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09-12 投稿


cooler 发音

英:[ˈkuːlər]  美:[ˈkuːlə(r)]

英:  美:

cooler 中文意思翻译




cooler 常用词组

air cooler ─── 空气冷却器

oil cooler ─── 油冷却器

water cooler ─── 水冷却器

cooler 反义词


cooler 同义词

ice chest |chiller | tank

cooler 短语词组

1、air-cooler n. ─── 空气冷却器

2、atmospheric circulation type water cooler ─── [化] 空气循环式水冷器

3、brine cooler ─── [化] 盐水冷却器

4、air washer and cooler ─── [机] 空气清洗冷却器

5、after cooler ─── [机] 压后冷却器

6、acid cooler ─── [化] 酸冷却器

7、ash cooler ─── [化] 苏打灰冷却器

8、beehive cooler ─── [化] 蜂窝式冷却器; 蜂巢式冷却器

9、burner-gas cooler ─── [机] 炉气冷却器

10、air cooled gas-cooler ─── [机] 空气冷却的, 气体冷却器

11、air inter-cooler ─── [机] 空气中间冷却器

12、bottoms cooler ─── [化] 油脚冷却器

13、absorber cooler ─── [化] 吸收塔冷却器

14、blow down cooler ─── [化] 排污冷却器

15、air cooler ─── [计] 空气冷却器 ─── [化] 空冷器; 空气冷却器

16、air tube cooler ─── [机] 管状空气幅射冷却器

17、ammonia cooler ─── [化] 氨冷却器

18、after-cooler ─── [化] 后置冷却器

19、box cooler ─── [化] 箱式冷却器

cooler 词性/词形变化,cooler变形

副词: coolly |形容词: coolish |形容词比较级: cooler |动词第三人称单数: cools |动词过去式: cooled |动词现在分词: cooling |动词过去分词: cooled |形容词最高级: coolest |名词: coolness |

cooler 特殊用法

1、recirculation cooler ─── 循环冷却器

2、combination cooler ─── 通用冷库

3、tempering cooler ─── 调温冷藏室

4、beverage cooler ─── 饮料冷库[柜]

5、cross-blown air cooler ─── 侧面鼓风空气冷却器

6、electric water cooler ─── 电力冷水器

7、catalyst cooler ─── 催化剂冷却器

8、mechanical curd cooler ─── 凝乳冷却器

9、plate fin cooler ─── 散热片冷却器

10、single-pass cooler ─── 单流程冷却器

11、stack cooler ─── 炉身冷却板

12、fan cooler ─── 风扇冷却器

13、pitch cooler ─── 沥青冷却器

14、evaporative cooler ─── 蒸发冷却器

15、quench cooler ─── 急冷器

16、lubricating oil cooler ─── 润滑油冷却器

17、drip cooler ─── 水淋冷却器

18、gaseous effluent cooler ─── 废气冷却器

19、revolving drum cooler ─── 转鼓式冷却器

20、trumpet cooler ─── 管式冷凝器

21、finned cooler ─── 散热器冷却器

22、panel cooler ─── 平板冷却器; 板式冷却器

23、multitube cooler ─── 多管冷却器

24、shaft-type sinter cooler ─── 竖井式烧结矿冷却机

25、sales cooler ─── 商业用冷库, 零售(肉)店冷库

26、acid cooler ─── 冷酸器, 酸冷却器

27、blister cooler ─── 汽化冷却器

28、counter-current cooler ─── 逆流冷却器

29、coil-in-box cooler ─── 箱内旋管式冷却器

30、reaction-type cooler ─── 涡轮式冷却器

31、fluidizing cooler ─── 流化式冷却器

32、planetary cooler ─── 行星式冷却机, 多筒冷却机

33、in-can refrigerated cooler ─── 装桶牛奶冷却器

34、pressure cooler ─── 加压冷却器

35、air tube cooler ─── 管状空气辐射冷却器

36、beehive cooler ─── 蜂房式冷却器

37、packing cooler ─── 低温包装间

38、diving cooler ─── 浸入式冷却器

39、baudelot cooler ─── 喷液冷却器

40、air (fan)atmospheric cooler ─── 空气冷却器

41、horizontal flow cooler ─── 平流冷却器

42、holding cooler ─── 冷藏库

43、serpentine cooler ─── 盘管冷却器, 蛇管冷却器

44、natural conversion air cooler ─── 自然对流空气冷却器

45、solution cooler ─── 溶液冷却器

46、cabinet cooler ─── 冰箱, 分层架式冷藏柜

47、shower cooler ─── 喷淋式冷却器

48、distillate cooler ─── 蒸馏冷却器

49、burner-gas cooler ─── 炉气冷却器

50、ash cooler ─── 苏打灰冷却器

51、coiled pipe cooler ─── 盘管冷却器

52、travelling cooler ─── 输送带式冷却器

53、interstage cooler ─── 中间冷却器

54、shipping cooler ─── 货运冷藏集装箱

55、hog cooler ─── 猪胴冷却室; 猪胴冷库

56、contraflow cooler ─── 对流式冷却器

57、ammonia cooler ─── 氨气冷却器

58、tube cooler ─── 管式冷却器, 冷却管

59、uniflow cooler ─── 直流式冷却器

60、liquid cooler ─── 液体冷却器

61、absorber cooler ─── 吸收(器的)冷却器

62、charge air cooler ─── 中冷器

63、intercyclecooler ─── 循环中间冷却器

64、hydrogen cooler ─── 氢冷却器

65、plate cooler ─── 冷却板, 板式冷却器

66、mix cooler ─── 冰淇淋混合料冷冻器

67、rotary cooler ─── 回转式冷却器

68、dry expansion cooler ─── 干膨胀式冷却器

69、immersion cooler ─── 沉浸式冷却器

70、electronic cooler ─── 电子冷却装置

71、pre-chill cooler ─── 预冷却器

72、sensible heat cooler ─── 显热冷却器

73、hot beef cooler ─── 新鲜肉冷却室, 排酸室

74、reach-in cooler ─── 冷藏柜

cooler 习惯用语

1、coffee cooler ─── [美俚]懒鬼, 逃避工作的人

2、put in the cooler ─── [口]搁置起来, 撂到一边

cooler 相似词语短语

1、pooler ─── 普勒

2、choler ─── n.胆汁;愤怒

3、cooter ─── 库特

4、cooled ─── adj.冷却的;v.变凉;冷静下来(cool的过去分词)

5、cooper ─── n.制桶工人,修桶匠;v.箍桶,制桶;n.(Cooper)(英、美、加、澳)库珀(人名)

6、cooer ─── n.鸽;鸠

7、coolers ─── n.[制冷]冷却器(cooler的复数形式);冷却机

8、cooser ─── 库塞

9、cooker ─── n.炊具;烹饪用水果;窜改者

cooler 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、One of Hal's great strengths is the ability to keep cool when things start to go wrong. ─── 哈尔最大的优点之一就是出问题时,他能保持沉着、冷静。

2、Renault's Pat Symonds said the team had struggled for grip when it was cooler, and that the higher temperatures had helped. ─── 雷诺的帕特-西蒙兹认为车队在较低温度下会遇到抓地力的问题,但较高温度却对他们有利。

3、The cool autumn wind clarified my mind. ─── 凉爽的秋风使我的头脑清醒过来。

4、Cooler should be placed in good condition. ─── 冷却器应放置在合适的位置。

5、Storage: Keep in dry, cool place and avoid direct sunlight. ─── 保存方法:宜放于干爽,阴凉地方。避免光直接照射。

6、He was always cool in the face of danger. ─── 他在危险面前总是镇静自若。

7、You were so much cooler when you wore a mullet. ─── 你剪鲻鱼发型时比现在酷多了!

8、Don't lose your cool, man. You're a gentleman, remember? ─── 别沉不住气,老兄。你是个绅士,还记得吗?

9、It's getting cool and I have to take out my woolen gloves. ─── 天气变冷了,我不得不把毛线手套拿出来了。

10、They took a cooler full of drinks to the beach. ─── 他们把冷藏箱装满饮料带到了海滩。

11、You look cool in this new jacket. ─── 你穿这件新茄克帅极了。

12、Throw in the cooler, and you get a deal. ─── 再送个冷却器就成交。

13、They took a cooler full of drinks to the beach. ─── 他们把冷藏器装满饮料带到了海滩。

14、they climbed higher, the air became cooler. ─── 他们攀登得越高,空气就变得越凉爽。

15、It's cooler if you stay in the shade of a tree. ─── 你就呆在绿荫处吧,那儿比较凉爽。

16、A trip back to the water cooler should illustrate my point nicely. ─── 再次回到饮水机边上,可以更好地阐明我的观点。

17、We had a walk-in cooler in the bottom of the boat that was full of steaks that I had bought for the trip. ─── 我们在船底层有个不小的冷藏室,那里装满我为这次旅行买的牛排。

18、Keep in the shade; it's cooler. ─── 你就在阴凉处呆着吧, 那儿比较凉快。

19、No matter how agitated and upset other people get, Gill just plays it cool and gets on with her work. ─── 不管其他人怎样焦虑不安、心烦意乱,吉尔只是若无其事地干自己的工作。

20、He fanned himself with a newspaper to cool down. ─── 他用一张报纸给自己扇凉。

21、Keep a cool head when thing go wrong. ─── 出问题时要保持冷静的头脑。

22、Noctua packages their cooler in a huge box. ─── Noctua 在一个极大的盒子中包装他们的冷却器。

23、For this reason a special too so I do not know if I should give you that the one-mail messages, please see cooler. ─── 因为这个原因太特殊了所以我不知道我应该给你们的那一个邮箱发邮件,请你们见凉。

24、The weather gets noticeably cooler when the fu days are over. ─── 出了伏,天气就明显地凉快起来。

25、At first it was very hot, but then it got cooler. ─── 一开始天挺热,但后来变凉了。

26、A brisk walk in cool weather is invigorating. ─── 在凉爽的天气里轻松地散步令人心旷神怡。

27、Cooler weather is forecast for the weekend. ─── 预报本周末天气较凉。

28、Most metals contract when they get cooler. ─── 大多数金属遇冷就收缩。

29、Within the hospital it was cooler than outside, but not much. ─── 医院里比较凉快,但也好不到哪里去。

30、It's late summer; soon the days will be cooler. ─── 夏末了, 很快天气就将更凉爽。

31、Oh, good, the days are getting cooler and cooler. ─── 噢,太好了,天气越来越凉快了。

32、He colored his room into green to make it cooler in summer. ─── 他把房间刷成绿色以便在夏天更凉快一些。

33、On these dry days, you soon thirst for a cool drink. ─── 在那些干旱的日子里,你不久就会渴望喝点清凉的东西。

34、They bathed in a cool mountain stream. ─── 他们在清凉的山间溪流中游泳。

35、One boy is rowing while the other boy in the boat is dangling around his legs in the cool water of the lake. ─── 一个男孩正在划船,而船里的另一个男孩则把腿悬垂在凉爽的湖水中。

36、He remained cool before the enemy. ─── 在敌人面前他保持镇静。

37、It is cooler if you stay in the shade of a tree. ─── 你就呆在绿荫处吧,那儿比较凉爽。

38、It took her a long time to cool down after the argument. ─── 争论过后好久,她才得以平静下来。

39、The core of the EGR cooler can be made by vacuum brazing. ─── EGR冷却器的芯子可以通过真空钎焊获得。

40、Well, I fell he looks cooler by wearing a pair of glass.So cute! ─── 回复:其实成钢戴眼镜比较帅哦!

41、They gave the Prime Minister a cool reception. ─── 他们很冷淡地接待了这位首相。

42、It's a distinct advantage around here to keep a cool head when things begin to go wrong. ─── 事情开始出差错时,保持清醒的头脑是这里的一个显著的优点。

43、The soil stores moisture during cooler weather. But most of that moisture is gone by the middle or end of the hottest months of the year. ─── 在天气比较凉爽的时候,土壤会储存水分。但是在一年中最炎热的月份中间或结束时,水分会消失。

44、Stay in the shade it's cooler. ─── 呆在背阴处吧那儿凉快些.

45、Last time we went to see him, he gave us a cool reception; today we're going to pay him back in the same coin. ─── 上次我们去看他时,他待我们很冷淡,今天我们要以其人之道还治其人之身。

46、The weather gets cooler after a shower. ─── 下过阵雨之后,天气转凉了。

47、I feel a little cool in the autumnal night. ─── 在秋天的晚上,我感到一丝凉意。

48、As they climbed higher, the air became cooler. ─── 他们攀登得越高,空气就变得越凉爽。

49、I had to cool my heels for nearly an hour before the manager would see me. ─── 在经理见我之前,我只得久等了将近一个小时。

50、September was cooler and wetter than usual. ─── 九月较正常稍凉及多雨。

51、On a hot day, a cool swim is a joy. ─── 大热天来次凉快的游泳是件乐事。

52、Instead, a dog has to pant to keep cool. ─── 一只狗必须通过气喘来保持凉块。

53、T-BAG: Why don't you transfer us all someplace cooler. ─── 你怎么还不把我们送到凉快点的地方去呢。

54、A cool breeze; a cool blouse. ─── 凉爽的微风; 凉爽的女衬衣

55、I should advise you to play it cool it you wish to make any progress in the negotiation. ─── 假使你想在谈判中取得一些进展,我劝你还是保持冷静为好。

56、The robber forced him into the walk-in cooler. ─── 劫匪逼他进了冷藏器。

57、The food in the cooler can prevent spoiling. ─── 冰箱里的食品可以防止腐败。

58、A vacuum flask keeps cool drinks cool and hot drinks hot. ─── 保温瓶使冷饮保冷,使热饮保温。

59、Let's go and have icecream to cool off. ─── 咱们去吃点冰淇淋凉快凉快吧。

60、On getting cooler, the general tendency of matter is to contract. ─── 在受冷时,物体总的趋势是体积变小。

61、His father earns a cool thousand dollars a month. ─── 他父亲每月能挣足足一千美元。

62、Dan won a cool thousand dollars. ─── 丹赢了整整一千元。

63、He managed to remain cool by swimming occasionally. ─── 他不时地游泳来使自己保持凉快。

64、The occasion calls for a cool head. ─── 在这样情况下需要有冷静的头脑。

65、You're very cool with your brother, but with your friends you really come to life. ─── 你对你弟弟冷冰冰的,但跟朋友在一起倒很活跃。

66、You may keep your breath to cool your porridge. ─── 你别多管人家闲事好了。

67、TB: Why don't you transfer us all someplace cooler... like Africa? ─── 你怎么还不把我们送到凉快点的地方去呢...例如非洲?

68、Cold side charge air cooler. ─── 低温充气冷却管。

69、Cool breezes ventilated the house. ─── 凉风令屋子通气。

70、A sheltered place, especially a greenhouse, used for the cultivation of orange trees in cool climates. ─── 培桔暖棚用于在较凉天气下培植桔树的有遮掩物的地方,尤指暖棚

71、He enjoys the pleasantly cool autumn days. ─── 他非常喜欢凉爽的秋天。

72、He is cool toward her. ─── 他对她冷淡。

73、Du denkst du bist ein cooler Typ du bist so selbst v... ─── Sag Es----德语歌曲 德语MV是由德国著名组合Samajona演唱。

74、They could have found a cooler place, but they would not deny themselves such a romantic feature as the roasting campfire. ─── 他们本来还可以找个更清凉的地方,但如此热烘烘的篝火,如此浪漫的情调,他们实在难以割舍。

75、It will be cooler when the sun has set. ─── 太阳落后, 天就会凉爽些。

76、Let your tea cool a little before you drink it. ─── 先让茶凉一凉再喝。

77、The higher the ground, the cooler the air. ─── 地面越高,天气越冷。

78、A: It's a bit cooler today, isn't it? ─── 今天天气有点凉,不是吗?

79、Keep cool! ─── 保持冷静!

80、As it was a hot day she wore a cool dress. ─── 因为天气热,她穿了一件凉快的衣服。

81、His cool response suggested that he didn't like the idea. ─── 他反应冷淡表明他并不喜欢这个主意。

82、Rigorous air-cooler model Rigorous Air Cooler design and rating. ─── 严格空冷器设计和核算软件。

83、Autumn is a beautiful time of the year. Its cooler temperatures make it more comfortable to be outdoors, and the fresh air is exhilarating. ─── 秋季是一年之中非常美丽的季节,秋高气爽,心旷神怡,非常适宜户外活动。

84、Keep cool: it will be all one a hundred years hence. ─── 保持冷静吧,自今起百年之后,全都一样啦。

85、Oh, Melly,I, I`ll just go and fetch you some cooler water. ─── 噢,梅勒妮,我,我这就去给你拿些凉水来.

86、Oh dear, I had been longing for a cooler weather here. ─── 哦天,我原希望这里会有比较凉快的天气。

87、He has a cool head at all times. ─── 他不论什么时候都有清醒的头脑。

88、A rest in the shade will cool you down. ─── 在阴凉处休息会使你凉爽。

89、Even when you argue, you should try to keep cool. ─── 即使在争辩时,你也要尽力保持冷静。


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