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09-07 投稿



embezzled 发音

英:[ɪmˈbezld]  美:[ɪmˈbezld]

英:  美:

embezzled 中文意思翻译



embezzled 词性/词形变化,embezzled变形

原型:embezzle 过去式:embezzled

embezzled 相似词语短语

1、embezzle ─── vt.盗用;挪用;贪污

2、embezzles ─── vt.盗用;挪用;贪污

3、bezzled ─── 带边框的

4、embezzler ─── n.侵占公款犯,盗用公款者

5、bezzles ─── 自由的

6、bemuzzled ─── 显示

7、embezzling ─── vt.盗用;挪用;贪污

8、bezzle ─── n.侵吞公款收益

9、embailed ─── 防腐

embezzled 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、If produce the situation that information is embezzled, this website will be responsible. ─── 如果发生信息被盗用的情况,该网站将负责。

2、Zhang Wenzhong, despite official has nothing to do with the law, but blamed economic crimes, Huang Hongsheng is a listed company had embezzled funds and imprisonment. ─── 张文中尽管与违法官员无关,但经济犯罪难辞其咎,黄宏生则是私自挪用上市公司资金而入狱。

3、He analyses the domain name that may be government of county of high mountain pool to be embezzled by illegal element, use at spreading bad news. ─── 他分析可能是岳池县政府的域名被不法分子盗用,用于传播不良信息。

4、How to prevent IP be embezzled ─── 如何防范IP地址盗用

5、The lurid news of how they have squandered embezzled funds on scores of concubines continues to shock the public. ─── 这些有关中国贪官为情妇而贪污、挥霍公款的消息层出不穷,震撼民心。

6、He embezzled public funds. ─── 他侵吞公款。

7、the banker absconded with embezzled funds. ─── 这个银行家涉嫌盗用资金。

8、Whoever repeatedly commits the crime of embezzlement and goes unpunished shall be punished on the basis of the cumulative amount of money he has embezzled. ─── 对多次贪污未经处理的,按照累计贪污数额处罚。

9、Henderson Pollard, 26, pleaded guilty to two felony charges: conspiring to receive embezzled government property and being an accessory after the fact to possessing secret U.S. military documents. ─── 二十六岁的波拉德招认了两项重罪:合谋收受盗用之政府财产以及持有美国军事机密文件之事后共犯。

10、I think I'm the victim for I don't know what the one who embezzled my ID had done. ─── 我并不知道盗用者所做的一切,我想我是受害者。

11、The accountant was sent to prison for company embezzled huge sums of money. ─── 这个会计由于公司挪用巨额款项而进了监狱。

12、He has embezzled state-owned assets through various unethical ways. ─── 他以各种不正当手段猎食国有资产。

13、Former rebel leader and Liberian President Charles Taylor used embezzled timber revenues to fund conflict in both his own country and neighboring Sierra Leone. ─── 前反政府领导人及利比里亚总统泰勒通过挪用木材税收来支持本国和邻国塞拉利昂的冲突。

14、An embarrassing tale last month of five officials at a remote branch of BoC, who embezzled 430m yuan, is further evidence that old, bad habits remain. ─── 令人尴尬的是上个月有五名中国银行边远支行的官员挪用了4亿3千万元。这进一步证明了银行内老的、坏的习惯仍然保留。

15、Further, he told me he had embezzled money from his place of business and had an affair with his boss's wife. ─── 更有甚者,他告诉了我他曾经在工作的地方挪用公款并与老板的太太有染。

16、The process is here medium, the user can be asked to refer the Zhang date of MSN and password by SNS website, the user also should assume the risk that MSN Zhang date is embezzled accordingly. ─── 在此过程中,用户会被SNS网站要求提交MSN的账号和密码,用户也因此要承担MSN账号被盗用的风险。

17、If it had been discovered that part of goods were embezzled, he could have made no challenge upon me for it. ─── 即使他发现一部分的货被我盗走了,他也无法找我理论。

18、Designers delivered an avalanche of hardware staples across all classifications of accessories from gauzed masks to diamond embezzled eye patches. ─── 设计师推出了铺天盖地的金属部件代表款式来点缀从薄面具到菱形海盗眼罩的各种配件。

19、the embezzled funds amounted to millions of dollars. ─── 盗用的款项总数达数百万美元。

20、Yet he is accused of forgery and of having embezzled more than 11m Taiwanese dollars ($333,000) from a special allowance for public relations during his stint as Taipei's mayor from 1998 to 2006. ─── 但是他被指控犯有仿造罪,并在1998至2006年任台北市市长期间挪用特别津贴1100万新台币,相当于33万美元,这些津贴本应用于处理公共关系。

21、"Former Rebel Leader rebel leader and Liberian President Charles Taylor used in revenue embezzled timber revenues to fund conflict in both his own country and neighbouring neighboring Sierra Leone. ─── 前叛军领导、利比里亚总统盗用木材收益来为自己国家和邻国的冲突注资。

22、"I have seen those incrimination documents,which had convictive proof to prove you and another embezzled CNSA funs. ─── “我看过那些指控文件,那些说你和另一个人盗用国家航空航天局资金的很有说服力的证据。

23、Based on this, in the context of Chinese cultures and systems, the embezzled object can only be the mislaid property, but not the lost property. ─── 正是基于此,在我国文化和制度背景之下,侵占罪的对象只能是遗忘物而不能是遗失物。

24、Mr Zhang just knows later, it is somebody embezzled his QQ date, the name with him to bunco of QQ good friend. ─── 后来张先生才知道,是有人盗用了他的QQ号,以他的名义向QQ好友行骗。

25、The fee thus levied shall be used for the prevention and control of pollution and shall not be embezzled for other uses. ─── 征收的超标准排污费必须用于污染的防治,不得挪作他用。

26、Although Kwan-China Insurance Regulatory Commission promised to return the embezzled funds, but the three-month grace period has gone back on his word. ─── 关国亮虽向保监会承诺归还挪用资金,但在3个月的宽限期内一再食言。

27、Later I was to learn that the inheritance he had received from our mother had been embezzled by a devious accountant. ─── 后来我得知他从我们母亲那里继承的遗产被狡猾的会计师盗用。

28、Wages shall be paid monthly to workers themselves in the form of currency, not be embezzled nor the payment thereof delayed without justification. ─── 第50条:工资应当以货币形式按月支付给劳动者本人.不得克扣或者无故拖欠劳动者的工资.

29、Yu Fen indicated in the letter that Zhou Jihong once many times unreasonably embezzled the bonus which it earns. ─── 于芬在信中表示,周继红曾多次无理克扣其应得的奖金。

30、In Feburary 2008, royal company discovers game software is embezzled, call the police then. ─── 2008年2月,盛大公司发现游戏软件被盗用,遂报警。

31、The basic medical insurance fund may only be used for its specific purpose. It may not be embezzled or misappropriated nor used for balancing financial revenues and expenditures. ─── 基本医疗保险基金要专款专用,不得挤占或者挪用,不得用于平衡财政收支。

32、2.She insinuated to us that her partner had embezzled funds. ─── 她旁敲侧击地指出她的合夥人盗用了资金。

33、Prosecutors allege Estrada embezzled US$80 million during the thirty months in office. ─── 检察官指控艾斯特拉达在位三十个月,非法侵吞八千万美元。

34、Photo required original, in case embezzled others, contributor will take relative responsibility. ─── 作品要求原创,不得盗用他人作品,否则责任自负。

35、Centuries ago, a Romanian prince embezzled money from the royal treasury to fund his bizarre research. ─── 萨利说,几个世纪以前,一个罗马王子盗用国库的钱进行他稀奇古怪的研究。

36、The gentle moonlight has embezzled the earth ─── 温柔的月色吞没了大地

37、The treasurer embezzled 2000 of the club 's money. ─── 司库盗用了俱乐部2000英镑.

38、embezzled funds ─── 被盗用的资金

39、"Years ago, you could never imagine such a big amount of embezzled money would be audited and then publicized. ─── “就在几年前,你还难以想象如此之大的资金挪用现象会遭到审计,并公开宣传”。

40、“Centuries ago, a Romanian prince embezzled money from the royal treasury to fund his bizarre research. ─── 萨利说,“几个世纪以前,一个罗马王子盗用国库的钱进行他稀奇古怪的研究。

41、The report says nearly four million dollars in disaster relief funds were embezzled and used to build government buildings or cover administrative expenses. ─── 报告指出,近400万美元的赈灾款项被盗用,用于建造政府大楼或是弥补行政支出。

42、This can throw down, also possibly is embezzled by the crack. ─── 这可以投掷下来,也可能是挪用了由裂纹。

43、Yesterday, young lady of this reply collect, although card was not embezzled to consume however from the body, because she is custodial and not good at,be, all losses need her herself to assume. ─── 昨日,该行回复罗小姐,卡虽然未离身却被盗用消费,是由于她保管不善,所有损失需要她本人承担。

44、The cashier embezzled $50,000 from the bank. ─── 出纳员盗用了银行5万美元。

45、Analysis for the Reasons and Prevented Menthods of Duty Embezzled Criminally in State Enterprise ─── 浅析国企贪利职务犯罪的原因及预防

46、Once he embezzled public fund,later we found him out. ─── 有一次他贪污公款,后来我们发现了。

47、My ID had once been embezzled during the game some time between Oct.10th and Oct.20th. ─── 由于游戏期间曾经ID密码被盗用,日期大约在10月10日到20日之间。

48、Lustful for personal wealth, the accountant embezzled the company funds ─── 由於贪欲个人财富,这个会计师盗用了公司的资金

49、The compensation fees for requisition and other fees may not be embezzled, misappropriated, privately shared, detained or delayed in the payment of by any entity or individual. ─── 任何单位和个人不得贪污、挪用、私分、截留、拖欠征收补偿费等费用。

50、Officials say that at least some of the Rmb2, 000bn that would not be repaid has been embezzled or punted in the stock market. ─── 政府官员称,在2万亿可能无法得到偿还的贷款中,至少有一部分被挪用或投入了股市。

51、It embezzled asserts of country and collective, disturbed the economy and distribution system, and led to unfair distribution. ─── “小金库”侵占国家和集体的资产,破坏经济和分配秩序,造成社会分配不公。

52、If it had been discovered that part of goods were embezzled, he could have made no challenge upon me for it. ─── 即使他发现一部分的货被我盗走了,他也无法找我理论。

53、The CEO allegedly embezzled the company's funds. ─── 据传该总裁掏空了公司的基金。

54、Ex.:This accountant Liu, flaunting the banner of serving the people, embezzled a large sum of money. ─── 例:这位刘会计打着为大家服务的旗号,贪污了很大一笔公款。

55、According to press reports, an offender who had embezzled 6,000 yuan was given lenient treatment, and another who had embezzled 50,000-60,000 yuan was sentenced to 15 years' imprisonment. ─── 报上登的一个从宽处理的,贪污六千元;一个判十五年徒刑的,贪污五六万元。

56、Most of the comrades who have resisted land reform, embezzled the fruits of victory, or been weighed down with "mountain-stronghold" mentality have remedied their mistakes through Party consolidation. ─── 凡是经过整党的,不论抵抗土改,贪污胜利果实,或背着山头包袱的人,绝大部分都能挽救过来。

57、Party A Party B shall not provide material or semi-finished products to resell for profit, or without consent of Party A had embezzled up to the non-Party Products. ─── 乙方不得将甲方提供之材料或半成品转售图利或未经甲方同意私自挪用至非甲方产品上。

58、A8 expresses, the large advertising background music that how steps to be rolled out during Beijing Olympic Games embezzled A8 music has music the song of abut authority. ─── A8表示,安踏在北京奥运会期间推出的大型广告的背景音乐盗用了A8音乐拥有音乐邻接权的歌曲。

59、Studies in Computer Soft-Ware Works Right Rrotection and Embezzled Others Publishing Right ─── 计算机软件著作权保护和盗版问题研究

60、She embezzled about 40,000 dollars from the company. ─── 她盗用了公司四万美金。

61、Henderson Pollard,26,pleaded guilty to two felony charges:conspiring to receive embezzled government property and being an accessory after the fact to possessing secret U.S. military documents. ─── 二十六岁的波拉德招认了两项重罪:合谋收受盗用之政府财产以及持有美国军事机密文件之事后共犯。

62、"Such-and-such petrifaction: I am the employee of this company, corruption of our industry leader is serious, informal cadre of level of a family, estimation can be embezzled 1 million. ─── “某某石化:我就是这家公司的员工,我们企业领导贪污严重,随便一个科级干部,估计都能贪污百万。

63、The chairman of Hyundai, a South Korean conglomerate, is now standing trial on charges that he embezzled $110m from his company. ─── 韩国大亨——现代的主席现在正在就受调查。他被指控贪污公司1.1亿美元。

64、One former director embezzled $34 million in company funds. ─── 一位前任主管挪用了3400万美元的公司资金。

65、The Indonesian government has filed a civil law suit to recover money said to have been embezzled by the country's former President Suharto. ─── 印尼政府现已向法庭提起民事诉讼,要求追回据称被前总统苏哈托盗用的款项。

66、"Former rebel leader and Liberian President Charles Taylor used embezzled timber revenues to fund conflict in both his own country and neighboring Sierra Leone. ─── 他由于参与塞拉利昂内战的问题目前正在海牙国际法庭面临战争罪的指控。

67、China recovers $4b embezzled in 2007. ─── 中国收回相当于40亿美元在2007年被盗用的资金。

68、The banker absconded with embezzled funds. ─── 这个银行家涉嫌盗用资金。

69、Yet he did commit corruption, setting a record in terms of the amount of cash and valuables embezzled from the court and national treasury. ─── 宦官刘瑾身为太监,又没有子女,可是他不但贪污,而且大贪特贪,破纪录地贪。

70、Lustful for personal wealth, the accountant embezzled the company funds. ─── 由于贪欲个人财富,这个会计师盗用了公司的资金。

71、He embezzled an obscene amount of money. ─── 他们贪污了一大笔钱。

72、In the LAN, the collision of IP address usually happened, even the IP address was embezzled by others to surf the internet. ─── 在局域网中,IP地址的冲突常常发生,更有些人盗用他人的IP地址上网。

73、The account management system of campus network has not temporal constraints,its account numbers are easily attacked and embezzled during some periods. ─── 校园网账号管理系统缺乏时间约束,造成用户账号在某些时间段上易被攻击和盗用。

74、that he had embezzled state funds and stolen tribute meant for his father. ─── 这是美国曾经的一个电视节目里说的。估计也是选自那些杂七杂八的“史料”。

75、I have seen those incrimination documents, which had convictive proof to prove you and another embezzled CNSA funs. ─── 我看过那些指控文件,那些说你和另一个人盗用国家航空航天局资金的很有说服力的证据。

76、Early in my career,an associate embezzled a large sum of money. ─── 在我的事业初创时期,一伙合伙人侵吞了一大笔钱。

77、The girl's guardian embezzled the money that had been willed to her. ─── 女孩的监护人侵吞了遗嘱上要留给她的钱。

78、According to press reports,an offender who had embezzled 6,000 yuan was given lenient treatment,and another who had embezzled 50,000-60,000 yuan was sentenced to 15 years'imprisonment. ─── 报上登的一个从宽处理的,贪污六千元,一个判十五年徒刑的,贪污五六万元。

79、12. The embezzled or misappropriated public property shall all be recovered; property accepted as bribes and other illegal gains shall all be confiscated. ─── 十二、贪污、挪用的公共财物一律追缴;贿赂财物及其他违法所得一律没收。

80、Accordingly, to selling the home for, if Zhang date is embezzled, not only have a loss economically, oneself shop still can be used by cheater deceive people, credit also should be affected. ─── 因此,对于卖家来说,如果账号被盗用的话,不但经济上有损失,自己的店铺还会被骗子用来骗人,信誉也要受到影响。

81、It is security, can keep apart virus mail effectively, make sure in secret of the enterprise in the intense competition of crisis period information is not embezzled; ─── 一是安全性,能够有效地隔离病毒邮件,保证在危机时期的激烈竞争中企业机密信息不被盗用;

82、Xinhua quoted an official as saying that 16 billion yuan ($2 billion) had been embezzled from the funds since 1998. ─── 新华社引用一位官员的话说,自从1998年以来,高达160亿元人民币(相当于约20亿美元)的资金被侵占挪用。

83、“Years ago, you could never imagine such a big amount of embezzled money would be audited and then publicized. ─── 几年以前,对这样巨额的公款挪用进行审计然后公布是不可想象的。”

84、Ex.: This accountant Liu, flaunting the banner of serving the people, embezzled a large sum of money. ─── 例:这位刘会计打着为大家服务的旗号,贪污了很大一笔公款。

85、In 1888, Empress Dowager Cixi embezzled navy funds to reconstruct it for her own benefit, changing its name to Summer Palace (Yiheyuan). ─── 光绪十四年(1888年)慈待太后挪用海军经费3000万两白银,在清漪园的废墟上兴建起颐和园。

86、How to keep IP inside campus net from being embezzled ─── 如何防止校园网中IP盗用

87、For example, in March 2009, be punished by culture ministry " hot-blooded the Three Kingdoms " game once embezzled the MSN Zhang date of the user, send commercial ad to its good friend. ─── 例如,2009年3月,被文化部处罚的“热血三国”游戏就曾经盗用用户的MSN账号,向其好友发送商业广告。

88、Calculating the money has been embezzled, China government lost about 100 billions US dollars within these years. ─── 计算钱已经被贪污,中国政府在这些年内大约 十亿美元丢失。

89、The company stated that no corporate funds were embezzled or used to pay bribes. ─── 国美声称,公司资金没有被贪污或用于行贿。

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