constituents 发音
英:[kən'stɪtʊənts] 美:[kən'stɪtʊrnts]
英: 美:
constituents 中文意思翻译
constituents 短语词组
1、constituents in grammar ─── 语法成分
2、cracked constituents ─── [建] 裂化成份
3、alkaline constituents ─── [机] 碱组份
4、acid constituents ─── [化] 酸组分
5、burden constituents ─── 配料成分
6、light oil constituents ─── [化] 轻油组分
7、constituents in congress ─── 国会议员
8、constituents definition government ─── 选民定义政府
9、constituents definition gov ─── 成分定义
10、constituents in linguistics ─── 语言学成分
11、basic constituents ─── 基本成分
12、constituents definition ─── 成分定义
13、undesirable constituents ─── [化] 不良成分
14、asphalt volatile constituents ─── [机] 沥青挥发份
constituents 词性/词形变化,constituents变形
副词: constituently |
constituents 相似词语短语
1、continents ─── n.[地理]大陆,大洲(continent复数)
2、constituency ─── n.(选区的)选民;支持者;(一批)顾客
3、constitute ─── vt.组成,构成;建立;任命
4、constituencies ─── n.选区;赞助者(constituency的复数)
5、constituently ─── 选民
6、reconstituent ─── adj.重新构成的;n.重建成分
7、constituent ─── n.成分;选民;委托人;adj.构成的;选举的;有任命(或选举)权的;立宪的;有宪法制定(或修改)权的
8、constitutes ─── v.构成(constitute的单三形式);组成
9、consequents ─── adj.随之发生的,作为结果的;(河流、山谷)顺向的;合乎逻辑的;n.(逻辑)后件,推断;(音乐)答句;分母
constituents 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Chemical constituents from leaves of Celastrus gemmatus Loes. ─── 哥兰叶化学成分的研究。
2、Study on the chemical constituents of Delphinium grandiflorum L. ─── 大花翠雀化学成分的研究。
3、Because at least for that pair of constituents, I know the dependents for some range of concentrations. ─── 因为至少,对那两个组分,我知道,它对某个浓度范围的依赖关系。
4、She has the full support of her constituents. ─── 她得到本区选民的全力支持。
5、Chemical Constituents in Volatile Oil from Fruits of Alpinia oxyphylla Miq. ─── 中药益智挥发油化学成分。
6、Studies on the constituents from the seeds of M. Sikkimensis H. ─── 微孔草种子化学成分的研究。
7、Chemical constituents from leaves of Crataegus pinnatifida Bge. ─── 山楂叶的化学成分。
8、To separate into constituents by soaking. ─── 使分离:通过浸泡使各成分分离。
9、Study on the chemical constituents of Achyranthes bidentata Bl. ─── 中药牛膝中化学成分的研究。
10、Studies on chemical constituents in dried buds of Lonicera japonica Thunb. ─── 忍冬花蕾化学成分研究。
11、Time was Death's agent, and one of life's constituents. ─── 时间是死亡的代理人,自身亦是死亡的成分之一。
12、Chemical constituents from the flowers of Tagetes erecta L. ─── 万寿菊花的化学成分。
13、Bond fracture appeared to be due to osmotic pressure generated in the bubble by water soluble constituents leached from the interface. ─── 粘结破裂的出现是由于外界面溶解出水溶性成分而鼓泡产生渗透压力之故。
14、Studies on the chemical constituents of Cirsium japonicum DC. ─── 大蓟化学成分的研究。
15、The constituents of her company were very conservative and they had constricted her to a consistent and constrained diet. ─── 公司成员是些非常保守的家伙,他们约束她,让她坚持强制节食。
16、A lot of an MP's time is taken up with answering letters from his constituents. ─── 他住一个很小的房间,房间里一多半地方被一台大三角钢琴占去了。
17、Study on GC Fingerprint of the Constituents in Asarum forbesii Maxim. ─── 杜衡GC指纹图谱的初步研究。
18、Studies on the Alkaloid Constituents of Fritillaria pallidiflora Schrenk. ─── 伊贝母生物碱成分的研究。
19、Analysis of Chemical Constituents in Volatile Oil from Daucus Carota L. ─── 南鹤虱挥发油化学成分的分析。
20、Advances on the Studies of Chemical Constituents of Bupleurum L. ─── 柴胡属植物化学成分研究进展。
21、Chemical Constituents of Volatile Oil from Leaf of Syringa oblata L. ─── 丁香属紫丁香叶挥发油成分的研究。
22、Study of the chemical constituents of radix of Ficus caric L. ─── 无花果根化学成分研究。
23、Studies on chemical constituents of Tribulus terrestris L. ─── 中药刺蒺藜化学成分的研究。
24、Oridonin is the the main antitumor constituents of Donglingcao. ─── 冬凌草甲素是中草药冬凌草抗肿瘤的主要活性成分。
25、Chemical Constituents in the Roots of Linum usitatissimum L. ─── 亚麻根化学成分的研究。
26、He always has his best foot forward when speaking to his constituents. ─── 他跟他的选民说话时,总是保持最好的形象。
27、Studies on the chemical constituents of Bidens bipinnata L. ─── 中药鬼针草化学成分的研究。
28、Do you know the constituents of the mixture? ─── 你知道这种混合物的成分吗?
29、Abstract Objective:To study the constituents from Clerodendrum bungei. ─── 摘要目的:对臭牡丹进行化学成分的研究。
30、The subject and the predicate -- most important constituents. ─── 主语和谓语--句子中最重要的成分。
31、Constituents of the Barks of Fraxinus chinensis Roxb. ─── 中药秦皮的化学成分。
32、Title: Studies on the chemical constituents of Ulva lactuca L. ─── 关键词:石莼;组分分离;结构鉴定;柱色谱;波谱分析;化学成分;甾醇
33、A Study on the Chemical Constituents of Quercus engleriana Seem. ─── 巴东栎中的黄酮类成分。
34、Study on the Chemical Constituents of Salvia bowleyana Dunn. ─── 南丹参化学成分研究。
35、Constituents of trade"s secrets are the core of trade secrets studding. ─── 商业秘密的构成要件是商业秘密研究的核心。
36、The chemical constituents in seeds of Celosia argentea were studied. ─── 本文报道青葙子的主要化学成分。
37、Organic acids are normal constituents of most agricultural soils. ─── 有机酸是大多数农业土壤中通常的组分。
38、Study on chemical constituents of Isatis indigotica Fort. ─── 板蓝根的化学成分研究。
39、Study on chemical constituents of Dioscorea bulbifera L. ─── 中药黄独的化学成分研究。
40、Study on chemical constituents in fruits and leaves of Crataegus L. ─── 山楂属植物果实和叶中化学成分的研究综述。
41、Lipid Constituents from Euphorbia humifusa Wild. ─── 地锦草脂溶性成分研究。
42、A survey of the studies on chemical constituents of Equisetaceae. ─── 木贼科植物化学成分的研究概况.
43、These have been shown to have strong antioxidant effects, though only a small number of their constituents have been evaluated in detail. ─── 它的效果在许多具有强抗氧化效用的食物上有所体现,尽管他们的成分只有一小部分的细节经过了评估。
44、You can liquefy the carbon dioxide to separate it from the other constituents. ─── 你可液化二氧化碳以使它与其他成分分离。
45、Studies on the chemical constituents of flavones in Morus alba L. ─── 桑白皮黄酮化学成分的研究。
46、Studies on the Alkaloid Constituents of Veratrum schindleri Loes. F. ─── 天目藜芦生物碱成分研究。
47、The main constituents were alkanes and esters. ─── 小叶三点金全草主要含有烷烃和酯类化合物。
48、Otherwise the daily mean is perturbed appreciably by the lunar constituents. ─── 否则,日平均值就会明显地受到太阳分潮的干扰。
49、I took this office to represent my twolegged constituents. ─── 我向你申诉的是两条腿生物的权益。
50、Other constituents are thought to come from the oxidation of acrotenoids of the leaf. ─── 其它成份被认为是由茶叶中类胡萝卜素氧化产生的。
51、When they are heated under pressure the constituents fuse together. ─── 在压力下加热,这些成分熔合在一起。
53、Studies on the chemical constituents of Tagetes erecta L. ─── 万寿菊花的化学成分研究。
54、Isolation and identification of the chemical constituents from Morus alba L. ─── 桑白皮化学成分的分离与鉴定。
55、Chemical constituents of Citrus grandis Osbecks. ─── 化洲橘红的化学成分研究。
56、Studies on Chemical Constituents in Root of Rumex patientia L. ─── 巴天酸模的化学成分。
57、Advances in study on chemical constituents in plants of Catalpa L. ─── 梓属植物化学成分研究进展。
58、The council can send messages or letters or whatnot in Spanish to their constituents. ─── 市政委员会可以给其选民寄送西班牙语的通知、信件等类似的东西。
59、AIM: To study the chemical constituents of Codariocalyx motorius. ─── 摘要目的:研究舞草的化学成分。
60、Studies on Chemical Constituents of Paeonia veitchii L. ─── 川赤芍化学成分研究。
61、Studies on the Chemical Constituents of Aristolochia Manishuriensis kom. ─── 中药关木通化学成分的研究。
62、In this paper, the chemical constituents and quality of Trifolium pratense L. ─── 本论文对红车轴草和川续断的化学成分及质量进行了系统的研究。
63、Studies on Chemical Constituents of Ardisia bicolor Walker. ─── 两色紫金牛化学成分研究。
64、Chemical constituents of the aerial part of Bupleurum chinense DC. ─── 北柴胡地上部分化学成分的分离与鉴定。
65、Chemical constituents of the leaves of Canarium album(Lour. ─── 对橄榄科橄榄属青橄榄树叶子的化学成分进行了研究。
66、Chemical constituents isolated from Pine needles of Pinus massoniana Lamb. ─── 松针的化学成分研究。
67、The conversion of ??to organic cell constituents is a reductive process. ─── ?肿0化为有机的细胞成分是还原过程。
68、Title: Chemical Constituents Analysis on the Seeds of Bupleurum Falcatum L. ─── 关键词:三岛柴胡,成分分析,挥发油,脂肪酸,柴胡皂甙,气相色谱/质谱
69、Study on Chemical Constituents of Euphorbia hylonoma Hand.-Mazz. ─── 九牛造化学成分研究。
70、Separation into constituents by chemical reaction. ─── 分解通过化学反应分离成各组成成分
71、Don't overtax my constituents! ─── 不要对我们机构苛以重税。
72、Yellow humic acid(or fulvic acid FA) was an active constituents of humic acid. Its national resources was more amendment. ─── 黄腐酸是腐植酸中最具活力的组成部分,蕴藏量丰富,萃取方法简便。
73、Chemical constituents from Coriolus versicolor L. ─── 云芝的化学成分。
74、The chemical constituents from fruits and seeds of Ligustrum lucidum Ait. ─── 女贞果实及种子的化学成分。
76、Numerous constituents are toxins such as ammonia, benzene, and nicotine . ─── 其中许多都是有害物质,如氨,苯和尼古丁.
77、Ribose and deoxyribose are constituents of the nucleic acids RNA and DNA. ─── 核糖与脱氧核糖分别是核糖核酸与脱氧核酸(DNA)的结构成分。
78、She has the full support of her constituents. ─── 她得到本区选民的全力支持。
79、Study on the Chemical Constituents of Sedum aizoon L. ─── 救心草的化学成分研究。
80、Chemical constituents from seeds of Zanthoxylum bungeanum Maxim. ─── 椒目的化学成分。
81、Objective: To analyze constituents of volatile oil from Gaultheria yunnanensis. ─── 摘要目的:分析中药透骨香挥发油成分。
82、Chemical Constituents of Rheum tanguticum Maxim. Ex Balf. ─── 唐古特大黄化学成分研究。
83、MethodsThe chemical constituents were analyzed by GCMS. ─── 方法用GCMS对其化学成分进行鉴定。
84、Analysis of the nutrient constituents in the oil from Oenothera biennis L. ─── 月见草油的营养成分分析。
85、Of or relating to a molecule that has three or more atoms as constituents. ─── 多原子的有三个或更多的原子作为其构成部分的分子的,或与之有关的
86、Method:The single constituents were separated by the methods of phytochemistry. ─── 方法:运用天然药物化学的分离精制方法进行单体化合物的分离。
87、Advances in the research of constituents and pharmacology of Adonis L. ─── 侧金盏花属植物成分及药理研究进展
88、He was to deliver a speech to his constituents. ─── 他要为选民们做一个演讲。
89、I would have to immediately alienate half of our constituents: 'Wait a minute, we thought this guy was a Republican. ─── 我有可能不得不马上将我们的捐助者们分为两部分:‘稍等,我们认为这位是一名共和党人。
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