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09-12 投稿


adulterates 发音

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adulterates 中文意思翻译



adulterates 词性/词形变化,adulterates变形

动词现在分词: adulterating |动词过去分词: adulterated |动词第三人称单数: adulterates |动词过去式: adulterated |名词: adulteration |

adulterates 相似词语短语

1、adulterate ─── v.在(饮食)中掺入低劣杂质,掺假;adj.掺假的,不纯的;通奸的

2、adulterated ─── adj.掺入次级品的;v.在…中掺入杂质(adulterate的过去分词)

3、unadulterated ─── adj.纯粹的;完全的;无搀杂的

4、adulterator ─── n.搀假的人;伪造人;造假货的人

5、adulterants ─── n.掺杂物;adj.掺杂用的

6、adulteries ─── n.通奸,通奸行为

7、adulterations ─── n.掺杂;搀假货

8、adulterizes ─── 通奸

9、adulterises ─── 通奸

adulterates 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、outside adulterates an agent ─── 外掺剂

2、The statement pointed out that the group deeply believed that one kind the product which produces in China has not been by adulterates has the melamine milk to be made. ─── 声明指出,集团深信,没有一种在中国生产的产品是由搀杂有三聚氰胺的牛奶制成。

3、Investigation of medicinal plants of genus Polygonatum in Sichuan and identification of its adulterates. ─── 四川黄精属药用植物的调查及药材掺伪品的鉴定。

4、any substance that adulterates (lessens the purity or effectiveness of a substance) ─── 任何掺入物质(降低一种物质的纯度或效力)

5、This bad man often adulterates milk with water and then sells it ─── 这坏家伙经常将牛奶渗水出售。

6、any producer or seller who mixes up or adulterates products, passes fake imitations for genuine, sells seconds at best quality price, or passes unqualified products as qualified ones, ─── 生产者、销售者在产品中掺杂、掺假,以假充真,以次充好或者以不合格产品冒充合格产品,

7、However reported according to Agence France Presse that the Swiss Nestle group Monday issues the statement, indicated that their milk class product and adulterates the melamine the milk to make. ─── 不过根据法新社报道,瑞士雀巢集团周一发表声明,表示它们的奶类产品并不由搀杂三聚氰胺的牛奶制成。

8、A substance that adulterates. ─── 掺杂物掺有杂质的物质

9、In the second part, we discussed them from a larger data scale.As we know, all models were setted up according to an ideal state, but data from experiment adulterates amount of uncertain factors. ─── 由于理论模型是依据理想状况而建立,而实验数据中掺杂了许多不可预测的影响因素,本文又运用这些策略对大规模实验数据进行了预处理,即从宏观角度上对以上策略进行了探讨。

10、Investigation of medicinal plants of genus Polygonatum in Sichuan and identification of its adulterates. ─── 四川黄精属药用植物的调查及药材掺伪品的鉴定.

11、any substance that adulterates (lessens the purity or effectiveness of a substance). ─── 任何掺入物质(降低一种物质的纯度或效力)。

12、History of ginseng as a drug and its adulterates. ─── 人参的本草历史和混淆品种.

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