drumstick 发音
英:['drʌmstɪk] 美:[ˈdrʌmstɪk]
英: 美:
drumstick 中文意思翻译
drumstick 短语词组
1、turkey drumstick ─── [网络] 烤火鸡腿
2、chicken drumstick ─── 鸡腿
3、drumstick-bacillus ─── [医] 鼓槌杆菌(破伤风杆菌)
4、drumstick-shaped ─── [医] 鼓槌状的, 杵状的
5、drumstick shaped ─── 鼓槌形
6、drumstick tree ─── [网络] 鼓槌树;辣木;鼓追树
7、drumstick nucleus ─── [医]见drumstick
8、drumstick appearance ─── [医] 鼓槌形
9、drumstick finger ─── [医] 杵状指
drumstick 词性/词形变化,drumstick变形
drumstick 相似词语短语
1、unstick ─── vt.分开;扯开
2、dipstick ─── n.量油尺;量油计
3、drumsticks ─── n.鸡腿(drumstick的复数);琵琶腿;鼓槌
4、broomstick ─── n.扫帚柄;帚柄;n.飞天扫帚(出自《哈利·波特》)
5、crabstick ─── n.木棍;手杖;脾气暴躁的人
6、maulstick ─── n.支腕杖(作画时用来支撑手的工具)
7、gunstick ─── 枪杆
8、thumbstick ─── 手杖
9、drummock ─── 鼓槌
drumstick 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、I see I am wrong again, the drumstick is in the dish, and the merrythought is in my head, with numerous companions. ─── 哦,我想我又错了,鸡腿还在盘子里,而叉骨已经呆在我的脑袋里了,那里还有很多别的菜肴,谁想知道都是什么菜?
2、a percussion instrument consisting of a metal plate that is struck with a soft-headed drumstick. ─── 由用软头鼓槌打击的金属盘组成的打击乐器。
3、Product of our country chicken basically has work chicken, white a chicken, drumstick, its price goes force is main consistent. ─── 我国鸡肉产品主要有活鸡、白条鸡、鸡腿,其价格走势基本一致。
4、The basic moves for the draft drumstick flowers, changes in the team line, hitting jumps, and other fighting groups. ─── 基本动作为鼓槌挽花、队行变化、跳跃击打、分组对打等多种。
5、The first dish was roasted chicken. Immediately, the old man took the drumstick for the old lady. ─── 第一道菜是烤鸡。老头马上夹了个鸡腿给老太太。
6、The first dish was roasted chicken, immediately, the old man took the drumstick for the old lady. “Take this, it's your favorite.” ─── 第一道菜是烤鸡。马上地,老夫人的丈夫夹了一个鸡腿给她说道:“尝尝这个,我知道你最喜欢吃鸡腿了。”
7、We’ll take a fillet steak and roasted chicken drumstick. ─── 我们要菲利牛排和一份烤鸡腿。
8、You are taking a drumstick of the sweet-skined duck.You are having it, the sweet and crisp skin, the succulency and tender flesh. ─── 你手里正拿着一只甜皮鸭的鸭腿,正在享受它,那酥脆又甜甜的皮,多汁细嫩的鸭肉。
10、if you say NO to a drumstick and spare a chicken's life, you really do get a reward, in cash! ─── 如果你对一个鸡腿说“不”,你救了一只鸡的生命。你已经得到了现金上的好处!
11、Wash drumstick, drain. Add seasoning to marinate for 15 to 20 minutes. ─── 先将鸡槌洗净沥乾,然后加入调味料腌约15至20分钟。
12、The first dish was roasted chicken, immediately, the old man took the drumstick for the old lady."Take this, it's your favorite. ─── 第一道菜是烤鸡,菜刚上桌,老头马上夹了个鸡腿给老太太,说:“来,你最爱吃这个!”
13、He fall asleep clutch a half - eat drumstick in his right fist. ─── 他右手里紧握著一根吃了一半的鸡腿睡著了。
14、The first dish was roasted chicken, immediately, the old man took the drumstick for the old lady. "Take this, it's your favorite." ─── 第一道菜是烤鸡。立刻地,老夫人的丈夫夹了一个鸡腿给她说道:“尝尝这个,我知道你最喜欢吃鸡腿了。”
15、Flavour of 1. drumstick stay of proceedings is delicious silk success chicken, contain 8 human body is indispensible kinds of amino acid, peptic, stomachic the action with remedial haemorrhoid. ─── 1.鸡腿菇 味道鲜美胜鸡丝,含有人体必需的8种氨基酸,有助消化、增进食欲和治疗痔疮的作用。
16、What should he do if he wants to feel good? so he begins to find all of his friends' faults, name them with some strange names such as “crop”, ”drumstick”, ”dog brain” and so on. ─── 那他想感觉好一点怎么办呢?于是就挑所有朋友的毛病,给他们起一些怪名字,什么“平头”啊,“鸡腿”啊,“狗脑”啊等等。
17、as you said ,A drumstick is left indeed! ─── “正如你说的一样,这里的确还有一只鸡腿没有吃掉。”
18、Nutrients of Drumstick Tree Leaf of Different Varieties and Producing Area ─── 不同品种和产地辣木叶片营养成分含量
19、drumstick nucleus ─── 见drumstick
20、" Chest meat, he asserted, is too stringy, whereas the drumstick of a young chicken is "delicate and easy to chew. ─── 他认为鸡胸肉太老,而鸡腿肉很嫩很好嚼。
21、drumstick appearance ─── [医] 鼓槌形
22、Perhaps brain is used not quite at that time, I want to also did not want to say: "Even hamburger of wheat hot drumstick! ─── 当时也许脑子不够用,我想也没想就说:“还要个麦辣鸡腿汉堡!”
23、fried drumstick ─── 炸鸡腿
24、Our grandkids fighting duels with drumstick swords ─── 我们的孙孩儿会用鼓槌进行决斗
25、“True enough,” grunted the Champion, starting into the other drumstick. ─── “确实嘛,”勇士边吃边含糊地说,他又开始进攻另一只鸡腿。
26、All I need is a chicken drumstick or something that can fly that will complete this military dinner! ─── 如果加一只鸡腿就可变成海陆空晚餐了,哈哈哈!
27、At that time, girl skill is taking drumstick, taking hamburger single-handed, feel the boy is seeing her, suspend engorge then, look at that boy with that pitiful eyes, say in a low voice: "That. ─── 当时,女孩一手拿着鸡腿,一手拿着汉堡,觉得男孩在看她,于是暂停大吃,用那可怜的眼神看着那个男孩,小声说:“那。。。
28、meat, he asserted, is too stringy, whereas the drumstick of a young chicken is delicate and easy to chew. ─── 他认为鸡胸肉太老,而小鸡的鸡腿肉很嫩很好嚼。
29、5.2.10.Neither the Traveller Robot nor the Drumstick(s) shall touch the Automatic or Manual Carrier Robots (This is a violation under 9.1.10), except in the cases mentioned in 5.6.4 and 5.8.1. ─── 除了5.6.4和5.8.1中提到的情况外,旅行机器人和鼓槌不能接触自动和手动运输机器人(此犯规见9.1.10).
30、makes a loud crashing sound when hit with a drumstick or when two are struck together. ─── 当用鼓槌敲击时或两片撞击在一起时能够产生绝对音高。
31、The first dish was roasted chicken, immediately, the old man took the drumstick for the old lady.."take this, its your favourite.." ─── 第一道菜是烤鸡肉。看到菜端上来,丈夫迅速的拿起一只鸡腿递给妻子。“拿着,这是你喜欢吃的东西。”
32、drumstick sex chromatin ─── 鼓槌性染色质
33、Fried Drumstick with Red Vinasse ─── 红糟鸡腿
34、Upon that he is particular about others fault, and give them nickname, like "crop", "drumstick", "dog brain" etc. ─── 于是就挑所有朋友的毛病,给他们起一些怪名字,什么“平头”啊,“鸡腿”啊,“狗脑”啊等等。
35、A percussion instrument consisting of a concave brass disk,makes a loud crashing sound when hit with a drumstick or when two are struck together. ─── 由凹的黄铜片组成的打击乐器,当用鼓槌敲击时或两片撞击在一起时能够产生绝对音高。
36、a percussion instrument consisting of a metal plate that is struck with a soft-headed drumstick ─── 由用软头鼓槌打击的金属盘组成的打击乐器
37、A percussion instrument consisting of a concave brass plate that makes a loud clashing tone when hit with a drumstick or when used in pairs. ─── 钹一种打击乐器,由一个凹铜片构成,当用单个或者双个鼓槌敲击时,可发出高的撞击声
38、Tissue Culture and Tetraploid Induction of Drumstick ─── 辣木组织培养与四倍体植株诱导
39、If the drumstick pieces are marinated with salt, the color of the steamed chicken won't be so nice if not mistaken. Above steamed chicken was marinated with salt. ─── 如果腌盐的话,色泽就会像照片一样没那么好看。(应该是盐的关系,哈哈!)
40、one boiled drumstick with catchup (or fish, pork, etc.); ─── 一个小苹果(或香蕉,葡萄。
41、frozen broiler thigh plus half drumstick ─── 冻肉用鸡庶骨腿
42、The first dish was roasted chicken, immediately, the old man took the drumstick for the old lady."take this, its your favorite. ─── 上来第一个菜是烧鸡,老头赶紧为老太夹去一块鸡腿,说,“吃这块腿,这是你最喜欢吃的。”
43、The hungry dog grabbed a drumstick from the vendor and ran away. ─── 那只饿狗从小贩抢走鸡腿,逃之夭夭。
44、Absolutely,clodhopper have no word,face became white and went out one by one.Then I continued to eat New Orleans drumstick with girl. ─── 很显然,民工被我说中了心事,脸色煞白,一言不发,一个个走出了肯德基。
45、Drumstick and gallinaceous breast flesh which nutrition is tall? ─── 鸡腿与鸡脯肉哪个营养高?
46、drumstick primrose ─── 报春花
47、Bread crumbs is mainly used for fried beefsteak and drumstick as frying dressing.The long and sliver-shaped breadcrumbs are of porous structure inside. ─── 面包糠是广泛使用食品添加辅料,主要用于西餐炸牛排,炸鸡腿等油炸辅料。
48、drumstick finger ─── 杵状指
49、As what you have said, there does exist one drumstick to be eaten. ─── 正如你说的一样,这里的确还有一只鸡腿没有吃掉。
50、I had a good view of the action, and I was able to keep gnawing on the drumstick I'd snatched off my plate before it had gone flying. ─── 这是个观看打斗的好位置,我可以继续啃著我在盘子飞走前抢救下来的鸡腿。
51、The first dish was roasted chicken, immediately, the old man took the drumstick for the old lady. ─── 第一道菜是烤鸡。
52、What a barbacue stove! The drumstick cooked by my students is the sweetest one! ─── 原来铐炉是这样的!学生烧给我的鸡槌特别香!
53、Only a third of the fat in a turkey drumstick is the saturated kind, according to the USDA food database. ─── 根据美国农业部食物数据库的说法,火鸡腿中只有三分之一的脂肪是饱和型的。
54、Cell morphlogy observation of nucleus drumstick body in patients with SARS ─── SARS病人核鼓槌体的细胞形态学观察
55、A percussion instrument consisting of a concave brass plate that makes a loud clashing tone when hit with a drumstick or when used in pairs. ─── 钹一种打击乐器,由一个凹铜片构成,当用单个或者双个鼓槌敲击时,可发出高的撞击声
56、a percussion instrument consisting of a concave brass disk; makes a loud crashing sound when hit with a drumstick or when two are struck together. ─── 由凹的黄铜片组成的打击乐器;当用鼓槌敲击时或两片撞击在一起时能够产生绝对音高。
57、Mix jelly fish, shredded cucumbers,red peppers with seasonings. Add USA smoked turkey drumstick slices and sprinkle with sesame to serve. ─── 将海哲、青瓜丝、红椒丝、调味料拌匀,加入美国烟火腿、洒上芝麻拌匀即可进食。
58、Be wanted senior in the chicken head being offered politely to the guest by chicken, drumstick give up to age is minimal guest. ─── 吃鸡要把鸡头敬给客人中的长者,鸡腿让给年纪最小的客人。
59、Cymbal: A percussion instrument consisting of a concave brass plate that makes a loud clashing tone when hit with a drumstick or when used in pairs. ─── 钹:一种打击乐器,由一个凹铜片构成,当用单个或者双个鼓槌敲击时,可发出高的撞击声。
60、B-B-Q chicken drumstick ─── 烤鸡腿
61、Growth and Phenological Observation of Drumstick in Xishuangbanna ─── 西双版纳辣木生长发育及物候观测初报
62、chicken drumstick meat product with preserved egg ─── 松花鸡腿
63、This is just one more fast food legend without a drumstick to stand on. ─── 政府也从未勒令他们在菜单和营销时停止使用“鸡”字。
64、a chicken/turkey drumstick ─── 鸡/火鸡腿下段
65、Pandan Chicken used only meat from drumstick, it have to steam before fry, to increase the aroma of the Pandan leaves. ─── 班兰鸡用的只有鸡腿肉,在炸之前必须先蒸,以便班兰叶的香味能够渗入鸡肉内。
66、Peanut or Drumstick? ─── 花生或鼓槌?
67、Slice chicken drumstick mushrooms and shimeiji mushrooms. Trim off root part of oyster mushrooms and enokitake mushrooms. ─── 鸡脾菇、灵芝菇切成片状;金针菇、秀珍菇剪去根部。
68、Drumstick Mushroom is a kind of wild fungus growing around the channels and dykes, where gold was mined 15 years ago, in Yichun Wulaga Gold Mine of the Lesser Xinganling Mountains. ─── 生长在小兴安岭伊春乌拉嘎金矿,经采金15年之后的沟塘周围中的一种野生真茵类。
69、It was very delicious.Norman and I ate the fried fish in the “chicken drumstick” style. ─── 大伙吃得津津有味,因为我们已吃厌了鸡肉。
70、Why can drumstick of fried chicken wing have a case? ─── 为什么炸鸡翅鸡腿会有一层壳呢?
71、I can't believe you actually have courage to eat New Orleans drumstick for your low salary. ─── 我不相信你确实有胆量吃你的低工资新奥尔良鸡腿。
72、Braised Drumstick Mushroom with Asparagus and Truffle Jus ─── 松露芦笋烩百灵菇,又却是风敲竹
73、drumstick toe ─── 杵状趾
74、Hungry,see da chick DrumsTick? ─── 见到鸡腿流口水吗?
75、frozen broiler drumstick ─── 冻肉用鸡小腿
76、Mix lime juice with ground drumstick pods and leaves. ─── 混合石灰汁与地面鼓槌吊舱和叶片。
77、Bill gestured with the drumstick in one hand and the bottle of wine in the other ─── 比尔一手拿着鸡腿,一手拿着酒瓶,打着手势。
78、Bill gestured with the drumstick in one hand and the bottle of wine in the other. ─── 比尔一手拿着鸡腿,一手拿着酒瓶,打着手势。
79、The maiden took the drumstick, wrapped it carefully in a cloth, and went onwards again until she came to the glass mountain. ─── 小姑娘拿起鸡腿,小心地裹在一块布里。然后再次上路。不久她就来到了玻璃山。
80、Today I decided to try this place to satisfy my hunger for the afternoon.On the menu outside, I saw this ramen with grilled aubergines and chicken drumstick, so I went in and sat down. ─── 下午时份两口子想来一个下午茶, 可惜部份茶餐厅初三中午尚未启市, 最后还是选择了有咖啡饮的地方坐下;
81、Drumstick fingers ─── 鼓捶指
82、drumstick leukocyte ─── 鼓槌状白细胞
83、Mix jelly fish, shredded cucumbers, red peppers with seasonings. Add USA smoked turkey drumstick slices and sprinkle with sesame to serve. ─── 将海哲、瓜丝、椒丝、味料拌匀,加入美国烟火腿、上芝麻拌匀即可进食。
84、The first dish was roasted chicken, immediately, the old man took the drumstick for the old lady. "take this, its your favorite. " ─── 上来第一个菜是烧鸡,老头赶紧为老太夹去一块鸡腿,说,“吃这块腿,这是你最喜欢吃的。”
85、Remarks: Besides drumstick, you can also use wings or thigh meat as replacement. ─── 鸡槌除用鸡槌外,可以鸡翼或鸡髀代替。
86、Chest meat, he asserted, is too stringy, whereas the drumstick of a young chicken is "delicate and easy to chew. " ─── 他认为鸡胸肉太老,而鸡腿肉很嫩很好嚼。
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