尘土埋掩得有憔悴色了,是需要一次洗涤。

25、Use easy daub, quality of a material lightsome with the monochromatic eye picture with striking colour, immediateness models the elegant figure that issues feeling of unreal having evil spirit. ─── 以欧珀莱肤色调控霜、欧珀莱光彩遮瑕套盒或欧珀莱粉底调整肌肤质感后,再用欧珀莱面部造型粉赋予肌肤立体感和优雅的洗练感。

26、The faithful wait in long lines, their faces daubed with paint. ─── 信奉者排着蜿蜒的长队,他们的脸上打着粉彩(注2)。

27、Had done defend the job, if hit sunshade, wear sunshade cap, Dai Taiyang looking glass, daub is prevented bask in frost, prepare enough beverage. ─── 做好防护工作,如打遮阳伞、戴遮阳帽、戴太阳镜,涂抹防晒霜,准备充足的饮料。

28、He daubed some red paint on (the canvas). ─── 他(在油画布上)涂上了一些红颜色.

29、After wetting your face with pure water, squeeze out a suitable amount of this product and put on the palm, gently and evenly daub onto face and neck, massage, and then thoroughly rinse off with pure water. ─── 先用清水湿润面部,挤出适量本品于手心,轻柔均匀涂抹于面部和颈部并进行按摩,再用清水彻底洗净。

30、Sony used raccoon hair brushes to daub magnetic powder over the paper to produce what it call "SONI TAPE", starting its history as an audio-video products maker. ─── 在蓝光磁盘格式下,高容量光盘存储技术还可以用于高清晰电视等领域。

31、4.Have wall of rhythm ground daub, ensure graph grain is shown mix equably irregular sex. ─── 4.有节奏地涂抹墙壁,确保图纹展现均匀和不规则性。

32、She daubed her lips with lipstick ─── 她用唇膏涂嘴唇。

33、Ever also had used a few other floor wax before, just need to be wiped many times repeatedly every time ability daub is even, feel to compare a trouble. ─── 以前也曾使用过一些其他地板蜡,只是每次都需要反复擦拭好几次才能涂抹均匀,觉得比较麻烦。

34、Eyelid compares broad look on model female: Can use brunet eyelash to cream going up the root ministry of eyelash relapses daub, have adjust proportional function. ─── 上眼睑比较宽的眼型的女性:可使用深色的睫毛膏在上睫毛的根部反复涂抹,有调整比例的功能。

35、What school in Taiwan would allow students to daub the wall on the way to the principal's office with graffiti? ─── 台湾有什麽学校,会让学生任意在通往校长办公室的墙上涂鸦?

36、Mere things like your wattle and daub hut, several oxen and a shiny necklace are no longer impressive; ─── 仅仅是抹灰的篱笆小屋,几头公牛,闪闪发光的项链早已没有吸引力了;

37、She daubed her face with thick make-up ─── 她面部化妆很浓.

38、However, he was not to be discouraged; he daubed his face over brown and black; pulled his cap over his ears, and knocked at the door. ─── 不过王子并不因此失望。他把自己的脑袋涂成棕里透黑,把帽子拉下来盖住眉毛,于是就来敲门。

39、2. liquid albumen is a kind of supplementary food, daily evening daub, can enhance the intensity of eyelash and length. ─── 2.液体蛋白是一种辅助食品,每日晚间涂抹,能增强睫毛的强度和长度。

40、Massager is mixed to the oedema of ham crus adipose quite effective, ham and side of crus inside and outside want white of even daub thin body. ─── 以手握拳,利用手指关节的力量从脚踝由下至上一直按压到大腿,尤其是小腿内侧和大腿外侧,感到肌肤微微发热为止。

41、Does the skin bask in summer what protects daub is skin tasted the most effective? ? ? ─── 夏天皮肤晒伤涂抹什么护肤品最有效???

42、Usage: After cleaning every day, evenly daub on needed parts, lightly massage until fully absorbed. ─── 使用方法:每天洁面后均匀涂于红血丝、赤红面部位,轻揉按摩至完全吸收即可。

43、Take some scrub and daub on the heel or thick part of sole, gently massage, and then rinse off with clean water. ─── 取一些磨砂,涂抹在脚后跟或脚底厚层部位,轻轻按摩,再用清水清洗干净。

44、But, before daub, must pass the reoccupy of the doctor after enjoining. ─── 但是,涂抹之前,必须经过医生的嘱咐后再用。

45、wall might have been made of branches covered with mud. this is called "wattle and daub". ─── 墙壁可能是由树条编成,再裹上稀泥,因此称作“木骨泥墙”。

46、Wound from in outwards daub by mercurochrome, dry, don't dip in water. ─── 在伤口处由里向外涂抹红药水,晾干,不要沾水。

47、faithful wait in long lines, their faces daubed with paint. ─── 虔诚等待的脸庞上抹着颜料。

48、Usage:Daub the lotion to clean facial and neck skin in the morning and night with proper amount, then apply other nursing product or moisturizing product suitable for your special skin. ─── 使用方法:早晚于洁净肌肤上,取适量涂抹于脸部和颈部,之后再搭配适合个人肤质与需求的修护产品或其它滋润保养品。

49、With aureate as the impression, going up daub of eyelid big range, build abstruse feeling. ─── 以金色作为底色,在上眼皮大范围涂抹,营造深邃感。

50、And when she could not longer hide him, she took for him an ark of bulrushes, and daubed it with slime and with pitch, and put the child therein; ─── 3后来不能再藏,就取了一个蒲草箱,抹上石漆和石油,将孩子放在里头,把箱子搁在河边的芦荻中。

51、Wipe the floor clean first before waxing, be in next the surface is even ground daub a floor wax, after working a bit, wipe with soft cloth.Till flowing brightness. ─── 上蜡前先将地板擦拭干净,然后在表面均匀地涂抹一层地板蜡,稍干后用软布擦拭.直到平滑光亮。

52、They touched the powder and daubed it on their bodies like carnival glitter, taking fragments of the radioactive caesium chloride salt home. ─── 他们触摸粉末,涂在身上,就如狂欢节闪亮的服饰,并将放射性铯氯化盐碎末带回家中。

53、His face expressed his bepuzzlement. He stared at what seemed a careless daub of paint, then stepped away. ─── 他一脸迷惑,瞠目望着那一片仿佛是胡涂乱抹的色彩退开了。

54、Direction: Jest daub the floor with upper wax by a wax swob. ─── 使用方汉:用干净蜡拖,涂于物表面,无需抛光。

55、Summer, before sunbathe, appear place should oil of daub embellish skin or vanishing cream. ─── 夏天,在日光浴前,外露部位应涂抹润肤油或雪花膏。

56、Direction: Daub the floor with it by a wax swob,and thwn scrub it by a polishing machine. ─── 使用方法:用干净蜡拖,涂于地面并用抛光机抛光。

57、Labial ministry: Daub of colour of lip of peachblossom lipstick collocation is whole labial ministry. ─── 唇部:桃红色口红搭配唇彩涂抹整个唇部。

58、He daubed his vice with show of virtue. ─── 他表面上装得道貌岸然以掩饰他的道德败坏行为。

59、Application Technology of JVS Polymers Steel Fiber Concrete and JVS Cement Daub Concrete for Repair and Strengthening ─── JVS聚合物钢纤维混凝土与JVS水泥结构胶泥在修补加固中的应用技术

60、And her prophets have daubed them with untempered morter, seeing vanity, and divining lies unto them, saying, Thus saith the Lord GOD, when the LORD hath not spoken. ─── 其中的先知为百姓用未泡透的灰抹墙,就是为他们见虚假的异象,用谎诈的占卜,说,主耶和华如此说,其实耶和华没有说。

61、Usage:Daub the essence of proper amount evenly to your face after refreshing or applying essence to your skin until it is absorbed.The product can be used as a routine care. ─── 使用方法:爽肤后取适量于面部均匀涂抹至吸收,可作为日常护养品使用。

62、I have daubed Hand Cream , more and more , but doesn't recuperate . ─── 只是苦了我的爪子了,几天下来有如干柴似的,还开裂。

63、girl daubed her lips with lipstick. ─── 姑娘用唇膏乱涂了一下嘴唇。

64、On the inside of the door the figures 52 had been traced with a couple of strokes of a brush dipped in ink, and above the scantling the same hand had daubed the number 50, so that one hesitated. ─── 在门的背面,有一个用毛笔蘸上墨水胡乱涂写的数字:52,横条上面,同一支毛笔却又涂上了另一数字:50,因而使人没法肯定。

65、He daubed the canvas over with paint. ─── 他用涂料在帆布上画。

66、Thermalization adds his to leave when using, brush with wool next dipping in daub cut. ─── 使用时将其加热化开,然后用毛刷蘸着涂抹伤口。

67、Usage: Daub some on face or other needed parts, massage in circularity, then rinse off with water. ─── 使用方法:取本品适量,涂于面部或其他需要清洁的部位,进行打圆圈式按摩清洁,清洁完后,用清水洗净。

68、The outside of the book is daubed with colored patten. It's the same story inside. ─── 书皮有彩色图案,里面也一样。

69、But she hopes to complete the tattoo by getting the final 15 percent of her body daubed next Spring. ─── 摩尔希望能在明天春天之前完成这剩下15%的皮肤的纹身。

70、Labial ministry: Daub of pink lip colour can. ─── 唇部:粉色唇彩涂抹即可。

71、Neo-Nazis daubed swastikas on Muslim graves at the site last year. ─── 去年,新?粹分子曾把?粹党徽涂?到穆斯林?墓上。

72、A group of villagers try to wrestle a bull to the ground. When under control the animals are daubed with brightly coloured paints. ─── 一群村民正在试图将一头公牛摔倒在地。被制服的公牛都会被涂上鲜艳的颜色。

73、Use " liquid wallpaper " , besmear brushs strength daub way is different, different, or color is tie-in and different, all can present different visual result. ─── 使用“液体壁纸”,涂刷力度不同、涂抹方向不同,或颜色搭配不同,均会呈现不同的视觉效果。

74、Battle, peace, right and love, these were daubed thousands of years' diction. In the apple of the soul's eyes, also flash pimping aura. ─── 战争、和平、权利和爱情,这些被涂抹了几千年的字眼,在灵魂的瞳孔里,也闪烁着卑微的光环。

75、He daubed paint on the wall. ─── 他往墙上涂油漆。

76、Very few persons who have sensitive skin can daub a little If it appears bad feedback you can clean up and stop to use it. ─── 个别肌肤敏感者可少量涂抹,如果出现不良反应可用清水清洗后停用即可;

77、He still wore the fine broadcloth suit in which he had fulfilled his mission, but it was bitterly the worse for wear, daubed with clay and torn with the sharp briers of the wood. ─── 他还穿着跟我们谈判时穿的那套漂亮的绒面礼服,但衣服上蹭了不少泥,还被带刺的灌木扯破了好几处,远不如那时气派。

78、now he saw suddenly , without the glass , in the clear light of day , those badly daubed pictures. ─── 现在他突然不是透过玻璃,而是在明晃晃的白昼中看见画得很差劲的图片。

79、If the case is severe, will see a doctor, and ointment of not informal daub. ─── 假如情况严重,最好来看医生,而不要随便涂抹药膏。

80、His face expressed his bepuzzlement. He stared at what seemed a careless daub of paint,then stepped away. ─── 他一脸迷惑,瞠目望着那一片仿佛是胡涂乱抹的色彩然后退开了。

81、Can be used in the morning and then daub day cream. ─── 也可于早上使用,使用后可涂抹日霜。

82、Mobile phone numbers are daubed all over the walls of her home and those of her neighbours. ─── 在她家和邻居家里的四面墙上,密密麻麻地印的都是手机号码。

83、Foot-high words had been daubed on the wall between two windows, shimmering in the light cast by the flaming torches. ─── 在两扇窗户之间,距地面一尺高的墙面上,涂抹着一些字迹,在燃烧的火把的映照下闪着微光。

84、to daub colour onto one's nails ─── 在指甲上乱涂颜料

85、He daubed the wall with a slogan. ─── 他在墙上写了一条标语。

86、It is as if there are two TRUTHS: one that is dull, flat, boring, at least in the eyes of those who daub it with falsity; the other ... ─── 仿佛有两种真实:一种灰色,平淡,厌烦,起码在那些用虚假涂抹粉饰的人眼里看如此;另一种......

87、The children were encouraged to daub the colors in liberally. ─── 他们鼓励孩子随意大胆地涂色。

88、Take a suitable amount of this product and daub on pudendum, gently wipe and wash, and then rinse off with water. ─── 取适量本品,涂抹于外阴部并轻轻擦洗,用水清洗即可。

89、Anti-Glazer slogans were daubed in red paint on the outside of the property in Bowden, Cheshire, with one message reading "Judas Gill". ─── 反格雷泽的标语被涂在这幢位于Cheshire的房子上,其中有人写道“吉尔是犹大(JudasGill))”。

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