remarkably 发音
英:[rɪˈmɑːrkəbli] 美:[rɪˈmɑːkəbli]
英: 美:
remarkably 中文意思翻译
remarkably 反义词
remarkably 短语词组
1、remarkably different ─── 非常不同
2、remarkably well ─── 非常好相当好
3、remarkably smart ─── 非常聪明
4、remarkably insignificant ─── 非常不重要
5、remarkably coarse ─── 非常粗糙
6、remarkably liberal ─── 非常自由
remarkably 同义词
unusually | surprisingly | signally | unco | unmistakably |outstandingly | astonishingly | extremely | amazingly | extraordinarily | really
remarkably 相似词语短语
1、readably ─── 易读的
2、reparably ─── 可修复的
3、relatably ─── 相对的
4、memorably ─── adv.难忘地;明确地;显著地
5、remarkability ─── 显著性
6、unremarkable ─── adj.平凡的;不显著的;不值得注意的
7、unremarkably ─── 不明显地;普通地
8、bearably ─── adv.忍得住地
9、remarkable ─── adj.卓越的;非凡的;值得注意的
remarkably 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、There was no need for you to chuck in that remark. ─── 你没必要插进那番话。
2、He restrained himself from making an unkind remark. ─── 他使自己不作不友善的批评。
3、His remark surely settled her hash! ─── 他的那番话肯定说得她哑口无言。
4、His humorous remark lightened the tense atmosphere. ─── 他的一番幽默的话缓和了紧张气氛。
5、What did he mean by that remark? ─── 他那样说是什麽意思?
6、He was always a remarkably short shaker. ─── 他和人家握手,时间总是短得出奇。
7、He made a gracious and honest remark. ─── 他讲了几句冠冕堂皇而又出自真心的话。
8、An unguarded remark let everyone know his secret. ─── 他偶一出言不慎让大家都知道了他的秘密。
9、His remark brought a blush into the girl's cheeks. ─── 他的话使这姑娘两颊红晕。
10、One sharp remark is enough to deflate her. ─── 一句尖锐的话足以使她泄气。
11、That rude remark was not called for! ─── 何必说那麽难听的话!
12、His remark shadowed forth some future occurrence. ─── 他的话预示了今后要发生的事。
13、His remark has a biting edge to it. ─── 他的话非常尖锐辛辣。
14、How does your remark bear on this construction plan? ─── 你的这番话与这一工程计划有什么关系?
15、He was remarkably successful in business. ─── 他在事业上取得了显著成功。
16、Perhaps the last remark was true, to an extent. ─── 也许最后一句话在一定程度上是真的。
17、He resented the cutting remark. ─── 他听了那种尖刻毒辣的话很气愤。
18、His remark was calculated to hurt her. ─── 他的话是故意要伤她的。
19、His remark rendered me speechless. ─── 他的话使我哑口无言。
20、He felt completely crushed (ie humiliated) by her last remark. ─── 他听到她最後的一番话感到深受凌辱。
21、The church spire is reckoned remarkably handsome. ─── 人们都说教堂的那个尖顶很漂亮。
22、He saw nothing worthy of remark at the exhibition. ─── 他在展览会上没有看到值得注目的东西。
23、Remarkably, nobody was killed. ─── 真是万幸。
24、Darcy acknowledged, that the partridges were remarkably well done; and I suppose he has two or three French cooks at least. ─── 连达西先生也承认鹧鸪烧得美极了,我看他自己至少用了三个法国厨子呢。
25、Afro-Caribbeans still do remarkably badly, but whites are at the bottom of the pile. All ethnic minority groups do better than them. ─── 非洲-加勒比裔孩子仍然非常糟糕,不过白人却排在最后,所有少数族裔都比白人表现好。
26、How can you explain such a silly remark? ─── 你怎能解释这样一个愚蠢的意见?
27、His unfeeling remark betrays his lack of concern. ─── 他那冷冷的话语表现出他的漠不关心。
28、It's foolish of you to flash out at a stupid remark. ─── 为一句蠢话而发怒,你真是太傻了。
29、At the in terview he made an unfortunate remark. ─── 他在面谈中说了不恰当的话。
30、Remarkably sappy looking gray eyes smiled at her. ─── " / 显著多汁液看灰色的眼睛在她微笑。
31、As soon as he made the remark, he could have bitten his tongue off. ─── 他刚说了那句话,就立即后悔不该那样讲。
32、His remark was brief without being curt. ─── 他的话简单而不草率无礼。
33、Their children are remarkably hardy. ─── 他们的孩子非常能吃苦耐劳。
34、Your unkind remark was not called for. ─── 你这种不客气的话真不该讲。
35、Co-counselling appears remarkably similar to talking things over with a sympathetic friend. ─── 互同辅导像极了和一位富有同情心的朋友畅谈。
36、Your last remark has really put his monkey up. ─── 你最后一句话实在使他大为生气。
37、Not to grumble. The flip side is that it's all remarkably cheap. ─── 但别抱怨,它也有另一面,好处是很便宜。
38、Is he really 60? He's remarkably well preserved. ─── 他真有60岁了吗?他真会保养啊。
39、His remark brought me up short/sharp/with a jerk. ─── 他的话我听後一下子楞住了。
40、He insulted me by such a remark. ─── 他讲这种话是对我的侮辱。
41、His remark precipitated my decision. ─── 他的话促使我做出决定。
42、A remarkably high proportion of officials now seem to be at it. ─── 现在看来涉嫌于此的官员比例巨大。
43、He was remarkably susceptible to music. ─── 他对音乐敏感得出奇。
44、Remarkably, even the South Korean government is seeking to be done with the matter (in which 46 of its sailors were killed). ─── 显而易见的是,甚至在这次事故中丧失了46名士兵的韩国政府也正在迅速了结此事。
45、His tactless remark killed the conversation. ─── 他一句不得体的话使谈话无法继续下去了。
46、He has recovered from the accident remarkably well. ─── 他事故之后恢复得非常好。
47、His remark was contradictory to the truth. ─── 他的叙述与事实矛盾。
48、Why do you try to catch up every remark I make? ─── 你为什么要打断我的每句话呢?
49、I find the whole thing remarkably pretentious. ─── 他认为整件事虚伪做作之极。
50、That remark of his sorted ill with his character. ─── 他的那句话和他的性格是不协调的。
51、His indelicate remark hurt her feelings. ─── 他粗鲁的话伤了她的心。
52、His paper was remarkably simple and fertile. ─── 他的评论异常简单而且内容丰富。
53、His remark was obviously intended for me. ─── 他的话显然是说给我听的。
54、He made that remark by design. ─── 他故意那样说。
55、His remark served a turn of comfort. ─── 他的话起了安慰作用。
56、His flattering remark brought a blush in to her cheeks. ─── 他那阿谀奉承的话使她羞得双颊通红。
57、He chopped in with a sarcastic remark. ─── 他突然插进一句讽刺的话。
58、He pulled through the surgery remarkably well. ─── 他的手术进行得十分平安顺利。
59、His witty remark caused a storm of laughter. ─── 他的妙语引起一阵哄堂大笑。
60、He is a remarkably poised young man. ─── 他是个特别稳健的年轻人。
61、His remark did not pertain to the question. ─── 他的话同这个问题不相干。
62、Your remark was wide of the truth. ─── 你说的话很不真实。
63、That last remark of yours was totally out of order. ─── 你最后的那句话完全接受不了。
64、He's remarkably sanguine about the problems involved. ─── 他对所涉及的问题非常自信。
65、He flung out a remark, which caused dissatisfaction. ─── 他随便说了句话,引起了不满。
66、His own relation gives us a remarkably objective account of her final attempt. ─── 他自己的叙述非常客观地为我们描绘了她的最后一次尝试。
67、One cannot hear such a remark without offence. ─── 人们听了这样的话必然会生气。
68、Did you remark that queer cloud? ─── 你看到那奇怪的云彩了吗?
69、Your remark excited him to jealousy. ─── 你的话引起了他的嫉妒。
70、Do you see the point of my remark? ─── 你明白我所说的重点吗?
71、His idealism was injured by the remark. ─── 他的理想主义被那个评论所伤害。
72、His remark was tinctured with prejudice. ─── 他的话带有偏见。
73、Although he's over eighty his mind is still remarkably alert. ─── 他虽已年过八十,但头脑仍然十分机敏。
74、He made a remarkably swift recovery. ─── 他康复得相当快。
75、His remark had the intended effect. ─── 他的话产生预期的效果。
76、These students' lives are remarkably devoid of choice and of what might be classified in American high-school culture as "fun. " ─── 这些学生们的生活,完全缺乏自主选择,也没有在美国高中文化中,会被归类为“乐子”的那种东西。
77、He just flung off a remark about getting a new job. ─── 他偶然说起他要换一份工作。
78、It was out of order for him to make such a tactless remark. ─── 他说出这种不策略的话是得不得体的。
79、He schemed and fenced remarkably well. ─── 他运筹帷幄和能言善辩的能力都是十分突出的。
80、What he said is a facile remark. ─── 他说的话全是信口开河。
81、His remark discords with the fact. ─── 他的话与事实不符。
82、He made the remark tongue in cheek. ─── 他说这话是闹着玩的。
83、He damned himself with one stupid remark. ─── 他说了一句蠢话而毁了自己。
84、An uncalled-for, highly personal remark. ─── 一句不得体且纯属人身攻击的话
85、You're looking remarkably groomed today. ─── 你今天明显的打扮了一下。
86、His remark hurt her feelings. ─── 他的话伤了她的感情。
87、He cast his last remark in more formal wording. ─── 他用更正式的措词表达了最后一句话。
88、His unkind remark made my blood boil. ─── 他那不友善的说话使我无名火起三千丈。
89、Herbal remedies are remarkably successful in treating eczema. ─── 草药疗法医治湿疹非常成功。
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