charmless 发音
英:[ˈtʃɑːmləs] 美:[ˈtʃɑːrmləs]
英: 美:
charmless 中文意思翻译
charmless 短语词组
1、charmless meaning ─── 无魅力的意义
2、charmless definition ─── 无魅力的定义
3、charmless man ─── 魅力可言的人
4、charmless define ─── 无魅力的定义
5、charmless sekiro ─── 无魅力的塞基罗
6、charmless def ─── 无查理def
charmless 相似词语短语
1、armless ─── adj.无扶手的;无臂的;无武器的
2、chartless ─── adj.图籍未载的;尚未绘入地图或海图的
3、harmless ─── adj.无害的;无恶意的
4、charmlessly ─── 无趣地
5、chainless ─── adj.无束缚的;无链的
6、chaffless ─── 糠秕
7、chapeless ─── 无龟裂
8、chargeless ─── 无电荷
9、chadless ─── adj.半穿孔
charmless 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、She has great charm and a ready wit. ─── 她光彩照人,头脑机敏。
2、To get a feel for the charm of Huian stone carving. ─── 去亲身感受一下惠安石雕的魅力吧。
3、You know you`ve got more charm than the law allows. ─── 你知道你获得了比法律允许的更多的魅力.
4、Those new pill you give me work like a charm. ─── 你给我的那些新药丸真是药到病除。
5、He has a great deal of native intelligence, ability, charm, etc. ─── 他天生聪明、 能力强、 有魅力等等。
6、All the charm of their intimacy was gone. ─── 他们之间那种亲密的闲情逸致也就此完了。
7、There is no charm for a maid who lacks shyness. ─── 不够害羞的女仆没有吸引力。
8、Beijing, I prefer the city with charm and warmness. ─── 你现在住在哪个城市,如果能够选择,你希望住在哪里?
9、His real coldness was hidden by charm. ─── 他真正的冷漠被其迷人的外表所掩盖。
10、LORD ILLINGWORTH.It is their chief charm. ─── 伊林沃思勋爵什么样的女人是坏女人呢?
11、Lack There is no charm for a maid who lack shyness. ─── 不够害羞的女仆没什么吸引力。
12、She has a lot of charm, she's very likeable . ─── 她有许多迷人之处,十分可爱。
13、I sweep off my feet by her wit and charm. ─── 她才貌双全,我佩服得五体投地。
14、Lyricist chapter, Charm the United States. ─── 作词章,风韵美。
15、She was simply oozing (with) charm. ─── 她浑身散发着魅力。
16、He could resist her charm no longer. ─── 他再也抗拒不住她的魅力。
17、He guessed the idea would charm his publisher. ─── 他认为这个主意能让他的出版商着迷。
18、Her performance breathed wit and charm. ─── 她的表演灵巧迷人。
19、And savored the charm of culture. ─── 体味文化的魅力。
20、She fell an easy prey to his charm. ─── 她一下子就被他迷住了。
21、She uses her charm to manipulate people. ─── 她利用其魅力左右他人。
22、Does goodness charm more than beauty ? ─── 善良是否比美色更为人们所欣赏?
23、Merchandise has no charm for us. ─── 商品对我们没有吸引力。
24、Her charm blinded me to her faults. ─── 她的魅力使我看不见她的过失。
25、He was attracted by her charm. ─── 他为她的魅力所吸引。
26、Why didn't he inherit that charm? ─── 他为什么没有继承你的这种魅力?
27、Set off this ancient town's vitality and charm. ─── 午后的阳光衬托出古城的活力与辉煌。
28、He is derided as charmless, even by some in his own party, but the martial aspect of opposition politics will suit him. ─── 他被诟病缺乏魅力,甚至是自己党内的人也这么认为,然而反对政治的军事方面很适合他。
29、He was handsome, with a devilish charm. ─── 他英俊漂亮,具有魔鬼般的迷惑力。
30、The charm is believed to bring good luck. ─── 大家相信这个小饰物会带来好运。
31、He felt that she was able to charm him. ─── 他感到她能够媚惑他。
32、His charm is undeniable, but I still mistrust him. ─── 他有魅力无庸置疑,但我仍对他没有信心。
33、The quality of attracting; charm. ─── 吸引性引起兴趣的性质; 迷人的
34、To function as an amulet or charm. ─── 作护身符或符咒。
35、Correction in the spells of Charm. ─── 修正了魅惑技能。
36、She like to tease men with her charm. ─── 她喜欢卖弄风骚去挑逗男人。
37、EL ALTO, the de facto capital of Bolivia's indigenous Indians, is a massive, poor semi-slum constructed from charmless cinder bricks. ─── 玻利维亚原住民印地安人的临时首都ElAlto是一座巨大、贫穷的半贫民窟,利用毫不起眼的煤渣砖兴建。
38、Does goodness charm more than beauty? ─── 善良是否比美色更为人们所欣赏?
39、He is a man of charm and cultivation. ─── 他既有魅力又有教养。
40、Shanghai Leaf Charm Cosmetic Co., Ltd. ─── 上海李长恒化妆品有限公司。
41、I am sweep off my feet by her wit and charm. ─── 她才貌双全, 我佩服得五体投地。
42、Modesty: the gentle art of enhancing your charm by pretending not to be aware of it. ─── 不着力表现出来的谦虚持重是提高你的魅力的文雅大方之术。
43、Her fans were stormed by her performance and her charm. ─── 她的表演和魅力使她的狂热爱好者倾倒。
44、Your charm will attract someone special. ─── 你的魅力足以吸引别人。
45、She has a subtle charm. ─── 她有难以形容的魅力。
46、You're fond of turning on your charm. ─── 你喜欢用姿色影响别人。
47、She is waiting for you to charm her. ─── 她正在等你去哄她呢。
48、The Small Parlor with romantic European charm. ─── 典雅精致的小客厅,具有浪漫的欧式风情。
49、B: Fifteen years. Works like a charm. ─── 十五年。很好用喔。
50、Her charm of manner made her popular. ─── 一些抢劫犯抢劫了一名出纳并逃走了。
51、A becoming dress lends charm to a girl. ─── 合身的衣服给一个女子增加美。
52、He is a handsome man with devilish charm. ─── 他是一个英俊潇洒有着魔鬼般魅力的男人。
53、She could charm the birds from the trees! ─── 她有沉鱼落雁的魅力!
54、An African charm, fetish, or amulet. ─── 一种非洲咒语、物神或护身符
55、He was irresistibly attracted by her charm. ─── 他不能自已地被她的魅力所吸引。
56、He has been described as a 'charmless bore',not by me,I hasten to add. ─── 他被说成是“无聊的啰唆鬼”,不是我说的,我赶忙加了一句。
57、He needed all his charm to persuade her he was right. ─── 他需要使出浑身解数来叫她相信他的话。
58、She has an irresistible charm. ─── 她有不可抗拒的魅力。
59、His manner is a blend of charm and politeness. ─── 他的举止既充满魅力,又彬彬有礼。
60、She knew she must not fall prey to his charm. ─── 她清楚她绝不可以被他迷住。
61、There is a certain charm about him. ─── 他有某种说不出的可爱处。
62、Her singing has a lingering charm about it. ─── 她的唱腔很有韵味。
63、Your charm doesn't work on me. I'm onto you. ─── 别对我灌迷汤我很清楚你这一套。
64、Smile is an invigoration, an aloof charm. ─── 2微笑是一种振作,是一种超脱的魅力.
65、He had great charm, everyone liked him. ─── 他极有魅力,人人都喜欢他。
66、No one can fail to be struck with her charm. ─── 人人都被她的魅力所吸引。
67、The lingering charm of winter is given by snow. ─── 冬的韵味,都是雪给的,一个没有雪的冬天,是寂寞的。
68、He had none of his elder brother's charm. ─── 他没有他哥哥的魅力。
69、Characterized by charm or beauty; graceful. ─── 优雅的,雅致的以魅力或美丽为特征的;优雅的
70、He greeted me with the easy charm and familiarity. ─── 他同我打招呼时,挥洒自如,谈吐不拘。
71、A charm, fetish, spell, or curse holding magic power for adherents of voodoo. ─── 伏都崇拜物一种为伏都教徒保持魔力的符咒、物神、魔法或咒语
72、Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting. ─── 豔丽是虚假的,美丽是虚浮的。
73、Use your charm, but don't be phony. ─── 发挥自己的魅力,但不要虚伪。
74、A becoming dress lends charm to a lady. ─── 合身的服装会给女士增添魅力。
75、He was captivated with her charm. ─── 他为她的美色所迷。
76、There is a charm about his manner. ─── 他的风度迷人。
77、You're with but whether unlucky charm. ─── 你是一个幸运的让人喜欢的小家伙。
78、Reading a dull, charmless nonfiction book is almost always better than reading a dull, charmless novel. With a nonfiction book, you might at least learn something. ─── 相比一本沉闷又不好看的小说,一本同样沉闷不好看的科普读物总是要更给力,概因科普读物至少能给你科普一下。
79、But sometime after I left, the town became a maze of charmless Indian strip malls and housing developments. ─── 但我离开故乡之后,不知从什么时候开始,这个市却变成了一个迷宫,遍布毫无特色的印度小商场和住房小区。
80、Her charm prejudiced the judges in her favour. ─── 她姿色迷人,因而评委都偏向她。
81、I carry a lucky charm to protect me when I travel. ─── 出门旅行时,我会带一会带来好运的护身符。
82、He was a man of uncommon intelligence, perception and charm. ─── 他是一个具有非凡才智、理解力和吸引力的人。
83、Her words had lost their power to charm. ─── 她的话再也没有吸引力了。
84、He needed all his charm to persuade her that it was not his fault. ─── 他需要使出浑身解数来叫她相信那不是他的错。
85、Even a bureaucrat might be more persuasive if he or she is good looking, and who wouldn't want persuasive employees instead of charmless ones? ─── 即便对于一个官员而言,如果他或她长得漂亮的话,这个人的说服力也可能更强;此外,在有说服力的员工和没有魅力的员工之间,谁不想选择前者呢?
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