accumulation 发音
英:[əˌkjuːmjəˈleɪʃn] 美:[əˌkjuːmjəˈleɪʃn]
英: 美:
accumulation 中文意思翻译
accumulation 反义词
waste | dissipate
accumulation 词性/词形变化,accumulation变形
动词过去分词: accumulated |形容词: accumulable |动词现在分词: accumulating |动词第三人称单数: accumulates |动词过去式: accumulated |
accumulation 同义词
save | mount up | muster | pile | collect | roll up | conglomerate | up | heap | buildup | compile | hoard | garner | stock | aggregate | cumulate |gather | store up | store | assemble | amass | aggrandize | increase | add | pile up | amplify | accrue
accumulation 短语词组
1、accumulation plan ─── [经] 积聚(购储)方案
2、accumulation units ─── [经] 积累单位
3、accumulation of funds ─── [经] 资金积累
4、accumulation layer ─── [电] 积层
5、accumulation settlement ─── [经] 累计结算
6、accumulation trust ─── [经] 储畜信托, 积累信托
7、accumulation principle ─── [机] 蓄积原理
8、accumulation distribution ─── [经] 累计分配
9、accumulation factor ─── [经] 累计系数
10、accumulation-quotient register ─── [计] 累加-商寄存器
11、accumulation disease ─── [医] 贮积病, 沉着病
12、accumulation schedule ─── [经] 累计表
13、accumulation of excess cash balance ─── [经] 过量现金结存
14、accumulation mode ─── [计] 累加态
15、accumulation account ─── [经] 累计帐户
16、accumulation of capital ─── [经] 资本的积累
17、accumulation policy ─── [经] 积聚保险
18、accumulation of discount ─── [经] 折价的累计(累积)
19、accumulation register ─── [计] 累加寄存器
accumulation 常用词组
accumulation fund ─── 公积金;积累基金
capital accumulation ─── 资本积累
heat accumulation ─── 蓄热,储热;热积聚
accumulation 相似词语短语
1、bioaccumulation ─── n.生物体内积累(指杀虫剂等物质在生物体内的积聚)
2、accumulative ─── adj.累计的;累积的;积聚而成的
3、acculturation ─── n.文化适应;文化移入;文化互渗(不同文化在频繁交流中的互相影响)
4、accumulations ─── n.积聚,累积;堆积物
5、decumulation ─── n.积聚物的处理
6、cumulation ─── n.累积,蓄积;堆积
7、accumulator ─── n.蓄电池;[计]累加器;积聚者
8、accumulating ─── n.[数]累加;v.积累(accumulate的ing形式)
9、decumulations ─── n.积聚物的处理
accumulation 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、funds needed will mainly be drawn from accumulation within the enterprise. ─── 所需资金主要取给于企业内部的积累。
2、In other words, accumulation proceeds in a wave-like manner or in spirals. ─── 就是说,积累是波浪式的,或者叫作螺旋式的。
3、The effect of this accumulation can result in a license suspension of thirty, sixty, or ninety days. ─── 多次违反交通规则的后果会导致驾照被吊销30天、60天或90天。
4、It is a place of disenchantment, a simulacrum of accumulation against death. ─── 它是一个没有魅力的地方,对抗死亡的一个幻影。
5、A subservient client would soon face an accumulation of ever-growing pressures. ─── 奴颜婢膝的附庸则很快就会导致外来日益增加的种种压力。
6、Phosphorus-deficient plants are often stunted, with leaves turning a characteristic dark green, often with the accumulation of anthocyanin. ─── 缺磷植物常发育不良,叶片呈典型的深绿色,常伴有花青素的积累。
7、Title: Accumulation and Partitioning of Copper in Corn(Zea mays L. ─── 关键词:夏玉米;铜;吸收;积累;分配
8、Suqian is the hometown of poplar and has a wood accumulation volume of 7,000,000 cubic meters. ─── 宿迁是中国杨树之乡,全市木材蓄积量达700万立方米.
9、They identified the surplus over the resources used up in production as the source of accumulation. ─── 他们将超过消耗于生产的资源剩余视为积累的来源。
10、Karst accumulation bauxite orebod y is a new kind of one in China. ─── 岩溶堆积型铝土矿是国内新类型的铝土矿床。
11、It is the intent herein to indicate the accumulation of empirical data. ─── 在这里试图指出与累积试验数据有关的问题。
12、I consider that as accumulation of various cultures. ─── 但低俗与高尚,前面的朋友已说明了,我想不需要重复了。
13、A Learning Machine, the accumulation of knowing to the new things. ─── 一部会主观学习的机器,不间断地认识新事物的积累。
14、A reserve supply or an accumulation of unfilled orders. ─── 已经下了定单但未交付的订货。
15、A group of rich and famous yeomen stood out of the widespread accumulation. ─── 他们一心扩大耕地和牧场,或买卖或转租或垦殖,很早就一直以零敲碎打的方式进行“圈地”;
16、Though this may appear to be a simple truth, it is often forgotten in the immediate concern with the accumulation of commodities and wealth. ─── 这听上去象是不言而喻的简单事实,但在积累商品和财富的急切渴望中,却往往被人们忘记。
17、Accumulation of 5-OHP is obvious in the lower dosage group. ─── 低剂量组中5-OHP的体内积聚较为明显.
18、Echography demonstrated rupture of the calycealfornix with perirenal homogenous fluid accumulation. ─── 临床症状主要为突发性上腹痛,易误诊为急性腹症而行剖腹探查手术。
19、Was there a deep strategy befind this vast accumulation of low-yielding assets? ─── 在大规模积累低收益资产的背后,是否存在某种深层次的战略意图?
20、The puzzle appears greater when one recalls the vast accumulation of material power available to the Habsburgs. ─── 回想一下哈布斯堡家族所能积聚和掌握的大量物质力量就更令人困惑费解。
21、ABA can advance the accumulation of Ca2+. ─── 外源ABA能促进Ca~(2+)的吸收。
22、Poor housekeeping and fluff accumulation on machine parts. ─── 在机器上整理不好,在机器部件上挂花。
23、He is much careful of the accumulation of knowledge. ─── 他非常注意知识的积累。
24、The big money in pyramiding is made in the run between accumulation and distribution. ─── 在金字塔中赚钱的大量的金钱是通过成功的积累与合理分配的。
25、Our duty to following generations is none other than to leave this accumulation of history as our legacy to the future. ─── 对于后代,我们唯一的责任就是积累历史并将之作为遗产留给未来。
26、A parameter's view state is the accumulation of all its property values. ─── 参数的视图状态为其所有属性值的累计。
27、An accumulation or a deposit. ─── 堆积物或沉积物
28、The sleeves must cover stems to a point above the greatest expected snow accumulation. ─── 套筒必须将预计中积雪最高处以上的茎干包裹着。
29、Her only interest was the accumulation of money. ─── 她唯一的兴趣是攒钱。
30、The accumulation of unswallowed saliva in the pharynx causes the sensation of choking. ─── 不能咽下的唾液积聚在咽部引起窒息感。
31、Accumulation is essential for both the state and the co-operative, but in neither case should it be excessive. ─── 国家要积累,合作社也要积累,但是都不能过多。
32、Talents come from diligence, and knowledge is gained by accumulation. ─── 天才在于勤奋,知识在于积累。
33、Housing accumulation fund draws a regulation! ─── 住房公积金提取规定!
34、FAITH is the starting point of all accumulation of riches! ─── 信心是所有累聚财富途径的起跑点。
35、"Denatured" capital accumulation is one that turns public capital into private capital with every artifice. ─── “变性”资本积累是以各种手段变公有资本为私有资本的资本积累。
36、Accumulation of three strikes may result in the termination of your account. ─── 如果累积达三个警告,您的帐户可能会遭到终止。
37、More learning than adoption and favor accumulation than usage. ─── 博观而约取,厚积而薄发。
38、A trap is one of the five essential requisites for a commercial accumulation of oil or gas. ─── 圈闭是石油和天然气形成商业性聚集的五大要素之一。
39、Effects of Different Factors on Growth and Accumulation of Indole Alkaloids in Mutant Callus of Catharanthus Roseus L. ─── 不同因子对长春花突变愈伤组织生长和吲哚总碱积累的影响。
40、However, the hydrocarbon accumulation or reservoir formation requires some thickness of source rock. ─── 但油气的聚集和油气藏的形成,对源岩厚度有一定要求。
41、In a traverse there is no accumulation of scale error. ─── 导线中没有尺度误差积累。
42、What is the loan principle of housing accumulation fund? ─── 住房公积金的贷款原则是什么?
43、The elements exist for less than one second before falling apart, so the total accumulation is "a sprinkling, " he said. ─── 他还提到,新元素维持了不到一秒钟,然后就裂变了,所以新元素的总量是“非常少的”。
44、Extraordinary progress in the accumulation of knowledge. ─── 但人类在积累知识方面已经取得了非凡的进步。
45、Honda said the brake problems were due to the gradual accumulation of air over time in a part of the braking system. ─── 本田表示,刹车的问题是由于制动系统中的一个零件随着时间推移而逐渐积累了空气。
46、An accumulation of work is waiting to be done. ─── 一堆积下的工作等著要做。
47、He is careful of the accumulation of money. ─── 他注意攒钱。
48、The term "hemosiderosis" is used to denote a relatively benign accumulation of iron. ─── 含铁血黄素沉着表示铁的相对良性积聚。
49、The accumulation of N was the highest, K and Ca higher, and Cu lowest. ─── 各种不同密度林分均以 N素积累量最高 ,K和 Ca较高 ,Cu的积累量最低 .
50、whether the community's work contributes much to an overall accumulation of knowledge is doubtful. ─── 社区的工作对知识的全面积累是否有很大的贡献,这一点是值得怀疑的。
51、The steady accumulation of small debts was a ball and chain to his progress. ─── 不断累积的小债务妨碍了他的发展不断累积的小债务妨碍了他的发展。
52、What is common to both,however,is the accumulation of many minor victories to make a major victory. ─── 但是集合许多小胜化为大胜,则是正规战游击战所共同的。
53、Hydrocarbon accumulation in FL strike-slip faulted basin. ─── FL走滑型断陷油气富集特征
54、Today's snowfall superimposed a fresh two inches yesterday's accumulation. ─── 今天的雪又新添加两寸在昨天的积雪上。
55、Stress and anxiety caused by the sudden accumulation of unaccustomed wealth. ─── 对突然积聚大量财富感到不习惯而产生精神上的压力和焦虑。
56、The steady accumulation of small debts was a ball and chain to Peter's progress. ─── 小债务的不断累积对彼得的发展是一个绊脚石。
57、Cargo debris or dunnage accumulation inside the container. ─── 堆积在集装箱内的货物残留物或垫舱物料;
58、Accumulation of ethanol is harmful to a plant. ─── 乙醇的积累对植物体有害。
59、Does the enterprise have regular collection and accumulation of production and operation managerial data? ─── 企业是否有较规范的生产经营管理数据收集与积累?
60、This is especially true if your major purpose is that of accumulation of money or other material things. ─── 尤其是你的目的若在于聚财,或聚积其他实质财物的时候,更是如此。
61、Thus, there is a built-in tendency towards the accumulation of sand/mud laminae. ─── 因此,有一种堆积砂泥纹层的内在趋势。
62、Accumulation of years of history, deep culture. ─── 千年历史积淀,文化底蕴深厚。
63、Nuclear accumulation in the endoplasmic reticulum around deeper color. ─── 内质网堆积在细胞核的周围,着色较深。
64、A member of a branch of the Franciscan order that permits the accumulation and possession of common property. ─── 圣方济会会员天主教方济会的一个分支即圣方济会的成员,该会允许积累及拥有共同财产
65、The mileage accumulation begins on the date of your application. ─── 从您填申请表的日期开始就可以累积里程了。
66、All housing provident fund coverage and increased accumulation capacity. ─── 各地住房公积金覆盖面扩大,提高了归集量。
67、Undergraduate phase of the accumulation of many experiences for me to be a career goal of researchers has laid a good start. ─── 本科阶段积累的诸多经验为我成为一名研究者的职业目标奠定了良好的开端。
68、Allowing the accumulation discarded items/materials. ─── 准备抛弃储存的东西/资料(物料)。
69、Advances in studies on accumulation and leaching of nitrate in farming soil. ─── 农田土壤硝酸盐积累与淋失研究进展。
70、Dip"Flat spot" and its generating mechanism in Dazuizi gas accumulation. ─── 大嘴子气藏“平点”的倾斜产状与成因
71、Appling only nitrogen manure was sure to cause accumulation of nitrate easily. ─── 单施氮肥容易导致硝酸盐的大量积累。
72、They have a yellowish color owing to the accumulation of elastin in the media. ─── 因中膜中含有很多弹性纤维所以呈黄色。
73、A swamp or bogformed by an accumulation of sphagnum moss, leaves, and decayed matter resembling peat. ─── 厚苔沼类似泥炭地的沼泽地,由水藓、叶子和腐烂物质的堆积物形成。
74、An accumulation of boulders,stones,or other debris carried and deposited by a glacier. ─── 冰碛由冰川携带并最后沉积下来的石砾、石块及其他碎石的堆积。
75、The reimbursement time that housing accumulation fund borrows money, the longest do not exceed 30 years. ─── 住房公积金贷款的还款时间,最长不超过30年。
76、Guangzhou is the name of five thousand years of culture in the city of history and the accumulation of homogenizing the product. ─── 这五个名字是广州文化在两千多年的城市历史长河中融汇和积淀的产物。
77、Leaf is main accumulation organ for Hg. ─── 叶是两种沉水植物积累转移汞的主要器官。
78、They were as a few fragrant flowers amidst a dense accumulation of noxious weeds. ─── 她们就象大丛毒草中的几朵香花。
79、How to Manage Accumulation Fund Well? ─── 公积金也须细管理?
80、It does not increase the risks of accumulation of flammable atmospheres. ─── 不会增加易燃大气积聚的危险。
81、Talents come from dilligence, and knowledge is gained by accumulation. ─── 天才源于勤奋,知识来自积累。
82、What kink of accumulation are you getting on the ABC stock? ─── 你有ABC公司的股份有什么资本增益?
83、Decontamination of cleaning agents can only be used for more oil and a large number of serious dirt accumulation areas. ─── 去污性更强的清洁剂只能用于油脂和大量污垢严重堆积的区域。
84、Doctors using a special scanner can easily see the accumulation of B-12. within cancerous tissue. ─── 医生使用一种特殊的扫描仪就可以很容易地看清癌组织中Bl2的积累情况。
85、The steady accumulation of debts proved a ball and chain to the progress of the company. ─── 债务的不断积累已成为公司发展的绊脚石。
86、TTD, BBM and VRP increased intracellular ADR accumulation in MCF 7/Adr cells. ─── TTD,BBM和VRP均有增加MCF?7/Adr细胞内阿霉素积累的作用。
87、During the energy accumulation, geostress increases gradually, and correspondingly rock happensto deform. ─── 在能量积聚期间,地压逐渐增加,相应地岩石发生形变。
88、Multifunction for frequency testing, accumulation frequency and crystal frequency. ─── 具备频率,累计频率及晶体频率的多项测量功能。
89、A swamp or bog formed by an accumulation of sphagnum moss,leaves,and decayed matter resembling peat. ─── 厚苔沼类似泥炭地的沼泽地,由水藓、叶子和腐烂物质的堆积物形成
I believe in my efforts
翻译成英语:Self-confidence is half the battle; Pingyuan is a successful post station; Efforts are the accumulation of success; Blessing is a prerequisite for success.
Self-confident, with my blessing, you will definitely win the title in the senior high school entrance examination. Work hard, my friend!
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