aura 发音
英:[ˈɔːrə] 美:[ˈɔːrə]
英: 美:
aura 中文意思翻译
aura 网络释义
n. 光环;气氛;(中风等的)预兆;气味n. (Aura)人名;(芬、罗、阿拉伯、意、西、法、以)奥拉
aura 词性/词形变化,aura变形
aura 常用词组
devotion aura ─── 虔诚光环;专注光环;热血灵光
aura 短语词组
1、epigastric aura ─── [医] 上腹部先兆
2、aura asthmatica ─── [医] 气喘先兆
3、olfactory aura ─── [医] 嗅觉先兆
4、auditory aura ─── [医] 听觉先兆
5、kinesthetic aura ─── [医] 运动觉先兆
6、motor aura ─── [医] 运动先兆
7、aura cursative ─── [医] 奔走性先兆
8、optic aura ─── [医] 视觉先兆
9、cephalic aura ─── [医] 头部先兆
10、aura hysterica ─── [医] 癔病先兆, 歇斯底里先兆
11、aura procursiva ─── [医] 奔走性先兆
12、aura canora ─── [医] 音响先兆
13、psychic aura ─── [医] 精神先兆
14、reminiscent aura ─── [医] 梦样先兆
15、aura vertiginosa ─── [医] 眩晕先兆
16、Cathartes aura ─── [网络] 凯瑟琳光环
17、epileptic aura ─── [医] 癫痫先兆
18、electric aura ─── [医] 电击样先兆
19、intellectual aura ─── [医] 梦样先兆
aura 相似词语短语
1、aural ─── adj.听觉的;耳的;气味的;先兆的;n.(Aural)人名;(西)奥拉尔
2、aurae ─── n.气氛;光影;发散物(尤指气味);先兆(aura的复数)
3、Aura ─── n.光环;气氛;(中风等的)预兆;气味;n.(Aura)人名;(芬、罗、阿拉伯、意、西、法、以)奥拉
4、Maura ─── n.莫拉(女子名,等于Mary)
5、Laura ─── n.劳拉(女子名)
6、Kura ─── n.库那河
7、Jura ─── n.侏罗纪;侏罗省(法国东部省份);侏罗山脉(位于法国和意大利之间);(拉)法律(jus的复数)
8、auras ─── n.气味;气氛;(神像身后的)灵光(aura的复数)
9、aurar ─── n.奥拉(冰岛的一种硬币)(eyrir的变形)
aura 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、You will link your rational mind with the Will to Act to build a more beautiful mental aura, and to have illumined thoughts. ─── 你可以用行动的意志连结你的理性,以建立更美丽的心智光能场,并拥有清彻的思想。
2、There seemed a faint, white light emitted from him, a white aura, as if he were a visitor from the unseen. ─── 他身上似乎有一种让人昏眩的白色光芒射出来,好象他是来自黑暗的使者。
3、"Medicine is Yi and Yi is Medicine",the aura of Chinese Medicine just lies on its tacitness. ─── “医者意也,意者医也”,可以说,中医作为一种知识其神韵正在于它的“可以意会,难于言传”的特性。
4、No, just leave my aura alone, okay? ─── 不,不要管我的气息,好吗?
5、Aura Gallery originated in 2000 in Shanghai, which has two filiated galleries in Beijing now. ─── 亦安画廊于2000年在上海成立,目前同时在上海和北京设立空间。
6、Apsaras are blessed with an aura of splendor that strikes mortals with awe. ─── 天女拥有一种华丽的光环保护,能令凡物对其产生敬畏之情。
7、The German custom covered with a sacred aura by means of the rituals, as a result increasing its force ad effect. ─── 基督教的宗教仪式为日耳曼人习惯法罩上了神圣的光环,增强了其法律效力。
8、Marble Gargoyle : Flyer, Elemental, Enraged, Aura of Element, Vulnerability. ─── 大理石像怪:飞行兵种,元素生物,激怒,元素光环,脆弱属性.
9、In addition, the damage from Shadowguard will now consume charges of the Zandalarian Hero Charm's Unstable Power aura. ─── 另外,暗影守卫所造成的伤害会消耗赞达拉英雄护符的效果。
10、There is an aura of divinity about him. ─── 他有一股神圣不可侵犯的气息。
11、Characterized by or relating to an aura. ─── 听觉的以听觉为特征的或与听觉有关的
12、Look between your hands to see the electromagnetic energies, your aura. ─── 去看你的手间,去理解电磁能量、你的光环。
13、Upgrade Aura of Blight- Increases the regenerative effect of the Obsidian Statue's hit point regeneration. ─── 升级枯萎光环-增加黑曜石雕像的生命恢复的效果.
14、Among those younger than 50 years, migraineurs with aura declined at the same rate on the MMSE as nonmigraineurs. ─── 在年龄小于50岁的患者中,先兆偏头痛患者和非偏头痛患者在细微精神状态检查中分数降低的速率是相同的。
15、The presence of migraine attacks, especially migraine with aura, was the major predictor for these associations. ─── 偏头痛发作,尤其是有先兆的偏头痛,是主要的预测因素。
16、There seems to be an aura of holiness about the Indian saint. ─── 在那印度圣人的四周似乎有一种神圣的气氛。
17、There was the aura of limitless freedom distilled from the rolling sweep of all green swaying and glinting in the wind and sun. ─── 在阳光下微风拂拭中波动起伏的高高绿草给人以无限自由的气息。
18、Unloving thoughts sit in your aura and attract more of the same lower vibration to you. ─── 不是爱的想法会存留在你的光气场中,吸引给你更多类似的低等振动。
19、That same kind of aura surrounded Jim Leyland, manager of the 2006 pennant-winning Detroit Tigers baseball team. ─── 同样的氛围发生在吉姆?利兰身上,他是2006年冠军底特律老虎棒球队的经理。
20、You will feel the movement of your aura. ─── 你会感觉到你的光环的运动。
21、It is never wise to take a new job with a weak Saturn, for your aura of authority or earning potential would be limited in that job. ─── 在土星疲弱期接受新工作是不明智的,因在这份工作中,你的权威之气和赚钱能力会受到局限。
22、Upgrade Aura of Blight - Increases the regenerative effect of the Obsidian Statue's hit point regeneration. ─── 升级枯萎光环-增加黑曜石雕像的生命恢复的效果。
23、She always has an aura of confidence. ─── 她总是满有信心的样子。
24、Professor Trelawney: Your aura is pulsing my dear. Are you in the beyond? I think you are. ─── 你的气味正在刺激着我亲爱的。你在后面吗?我想你在。
25、A protective aura surrounds you, and will absorb damage for a few moments. ─── 围绕着你的保护光环,并且能够短时间吸收部分伤害。
26、Numerous archaized buildings shape up a spectacle of primitive simplicity and religious aura. ─── 众多仿古建筑阁殿错落有致地分布于山体周围,使景区气势恢宏、壮观古朴、气韵万千。
27、With its near-mythic aura, Pu’er is well suited for hucksterism. ─── 在近似神话的氛围中,普洱茶受到大吹大擂的小贩们的欢迎。
28、An aura is the electromagnetic field surrounding an object. Some people refer to this field as a bio-energy field. ─── 光环就是一个物体周围的电磁场。一些人把这种场称之为生物能场。
29、The aura of majesty or glory surrounding a person, a thing, or an event that is regarded with reverence, awe, or sentiment. ─── 光辉环绕着那些被人以崇敬、畏惧、伤感的心态看待的人、物、事周围的威严、绚烂夺目的氛围
30、But, look! That leaping pillar of light has moved forward, bearing with it an aura of solemn joy, and now up surges the round morning sun... ─── 可是,太阳的初升,正如生活中的新事物一样,在它最初萌芽的瞬息,却不易被人看到。
31、However, thedrug did not significantly reduce the total number of migraineheadache days with or without aura. ─── 然而,这种药物没有明显减少不管有无先兆的偏头痛天数。
32、Sanctity Aura (Retribution) removed. ─── 圣洁光环移除;
33、TCD in migraine with and without aura. ─── 典型偏头痛和普通型偏头痛TCD检查对照研究
34、A tooth belonged to an ancient vampire. Adds +6 damage and grants the holder the ability of Vampiric Aura. ─── 一只远古吸血鬼的牙齿。增加6点伤害力并付予持有者吸血灵气。
35、Viewed from the side, the Malibu suffers from the same long rear doors as its G6 and Aura platform mates. ─── 从一方,马利布有同样的长期后门为G6和光环平台队友。
36、Approximately 20% of Migraineurs experience aura. ─── 大约有20%的偏头痛患者伴有先兆症状。
37、Then it surveys a analysis on several existed Component-based systems including Aura, Centuarus, Gaia, UIC, 2K. ─── 同时对若干个参考模型系统进行分析,包括Aura、Centaurus、Gaia、Uic、2K,通过对这些系统的参考研究来确定我们自己的系统体系结构。
38、Decreased the Apothecary and Chaplain's secondary healing aura from 4 to 2. ─── 从4到2减少了药剂师和牧师第二的痊愈气味。
39、Does Closure of Patent Foramen Ovale as a Treatment for Migraine with Aura? ─── - 卵圆孔未闭的封堵治疗是先兆性偏头痛的选择吗?
40、One can have periodic aura pictures taken to allow one to gage one's ascent. ─── 你可以定期拍辉光照片以估量自身的提升。
41、Druids get a moonkin aura of what, 10% crit or something like that dont they? ─── 3%这个数字怎么配得上41点这么高的位置?
42、Lose that aura, and it all goes into reverse. ─── 但是如果没了这种气势,一切都将向相反的方向发展了。
43、He still has the aura of the priest to whom you would entrust your darkest secrets. ─── 他身上仍散发牧师的气味,使你愿将自己内心最深处的秘密交付给他。
44、Yes. We have a "Challenge" skill in the game so monsters within a Templar's aura will be rush the Templar. ─── 圣堂有个挑衅的技能,当怪物在这个光环作用之内的时候,会主动的跑向圣堂。
45、In the early years of Tyson's reign, most opponents were, in effect, beaten before the opening bell, so intimidating was his aura. ─── 在泰森独霸拳坛的早期,大部分对手实际上在开场铃声响起之前就被击败了。
46、Protect Master: Aura effect interacting with the handler. Effects are listed below. ─── 保护主人:光环效果与驯兽者相互作用。效果如下。
47、Similarly, our inner atmosphere also generates fumes that create a delightful or unpleasant aura, making people feel comfortable or uncomfortable. ─── 同样,我们内边的气氛也会冒烟出来,造成一种愉快或是不愉快的气氛,令人舒服或是不舒服。
48、Negative Energy Aura (Su): A 30-foot-radius spread negative energy aura spreads from each atropal. ─── 半径30尺负能量光环,给与区域内所有不死生物(包括萎缩者本人)得到+20超度抗力和20快速恢复。
49、But the tough good-guy aura never quite remained. ─── 可是那一股生硬的可亲气息却往往一瞬即逝。
50、He had a preternatural aura, and he himself didn't know what to do with it. ─── 他有着一个超自然的光环,他自己不知道怎样利用这个光环,他为此挣扎着。
51、There is a refreshing new aura about Chelsea. It's as though there has been some sort of cultural revolution at Stamford Bridge. ─── 切尔西现在有一种新的清新氛围,好像在斯坦福桥已经发生了某种文化革命了。
52、The film responds to the shriveling of the aura with an artificial build-up of the “personality” outside the studio. ─── 在摄影棚之外,电影用一种人工制造的“人格”,来呼应灵晕的凋谢。
53、It's typical of many professions to cultivate an aura of infallibility: and monopoly control of information. Open source doesn't work that way. ─── 典型的是,许多专业培养一种无错和信息垄断的氛围。开源没有采用这样的工作方式。
54、Almost all of Massenet's works are pervaded with an aura of eroticism. ─── 几乎所有马斯奈的作品都弥漫着色情的味道。
55、Just set the targets allowed to self and the effect of the aura to zero. ─── 你只需要把作用单位设置为允许自己,然后把数值调到0即可。
56、Si il y aura une encore chance pour moi,je vais lui dire trois mots: Je t`aime. ─── 不用再犹豫了!如果上天能够给我一个再来一次的机会,我会对那个女孩子说三个字:我爱你!
57、Humanitarian assistance, despite its heroic aura, is at its base a poultice, not a prophylactic or a cure. ─── 即便有英雄般的光环,人道救援根本就是救急不救穷的措施。
58、Whomever we are with, we are affected by his vibrations. If his aura is very gentle, we too will become gentler. ─── 不管我们和任何人在一起,都会受到他的振动影响,如果那个人的气氛很柔和,我们就会变得比较柔和一些。
59、If the city’s aura goes out and overspreads our army, the soldiers will surely fall ill. ─── 城内的气出而覆盖我军上空,对我军必定不利;
60、The character uses his own Disquieting aura to affect the minds of others, from entrancing them like a cobra to creating a false identity in someone. ─── 以自身的恶躁气息影响他人心智,如操弄眼镜蛇般使人出神,或在他人思想中创造虚假身分等。
61、The aura is perhaps the most talked about of the phases. ─── 先兆期是被谈论最多的阶段。
62、But higher volumes have dimmed the aura of exclusivity on which high residual values[HK14] depend. ─── 但是更高的生产量已经使决定高剩余价值的排他性变得模糊不清。
63、Of 620 current migraineurs, 31% had migraine with aura, 64% had migraine without aura, and 5% were unclassified. ─── 在620位偏头痛病患中,31%是有前兆的偏头痛、64%是没有前兆的、另有5%无法分类;
64、The aura feels largely unnoticable. ─── 光环感觉非常不明显。
65、You may only see the aura for a few seconds, then it will disappear. ─── 你只能看见光环几秒钟,然后光环就消失不见了。
66、Second, migraine with aura, as obesity, seems to be a risk factor for cardiovascular events. ─── 其次,有先兆偏头痛和肥胖都是心血管事件的危险因素。
67、An aura of defeat pervaded the candidate's headquarters. ─── 失败的氛围笼罩着候选者总部。
68、Probing the literature back to 1945 yielded only 22 cases of orgasmic aura. ─── 回顾文献的范围向后退至1945年,只发现22名有性高潮先驱预感的病例。
69、She had an aura of authority. ─── 她有一种权威气质。
70、There is always an aura of mystery to the conclaves of medical men. ─── 医学界人士的秘密会议总有一种神秘的气氛。
71、The essence escapes but its aura remains. ─── 书中的内容已经忘却,但余韵仍存。
72、When she did admit her secret, a thorough workup uncovered the anatomical foundations of her orgasmic aura. ─── 在她承认自己的秘密后,一系列的研究被揭露,她出现性高潮先驱预感的解剖学为基础。
73、At the end of his briefing, even the reporters seemed to have been pulled in by Apple's aura, breaking into loud applause. ─── 在他的简介结束时,就连新闻媒体人士都不能按奈住他们的激情;全场爆发出响亮的掌声。
74、Some people can psychically look at the subject and see images within the person's aura. ─── 一些人能够从精神上去考虑这门学科以及从一个人的光环里看见图像。
75、When love aura appears blank black holes and visual fatigue, think more of a woman to give you and love. ─── 当爱的光环出现空白黑洞和视觉疲劳时,多想想女人对你的付出与真爱。
76、So, the simple arrival of the fortuitous date promised to bring with it an aura of happiness and favorable fortunes. ─── 因此,这一天的到来预示着欢乐和幸运。
77、Monsters were not responding to damage taken from the skill Balthazar's Aura. ─── 修正怪物对巴萨则灵气所造成的伤害没有回应.
78、Anti-magic Pulse (Su): Garr is surrounded by an aura of partial antimagic in a 60-foot radius. ─── 反魔法脉冲(超自然):加尔被部分反魔法脉冲光环环绕。
79、Who Needs Bloodlust? (Defeat Thorim while under the effect of Aura of Celerity on Normal Difficulty. ─── 嗜血?-普通难度下,在迅捷光环作用下击败索瑞姆。
80、In the sunset of dissolution, everything is illuminated by the aura of nostalgia, even the guillotine. ─── 在夕阳的余晖下,一切都被留恋的神秘所笼罩,包括断头台。
81、No, no don't! Stop cleansing my aura! No, just leave my aura alone, okay? ─── 别,别,不要清理我的灵气,好不好?
82、Medical professionals are shrouded with the kind of aura that existed in United States before the era of universal lawsuits. ─── 医务人员的身上笼罩着神圣的光环。而在美国,这种光环只存在于全民诉讼权产生之前的年代。
83、Some Washington parties have a social aura about them. ─── 华盛顿的晚会到处都有一种社交气氛。
84、Your energy bodies are evolving; you are gaining a spiritual shimmer and new energies in your aura as you grow spiritually. ─── 你目前所努力的:变得更为慈爱、相信你自己、去体谅、有慈悲心以及释放伤痛及负面意念,将会在未来人们能量系统进一步发展时变得更为容易。
85、The Marlboro Man is probably the best example of the attractively rugged aura surrounding sun-squinted eyes in a man. ─── “万宝路牛仔”可能就是最好的例子:太阳下眯缝着的眼睛同时四周散发出硬朗的气质。
86、Tonight, however, this place held a strange aura of foreboding. ─── 但今晚,这个地方却蕴藏着某种奇怪的不祥之兆。
87、This aura of darkness clings to the tarot cards, even now. ─── 即使到现在,这种黑暗的气氛仍依附于塔罗牌。
88、Your aura usually consist of more than one color at a time. ─── 在一个时期内你的光环至少由一种以上的颜色组成。
89、Sanctity Aura now increases all damage done by party members by 4%, but the Holy spell damage bonus has been removed. ─── 圣洁光环(惩戒系)现在增加你的小队成员的所有伤害的4%,但是神圣伤害加成被移除。
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