inordinate 发音
英:[ɪ'nɔːdɪnət] 美:[ɪn'ɔrdɪnət]
英: 美:
inordinate 中文意思翻译
inordinate 网络释义
adj. 过度的;无节制的;紊乱的
inordinate 短语词组
1、inordinate amount ─── 数额过大
2、inordinate defined ─── 过度定义
3、inordinate definition ─── 过度定义
4、inordinate ambitions ─── 非分之想
5、inordinate risk ─── 过度风险
6、inordinate affection biblical definition ─── 过度情感圣经定义
inordinate 词性/词形变化,inordinate变形
名词: inordinacy |副词: inordinately |
inordinate 相似词语短语
1、inordinacy ─── 不规则
2、inopinate ─── 不起作用
3、inordinately ─── adv.非常地;无度地
4、iodinate ─── v.碘化;以碘处理
5、inornate ─── adj.不加修饰的;朴素的
6、disordinate ─── 杂乱无章的
7、incardinate ─── vt.隶属于同一主教管区
8、coordinate ─── v.调节,配合;使动作协调;(衣服、家具等)搭配;与……形成共价键;adj.同等的,并列的;配位的;坐标的;n.坐标;配套服装;同等的人或物
9、incoordinate ─── adj.不配合的,不等同的;不协调的;不同等的;非对等的
inordinate 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、And her colleagues' rings were omnifarious.Many people's rings were more inordinate than hers, so she didn't care much for it and had not changed it for a long time after setting up. ─── 而且当时同事们的手机铃声五花八门,比这过分的大有人在,她也就没有太在意,设定之后就很长时间没有改变过。
2、Project of Mechanical Forced Air Blast and Inordinate Flow Burning Equipment ─── 机械鼓风紊流燃烧器的设计
3、Their pride seems to be more inordinate for their modesty ─── 他们的骄傲似乎因为他们的谦逊而更加咄咄逼人。
4、Gamboa didn't land an inordinate number of meaningful shots only because Rojas bobbed and weaved and ran the entire night, although Rojas did go down in the fifth round from a right. ─── 整场比赛,罗加斯都在跳步、迂回和躲避,第5回合,他曾被加姆博阿的一记右拳击倒。这种情况下,加姆博阿并未过多地出拳。
5、The headline for that story had an inordinate number of eye fixations compared to surrounding content, even though it was below the first visible screen of the page. ─── 某条新闻标题比周围其他内容要获得更多的关注,尽管它不在第一屏。
6、the inordinate demands of the tax collector ─── 税收员过分的要求
7、inordinate catamenia ─── 月经不调
8、Inordinate desire is at the root of all evils. ─── 无节制的欲望是一切罪恶的根源。
9、For example, the DTD may contain nested entities or complex content models that can take an inordinate amount of time to process. ─── 例如,DTD可能包含嵌套实体或复杂内容模型,可能需要很长的时间来处理。
10、We are each taking a calculated risk that our investment will give us inordinate returns. ─── 我们都在作谨慎的冒险,希望我们的投资能够给我们带来非常高的回报。
11、whereof the former was indeed a voluptuous man, and inordinate;but the latter was an austere and wise man ─── 前者本性就好色荒淫,然而后者却是严肃多谋的人。
12、Have some opposite-gender friends without inordinate ambitions. They will help you at crucial moments. ─── 一定要有几个异性朋友,没有非分之想.就是关键时候,帮你出出主意。
13、Their minds are slow to the subtle ways of diplomacy, preferring to strike their enemies with the force of their blows over spending inordinate amounts of energy in lengthy, sleep-inducing talk. ─── 矮人的思想一般较为迟缓,所以在外交方面他们难以应付,相比冗长的对话和自己紊乱的思维,矮人们更喜欢用他们强有力的臂膀去与敌人交涉。
14、The pledge comes amid criticism that the hospital turned down an inordinate number of kidneys that might have saved patients. ─── 免责声明:本文仅代表作者个人观点,与肾友网无关。
15、Many of us spend an inordinate amount of energy avoiding the process of telling others what we specifically want from them. ─── 我们中许多人花了过分的经历来回避告诉别人我们具体对他们的希望。
16、He said that the Government has always been acting as the inspector in the construction process and this has taken up an inordinate amount of time and resources. ─── 他说,政府一向在建筑过程中扮演监督的角色,在这方面耗用过多的时间及资源。
17、It was a bit inordinate of him to call me a liar in front of the whole department . ─── 他当著全体同事的面说我撒谎,未免太过分了
18、FOR the sake of a fairy-tale wedding, engaged American couples will take on inordinate debt or forgo buying a house. ─── 为了可以拥有一个神话故事般的婚礼,美国的新人们宁愿负债累累甚至连房子都不要。
19、Some are even on foot-operated units where the production seldom ever exceeds 25 to 30 pants an hour, with an inordinate amount of double creases. ─── 有些甚至步行经营单位的生产任何时候都很少超过25日至30日裤子一个小时,有过多的双重折痕。
20、when I read the epitaphs of the beautiful, every inordinate desire goes out ; ─── 当我阅读美女的碑铭的时候,一切非非之想都离我而去;
21、Never have artists been more separate:their inordinate fame,wealth,drug use have driven them into luxurious purdah(D.Keith Mano) ─── 艺术家们从来没有更与世隔离过:他们过度的赞誉、金钱及吸毒使他们进入奢华的与世隔离状态(D.基思·曼诺)
22、Observing 28 female skaters suffering from the inordinate catamenia, we discuss the iatrical problem in transect research with evidential diagnosis. ─── 主要采用中西医结合方法,辩证施治。
23、They would be easy to shoot down, consume inordinate amounts of fuel, and had few advantages to counter an extended list of cons. ─── 他们很容易被击落,消耗过度的燃料,在反击广大敌人时几乎没有优势。
24、They reached the antechamber before the throne room the center of the inordinate activity. ─── 他们走到了王座前面的接待室,位于今天这场混乱的中心。
25、The girl has inordinate passion for music. ─── 这个女孩过分喜爱音乐。
26、unreasonable and inordinate self-esteem (personified as one of the deadly sins) ─── 七宗罪之一,不合理的自我认同
27、when I read the epitaphs of the beautiful, even inordinate desire goes out; ─── 当我读到伟人的悼文,所有的非分之想顷刻消失殆尽;
28、They spend an inordinate amount of time talking. ─── 他们聊天时间长得超乎想像。
29、Some people spend inordinate amounts of time and energy upset, angry, or frustrated by other people's thoughts and behaviors. ─── 有很多人花了大把的时间和精力因为他人的想法和行为而感到心烦、生气甚至泄气。
30、Boomers grew up drunk on idealism and have always spent an inordinate amount of time congratulating themselves for this quality. ─── 婴儿潮一代由理想主义的乳汁哺育长大,并过分自满于自身的条件。
31、Either keeping personal creditors accounts or making sundry creditors adjustments can consume inordinate amounts of administrative and accounting time. ─── 无论是保留个人债权人账户,还是进行各种各样的债权人调整,都可能耗费过多的行政和会计时间。
32、Current methods for wood drying require inordinate amount of energy, meanwhile volatile organic components (VOCs) and hazardous air pollutants (HAP) are generated during the drying process. ─── 木材干燥过程不仅能耗巨大,还会排放出大量污染物质。
33、Yet I would share a secret about the Oriental Culture, namely the Eastern nations are by nature inordinate to compulsion instead of gentility, and that the more the pressure, the greater the reactive force would be! ─── 但是我可以透露一个东方文化的秘密,东方民族通常服软不服硬,压力越大,反作用力也就越大。
34、The idea of this gave me inordinate pleasure. ─── 我想到这一点感到非常高兴。
35、She had an inordinate fondness for candy. ─── 她喜欢吃糖果到了无节制的程度。
36、He was also one of those with an inordinate capacity for extracting enjoyment from all and sundry. ─── 他也是那种拥有无限力量从所有的人那里获取欢乐的一种人。
37、But even the instance of the inordinate will does not really vitiate the conclusion, since in this case we are not dealing with the primary cause of the effect. ─── 即使是精神紊乱者的例子也不可能对我们的结论有所削弱,因为在这种情况下,我们处理的并非结果的原初因。
38、To treat with often inordinate indulgence and solicitude. ─── 纵容用过分纵容和关心的方式对待
39、If i become entangled in any"inordinate affection"; ─── 若我被任何没有节制的感情所缠绕;
40、Usury on the security of mortgaged land, which had been rampant in the period before Solon, had been curbed, as had also the inordinate concentration of property in land. ─── 在梭伦以前的时代盛行的农村高利贷,以及地产的无限制的集中,都受到了节制。
41、She had an inordinate fondness for junk food. ─── 她喜欢吃零食到了无节制的程度。
42、The key then to understanding the recent crisis is to see why markets offered inordinate rewards for poor and risky decisions. ─── 那么,理解本轮危机的关键在于,市场为何会为糟糕的冒险决定提供过度回报。
43、The country gets an inordinate amount of sun, and areas like the Negev Desert in the south still sport quite a bit of open space. ─── 这个国家得到相当多的阳光,而像内盖夫沙漠以南一带的区域仍然运作着一块开放的空间。
44、And remember the curse of No. 6 -- for some reason, an inordinate number of players taken with the sixth overall pick have been horrific failures. ─── 回想起第6顺位,由于某些原因,球员被第六顺位这个紊乱的数字挑选到的,都成为了可怕的失败。
45、Every inordinate cup is unblessed and the ingredient is a devil. ─── 每一杯过量的酒都是魔鬼酿成的毒汁。
46、If i become entangled in any "inordinate affection"; if things or places or people hold me back from obedience to my Lord, then i know nothing of Calvary love. ─── 若我被任何“没有节制的感情“所缠绕;若任何事物,地方或人物拦阻我对我的主绝对顺服,那我就还是丝毫不懂加略山的爱。
47、A winner must be firm and posess strong stamina and inordinate courage. ─── 成功者是需要坚韧的毅力和非凡的勇气的。
48、They spent an inordinate amount of time and money on the production. ─── 他们在生产上投入了过多的时间和资金。
49、inordinate wear ─── 异常磨损
50、That the son of an ennobled lawyer, a manufacturer or a distiller, should attach an inordinate importance to his rank is understandable ─── 一个封了爵位的律师、制造商或者酒厂老板的儿子把自己的地位看得比天还大,倒是情有可原。
51、"Never have artists been more separate: their inordinate fame, wealth, drug use have driven them into luxurious purdah" (D. Keith Mano) ─── “艺术家们从来没有更与世隔离过:他们过度的赞誉、金钱及吸毒使他们进入奢华的与世隔离状态”(D.基思·曼诺)
52、The lion is blinded by inordinate ambition , the color gets lost capacity for clear thinking , the request having accepted a farmer very effortlessly. ─── 狮子被爱情冲昏了头脑,已经丧失了清醒思考的能力.很容易就接受了农夫的要求.
53、Never have artists been more separate:their inordinate fame, wealth, drug use have driven them into luxurious purdah(D.Keith Mano) ─── 艺术家们从来没有更与世隔离过:他们过度的赞誉、金钱及吸毒使他们进入奢华的与世隔离状态(D.基思 曼诺)
54、3. Gluttony is an inordinate desire to consume more than that which one requires. ─── 暴食是过度的消费欲望更比哪一个要求。
55、My doctors told me that if you are going to spend inordinate amount of time in front of a computer screen at night, you might have tough time going to sleep. ─── 我的医生跟我说,如果我夜晚在电脑面前坐太长时间的话,那我可能就很难入睡了。
56、Of course all instrumental sounds change somewhat as they increase in volume, but with the guitar it is inordinate, like hearing distortion as you turn up the hi-fi. ─── 当然,所有的乐器声音在音量增加时都会有所变化,但在吉他上这会变得紊乱不协调起来,就象在调节高保真设备时所听到的扭曲一样。
57、Arachnophobia is defined(2) as an inordinate(3) fear of spiders.The thought or even a picture of a spider can often trigger(4) this phobia. ─── 畏蜘蛛症指的是对蜘蛛一种过度的恐惧,有这种症状的人光是想到蜘蛛或是看到蜘蛛的图片,就会引发这种症候群。
58、an inordinate amount of time ─── 大量的时间
59、In both cases, administration officials said that the companies were burdened by inordinate amounts of debt that would have to be scrubbed. ─── 在这两项 行动中,政府官员称这两家公司所背负的债务是如此之多以至于必须将这些债务剥离。
60、Over the last few an inordinate length of time everybody has about group and domestic refinancing home mortgage. ─── 在过去的每个人对群体和国内融资其住所按揭几乎没有亿万年。
61、Indeed,such climbs bring with them inordinate does of sheer misery,discomfort,tedium ,and frustration. ─── 确实,这种攀登带给他们的是,由全然的痛苦、不适、单调和挫折所组成的的无尽的劳苦。
62、These same ladies, so inordinate of attention, will report me ─── 就是这群女人,虽然现在尽心尽意,将来会密告我。
63、If your Internet service provider detects an inordinate amount of bulk e-mail coming from your account, it will sometimes send you a message warning that your computer may be sending spam. ─── 如果你的互联网服务提供商侦测到你的帐户发出了过量的电子邮件,有时候,就会给你发送一封表明你的电脑也许是在发送垃圾邮件的信息。
64、Inordinate implies an overstepping of bounds imposed by authority or dictated by good sense ─── 指超越了出于好意或由权威划定的界限
65、Already, complaints about Chinese goods being dumped at below production cost take up an inordinate amount of time (recent footling disputes have involved light bulbs and tinned satsumas). ─── 很自然的是,法国可能会领导这场“非互惠”运动,也就是说,除非中国能够满足欧盟的需要,否则欧盟就会对中国关闭其市场。
66、It found a small but inordinate number of multiple myeloma cases among responders under age 45. ─── 那个案例中发现很小,但不正常数量的多发性肿瘤存在于45岁以下人员中。
67、--- And what is pride but an appetite for inordinate exaltation? ─── "而所谓骄傲,难道不就是沉迷于过渡的自负?
68、unreasonable and inordinate self-esteem (personified as one of the deadly sins). ─── 七宗罪之一,不合理的自我认同。
69、Microsoft claimed that such a deal could leave Google with inordinate power to control online advertising as it became the lifeblood of many internet companies. ─── 微软宣称,这样一桩交易可能会让谷歌成为许多互联网公司的生命线,从而拥有过大的权力,足以控制在线广告业。
70、1.luxurious; extravagant; 2.excessive; inordinate ─── 奢
71、Black's Law Dictionary defines them as "Laws made for the purpose of restraining luxury or extravagance, particularly against inordinate expenditures in the matter of apparel, food, furniture, etc. ─── 布莱克法律词典(目前法律领域最权威的工具书)是这么定义禁奢法的“法令的目的是控制奢侈或者浪费,特别是反对配饰、食物、家具等的浪费与过度消耗。”
72、A Brief Analysis on the Inordinate Voltage Resulting from Resonance ─── 浅谈谐振过电压
73、Sometimes the abstraction itself may be so large that the theorem prover may take an inordinate amount of time and resources to complete the proof. ─── 有时抽象本身可能是很大的工作量,以致定理证明程序可能花费过多时间和资源来完成证明。
74、The fear of admitting we are wrong causes us to place an inordinate amount of significance on information that tells us that we're right. ─── 我们害怕犯错,所以为了不犯错,对正确的信息倾注了大量精力。
75、Abstract: The female skaters in speed skating and short track skating are often feazed by inordinate catamenia with various symptom. ─── 文章摘要: 收集近10余年速滑与短道速滑女运动员月经不调临床资料,冰上女运动员在训练与比赛中经常出现月经不调,并伴有各种症状,多为过度训练所致。
76、But developing such a library involves writing an inordinate amount of unreadable and unmaintainable template mumbo-jumbo. ─── 但是,开发这样一个库需要编写大量难以阅读且难以维护的模板。
77、Touched by the touch of discomforts, hunger, he should endure cold & inordinate heat. ─── “他遭受疾病和饥饿,他应该忍受寒冷和酷热;
78、If they can't, it is their duty to cause the enemy to use an inordinate number of troops to guard them and their sworn duty to harass the enemy to the best of their ability!” ─── 如果他们无法做到,那么他们也有责任尽最大的努力给敌人制.造麻烦,让敌人花费更多的兵力和物质资源来看管他们。)
79、I spent an inordinate amount of time there, working continuously for hours, and my mother worried. She would try to lure me away. ─── 我经常在那儿呆很久,一学就是几个小时。母亲很担心,她总是想办法让我下楼放松放松。
80、Some of my friends were sent away to camp, and the city offered free tennis lessons, but I remember spending an inordinate amount of time in the backyard hitting a tree with a stick. ─── 我的一些朋友会被送去夏令营,城市会提供免费的网球课程,但我记得我花了相当多的一部分时间,在自家后院用棍子击打一棵树。
81、Chen, 28, a woman of inordinate patience who started playing the violin around the same time she began to talk. ─── 28岁的陈女士似乎没什么耐性,她经常正说着话就拿起小提琴开始示范。
82、Bin Laden appears to have been an intense, shy and pious youth who married young and spent an inordinate amount of time studying scripture. ─── 本.拉登本是一个热情、害羞、虔诚的青年,结婚很早,而且花费了大量的时间学习圣经。
83、To treatwith often inordinate indulgence and solicitude. ─── 纵容用过分纵容和关心的方式对待。
84、We put inordinate amounts of energy into creating and maintaining the mythology of our tribe so that we can take vicarious pride in our tribe's good name. ─── 我们付出大量的精力,制造与维持某个种群的神话,以便对这个种群的好名声持一股与有荣焉的骄傲感。
85、Achieving all of these tasks and debating which ones should have higher priority or are more deserving of funding should occupy an inordinate amount of our mental energies. ─── 完成这些任务,辩论哪一个优先级更高,哪一个应该有更多的精力投入。
86、My own inordinate interest in what the lunatics are up to in every corner of our planet has to do with my childhood. ─── 我对那群狂人在地球每个角落的所作所为极为关注,这与我的童年有关。
87、I considered myself a student, spending inordinate amounts of time watching those professional handlers that consistently won, those that I held in high regard. ─── 我当时将自己定位为一个求学者,花了大量的时间看那些常胜的专业指导手,我对他们相当崇拜。
88、But he who desires to walk freely with Me must mortify all his low and inordinate affections, and must not cling with selfish love or desire to any creature. ─── 一个人愿意同我来往,无系无累,必当克除各样私情,一切世物全不贪恋才行。
89、Baldicoot is final respecting: I am inordinate, so I just am true old! ─── 秃子最后说到:我无法无天,所以我才是真正的老大!
Lion and farmerLion has fallen in love with farmer's daughter , has made a proposal to her. The farmer cannot bear to betroth the daughter to allotment a wild beast, but fear that lion , a period of time have no way to decline , thereupon, he has a brainwave when in danger , hits upon an idea. Otherwise but he just says when lion comes to ask a farmer once again, he thinks that lion marries self daughter very suitable, lion must draw out first getting rid of a tooth , chop away a talon, can not marry the daughter to him, because of the girl is fear of these things.The lion is blinded by inordinate ambition , the color gets lost capacity for clear thinking , therequest having accepted a farmer very effortlessly. Herefrom, that farmer looks down on right awaythe lion, is fear of him not in the least. The farmer uses rod to beat him right away when the lion comes again, him is tied up.This story explained that, some people easily believed others' speech,abandons the oneself unique strong point, finally, easily original isfeared they the person to defeat.狮子与农夫狮子爱上了农夫的女儿,向她求婚。农夫不忍将女儿许配给野兽,但又惧怕狮子,一时无法拒绝,于是他急中生智,心生一计。狮子再次来请求农夫时,他便说,他认为狮子娶自己的女儿很适合,但狮子必须先拔去牙齿,剁掉爪子,否则不能把女儿嫁给他,因为姑娘惧怕这些东西。狮子利令智昏,色迷心窍,很轻易地接受了农夫的要求。从此,那农夫就瞧不起狮子,毫不惧怕他。狮子再来时,农夫就用棍子打他,把他绑起来。这故事说明,有些人轻易相信别人的话,抛弃自己特有的长处,结果,轻而易举地被原来恐惧他们的人击败了。
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