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09-07 投稿


inflation 发音

英:[ɪn'fleɪʃ(ə)n]  美:[ɪn'fleʃən]

英:  美:

inflation 中文意思翻译



inflation 反义词

deflation | disinflation

inflation 词性/词形变化,inflation变形

名词: inflator |动词过去分词: inflated |动词现在分词: inflating |动词过去式: inflated |动词第三人称单数: inflates |

inflation 短语词组

1、cost-pull inflation ─── [网络] 成本拉动通货膨胀

2、cost inflation ─── [经] 成本膨胀

3、accounting for inflation ─── [经] 通货膨胀会计

4、cyclical inflation ─── [经] 周期性通货膨胀

5、anti-inflation measures ─── [经] 反通货膨胀措施

6、air inflation ─── [化] 充气

7、curbing inflation ─── [经] 控制通货膨胀

8、counteract inflation ─── [经] 反通货膨胀

9、anti-inflation ─── 反通货膨胀

10、demand inflation ─── [经] 需求引起的通货膨胀

11、anti-inflation program ─── [经] 反通货膨胀

12、cost-push inflation ─── [经] 成本促成通货膨胀

13、anti-inflation policy ─── [经] 反通货膨胀政策

14、currency inflation ─── [经] 通货膨胀

15、creeping inflation ─── [经] 持久的通货膨胀

16、curb inflation ─── 控制通货膨胀

17、controlled inflation ─── [经] 有控制的通货膨胀

18、credit inflation ─── [经] 信用膨胀

19、check inflation ─── 抑制通货膨胀

inflation 同义词

ostentation | splashiness | rising prices | pompousness | ostentatiousness | increase | puffiness |rise | pretentiousness | pomposity

inflation 特殊用法

1、open inflation ─── 无管制[公开]的通货膨胀

2、price inflation ─── 物价膨胀

3、dough inflation ─── 面团发起

4、adjustment inflation ─── 调整性通货膨胀

5、creeping inflation ─── 逐渐上升的通货膨胀, 潜行通货膨胀

6、demand inflation ─── 需求膨胀

7、latent inflation ─── 潜在的通货膨胀

8、boiling inflation ─── 恶性通货膨胀

9、structural inflation ─── 结构型通货膨胀

10、counter inflation ─── 反通货膨胀

11、chronic inflation ─── 长期通货膨胀

12、bottleneck inflation ─── 瓶颈式通货膨胀, 短线涨价

13、cyclical inflation ─── 周期性通货膨胀

14、wet inflation ─── 湿式膨胀法

15、tyre inflation ─── 轮胎打气

16、mark-up inflation ─── 标高价格的通货膨胀

17、credit inflation ─── 信用膨胀

18、commodities inflation ─── 商品物价上涨

19、absolute inflation ─── 绝对通货膨胀

20、manifold inflation ─── 充气歧管

21、long-run persistent inflation ─── 长期持续的通货膨胀

22、repressed inflation ─── 抑制性通货膨胀

23、frenzied inflation ─── 物价狂涨

24、wage push inflation ─── 因工资提高而引起的通货膨胀

25、consumption inflation ─── 消费通货膨胀

26、true inflation ─── 真性通货膨胀

27、social inflation ─── 社会舆论所造成的通货膨胀

28、imported inflation ─── 输入性通货膨胀

29、induced inflation ─── 诱发性通货膨胀

30、spiralling inflation ─── 螺旋上升的通货膨胀

31、proper inflation ─── 适度内压

32、world inflation ─── 世界性通货膨胀

33、curb inflation ─── 制止[控制]通货膨胀

34、currency inflation ─── 通货膨胀

35、rampant inflation ─── 不能控制的通货膨胀

36、secular inflation ─── 长期性通货膨胀

37、consumer price inflation ─── 消费品物价膨胀

38、cost push inflation ─── 成本提高型通货膨胀, 成本引起的通货膨胀

39、virulent inflation ─── 恶性通货膨胀

40、greenback inflation ─── 美钞膨胀

41、cost inflation ─── 成本价格膨胀

42、excess demand inflation ─── 需求过多引起的通货膨胀

43、galloping inflation ─── 恶性通货膨胀

44、demand-shift inflation ─── 需求引起的通货膨胀

45、price inflation ─── 物价狂涨

46、hyper inflation ─── 恶性通货膨胀

47、monetary inflation ─── 通货膨胀

48、suppressed inflation ─── 抑制性通货膨胀

49、vicious inflation ─── 恶性通货膨胀

50、combat inflation ─── 反通货膨胀

51、air inflation ─── 充气

inflation 习惯用语

1、cost inflation ─── 成本膨胀

2、cost-push inflation ─── 成本膨胀

3、demand inflation ─── 需求膨胀

4、demand-pull inflation ─── 需求膨胀

inflation 相似词语短语

1、reinflation ─── n.(使)再膨胀

2、insolation ─── n.日晒;日光浴;[内科]中暑;[内科]日射病

3、infliction ─── n.施加;处罚,刑罚

4、inhalation ─── n.吸入;吸入药剂

5、infraction ─── n.犯规,违法行为;(对法律、协定的)违背,违犯

6、inflations ─── n.膨胀;通货膨胀;夸张;自命不凡

7、conflation ─── n.合并;异文合成本

8、infixation ─── 中缀

9、inflection ─── n.弯曲,变形;音调变化

inflation 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The rate of inflation was 10% last year. ─── 去年通货膨胀率为百分之十。

2、In that situation, a wage freeze, whether voluntary or imposed by the Government, deals with a symptom of inflation rather than with inflation itself. ─── 在那种情况下,工资冻结,无论是自动还是国家强制进行的,是对付通货膨胀的症状,而不是通货膨胀本身。

3、My salary doesn't keep up with inflation. ─── 我的工资跟不上通货膨胀。

4、None of the moves to halt inflation has been successful. ─── 抑制通货膨胀的措施无一奏效。

5、A wage agreement in line with current inflation. ─── 和先行通货膨胀相配合的工资协议。

6、The leading cause of high inflation. ─── 导致高通货膨胀率的主要原因

7、The pay raise will be offset by inflation. ─── 增加的工资会被通货膨胀所抵销。

8、Passage 31 Why Is There Inflation? ─── 为什么会出现通货膨胀?

9、Wages are not keeping up with inflation. ─── 工资赶不上通货膨胀。

10、The problem is, all that easy credit is generating bad debt and inflation. ─── 可问题是,那些宽松的贷款正在导致坏帐和通货膨胀。

11、Do the laborage keep up with the inflation? ─── 工资跟得上通货膨胀吗?

12、The government have declared war on inflation. ─── 政府已向通货膨胀宣战。

13、Inflation is in double figures. ─── 通货膨胀率达两位数。

14、They tried to stop the tendency of inflation. ─── 他们设法阻止住了通货膨胀的势头。

15、Macroeconomic Adjustments VS Housing Inflation? ─── 宏观调控缘何不能有效抑制房价上涨?

16、In Britain, inflation jumped unexpectedly in March. ─── 在英国,3月份通胀意外的跳高。

17、The rate of inflation is just the tip of the iceberg. It might mean the beginning of a serious recession. ─── 通货膨胀的程度只是冰山一角,这也许代表经济严重萧条的开始。

18、Runaway inflation has depreciated the Russian currency. ─── (脱缰野马似的)恶性通货膨胀已使俄罗斯的货币贬值。

19、They blamed the rise in oil prices for the big increase in inflation. ─── 他们把通货膨胀大幅度增长归咎于石油价格的上涨。

20、The government is trying to mitigate the effects of inflation. ─── 政府正试图缓和通货膨胀的影响。

21、Another was a resurgence of inflation. ─── 另外一个是通胀再次抬头。

22、Feared that rising inflation would further depress the economy. ─── 担心不断上升的通货膨胀会进一步削弱经济

23、Are wages keeping up with inflation ? ─── 工资跟得上通货膨胀吗?

24、They help to keep inflation in check. ─── 它们帮助抑制通货膨胀。

25、Higher salaries helped to fuel inflation. ─── 工资提高刺激通货膨胀。

26、It is no use blinking the fact that inflation keeps getting worse. ─── 不能无视通货膨胀日益恶化这一事实。

27、The fight against inflation has been going on for almost two years. ─── 抑制通货膨胀的抗斗已展开近两年了。

28、Inflation advanced sharply during the 1980s. ─── 20 世纪80年代通货膨胀急剧上升。

29、Since the Fed can basically print money, investors would be wise to respect its ability to cause inflation if it desires. ─── 由于美联储可以自己印钱,如果美联储愿意的话,它是有能力推升通胀的,认识到这一点的投资者是很明智的。

30、The government has to deal with the twin issues of inflation and unemployment. ─── 政府必须对付通货膨胀与失业这两个密切相关的问题。

31、We should keep inflation in check. ─── 我们应该使通货膨胀受到抑制。

32、The government will be looking to reduce inflation by a further two per cent this year. ─── 政府力求今年把通货膨胀率再减低百分之二。

33、Galloping inflation is pushing up prices. ─── 急速通胀使价格不断上升。

34、Their targets were twofold: inflation and unemployment. ─── 他们的目标是双重的:通货膨胀与失业。

35、A high inflation rate importing hard times for the consumer. ─── 很高的通货膨胀率对于消费者来说意味着日子不好过了

36、The determinate factor of our economy is to control inflation. ─── 我们经济的决定性因素是控制通货膨胀。

37、Progress has been made in curbing inflation. ─── 在控制通货膨胀方面已取得了进展。

38、Inflation was single-digit last year. ─── 去年的通货膨胀是1位数。

39、But a boost in growth could be enough to turn a small inflation problem into a bigger one. ─── 但眼下西方需求的增长可能足以让亚洲的通胀问题由小变大。

40、Pay increases are tied to inflation. ─── 提高工资和通货膨胀紧密相关。

41、It does not mean inflation is dead. ─── 它并不意味着通货膨胀不再发生。

42、More efforts to curb property inflation. ─── 加大遏制房地产价格上涨的力度。

43、A majority of those polled were worried about inflation. ─── 接受民意测验中的大多数人担心通货膨胀。

44、If inflation becomes much worse there will be the devil to pay. ─── 如果通货膨胀更恶化,其后果将不堪设想。

45、People were buffeted by unrelenting inflation. ─── 人们受到全无缓解的通货膨胀的冲击。

46、The runaway inflation would seem to put the brakes on such a trend. ─── 失控的通货膨胀似乎阻止这一趋势的发展。

47、An interest-rate increase big enough to squeeze inflation back down in short order would cause a needlessly large rise in unemployment. ─── 一次足够大的力度的利率升息的力量能迅速挤压通胀回落,同时也造成了不必要的失业人口的大量增多。

48、Why has inflation proved so mild? ─── 为何通货膨胀如此的和缓?

49、The inflation rates began to accelerate last month. ─── 上月通货膨胀率开始增长。

50、There is little the government can do to brake inflation. ─── 政府没有多少办法抑制通货膨胀。

51、The government has taken measures to restrain inflation. ─── 政府已采取措施控制通货膨胀。

52、Price is adjusted for inflation. ─── 因通货膨胀而调整价格。

53、The government is looking to reduce inflation. ─── 政府正在力求降低通货膨胀率。

54、The lesson of inflation had not sunk in. ─── 人们未把通货膨胀的教训铭记在心。

55、Drastic measures were taken to combat inflation. ─── 已采取激烈措施对付通货膨胀。

56、Price is rising faster than inflation. ─── 价格的上涨比通货膨胀还快。

57、Wage increases must be in line with inflation. ─── 工资的增长必须与通货膨胀一致。

58、The government is keeping the lid on inflation. ─── 政府正在控制通货膨胀。

59、A man saves money in the hope that inflation will not wipe it out. ─── 人们之所以存钱是希望它不至于被通货膨胀吞没。

60、But inflation may be only 4 percent. ─── 但是通货膨胀率也许仅仅只有4%。

61、The government did nothing to curb inflation. ─── 政府没有采取措施遏制通货膨胀。

62、The government is determined to tackle inflation. ─── 政府决心解决通货膨胀问题。

63、The low inflation rate will be no flash in the pan. ─── 低通货膨胀率不会只是昙花一现。

64、At the press conference, the press secretary ladled out some old trash about fighting inflation. ─── 在记者招待会上新闻发布官抛出了一些关于制止通货膨胀的陈词溢调。

65、Workers'incomes are not keeping up with inflation. ─── 工人的收入赶不上通货膨胀。

66、This government has a good record on inflation, I give you that, but what is it doing about unemployment? ─── 政府抑制通胀有方,此话不假,可是对失业问题又怎麽处理呢?

67、There appears to be a growing discontent about inflation. ─── 对通货膨胀似乎有一种日渐增长的不满情绪。

68、We are working on the assumption that the rate of inflation will not increase next year. ─── 我们在假定明年通货膨胀率不增加的情况下工作。

69、Inflation is a constant threat. ─── 通货膨胀是一种持续的威胁。

70、It also needs inflation, to reduce the overhang of domestic debt. ─── 它还需要通货膨胀,籍以减轻国内债务的重负。

71、Are wages keeping pace with inflation ? ─── 工资的提高能否与通货膨胀同步?

72、This increase in the money supply fed inflation. ─── 增加货币的供应回加剧通货膨胀。

73、The last Administration did a lot to curb inflation. ─── 上届政府做了大量工作以抑制通货膨胀。

74、Measures have been taken to curb inflation. ─── 已采取措施抑制通货膨胀。

75、Inflation stayed below 4% last month. ─── 上月的通货膨胀率保持在 4% 以下。

76、The rate of inflation decreased to 10% last year. ─── 去年通货膨胀率降低为百分之十。

77、Inflation has forced us to retrench. ─── 因通货膨胀我们不得不紧缩开支。

78、The conventional wisdom is that high wage rise will increase inflation. ─── 人们普遍认同的看法是工资增长过快会加剧通货膨胀。

79、Drastic measures must be taken to cure inflation. ─── 必须采取严厉的措施制止通货膨胀。

80、We have to come to grips with Inflation. ─── 我们必须面对通货膨胀。。

81、Are wages keeping pace with inflation? ─── 工资的增长跟得上通货膨涨的速度吗?

82、The government is determined to bring down inflation. ─── 政府决心把通货膨胀率降低。

83、The papers record that inflation has dropped. ─── 报纸刊载通货膨胀已下降.

84、We felt the effects of inflation. ─── 我们感受到了通货膨胀的影响。

85、Fractional reserves expand the money supply, which, until the age of Keynes and Fisher, was called inflation. ─── 部分准备金制度扩大了货币供应,而直到凯恩斯和菲舍尔之前的时代,这一现象一直被称为通货膨胀。

86、We are suffering from runaway inflation. ─── 我们正经受着失控的通货膨胀之苦。

87、Inflation was running at 26%. ─── 通货膨胀达到了26%。

88、Inflation is currently running at 3%. ─── 当前的通货膨胀率为 3%。

89、The annual rate of inflation fell. ─── 年通货膨胀率下降。













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