loudness 发音
英:[ˈlaʊdnəs] 美:[ˈlaʊdnəs]
英: 美:
loudness 中文意思翻译
常见释义: 响度
loudness 反义词
loudness 同义词
brashness | tawdriness | noise |volume | glitz | intensity | meretriciousness | gaudiness | flashiness | garishness | level
loudness 相似词语短语
1、lousiness ─── n.不清洁;卑鄙
2、roundness ─── n.圆;球形
3、cloudiness ─── n.阴沉;暗晦;朦胧
4、soundness ─── n.健康;稳固;完整;公正
5、boldness ─── n.大胆;冒失;显著
6、boundness ─── 有界性;约束物
7、proudness ─── 骄傲
8、blondness ─── 金发
9、coldness ─── n.寒冷;冷淡
loudness 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、A change in stress, pitch, loudness, or tone of the voice; an inflection of the voice. ─── 变音在语调、音高、音量或音调上的变化; 声音的一种转调
2、Joe is a loud, vulgar person. ─── 乔是一个爱招摇的,庸俗的人。
3、To utter a long, loud, mournful cry; wail. ─── 嚎叫发出长久、大声、悲伤的叫声;哭泣
4、One given to loud, irritating, or indiscreet talk. ─── 吵闹者说话时吵闹,易愤慨,或不慎重的人
5、The loud noise chafed him. ─── 吵闹声使他烦躁。
6、An Old World swan(Cygnus cygnus) having a loud cry. ─── 大天鹅,疣鼻天鹅东半球的一种叫声很高的天鹅(大天鹅)
7、Unfortunately, the human ear does not judge clearly the degree of loudness of a noise. ─── 很不幸,人类的耳朵并不能清楚地判断噪音的大小程度。
8、Her shriek was dulled by the loud crash of thunder. ─── 她的尖叫声在震耳的雷声中变得低沉了。
9、A loud voice cut into their discussion. ─── 一个很响的嗓音突然插进到他们的讨论中去。
10、Blew a loud honk on the bass saxophone. ─── 在低音萨克斯管奏出雁叫般响亮的乐音
11、He blew two or three loud notes on his bugle. ─── 他吹了两三声喇叭。
12、He shouted with extreme loudness. He made a bass drum of Miss Martha's counter . ─── 他拼命叫嚷着,用力地敲着玛莎小姐的柜台,像是在敲低音大鼓。
13、He was awaked by loud cries. ─── 他被高叫声吵醒了。
14、A loud bugle aroused everyone from sleep. ─── 嘹亮的号声将每个人从睡梦中唤醒。
15、Night fell.From the loud speakers came local opera tunes. ─── 夜色降临,喇叭里传来地方戏的曲调。
16、He gave a loud belch. ─── 他打了一个响嗝。
17、To utter in a loud, powerful voice. ─── 发出大而有力的声音
18、He gave a good loud laugh when he saw me. ─── 他一见到我便大笑起来。
19、The Crow, anxious to refute the reflection cast upon her voice, set up a loud caw and dropped the flesh. ─── 乌鸦为了迫不及待反驳对它嗓音的贬低,张嘴大叫了一声,把肉掉了。
20、His speech was greeted by loud cheers. ─── 他的演讲受到了热烈的欢呼。
21、The loud bell on the clock broke in upon his dream. ─── 响亮的钟声打断了他的美梦。
22、Get a loud of this: Alice got married yesterday. ─── 你听这消息:爱丽丝昨天结婚了。
23、The audience greet his speech with loud cheer. ─── 听众对他的演讲报以高声欢呼。
24、The low rumble all at once broke into a loud peal of thunder. ─── 低沉的隆隆声突然变成大声的雷呜。
25、He heaved a loud groan when he heard the news. ─── 他听到那消息,大哼了一声。
26、Making or marked by loud outcry or sustained din. ─── 吵闹的,喧嚷的大声叫嚷的或持续嘈杂的
27、To utter or express with a loud cry; shout. ─── 叫喊着说大叫着说或表达;叫喊
28、The audience gave him a loud clap. ─── 听众给他一个大声的鼓掌。
29、He should not speak so loud. ─── 他不该如此大声说话。
30、I like Wagner's music better than anybody's; it is so loud, one can talk the whole time without other people hearing what one says. ─── 在众多音乐家的作品中,我最喜欢瓦格纳的音乐——那乐曲是那么响亮,在整个演奏时间中高谈阔论也不至被别人听见谈论的是什么。
31、His manner is too loud. ─── 他那样子太招摇。
32、Her sadness at last found expression in loud crying. ─── 她的悲痛终於在大声哭泣中发泄出来。
33、Loud talk was out of keeping in the library. ─── 在图书馆里大声喧哗是不合适的。
34、He makes such a cornball marriage proposal that the girl laugh out loud. ─── 他那多愁善感的求婚方式,让那女孩忍不住大声地笑了出来。
35、It's improper to make loud noise while eating. ─── 吃饭的时候弄出很大的声音不好。
36、Advertisers are skilful at creating the impression of loudness through their expert use of such factors. ─── 广告商熟练地运用这些因素来创造响度印象。
37、Pure tones of the same intensity but different frequencies do not necessarily produce sensations of equal loudness . ─── 声强相同而频率不同的纯音,未必产生响度相同的感觉。
38、The noise was so loud that she put wads of cotton wool in her ears. ─── 噪声很大,她用棉花团把耳朵堵上了。
39、An employee who stands before the entrance to a show, as at a carnival, and solicits customers with a loud, colorful sales spiel. ─── 大声叫卖者在巡回演出时,站在入口处以大声叫喊或各种各样降价推销招徕顾客的雇员
40、A loud roar rose from the crowd. ─── 一声震耳的吼叫从人群中发出。
41、To make the transmission of news more efficient, a great number of TV news workers have been taking advantage of the element of loudness. ─── 广大电视新闻工作者为使信息传播更有效,充分运用了响度因素。
42、Do not you think the radio rs a bit loud? ─── 你觉得收音机的声音是不是太吵了点?
43、A loud thunder stampeded the group of cattle. ─── 一声炸雷使牛群四散惊逃。
44、The loudness of a sound is evident produced by how much the membrane is cause to move. ─── 而声音的大小则明显的决定于耳膜运动。
45、He had a loud disagreement with his boss. ─── 他和老板大吵了一场。
46、He is so mild in disposition that I have never heard him speak in a loud voice. ─── 他在做布置时总是很温和以至于我从来没听过他大声说话。
47、Don't whisper; if you've got something to say, say it out loud. ─── 别叽咕了,有什麽要说的大声说吧。
48、To make a loud, sustained noise or outcry. ─── 喧闹,叫嚣发出大的、持久的噪音或喊声
49、He was argumentative, loud and just plain rude. We bit our tongues the entire weekend to keep from telling him where to go! ─── 他好争论,大嗓门并且毫无礼貌。整个周末我们强忍住未向他下逐客令。
50、He put plug in his ear because the noise was too loud. ─── 因为太吵闹了,他用耳塞堵住了耳朵。
51、Stop someone who is make an unpleasant loud noise. ─── 停止某人的大声喧哗。
52、His speech was greeted with loud cheers. ─── 他的讲话受到听众热烈的欢呼。
53、A long, loud, mournful cry; a wail. ─── 哀号长久、大声、悲伤的哭声; 号哭
54、He gave several loud rings at the door. ─── 他按了几下很响的门铃。
55、He was so happy that he gave a loud laugh . ─── 他如此高兴,以致于他大笑起来。
56、For crying out loud! Aren't you ever going to be ready to go out? ─── 哎呀,我的天啊!难道你不准备出去了吗?
57、Research shows that they get an extremely significant progress on pitch, loudness, length of sentences after visual music therapy. ─── 研究证明,四名被试经可视音乐治疗后,音调、响度、语句时长控制这三个方面均有了极其显著的进步。
58、A firework that explodes with a sudden loud noise. ─── 奇响爆竹爆裂瞬间发出巨大噪音的爆竹
59、He gave a loud whistle of surprise. ─── 他吹了一声响亮的口哨表示惊讶。
60、His speech was greeted with loud hoots. ─── 他的演讲遭到了轻蔑的嘘声。
61、The loud noise made her sit up in bed. ─── 喧闹声使她在床上坐了起来。
62、He's an army sergeant. he needs a loud voice. ─── 他是个好军人。他需要有大嗓门。
63、A short, loud puff, as of steam from an engine. ─── 喷气声短促而声音大的喷气声,如发动机喷蒸气的声音
64、decibel is the unit used to measure the loudness of sound. ─── 分贝是用来测定声音大小的单位。
65、What's up? There's such a loud noise in the corridor. ─── 出什么事啦?走廊里喧闹声那么大。
66、A loud voice cut into their conversation. ─── 一个很响的嗓音突然插进他们的讨论中去。
67、I can hear you loud and clear. ─── 你的声音很大,我听得很清楚。
68、We had to shout because the music was so loud. ─── 因为音乐音量太大,我们只好大声叫喊。
69、Henry called for the waiter in a loud voice. ─── 亨利大声叫那服务员。
70、A loud shot rang out. ─── 响起一声响亮的枪声。
71、Don't talk so loud. ─── 别那么大声地说话。
72、He shut the lid down with a loud noise. ─── 他砰地一声关上了盖子。
73、He gave a loud whistle of gladness. ─── 他吹了一声响亮的口号表示高兴。
74、A loud noise diverted my attention. ─── 一阵喧闹声转移了我们的注意力。
75、He blew several loud blasts on his whistle. ─── 他响亮地吹了几声哨子。
76、Do not talk so loud; you may be overheard. ─── 别这么大声说话; 别人会听见的。
77、Paul likes playing very loud rock. ─── 保罗喜欢播放很响的摇滚乐。
78、Loudness of sound may be measured. ─── 声音的响度可以测量。
79、The loud noise arrested our attention. ─── 响声吸引了我们的注意。
80、Suddenly he heard a loud, shrill noise. ─── 他突然听到一个响亮刺耳的声音。
81、Their forgiveness made a loud noise in his ears. ─── 他们这样原谅他反而使他如坐针毡。
82、Give your commands in a loud, confident voice. ─── 发命令声音要洪亮、 坚定。
83、You can vary the loudness of the radio by turning this knob to right or left. ─── 你可以通过向左或向右旋转这个钮来调节收音机的音量。
84、He cleared his nose with a loud sniff. ─── 他大声吸气清了清鼻子。
85、You needn't talk so loud. ─── 你说话的声音用不着那么大。
86、The hail beat a loud tattoo on the windowpane. ─── 冰雹在窗玻璃上嘈杂地连续敲打。
87、They heard him give a loud shout of astonishment. ─── 他们听见他惊奇地大叫一声。
88、The loudness of the noise and the length of the noise have been used as measures of aggression. ─── 噪声的响度和噪音的时间都被用来作为侵略的措施。
89、The loud, roaring noise of an engine operating at high speed. ─── 呜呜声高速运转的机器的高且喧闹的噪音
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