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09-12 投稿



spline 发音

英:[sˈplaɪn]  美:[splaɪn]

英:  美:

spline 中文意思翻译




spline 网络释义

n. 花键;齿条;曲线尺;塞缝片vt. 开键槽;用花键联接

spline 短语词组

1、flexible spline ─── 柔性曲线规

2、multiple spline ─── [化] 花键

3、vector spline ─── [计]向量样条

4、spline milling machine ─── [机] 方栓槽铣床

5、spline tube ─── 花键管

6、spline function ─── [计] 样条函数 ─── [化] 样条函数

7、convex combination spline ─── 凸组合样条曲线

8、involute spline broach ─── [机] 渐开线栓槽拉刀

9、spline curve ─── [数]样条曲线

10、external spline ─── 外花键

11、spline fitting ─── 花键座,样条拟合

12、spline shaft ─── [化] 花键轴

13、spline matrix ─── [计]样条矩阵

14、spline mode ─── 样条线模式

15、spline shaft grinder ─── [机] 栓槽轴磨床

16、spline definition window ─── 样条线定义窗口

17、spline gauge ─── 花键量规

18、spline record ─── 样条记录

19、spline broach ─── [机] 方栓槽拉刀

spline 常用词组

cubic spline ─── 三次样条;三次样条曲线(线图);三次仿样函数

spline function ─── 样条函数

spline interpolation ─── 样条插值,样条内插;仿样内插法

spline 词性/词形变化,spline变形


spline 相似词语短语

1、splinter ─── n.碎片;微小的东西;极瘦的人;vi.分裂;裂成碎片;vt.使分裂;使裂成碎片;n.(Splinter)人名;(瑞典)斯普林特

2、splined ─── adj.花键的;用花键联接的;v.刻键槽于;用花键接合(spline的过去分词)

3、sepaline ─── adj.萼片的

4、hipline ─── n.臀围;臀围部分

5、splines ─── n.曲线;样条曲线;[数]样条函数(spline的复数形式);样条线;v.刻键槽于;用花键接合(spline的第三人称单数)

6、splint ─── n.夹板;薄木条;薄金属片;vt.用夹板固定;n.(Splint)人名;(德)施普林特;(英)斯普林特

7、splinted ─── n.夹板;薄木条;薄金属片;vt.用夹板固定;n.(Splint)人名;(德)施普林特;(英)斯普林特

8、splice ─── v.捻接(绳子);拼接,接合(胶片等);移接(基因);使结婚;n.接合处;(连接的)绳;(板球击板的)柄脚;结婚(非正式)

9、saline ─── adj.盐的,含盐的;咸的;含氯化钠的;含镁盐类的;含碱金属盐类的;n.盐溶液;生理盐水

spline 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Once I had my spline cage drawn, I converted them to editable polys, combined them all and then merged the vertices with a weld threshold of .001. ─── 一旦样条曲线构架完成,我便将之转变成可编辑多边形,将它们合并,然后使用焊接(阀值为0.001)将顶点合并。

2、The mathematical theory and merit of tension spline function in rainfall isoline smoothing were also introduced. ─── 介绍了张力样条函数的数学原理及其在等值线光滑应用上的优点。

3、In general,spline interpolation functions don't fit the nee d of monotony property. ─── 在实际问题中,一般的样条插值函数不满足单调递增性质。

4、A method is described for the determination of end-points of acid-base potentiometric titration by using rational spline function. ─── 介绍了一种用有理样条函数法确定酸碱电位滴定终点的新方法。

5、Abstract In order to compare the influence of weight function on computational precision,the quartic spline function and exponential function were chosen as the weight function. ─── 为了比较权函数对无网格法计算精度的影响,选取样条型权函数和指数型权函数及其不同影响域半径,运用移动最小二乘法分别构造插值函数。

6、The following illustration shows a set of points and a cardinal spline that passes through each point in the set. ─── 下面的插图显示了一组点和经过这一组点中每一点的基数样条。

7、In order to compare the influence of weight function on computational precision,the quartic spline function and exponential function were chosen as the weight function. ─── 为了比较权函数对无网格法计算精度的影响,选取样条型权函数和指数型权函数及其不同影响域半径,运用移动最小二乘法分别构造插值函数。

8、The thin-plate spline was used to realize fast and exact non-rigid registration of medical image. ─── 利用薄板样条实现了医学图像的快速准确非刚性配准。

9、They come in many different flavors, but the Bezier spline has become the most popular for computer graphics programming. ─── 在一些曲尺中,曲线不经过定义曲线的任何点。贝塞尔曲线总是锚定在两个端点。

10、Second, the Bezier spline is very well controlled. ─── 其次,贝塞尔曲线非常好控制。

11、It is based on a Bayesian formulation for the thin plate smoothing spline model and has been found to be superior to GCV in some cases (Kohn et al. 1991). ─── 它依据于光滑薄盘样条函数模型的贝叶斯公式,并已被证明在某些情况下优于GCV法(Kohn等,1991)。

12、A cardinal spline is a curve that passes smoothly through a given set of points. ─── 基数样条是平滑通过一组给定点的曲线。

13、Application of B spline and smoothing spline on interpolating the DEM dased on rectangular grid[J].Acta Geodaetica et Cartographica Sinica,2000,29(3):240-244. ─── B样条与磨光样条在基于矩形格网的DEM内插中的应用[J].测绘学报,2000,29(3):240-244.

14、A single two-dimensional Bezier spline is defined by four points two end points and two control points. ─── 一条单独的二维贝塞尔曲线由四个点定义两个端点和两个控制点。

15、By the graphic method,the slip-line field of plastically deformation area in external spline cold rolling process was set up. ─── 对外花键冷滚压精密成形的变形过程进行理论分析,用图解法建立了外花键冷滚压过程的塑性变形区滑移线场。

16、You'd then anchor a spline to the points and use a pencil to draw the curve along the spline as it bent around the points. ─── 然后你将曲尺锚定在这些点上并用铅笔沿着曲尺绕着这些点的方向绘制这条曲线。

17、In this paper, it has used three uniform B spline surface to construct the surface of the blade die cavity, and developed a CAD/CAM system of the blade die. ─── 应用双三次均匀B样条曲面,对汽轮机导叶片锻模型腔表面进行曲面构造,据此开发了导叶片锻模CAD及其型腔表面CAM系统。

18、computer calculates the inbetweens values based on a spline curve connecting the keyframe values. ─── 计算机基于样条曲线计算出连接关键帧数值的中间画的数值。

19、The following example draws a bell-shaped cardinal spline that passes through five designated points. ─── 下面的示例绘制了一条通过五个指定点的钟形基数样条曲线。

20、The genetic algorithm is usually selected as an optimization tool for the least square fitting about ordered plane data by B-spline curves. ─── 在B样条曲线的最小二乘拟合平面有序数据问题中,经常采用遗传算法进行优化。

21、A cardinal spline passes smoothly through each point in the array; there are no sharp corners and no abrupt changes in the tightness of the curve. ─── 基数样条平滑地经过数组中的每个点;曲线的陡度上没有尖角和突然的变化。

22、Adds a spline curve to the current figure. ─── 向当前图形添加一段样条曲线。

23、A new spline curve is presented which interpolates given points and tangent directions with piecewise involute of circle. ─── 利用拼接的圆渐开线实现对平面上的数据点及其切向的插值。

24、The processed data are approximated by cubic spline function.The predictive filter is constructed with the true value and the observation value of each observation point. ─── 利用三次样条函数对处理后的观测数据进行多项式逼近,由各观测点的真实值和观测值构造出预测滤波器。

25、The structure of shaft coupling, which is fit for cinnecting two shafts by spline and S-shaped batten in narrow place, is introduced. ─── 介绍了一种适用于空间窄小处两轴通过花键和S形条板联接的联轴器结构。

26、A given set of points could yield a variety of curves, depending on the properties of the physical spline. ─── 一组给定的点可以产生各种各样的曲线,这取决于物理样条的属性。

27、The geometric continuity of cubic a -B?ier curves is discussed, and algorithm of constructing planar G2 cubic a -B?ier spline curves is presented. ─── 对三次曲线的几何连续拼接问题做了研究。 给出了构造平面G2组合三次a-B?ier曲线的几何算法。

28、In this paper,we display the graph of an FVS interpolation spline curved-surface by using OPGL. ─── 利用OPGL图形工具 ,显示了FVS的曲面图形

29、Describes a Bzier spline and how to draw one. ─── 描述贝塞尔样条以及如何绘制贝塞尔样条。

30、In this paper,a generalized bootstrap method was proposed to estimate the yield curve for any available data sets of bond price with cubic spline interpolation method. ─── 在一般息票剥离法(bootstrapmethod)的基础上进行了扩展:采用三次样条插值方法,可以对任意的国债报价数据进行即期收益率曲线估计。

31、This paper introduces the application of cubic spline interpolating function in chemical process design and calculation, and points out the precautions for application. ─── 探讨三次样条插值函数在化工工艺设计计算中的应用,并提出应注意的问题。

32、Based on spline functions, the wavelet base can be constructed, it has rich class and plentiful feature, as well as the fast wavelet transform algorithm. ─── 以多项式样条为基函数能构造出种类丰富、性质各异的小波函数及其相应的快速小波变换。

33、The design and calculation of triangular spline hobbing cutter is very complicated.Computer programs are programmed accordingly based on the calculation steps and formulas. ─── 三角花键滚刀设计计算十分繁琐,把数据计算步骤与公式设计编制成计算机程序。

34、As a model, we use spline interpolation on a uniform tetrahedral partition, which the spline coefficients are repeated by the gridded samples. ─── 在规则数据场中,本文提出了一个基于样条模型插值来重建三维结构的方法。该模型以样条基函数为背景,其函数系数则由周围采样点数据重复迭代产生。

35、In a closed cardinal spline, the curve continues through the last point in the array and connects with the first point in the array. ─── 在闭合的基数样条曲线中,曲线连续通过系列中最后一个点,并与系列中的第一个点连接。

36、It draws really quality spline beziers with three poin. ─── 它提请真正质量样济耶3分。

37、Third, another characteristic of the Bezier spline involves the relationship between the end points and the control points. ─── 单词“曲尺”曾经指的是惯于在一张纸上绘制曲线的一片柔软的木头,橡胶或金属。

38、A designer would place the spline on a piece of paper and anchor it to a given set of points . ─── 设计者把样条放置在一张纸上并锚定到一组给定的点上。

39、Internal Spline is a spline formed on the inner surface of a cylinder. ─── 内花键:在圆柱体的孔的内表面形成的花键。

40、CQ6132B Variable speed can be obtained from spline gears, power-driver feed in longitudinal and cross directions, safe interlock, a overload safety device. ─── CQ6132B主轴皮带塔轮变速,纵横向机动走刀,安全互锁,超负荷保险。

41、The following code example shows how to draw a cardinal spline that passes through the points in myPointArray. ─── 下面的代码示例演示如何绘制经过myPointArray中的点的基数样条。

42、A cardinal spline is a sequence of individual curves joined to form a larger curve. ─── 基数样条是一连串单独的曲线,这些曲线连接起来形成一条较大的曲线。

43、Since then, the two-dimensional form of the Bezier spline has shown itself to be the most useful curve (after the straight line and ellipse) for computer graphics. ─── 其后,二维形式的贝塞尔曲线已经显示自己是对于计算机图形最有用的曲线(在直线和椭圆之后)。

44、Flattening a path consists of converting each Bzier spline in the path to a sequence of straight lines. ─── 拉平路径的操作包含将路径中的每个贝塞尔样条转化为一系列直线。

45、The spline subdomain method was advanced by the auther of this paper in 1981. This paper attempt to give a brief introduction to its fundamentals and procedures. ─── 作者在1981年文章[8]中,巳论述了样条子域法。 本文简要地介绍样条子域法的基本原理及方法。

46、The following example draws a closed cardinal spline that passes through six designated points. ─── 下面的示例绘制了一条通过六个指定点的闭合的基数样条曲线。

47、The spline parameters and their derivatives are taken as state variables, the state equation is established. ─── 引入样条参数及其对时间的导数作为状态变量,导出状态方程。

48、Can say none exaggeratively, the integral quality performance to a lot of mechanical products is removing the stand or fall of spline axis quality to decide action directly. ─── 可以毫不夸张地说,花键轴质量的好坏对许多机械产品的整体质量性能起着直接的决定作用。

49、In the CAGD field, Coons surface, B spline surface and NURBS surface are mainly used. ─── Coons类曲面、B样条曲面和NURBS曲面是CAGD中主要的曲面表达形式。

50、Create a rectangle in the TOP view. Make a right mouse button click (RMC) on it and choose convert to editable spline. ─── 在top视图中创建一个长方形,右键将其转化为可编辑线条。

51、The thesis simulates the process of the spline forming by the FEM software. ─── 应用有限元分析软件,对花键轴的齿形成形过程进行模拟。

52、China's construction machinery based in Xuzhou, Jiangsu, the German company of licensing spline shaft in Jiangsu, Anhui market a higher profile. ─── 位于中国工程机械基地江苏徐州,我公司的德力牌花键轴在江苏安徽市场有较高的知名度。

53、In this paper,a new methd about the design of triangular spline hob cutter with chamfer has been introduced. ─── 具有倒角的三角花键滚刀的设计一直采用近似的方法。

54、The force in external spline cold rolling has been deduced by building math modl,it provides the theory principal for CAPP in external spline cold rolling. ─── 建立渐开线花键滚压力求解的数学模型,求出滚压过程中滚压力的理论值,为工艺过程设计提供理论依据;

55、Based on instantaneous potential energy principle and spline interpolate function, the dynamic equation of flat spherical shell is derived. ─── 基于瞬时变分原理与样条函数理论,建立扁球壳的动力方程。

56、Minor Circle is the circle formed by the innermost surface of the spline. ─── 小圆:小圆是花键的最小齿形面的排斥圆。

57、Applying the principle of minimum total potential energy, the spline subdomain method of folded plate structures is derived. ─── 应用最小势能原理,建立了折板结构分析的样条子域法。

58、Then, to formulate a smooth hip motion using a third-order spline function with the largest stability margin, and derive the hip trajectory by iterative computation. ─── 接著一样使用三次方曲线函数来设计平滑的腰部运动同时具有最大的稳定边限,而此腰部轨迹是采叠代的方式求得。

59、Spline interpolation and Gaussian quadrature are developed for surface-fitting and double integration and applied to calculation of the flow and the efficiency in pumping station and the flow in aqueduct and pipe. ─── 将曲线的样条函数插值和高斯配点法扩展到曲面上来解决这一问题,并对泵站流量、率、渠和管道流量进行了计算。

60、Curvature monotony condition Tor the quadratic rational B spline curves. ─── 二次有理B样条曲线曲率单调条件

61、The test,so-called computer spline,is a slippery and controllable plane curve,generated on the known crunode by computer drawing software. ─── 所谓的计算机样条,是应用计算机绘图软件在已知结点上生成的一条可控形状的光滑平面曲线。

62、The Bzier spline is drawn from the first point to the fourth point. ─── 在第一个点和第四个点之间绘制贝塞尔样条。

63、It first approx imates the discrete points by cubic spline and gets the first derivative of the given discrete points, then approximates the cubic spline by biarc curve. ─── 先对离散点列用三次样条曲线插值,求出型值点的一阶导数,然后对三次样条曲线用双圆弧逼近。

64、We are the professional auto parts manufacturer, mainly working on driveline parts and electrical parts, including universal joint cardan, yoke, flange, spline shaft, and voltage regulator, fuel cut-off solenoid. ─── 我们是一家专业的汽车零配件生产商,产品以汽车传动部件和汽车电器部件为主,包括汽车万向节十字轴、传动轴叉、传动轴法兰、花键轴,以及汽车电压调节器、油路开关等。

65、I made a simple blueprint setup from these images and started to build a spline cage. ─── 我以这些图像为基础制作了一个简单的蓝图并且开始构建曲线框架。

66、With the involute spline on the adjustment pole of the Liebao Mitsubishi auto chair as an example,the cold extruding process for forming the involute splines was stated. ─── 以猎豹三菱汽车座椅调节杆上的渐开线花键为研制对象,阐述了渐开线花键的冷挤压成形工艺,冷挤压模制造工艺采用线切割成形。

67、First, to formulate the constraints of a foot trajectory, and generate the foot trajectory by third-order spline. ─── 先设定足部的边界条件,在用三次方曲线来产生足部轨迹。

68、Outside surface is a spline through points. ─── 外表是通过点的齿条。

69、The article starts from the features of the tapered involute spline analyses the characters of hob design, expounds the main steps in the tapered involute spline hob design. ─── 从锥底渐开线花键的特征着手,分析了滚刀设计的特点,给出了锥底渐开线花键滚刀设计的主要步骤。

70、Use the DrawClosedCurve method of the Graphics class to draw a closed cardinal spline. ─── 使用Graphics类的DrawClosedCurve方法可绘制闭合的基数样条曲线。

71、The control points of the rational spline to be constructed were computed simply by the vertices of the given polygon. ─── 在算法中,所有的有理样条曲线的控制点可以通过对多边形的顶点简单计算产生。

72、An algorithm for constructing rational spline closed curve which is tangent to the givenpolygon is described. ─── 描述了一种与给定多边形相切的有理样条闭曲线的算法。

73、The word "spline" once referred to a piece of flexible wood, rubber, or metal used to draw curves on a piece of paper . ─── 单词曲尺曾经指的是惯于在一张纸上绘制曲线的一片柔软的木头,橡胶或金属。

74、So it adopt cubic spline functio n to structure die cavity outline in this article ,the model points may be surve yed on die cavity surface . ─── 因此,这里采用三次样条函数拟合曲线构造模具型腔廓线,其型值点由已有模具型腔测得。

75、This paper introduces the design and application of CAD/CAMsystem of rectangle spline broach.Developing the system for enterprise and its integrated design are put forward. ─── 介绍矩形花键拉刀CAD/CAM系统的设计与应用,提出开发面向企业的拉刀CAD/CAM系统及其集成化设计方法。

76、We firmly believe that the user received from the factory are "the most reliable, efficient, most economical," the hobbing machine and the spline shaft milling. ─── 我们坚信用户从本厂得到的是“最可靠、高效率、最经济”的滚齿机和花键轴铣床。

77、The local modification to the trigonometric spline curve could be completed by simply adjusting the corresponding control parameters. ─── 所构造的曲线对多边形具有保形性,曲线可以局部修改。

78、By means of both the cubic spline functions in the toolbox of MATLAB and the ordinary polynomial interpolation func... ─── 同时也得出了极坐标下的三次样条远优于直角坐标下的多项式.

79、A new simple method for broaching spline holes with a common machine, which has enlarged Screwpitch, is introduced. ─── 介绍了一种在有增大螺距的普通车床上拉削花键孔的新方法。

80、This paper applies spline smoothing and spline interpolation to GPS CV data processing from NTSC and CRL. ─── 为克服Vondrak方法平滑GPS共视比对数据的两端效应和缺值点处的插值问题,应用样条函数平滑和插值方法对NTSC和CRL的GPS共视数据进行了分析研究。

81、The internal spline (internal gear) with reversed taper teeth is the general method used by autocar and tracter industry to prevent the meshing from dislocating. ─── 倒锥齿内花键(内齿轮)是汽车、拖拉机为防止脱档而常用的方法。

82、The rainfall isoline smoothed by the tension spline function algorithm in the process of making rainfall isoline map of Beijing Pinggu District has much better effects. ─── 在绘制北京市平谷地区雨量等值线图过程中,应用张力样条函数算法光滑后的雨量等值线图达到了很好的效果。

83、An analysis on the cold extrusion process and a technological experiment were made for the two spline ends of a slim drive shaft . ─── 细长传动轴两端花键头进行了冷挤压加工分析与工艺实验。

84、Creates an array of four points to define a spline. ─── 创建一个包含四个点的数组来定义样条。

85、Synchro-mechanism is the important part of a CRF(Cold Roll Forming) machine, whose synchronized accuracy will affect the pitch cumulative errors of involute spline directly. ─── 同步机构是精密冷滚轧机床的重要组成部件,其同步精度直接影响到花键成形的周节累积误差。

86、strength is calculated by the transfer matrix method and stability is computed by spline energy method. ─── 强度分析采用迁移矩阵法,稳定性分析采用样条能量法。

87、This method through the point's density distribution on the die profile could control fitting error of the curvature of the arc spline. ─── 该方法可通过拉弯件轮廓曲线上布点的密度来控制模具轮廓曲线上曲率分段的多少和误差大小。

88、Spline and subdivision are two important modeling methods in CAGD and they are closely related with each other. ─── 在计算机辅助几何设计(CAGD)领域中,样条与细分是两种重要的造型方法。

89、A tension of 1 corresponds to no physical tension, allowing the spline to take the path of least total bend. ─── 张力为1对应于没有物理张力,使样条采用最小完全弯曲的路径。

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