luxuriantly 发音
英:[lʌɡˈʒʊəriəntli] 美:[lʌɡˈʒʊriəntli]
英: 美:
luxuriantly 中文意思翻译
luxuriantly 短语词组
1、luxuriantly definition ─── 华丽的定义
2、luxuriantly synonym ─── 华丽的同义词
3、luxuriantly define ─── 华丽地定义
4、luxuriantly meaning ─── 意味深长
5、luxuriantly mean ─── 吝啬
6、luxuriantly crossword ─── 华丽的纵横字谜
7、luxuriantly green ─── 苍翠葱茏;郁郁芊芊;郁郁葱葱;葱翠
luxuriantly 词性/词形变化,luxuriantly变形
副词: luxuriantly |名词: luxuriance |
luxuriantly 相似词语短语
1、luxuriancy ─── n.繁茂;多产
2、luxuriated ─── vi.沉溺;繁茂;生活奢侈
3、luxuriances ─── n.繁茂;丰富;肥沃;华美
4、luxuriant ─── adj.繁茂的,浓密的;丰富的,肥沃的,奢华的
5、luxuriance ─── n.繁茂;丰富;肥沃;华美
6、luxuriates ─── vi.沉溺;繁茂;生活奢侈
7、esuriently ─── 急切地
8、luxuriate ─── vi.沉溺;繁茂;生活奢侈
9、luxuriously ─── adv.豪华地;奢侈地
luxuriantly 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、The bird's-eye perspective before her was not so luxuriantly beautiful, perhaps, as that other one which she knew so well; ─── 俯瞰呈现在她面前的那片风景,虽然不如她无比熟悉的另一片风景绚烂华美,但它却更能使人欢快振奋。
2、flourishing; thriving; growing luxuriantly ─── 欣欣向荣
3、Error never flourished in any soil so Luxuriantly as where a free enquiring after Truth is not permitted, I might say encouraged. ─── 我敢说,在禁止自由追问真理的地方,错误的杂草是最为繁盛的。
4、wears fruiter big canopy to spread all over court, long of green luxuriantly green. ─── 一架架果树大棚遍布庭院,葱葱茏茏。
5、Through the growth of period of time, luxuriantly green of branches and leaves, the flower leaves spit beautiful, have refined taste quite. ─── 经过一段时间的生长,枝叶葱郁,花开吐妍,颇有雅趣。
6、Only having deep "roots" , will leaves grow luxuriantly. Only having good "roots" , will fruits grow abundantly. ─── 只有“根”深才能叶茂,只有“根”好才能结出丰盛的果实。
7、A dead tree, standing in the wind, the artist's eyes are beautiful, it is luxuriantly flourishing of life with, how much more glorious past? ─── 一株枯树,屹立风中,在画家眼里是美的,它走过生命的蓬勃葳蕤,该有多少辉煌的往昔?
8、The both sides makes into the appearance of rocket, the representative hopes this city grows luxuriantly flourishing, make rapid progress. ─── 两边做成火箭的样子,代表希望这个城市欣欣向荣,蒸蒸日上。
9、To in daddy's factory, immediately has flushed luxuriantly greets us, actually I and father and mother all knew, the luxuriant item needs to eat the thing to come out only then hypocritically. ─── 到了爸爸的厂里,菲菲立刻冲出来迎接我们,其实我和爸爸妈妈都知道,菲菲事项要吃东西才假惺惺地出来的。
10、6.The annual floods left precious silt on the fields, a miraculous natural fertilizer which made the crops grow luxuriantly. ─── 每年洪水过后,土地上都会留下一层淤泥,这是能让庄稼茁壮成长的天然优良肥料。
11、To grow well or luxuriantly; thrive ─── 茂盛,繁盛生长得好或繁茂;茂盛
12、Spring has none of these draw backs;the flower bloom,the woods and grasses grow luxuriantly,the weather is mild and the air is balmy. ─── 春天却没有任何缺点,百花盛开,草树繁茂,气候温和,空气清新。
13、Look from the French window of the sitting room, luxuriantly green of the greenery in garden, strange stone rockery, wide greenery falls in sunshine flip through. ─── 从客厅的落地窗望出去,园中绿树葱茏,奇石假山,宽大的绿叶在阳光下哗啦啦翻动。
14、The park is endowed with dense natural forests, murmuring streams, luxuriantly green bamboos, and crisscross with ancient paths. ─── 此森林公园得天独厚,拥有者大自然赋予的茂密的森林。
15、The chrysanthemums bloom luxuriantly. ─── 菊花盛开。
16、The crops are growing luxuriantly. ─── 庄稼长得很茂盛。
17、Melbourne is a clean and clear city combining with azure sky,pure white clouds,spotlessly clean street,endless lawn and luxuriantly green trees, which is a model of environmental city. ─── 蔚蓝的天空,洁白的云彩,一尘不染的大街,随处可见的草坪以及郁郁葱葱的大树将整座城市清晰地勾勒出来,一座环保之城的典范。
18、Mix to luxury bear luxuriantly force is become taller think standard. ─── 对奢侈和华丽的承受力成为更高的考量标准。
19、Plants grow luxuriantly in spring. ─── 春日迟迟,卉木萋萋。
20、The dried herb is collected in summer when foliage branch growing luxuriantly before or at the beginning of flowering, dried in the sun or dried after cutting into sections. ─── 干品夏季茎叶茂盛、花未开或初开时采割,晒干,或切段晒干。
21、1.this suave, culture-loving and luxuriantly good-looking M.P.represents the car-workers of Coventry. ─── 这位温和的、文雅的、奢华帅气的下议院议员代表了考文垂的汽车工人。
22、It is luxuriantly a wonderful spectacle ─── 蔚为奇观
23、The tree species was dioecious and usually bloomed in May.Female flower bloomed about a week after pollen luxuriantly released.The stigma was receptive as soon as female flower opened. ─── 水曲柳在东北地区花期一般在5月,雌雄异株,雄蕊先熟,从散粉盛期到雌花开放间隔约一周,雌花一旦开放即可接受花粉。
24、Crops are growing luxuriantly. ─── 庄稼长势旺盛。
25、Spring in Beijing is luxuriantly green and beautiful. These trees had no leaves on when I just got here last November. ─── 北京的春天郁郁葱葱,很漂亮。去年11月份刚来北京的时候,这里还是光秃秃的。
26、Flourish: vi. To grow well or luxuriantly ─── 发育得好,繁茂,茂盛
27、The metope of television backside a luxuriantly green, green meaning raises a key point, when although be in,watching TV, also can let an eye get have a rest. ─── 电视机背后的墙面一片葱茏,绿意养眼,即使在看电视时,也能让眼睛得到休憩。
28、Honest signals are those, such as luxuriantly feathered tails, that cannot be mimicked by individuals who would like the benefits without the costs. ─── 真实的信号(比如艳丽的羽尾)是那些不能被其它个体模仿的信号,这些个体期望不付出任何代价而获利。
29、verdant; luxuriantly green ─── 葱茏
30、The teams press on regardless of topography, heat and the infamous Greek macchia, chaparral-like underbrush that grows luxuriantly even where shepherds and their goats have given up. ─── 他们向前推进,不论是何种地形,多热的天气,还有希腊著名的地中海沿岸茂密的灌木丛林,这是连牧羊人和他们的羊群也不去的地方。
31、But spring has none of these drawbacks; the flowers bloom, the woods and grasses grow luxuriantly. ─── 但春天却根本没有这些不足;百花怒放,树林草地,郁郁葱葱。
32、Baths wrapped luxuriantly in black leather have also proved popular, as have those made entirely from black resin. ─── 事实证明,浴缸包上豪华黑色皮革后,也很受欢迎,全黑色树脂制作的浴缸也很好卖。
33、Creeper, because a large branches must be attached to the wall to see the sun, so that leaves grow more luxuriantly. ─── 爬山虎,因为枝叶庞大,必须依附于墙才能看到阳光,使叶子长得更茂盛。
34、But I must say, teacher is a big tree, his root infixes in the earth, his stem tall and straight unyielding, his leaf dances luxuriantly. ─── 而我要说,老师是一株大树,他的根深植于大地,他的茎挺拔不屈,他的叶茂盛婆娑。
35、The both sides makes into the appearance of rocket, the representative hopes this city grows luxuriantly flourishing, make rapid progress. ─── 两边做成火箭的样子,代表希望这个城市欣欣向荣,蒸蒸日上。
36、"I just want to hear your heart, I just want to search the dream that I love, I just think that the true love of the proof is as of old to grow luxuriantly flourishing, I just want you understand:My in the mind of comfortably warm!" ─── “我只是想要听听你的心,我只是想找寻我爱的梦,我只是想证明的真爱依旧欣欣向荣,我只是想要你懂:我心里面的暖融融!”
37、Whether you are aware or not, whether you like or dislike, show attention or ignore, flowers bloom luxuriantly all the same... ─── 你认知,你爱惜,花儿努力地开;你不识,你厌恶,花儿努力地开。
38、Guangzhou is also dubbed admiringly the City of Flowers, as here flowers bloom luxuriantly all the year round ─── 广州又被誉为“花城”,一年四季鲜花盛开。
39、you brave snow and frost, looking more luxuriantly green; ─── 凌霜傲雪,而越发葱笼;
40、All over Tokyo the cherry trees were in bloom, but nowhere as luxuriantly as in Ueno Park. ─── 东京的樱花盛放着,以上野公园的最为华美。
41、The building is left the hill of serve as a lookout that is arboreous luxuriantly green, dike is on the right side of. ─── 房屋左侧是树木葱郁的观风山,右侧是河堤。
42、The 4 kinds of agent change into circular, then concentric circle;aerial mycelium first appears lacte, then changes into cinereous or black, aerial mycelium grows luxuriantly. ─── 气生菌丝起初均为乳白色,后期为青灰色或者黑色,气生菌丝生长旺盛;
43、Summer is arboreous luxuriantly green certainly here, cool and refreshing and delightful. ─── 快八点的时候,队伍正式开拔,踏上我们的征程。
44、The cotton-plants grew luxuriantly in the well-manured fields. ─── 在上了大量肥料的田野里,棉花长得非常茂盛。
45、The tree grows luxuriantly flourishing, the fountain trickle starts to flow. ─── 树木啁欣欣向荣,泉水啊涓涓始流。
46、These 2 doors are a door that decorates the most luxuriantly in siheyun, also be by outside the courtyard is entered the dividing line door of the courtyard. ─── 这二道门是四合院中装饰得最华丽的一道门,也是由外院进到正院的分界门。
47、Carrie laughed luxuriantly. ─── 嘉莉开心地大笑。
48、These luxuriantly packaged mooncakes are selling well both in supermarkets and hotels around the country. ─── 这种豪华包装的月饼在国内的各大超市和酒店十分走俏。
49、the flowers bloom, the woods and grasses grow luxuriantly. ─── 百花怒放,树林草地,郁郁葱葱。
50、Arrived in summer, they all became luxuriantly , I nearby of the big tree hides for me cool, I still was filled with pretty flower nearby. ─── 夏天到了,它们都变得茂盛了,我身边的大树为我遮凉,我的身边还开满了美丽的花。
51、a tall, luxuriantly bearded man ─── 留有浓密胡须的高个子男人
52、Talks with them, their association president luxuriantly. ─── 跟它们交谈,它们会长得更加茂盛。”
53、“They disseminate themselves most luxuriantly,” he said. ─── 他说,“荨麻蔓延滋长极其繁茂”。
54、Crops are growing luxuriantly. ─── 庄稼长势旺盛。
55、The trees are growing up luxuriantly and the spring water begins to pour trickling sluggishly. ─── 时而沿着蜿蜒的溪水进入山谷,时而循着崎岖的小路走过山丘。
56、Spring has none of these draw backs; the flower bloom, the woods and grasses grow luxuriantly , the weather is mild and the air is balmy. ─── 春天却没有任何缺点,百花盛开,草树繁茂,气候温和,空气清新。
57、The dried drug is collected in summer when the foliage branch growing luxuriantly and with numerous spikes, removed from foreign matter, and dried in the sun. ─── 干品夏季茎叶茂盛花穗多时采割,除去杂质,晒干。
58、whiskers grew luxuriantly from his ample jowls. ─── 他长了浓密的络腮胡子。
59、The grains grow luxuriantly among the ruins of the former capital ─── 黍油麦秀
60、Chun Lairun luxuriantly green, 10 thousand branches spit verdancy. ─── 春来润葱茏,万枝吐新绿。
61、Urban projects, luxuri Apartments in Zagreb, Hotel komplex development in mid Dalmatia with total infrastructure. ─── [相关分类:旅游项目,公寓,别墅,房地产经纪人
62、One mountain is flying along the Yangtze River, with luxuriantly green sceneries. ─── 一山飞峙大江边,跃上葱茏四百旋。
63、Trees are able to grow so luxuriantly here, ─── 生长得这么繁荣茂盛
64、White chalk ashes fall in the classroom, dyeing your black hair white, but washing off our gaudiness, making our youth more luxuriantly green. ─── 白色的粉笔灰,一阵阵地飘落在教室里,它染白了您的黑发,却洗尽了我们身上的浮华,将我们青春的绿色映衬得更加繁茂。
65、We believe that Yangjing-Juyuan Experimental School will stand by the Huangpu River like Jinmao Tower,the tallest building in China,and that it will bloom luxuriantly and fruit plentifully. ─── 相信上海市洋泾-菊园实验学校和它毗邻的中华第一楼金茂大厦一样雄立于浦江之滨,盛开灿烂之花,结出丰硕之果。
66、She turned luxuriantly on her side, yawning. ─── 她打着呵欠,舒适地转身侧向一边。
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