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pubescence 发音

英:[pjʊˈbesns]  美:[pjʊˈbes(ə)ns]

英:  美:

pubescence 中文意思翻译



pubescence 词性/词形变化,pubescence变形

名词复数: pubes |

pubescence 相似词语短语

1、putrescence ─── n.腐败;腐烂

2、quiescence ─── n.静止;沉默

3、spumescence ─── n.泡沫状;起泡沫

4、tabescence ─── 消瘦

5、pubescent ─── adj.青春期的;有软毛的;n.青春期的青少年

6、erubescence ─── n.变红;赧颜;皮肤潮红

7、rubescence ─── 发红

8、rufescence ─── 皱褶

9、albescence ─── 反照率

pubescence 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Keywords Angelica pubescence;angelica alcohol extractives;brain aging;mtDNA;respiratory chain;complex kinase activity; ─── 独活;独活醇提物;脑老化;线粒体DNA;呼吸链;复合体酶活性;

2、Calyx short, outside covered with sparse yellow pubescence; ─── 花萼短,外面被稀疏黄色短柔毛;

3、Branchlets and young leaves densely covered with coarse rust-colored thick hairs and pale yellow pubescence. ─── 小枝和幼叶密被粗糙的锈色的厚的毛和浅黄的短柔毛。

4、minute pubescence ─── 细密的茸毛

5、It is conceivable that pubescence forms a barrier, particularly for young nymphs ─── 可以想象,柔毛能形成一个阻障,特别是对幼小的若虫。

6、branchlets with spreading pubescence; ─── 有传播有毛的小枝;

7、pubescence of simple glandular hairs. ─── 单的腺毛的短柔毛。

8、Branchlets, young leaf blades, and figs densely covered with white pubescence. ─── 小枝,年轻的叶片和榕果密被白色有短柔毛。

9、filaments connate or distinct, adnate to base of sepals, glabrous or with pubescence; ─── 花丝合生的或离生,贴生萼片基部,无毛或具短柔毛的;

10、sparse pubescence ─── 稀疏毛类型稀疏茸毛

11、Leaves subentire or variously lobed, minutely scabrous with mostly sessile stellate pubescence adaxially, drying of different colors; leaves and stems lacking bristly, long-stalked hairs. ─── 多数粗糙的微小的具,浅裂的叶近全缘或各种地无梗短柔毛,干燥的不同颜色;叶和茎缺乏具刚毛,长柄毛。(11

12、glume pubescence ─── 颖毛

13、rachis ca. 1 cm, pubescence of very short brown setae; ─── 轴大约1厘米,非常短的棕色的刚毛的有毛的;

14、Especially this method is suitable for the leaf with pubescence. ─── 这种方法特别适合于研究叶表皮密被绒毛的植物。

15、Leaf blade densely covered with yellowish brown woolly pubescence, glabrescent; figs densely covered with brownish yellow long hairs. ─── 叶片密被黄棕色具绵状毛的短柔毛,后脱落;榕果密被带褐色的黄的长毛。

16、involucral bracts triangular-ovate, densely covered with long pubescence, persistent. ─── 三角状卵形的总苞片,密被长短柔毛,宿存。

17、Anthocarp clavate, 3-3.5 mm, 5-ribbed, with viscid glands and sparse pubescence, apex rounded. ─── 假果棍棒状,3-3.5毫米,5肋,具粘的腺体和稀少短柔毛,先端圆形。

18、Scutellum covered with yellow pubescence. ─── 小盾片密被黄毛。

19、effects of the pubescence depend on four main characteristics of the trichomes: density, erectness, length, and shape. ─── 一般来说,柔毛的机械作用取决于毛状体的四个主要性状:密度、直立性、长度和形状。

20、Young branchlets and petioles covered with gray pubescence of elongate hairs. Leaf blade abaxially densely covered with erect pubescence. ─── 幼嫩小枝和叶柄为所覆盖灰色短柔毛拉长毛。叶片背面密被直立短柔毛。

21、Leaf blade abaxially with dense pubescence of curved or crisped hairs. Fl. and fr. Feb-Apr. ─── 叶片背面具紧密的短柔毛弄弯的或卷曲的毛的花期以及果期2月4月。

22、peduncle 5-7 mm, densely covered with rust-colored pubescence; ─── 花序梗5-7毫米,密被锈色的短柔毛;

23、Scandent shrubs.Leaf blade shortly elliptic-ovate, 4-7 cm, leathery, abaxially densely covered with long brown pubescence, more so on veins; ─── 攀缘灌木椭圆状卵形的短叶片,4-7厘米,革质,背面密被长棕色短柔毛,更多毛在脉上;

24、normal pubescence ─── 正常茸毛

25、Study on biological characters of pubescence of Gossypium arboreum bickii ─── 亚比棉茎叶茸毛性状研究

26、Stipules amplexicaul, lanceolate to broadly lanceolate, 10-25 cm, pubescence yellowish green, gray, or brown, hairs bent. ─── 抱茎的托叶,披针形到宽披针形,10-25厘米,短柔毛黄绿色,灰色,或者棕色,毛弯曲。

27、Leaf blade abaxially with dense pubescence of curved or crisped hairs. ─── 弄弯或卷曲的毛的叶片背面具紧密的短柔毛。

28、For the same variety, leaf pubescence had a higher density but ashorter length on reverse side than on obverse side. ─── 同一品种叶片正面绒毛密度小于背面,正面绒毛长度大于背面;

29、Young branches densely covered with resinous glands and pubescence. ─── 幼枝密被树脂腺体和短柔毛。

30、tawny pubescence ─── 黄褐色茸毛

31、Especially this method is suitable for the leaf with pubescence. ─── 这种方法特别适合于研究叶表皮密被绒毛的植物。

32、14 Kinoshita T, Takahashi M. A supplementary report on genes responsible for pubescence of glumes and leaves in rice plants. ─── 13何平,沈利爽,陆朝福,等.水稻花药培养力的遗传分析及基因定位.遗传学报,1998,25(4):337344

33、Pubescence status ─── 叶茸毛着生状态

34、The collective trichome cover of a plant surface is called pubescence . ─── 植物表面聚集的毛状物称为柔毛。

35、tube shorter than lobes, throat with dense reflexed pubescence; ─── 筒部短于裂片,喉具紧密的反折的短柔毛;

36、Leaf blade leathery; fruit glabrous or with sparse reddish brown pubescence. ─── 叶片革质果无毛的或具稀的红棕色短柔毛。

37、Leaf blade usually oblong to ovate, cordate or nearly so at base; leaf and fruit without pubescence. ─── 叶片通常长圆形到卵形,心形的或近如此在基部;叶和果没有短柔毛。

38、Experimental Research into mtDNA Deficiency as a Natural Aging Process of Brain Tissues, Complex Kinase Activity in the Respiratory Chain, and Angelica Pubescence Function ─── 衰老小鼠脑组织mtDNA缺失、呼吸链酶复合体活性的变化以及独活作用机制的实验研究

39、Young branchlets gray to grayish brown, densely covered with grayish white pubescence. ─── 幼嫩小枝灰色的到带灰色棕色,密被浅灰色的白色的短柔毛。

40、Fruiting syncarp orange red to yellow, globose, glabrous or with sparse reddish brown pubescence. ─── 合心皮果橙红色到黄色,球状,无毛的或具稀的红棕色短柔毛。

41、Peduncle evident, rachis elongate, several to many flowered; pubescence of simple hairs; fruit pale, dull orange or yellow. ─── 明显的花序梗,轴拉长,数枚到多数花;单毛的短柔毛;果栅极,暗橙或黄色。(31

42、Branchlets, young leaf blades, and figs densely covered with straight white pubescence. ─── 小枝,年轻的叶片和无花果树密被直的白色的有毛。

43、Stipules lanceolate, ca. 4 mm, membranous, densely covered with short brown pubescence, glabrescent , basal ones bract like and persistent. ─── 托叶披针形,约4毫米,膜,密被短的棕色的有毛,后脱落,基生者苞片状和持久。

44、an aromatic Eurasian plant(Marrubium vulgare) having square stems,opposite leaves with white pubescence,and numerous white flowers in axillary cymes ─── 一种芳香的生长于欧亚大陆的(欧夏至草欧夏至草属)植物,其茎宽阔,生有对生叶,上有白色短柔毛,有无数呈腋生聚伞花序的白花

45、year-old branchlets with pubescence becoming black and glabrescent; ─── 一年小枝具短柔毛变为黑色和后脱落;

46、collective trichome cover of a plant surface is called pubescence. ─── 植物表面聚集的毛状物称为柔毛。

47、Stems ca. 30 cm tall, branched from base, sparsely covered with a bent pubescence, basally with sheathlike scales. ─── 茎30厘米高,分枝自基部,疏生为一弯曲短柔毛,基部为具鞘状鳞片所覆盖。

48、hull pubescence ─── 谷壳稃毛

49、The collective trichome cover of a plant surface is called pubescence ─── 植物表面聚集的毛状物称为柔毛。

50、Corolla throat with a dense reflexed pubescence, interior of tube glabrous toward base; follicles glabrous. ─── 花冠喉具紧密反折短柔毛,内部的筒部向基部;蓇葖果无毛。

51、Stipules lanceolate, ca. 4 mm, membranous, densely covered with short brown pubescence, glabrescent, basal ones bractlike and persistent. ─── 托叶披针形,约4毫米,膜,密被短的棕色的有毛,后脱落,基生者苞片状和持久。

52、semi-sparse pubescence ─── 半稀疏草毛

53、appressed pubescence ─── 紧密茸毛

54、There are many different strains differing in habit, plant height, lemma pubescence, and awn length. ─── 不同的很多在体型,植株高度,外稃短柔毛方面不同的劳累,和长度。

55、petals ovate, 1.5-2 mm, with grayish white minute pubescence and brown featherlike venation pattern; ─── 卵形的花瓣,1.5-2毫米,具浅灰色白色小短柔毛和棕色羽毛状脉序图案;

56、Pubescence is often poorly developed or absent in proximal florets of viviparous spikelets. ─── 短柔毛是在胎生的小穗的下部的小花里的通常发育不良或无。

57、Leaf blade thinly leathery; fruit with coarse pubescence. ─── 叶片薄革质;果具粗糙的短柔毛。

58、Leaves glabrous or adaxially sparsely fine strigose, abaxially with appressed, very short pubescence on veins and margin, otherwise sparsely fine granular glandular. ─── 叶无毛或正面具糙伏毛的疏生细,贴伏的背面具,非常短短柔毛在脉上和边缘,颗粒状具腺的否则疏生细。

59、Phyllostachys pubescence ─── 毛竹

60、1 Leaf blade thinly leathery; fruit with coarse pubescence. ─── 叶片薄革质;果具粗糙的短柔毛。

61、leaf pubescence ─── 叶片绒毛

62、effects of the pubescence depend on four main characteristics of the trichomes: density, erectness , length, and shape. ─── 一般来说,柔毛的机械作用取决于毛状体的四个主要性状:密度、直立性、长度和形状。

63、Branchlets, petioles, and venation sparsely covered with short pubescence when young. ─── 小枝,叶柄和脉幼时稀少地为短柔毛所覆盖的。

64、Pubescence is often poorly developed or absent in proximal florets of viviparous spikelets. ─── 短柔毛是在胎生的小穗的下部的小花里的通常发育不良或无。

65、gray pubescence ─── 灰毛

66、Stems with dense, upwardly curved pubescence especially apically and on angles. Leaves triangular-ovate to lanceolate, 4-14 mm wide, densely appressed pubescent. ─── 茎具紧密的,向上弄弯特别顶部的短柔毛和在角上。叶三角状卵形的到披针形,4-14毫米宽,浓密贴伏短柔毛。

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