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angiosperm 发音

英:['ændʒɪə(ʊ)spɜːm]  美:['ændʒɪo,spɝm]

英:  美:

angiosperm 中文意思翻译



angiosperm 词性/词形变化,angiosperm变形

名词复数: angioplasties |

angiosperm 短语词组

1、angiosperm sopin ─── 被子植物索平

2、angiosperm phylogeny website ─── 被子植物系统发育网站

3、angiosperm phyla ─── 被子植物门

4、angiosperm life cycle ─── 被子植物生命周期

5、angiosperm reproduction ─── 被子植物生殖

6、angiosperm life ─── 被子植物寿命

7、angiosperm definition ─── 被子植物定义

8、angiosperm evolution ─── 被子植物进化

9、gymnosperm vs angiosperm ─── 裸子植物与被子植物

10、angiosperm phylogeny group ─── 被子植物系统发育群

11、angiosperm define ─── 被子植物

12、angiosperm phylogeny ─── 被子植物系统发育

angiosperm 相似词语短语

1、angiospermal ─── 被子植物

2、angiospermous ─── adj.被子的

3、endosperm ─── n.[植]胚乳

4、angioedema ─── n.[医]血管性水肿;神经性水肿

5、angiogram ─── n.[特医]血管造影片

6、anginose ─── 脉管鼻

7、angiocarp ─── n.有外壳的果实的植物

8、angiosperms ─── n.[植]被子植物(angiosperm的复数)

9、agamospermy ─── n.[胚]不完全无配生殖

angiosperm 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Guangdong flora became more complex and multiplex from the beginning of Tertiary.The angiosperm developed in mass and dominated instead of gymnosperm. ─── 从第二纪开始,广东植物区系成分变得更加复杂多样,被子植物大量发展,取代了裸子植物占据统治地位。

2、Do you know what kind of plant is angiosperm? ─── 你知道哪种植物是被子植物吗?

3、Both species occured on rotten angiosperm wood,and caused a white rot. ─── 这两种木材腐朽菌均生长在阔叶树腐朽木上,造成木材白色腐朽。

4、angiosperm submerged macrophytes ─── 沉水被子植物

5、The ability of plants to fulfill nutritional needs by parasitizing neighboring plants has originated several times in angiosperm evolution. ─── 植物的能力,以满足营养需要的寄生周边植物起源多次在被子植物进化。

6、Gymnosperm have 3 families,3 genera and 12 species and dominant Angiosperm have 56 families,300 genera and 951 species. ─── 其中裸子植物3科、3属、12种, 被子植物56科、300属、951种。

7、Archaefructaceae, a New Basal Angiosperm Family ─── 古花新科

8、The park,centered with primitiveforest scenes,has more than 3600species of plants,which is known as the Cradle and Differentiation Center of Angiosperm in the World. ─── 该园以原始森林景观为主体,有植物3600多种,被誉为世界被子植物的摇篮和分化中心。

9、Pollen and pistil of the mutual recognition of angiosperm achieve fertilization play a decisive role. ─── 花粉与雌蕊的相互识别对被子植物实现受精起决定性的作用。

10、V. said angiosperm poisoning. ─── 五、被子植物中毒说。

11、The mature microspore or developing male gametophyte of a seed plant, produced in the microsporangium of a gymnosperm or in the anther of an angiosperm. ─── 花粉 Pollen 由裸子植物的小孢子囊或被子植物的花粉产生的成熟小孢子或正在发育的雄配子体。

12、Through investigation to West Lake Spot in HuiZhou, it showed that the pot had 127 species woody plant which belong to 48 families, including 6 families 8 species gymnosperm and 42 families 118 species angiosperm. ─── 摘要通过对惠州市西湖风景区的木本植物资源的调查,结果表明该景区的木本植物种类总类为48科127种,其中裸子植物有6科8种,被子植物有42科118种。

13、A polyphyletic classfication system of angiosperm ─── 发表被子植物分类系统

14、Study on endosperm culture of angiosperm and its influence factors ─── 被子植物胚乳培养研究及其影响因素

15、There are two main types in forming the seedless fruits of angiosperm. ─── 摘要被子植物无籽果实有两种主要类型,一是生长素刺激型(单性结实型)。

16、6.Bundle sheath The ring of parenchymatous or sclerenchymatous tissue, usually one cell thick, that surrounds the vascular bundle in an angiosperm leaf. ─── 左右两侧花粉囊之间是薄壁细胞构成的药隔,药隔中的维管束与花丝维管束相连。

17、1.Funicle (funiculus) The stalk attaching the ovule (later the seed) to the placenta in angiosperm ovaries. ─── 珠柄:被子植物子房中连接胚珠(之后的种子)和胎座的柄。

18、The Protective Role of Xanthophyll Cycle in Resurrection Angiosperm Boea hygrometrica During Dehydration and Rehydration ─── 复苏被子植物牛耳草脱水和复水期间叶黄素循环的保护作用

19、Study of making and using CAI courseware on angiosperm classify system ─── 被子植物分类系统cai课件制作及使用研究

20、The nutritive reserves in angiosperm pollen grains and the pollen and ovule numbers of single flowers are considered to be correlated with the pollinating vectors. ─── 摘要植物花粉中营养物质的储存形式以及单花的花粉数与胚珠数被认为与其传粉系统有一定的联系。

21、The basis of angiosperm classification was elucidated. ─── 评述了被子植物分类依据。

22、shrubs or trees of North America or Asia having entire evergreen or deciduous leaves; among most ancient of angiosperm genera ─── 产于北美或亚洲的一个灌木或乔木属,叶完全常绿或落叶性;包括在大多数古代被子属中

23、Morphology of an angiosperm stem ─── 被子植物茎外形

24、statement finds support in contemporary works on angiosperm embryology. ─── 后者这一说法,在当代被子植物胚胎学研究中获得了支持。

25、For decades, plant molecular biology has focused on only a few angiosperm species. ─── 几十年来,植物分子生物学研究的重点是只有少数几个被子植物物种。

26、The Test- tube Fertilization of Angiosperm and Its Importance ─── 被子植物的试管受精及其意义

27、These genera and Ephedra also hve advanced tracheids with a structure reminiscent of angiosperm vessels, whereas in other gymnosperms the xylem is composed solely of more primitive tracheids. ─── 这些属以及麻黄属植物和被子植物一样有进化的管胞,而其他的裸子植物的木质部只由很多导管组成。

28、Here we briefly introduce the history of Schmeissneria, its characters and how Wang et al. determined it as an angiosperm. ─── 文章简要地介绍了施迈斯内果的由来、特征以及王鑫等人如何判定其为被子植物的逻辑思维过程,以便大家论评。

29、Heteranthery exists in several angiosperm families, such as Melastomataceae, Solanaceae, Lythraceae, Leguminosae and Pontederiaceae, but the aspects and extent of differentiation often vary in taxa. ─── 异型雄蕊在野牡丹科、茄科、干屈菜科、豆科、雨久花科等多个科中都有分布,但其分化与程度常随类群而异。

30、Micromorphology also provided valuable information for the taxonomy of angiosperm classification. ─── 微形态学也给被子植物分类提供有价值的资料。

31、Other angiosperm cultures based on totipotent cells could be adapted to similar ends ─── 其它用全能细胞的被子植物培养能够适合于类似的目的。

32、General believing, the multi-carpel wooden orchid aceae plant is the angiosperm most primitive class group. ─── 一般的认为,多心皮的木兰科植物是被子植物最原始的类群。

33、3.Principles of Angiosperm taxonomy; ─── (3)关于被子植物分类原则;

34、In which there were gymnosperm 3 families 3 genera 12 species and dominant angiosperm 56 families 300 genera 951 species. ─── 其中裸子植物3科3属12种,被子植物56科300属951种。

35、According to different principles,there are 3 pteridophyte species and 14 gymnosperm species and 35 angiosperm species; ─── 按不同的分类标准,这些珍稀濒危植物中有蕨类植物3种,裸子植物14种,被子植物35种;

36、Heteranthery exists in several angiosperm families, such as Melastomataceae, Solanaceae, Lytbraceae, Leguminosae and Pontederiaceae, but the aspects and extent of differentiation often vary in taxa. ─── 异型雄蕊在野牡丹科、茄科、千屈菜科、豆科、雨久花科等多个科中都有分布,但其分化与程度常随类群而异。

37、It is the oldest in odd cotyledon angiosperm that somebody thinks this subclass serves as a whole kind group. ─── 有人认为本亚纲作为一个整体是单子叶被子植物中最古老的类群。

38、among most ancient of angiosperm genera. ─── 包括在大多数古代被子属中。

39、The ori gin of the flora is very old,that is there are 8 species of primal angiosperm an d 8 one-species genera and 11 few-species genera.In addition,there are many su rvival plants. ─── 其起源也很古老,有8种植物属于原始的被子植物,并有8个单型属和11个少型属,还有许多孑遗植物。

40、4.Bundle sheath The ring of parenchymatous or sclerenchymatous tissue, usually one cell thick, that surrounds the vascular bundle in an angiosperm leaf. ─── 维管束鞘:在被子植物叶中,围绕维管束的通常是一层薄壁或厚壁细胞。

41、What type of angiosperm do these leaf cross-sections represent? ─── 这些叶片的横切面代表何类被子植物?

42、Perhaps a key adaptive advantage of the angiosperm is their ability to construct wood with much less expenditure of energy per unit weight. ─── 也许被子植物适应优势的秘诀就在于它们有能力形成每单位重量的木材可支付少得多的能。

43、Hu S Y. Angiosperm Embryology. Beijing: People Education Press, ─── 胡适宜.被子植物胚胎学.北京:人民教育出版社,1983.

44、shrubs or trees of North America or Asia having entire evergreen or deciduous leaves; among most ancient of angiosperm genera. ─── 产于北美或亚洲的一个灌木或乔木属,叶完全常绿或落叶性;包括在大多数古代被子属中。

45、Plant species, 162 species of fern plants, gymnosperm nine, 1216 angiosperm species; ─── 植物种类繁多,蕨类植物162种,裸子植物9种,被子植物1216种;

46、Advances in research of the parasitic angiosperm haustorium ─── 寄生被子植物吸器的研究

47、Ligule 1.A scalelike outgrowth, varying in shape and size, of certain angiosperm leaves. ─── 叶舌:1.被子植物叶的一种鳞片状突起,,外形和体积变化很大。

48、The Insectivorous Appearance of Angiosperm ─── 被子植物中的食虫现象

49、Lineage-specific patterns are also seen: translocations are rare in dipteran flies, and angiosperm genomes seem prone to polyploidization. ─── 天堂的具体模式还看到:易位是罕见的双翅苍蝇,和被子植物基因组似乎容易多倍体化。

50、Most angiosperm ovules possess two integuments, while gymnosperms usually have only one. ─── 大多数被子植物的胚珠有两层珠被,而裸子植物通常只有一层。

51、Since the nineteenth century, the morphology, structure, ontogenesis, origin and molecular biology of angiosperm ovules have been studied in detail. ─── 19世纪以来,人们从形态结构、发生发育、起源及分子生物学等方面对胚珠进行了大量的研究。

52、In roots, however, the concept is still applied, and in some angiosperm roots a fourth histogen zone is recognized, the calpytrogen, which gives rise to the root cap. ─── 然而在根中,它还是适用的。在一些被子植物的根中,还发现了第四种组织原,即calpytrogen,与根冠发生有关。

53、Cytokinesis of microspore mother cells during meiosis was simultaneous type, and pollen grains were 2-cell, it suggested that the Dioscoreaceae was rather primitive in Angiosperm. ─── 同时型胞质分裂和2-细胞型花粉证实了小花盾叶薯蓣所在薯蓣科是较原始的被子植物;


55、modern angiosperm ─── 现代被子植物

56、angiosperm flora ─── 早白垩世

57、Plant is from ocean to continent about 4 million years ago. The evolution of plant undergoes Pteridophyte era、gymnosperm era and Angiosperm era. ─── 植物是从4亿年前从海洋登上陆地的。植物的演化经历了蕨类植物时代、裸子时代和被子植物时代。

58、3 points) The picture diagrams show thes types of ovaries, characteristic of angiosperm flowers. ─── 2(3分)下图表示开花植物子房的形式。

59、The flavonoids in 50 plants of 32 families of Pteridophyta?Gymnospermee and Angiosperm were listed.This work could provide the evidences of developing clinic function and plant division. ─── 将蕨类植物、裸子植物、被子植物的32个科的50种植物所含的黄酮类化合物列举出来,可以作为进一步开发药用价值以及进行植物分类的依据。

60、Angiosperm pollen flora of tropic and subtropic China. ─── 中国热带亚热带被子植物花粉.

61、The protective role of xanthophyll cycle in resurrection angiosperm Boea hygrometrica (Bunge) R. ─── 研究了复苏被子植物牛耳草(Boea hygrometrica (Bunge) R.

62、Micromorphology also provided valuable information for the taxonomy of angiosperm classification. ─── 微形态学也给被子植物分类提供有价值的资料。

63、The hamamelideceae also is in the angiosperm ancient and the complex branch. ─── 金缕梅科也是被子植物中古老而又复杂的科。

64、A Preliminary Study on the Characteristics of Angiosperm Flora in Sichuan Region ─── 四川被子植物区系特征的初步研究

65、The life cycle of maize is that of a typical angiosperm ─── 玉米的生活史是被子植物中比较典型的。

66、Reform of Angiosperm Taxonomy Experimental Teaching System ─── 被子植物分类学实验教学改革

67、Sun G, Dilcher D L, Zheng S L, Zhou Z K. In search of the first flower: A Jurassic angiosperm, Archaefructus, from northeast China. Science, 1998. 282: 1693-1695. ─── 陈丕基,文世宣,周志炎,历宝贤,林启彬,张璐瑾,黎文本,刘兆生,李再平.辽宁西部晚中生代陆相地层研究.中国科学院南京地质古生物研究所丛刊,第1号,1980.22-55

68、Nevertheless, its spermatophyte flora was little similar to that of Tertiary, where angiosperm were booming in that period. ─── 由此可见,桫椤群落区系组成与起源年代都十分古老;

69、Wood lily plant is the world's oldest angiosperm categories, known as a "plant fossils" reputation, only 250 of the current world. ─── 木兰科植物是世界最古老被子植物类群,素有“植物化石”的美誉,目前全世界仅有250多种。

70、angiosperm plant ─── 被子植物

71、Chalaza (pl.chalaxae or chalazas) The region of an angiosperm ovule where the nucellus and integuments merge. ─── 合点:被子植物胚珠上的一个区域,在合点处珠心和珠被愈合。

72、Perhaps a key adaptive advantage of the angiosperm is their ability to construct wood with much less expenditure of energy per unit weight ─── 也许被子植物适应优势的秘诀就在于它们有能力形成每单位重量的木材可支付少得多的能。

73、One type of seed-bearing plant, the angiosperm, includes all forms of blooming vegetation. ─── 被子植物是种子植物的一种类型,包含了所有开花植物的类型。

74、Compare of wood between the Gymnosperm and Angiosperm ─── 裸子植物和被子植物木材的比较

75、Funicle (funiculus) The stalk attaching the ovule (later the seed) to the placenta in angiosperm ovaries. Nutrients pass through the funicle to the ovule and seed. ─── 珠柄:被子植物子房中连接胚珠(之后的种子)和胎座的柄。营养物质通过珠柄传递到胚珠和种子。

76、oleanane biomarkers indicative of angiosperm input and a Cretaceous or younger source rock. ─── 被子植物齐墩果烷生物标志物和指示输入一个白垩纪或更年轻烃源岩。

77、Leguminosae is not only the third biggest family of the angiosperm plants which distributs very widely but also is the most important part of the plant community in natural pasture. ─── 豆科是被子植物中的第三大科,分布极为广泛,是天然草地植物群落的重要组成部分。

78、Among of which,there are 7 species of pteridophyte,3 species of gymnosperm and 403 species of angiosperm. ─── 其中蕨类植物7种,裸子植物3种,被子植物403种。

79、Placentation The position of the ovulebearing placentae in angiosperm seeds.Placentation varies according to whether there are one or many carpels. ─── 胎座式:指在被子植物中着生胚珠的胎座位置。根据心皮数目的不同胎座式也有变化。

80、The evolution of flowering, as represented by this angiosperm, first appears in the fossil in this time period. ─── 此被子植物代表花的演化,也是出现花的化石之最早时期.

81、Brief introduction to several basic groups of Angiosperm ─── 几个被子植物基部类群简介

82、Some Newly Recorded Plants of Angiosperm from Shaanxi Province ─── 陕西省被子植物分布新资料

83、angiosperm the seeds are wrapped in an additional layer of covering. ─── 被子植物的种子被另一层覆盖物包裹着。

84、The pollen grains resemble to a remarkable degree Clavatipollenites of the Lower Cretaceous period, one of the oldest angiosperm fossils. ─── 其花粉类似于最古老的被子植物化石之一: 晚白垩世的棒纹粉。

85、In the gymnosperms the megaspore gives rise to a cell that is termed the embryo sac because of its similarity to the angiosperm structure. ─── 在裸子植物中,大孢子也产生一个细胞,因为它类似于被子植物的胚囊细胞,故也可以称之为胚囊。

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