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08-18 投稿


disgracefully 发音

英:[[dɪs'ɡreɪsfəlɪ]]  美:[[dɪs'ɡreɪsfəlɪ]]

英:  美:

disgracefully 中文意思翻译



disgracefully 短语词组

1、disgracefully def ─── 不光彩的定义

2、disgracefully synonym ─── 可耻的同义词

3、disgracefully mean ─── 卑鄙的

4、disgracefully syn ─── 可耻的syn

disgracefully 反义词


disgracefully 同义词

stain |shame | dishonor | take down | scandal | lower | degradation | infamy | impute | degrade | ignominy | embarrass | contempt | attaint | humiliate | dishonour | demean | bring shame on | odium | cheapen | discredit | cloud | stigma | put down | guilt | embarrassment | tarnish | humiliation | mortify

disgracefully 词性/词形变化,disgracefully变形

副词: disgracefully |名词: disgracefulness |

disgracefully 相似词语短语

1、direfully ─── 肮脏地

2、disdainfully ─── adv.轻蔑地;倨傲地

3、gracefully ─── adv.优雅地;温文地

4、disgracefulness ─── 可耻

5、ungracefully ─── adv.笨拙地,不雅地;没有风度地

6、dismayfully ─── 沮丧地

7、distastefully ─── adv.味道差地;不愉快地

8、disgraceful ─── adj.不名誉的,可耻的

9、disgustfully ─── 恶心地

disgracefully 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、It's disgracefully to obtain happiness by money and we should strive for the wealth in the real sense. ─── 1要争取真正的财富,靠金银谋取幸福是不光彩的。

2、And as is the case of most girls who have received a convent education, she was disgracefully naive. ─── 像一般受过修道院教育的女孩子,她是天真得可耻。

3、The trouble with rich women patients is that they are not functioning biologically, or their biological functioning is disgracefully low-grade. ─── 这类有钱的女病人,她所犯的弊病就在未能顺着生物发挥本能,或是她们的发挥程度过于低下。

4、I consider him to have acted disgracefully. ─── 我认为他行为不光彩。

5、Therefore, they are strongly warned that unless they repent, they would be cursed and disgracefully removed from their office (1:14; ─── 因此,除非他们悔改,否则他们要受咒诅,且要从他们的职位上被除掉(1:14;

6、We all considered him to have acted disgracefully. ─── 我们都认为他的行为很不光彩。

7、The people of Israel would always be reminded of God's goodness to them, yet warned not to behave disgracefully as had their forefathers. ─── 诗人不断地提醒以色列人,上帝是如何恩待他们,然而也警告他们,不可像他们祖先一样对上帝忘恩负义。

8、The old gossip who is in the habit of spreading slanderous rumors about his colleagues disgracefully abases himself ─── 那个老饶舌习惯于造谣中伤同事,这是在贬低自己,很不光彩。

9、And right perfection wrongfully disgrac'd, ─── 坚强的正义被人中伤漫骂,

10、He believes that the tabloid press has behaved disgracefully. ─── 他认为小报媒体的行为不太光彩。

11、The firm exploits its workers disgracefully. ─── 这公司不光彩地剥削工人。

12、Teachers considered him to have acted disgracefully. ─── 老师们都认为他的行为很不光彩。

13、Eg. The firm exploits its workers disgracefully. ─── 那家公司不知廉耻的剥削工人。

14、How can some people suck up like that to the rich? Especially when they behave so disgracefully. ─── "人都别忒势利了,况且都作的是什么有脸的好事!"

15、But now, i have to ask my parents to sacrifice for me disgracefully, which makes me feel uneasy and guilty. ─── 可现在的我,只能这样厚脸皮地让爸妈为我牺牲,这让我非常不安而歉疚。

16、On the other hand, the nationalism is nailed up on the column of the history disgracefully which symbolize uncivilness and disaster. ─── 而在另一端,民族主义被钉在历史的耻辱柱上,象征着蒙昧与灾难。

17、The “paleocons” have always disliked the neocons, sometimes (disgracefully) just because they are Jewish. ─── “旧保守派”历来厌恶新保守派,有时(可耻地)只是因为他们是犹太裔。

18、You muddle disgracefully because you are afraid of the difficulties that lie ahead, because you are terrified by the great problems that lie ahead; ─── 你们之所以无耻地胡说八道,是因为你们害怕横陈在前面的困难,因为你们对横陈在前面的困难惊慌失措;

19、As I passed by Pitt's desk, I heard him remark to his neighbour: "How disgracefully late some of the head clerks arrive!" ─── 当我经过皮特的办公桌时,我听到他对邻桌说:“一些高级员工来得可真晚啊!”

20、To my mother, any meal where you served less than three wines was disgracefully plebeian. ─── 对我母亲来说,任何一次午餐上的酒要是少于三种那就太不体面了。’

21、Most universities are disgracefully old-fashioned and introverted, run by self-interested bureaucracies, mediocre to their roots. ─── 大多数大学声誉不佳、墨守成规、闭关自守,并由那些利己主义的官僚来进行管理,这是其所以平庸的根源。

22、behave disgracefully ─── 举止可耻

23、his grades were disgracefully low. ─── 考那么少的分,真丢人。

24、"You are flirting disgracefully with him, " said Lord Henry to his cousin. ─── “你在不体面地跟他调情呐。”亨利勋爵对自己的表妹说。

25、I consider him to have acted disgracefully. ─── 我认为他行为不光彩。

26、South Africa has been disgracefully blocking discussion of Zimbabwe in the 15-strong Security Council, of which it is a current member (see article). ─── 作为当前联合国安理会15个成员国中的一个,南非做出了一件不光彩的事情,它阻止了关于津巴布韦问题的讨论。

27、Mr Chan said France had behaved disgracefully in allowing the sale.“They remain looted items, no matter whom they were sold to. ─── 大意是“鼠首、兔首仍是掠夺物,不管他们被卖给谁。

28、"You are flirting disgracefully with him," said Lord Henry to his cousin. ─── “你在不体面地跟他调情呐。”亨利勋爵对自己的表妹说。

29、Others, disgracefully, even volunteer as concentration-camp guards and for auxiliary police battalions in the hope of gaining privileges or settling scores. ─── 剩下的人苟且偷生,为了得到特权和好处甚至去当集中营的守卫。

30、Mr Chan said France had behaved disgracefully in allowing the sale. ─── 成龙说,法国允许文物的出售,这佯做极其不光彩。"

31、And he also told me how he ended up with in this position--working so disgracefully. ─── 我很庆幸,自己还没有失去这种本能。

32、He's a big child. He behaves disgracefully. ─── 他是个大孩子,他的举动太丢人。

33、He felt that his brother had behaved disgracefully. ─── 他觉得他兄弟表现得丟人现眼。

34、I think they behaved disgracefully and betrayed the company, and me. ─── 我想他们做了不光彩的事情并背叛了公司和我。

35、When one student behaves disgracefully, it reflects badly on the whole class, even the whole school. ─── 一个学生的不光彩行为会给整个班级、甚至整个学校带来很坏的影响。

36、The night club is one of the choices and is similar to the hotel in the short story which is disgracefully labeled. ─── 夜店也是其中选项,和小说中的旅馆相同的,夜店也常被世俗价值贴上污名标签。

37、We all consider him to have acted disgracefully. ─── 我们都认为他们的行为很不光彩。

38、He's a big child.He behaves disgracefully. ─── 他是个大孩子,他的举动太丢人。

39、Teachers considered him to have acted disgracefully. ─── 老师们都认为他的行为很不光彩。

40、Forget fad diets and expensive face creams. The key to looking young is to grow old disgracefully. ─── 忘掉流行的减肥餐和价格不菲的面霜吧,这些使人看起来年轻的“关键”方法其实加剧了衰老。

41、A drinker who is apt to behave disgracefully after a hard drink is said to have a bad wine personality. ─── 对于一个醉后失态的饮酒者,我们说他“酒品”不好。

42、Clasping his hands and smiling apologetically, Hsin-mei praised Hung-chien for his forbearance, and told him how Li Mei-t'ing had come barging in, blustering disgracefully while he was talking in the president's office. ─── 辛楣打拱赔笑地道歉,还称赞鸿渐有涵养,说自己在校长室讲话,李梅亭直闯进来,咆哮得不成提统。

43、However, it was strange that Wenger turned that into the excuse for three of his players, Hoyte, Eboue and Gallas for disgracefully kicking him. ─── 不过,温格拿这个作为他3个球员(霍伊特、埃布埃、加拉)对纳尼野蛮犯规的理由就奇怪了。

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