prover 发音
英:[ˈpruːvə] 美:[ˈpruvər]
英: 美:
prover 中文意思翻译
prover 词性/词形变化,prover变形
prover 短语词组
1、prover 12 ─── 校准仪12
2、belt prover ─── [机] 带运机
3、prover 11 ─── 校准仪11
4、prover 4 ─── 校准仪4
5、prover 15 ─── 校准仪15
6、bucket prover ─── [化] 间格斗式运输器
7、prover 16 ─── 校准仪16
8、prover 17 ─── 校准仪17
9、prover 14 ─── 校准仪14
prover 相似词语短语
1、proved ─── adj.证实的;被证明的;v.证明;检验;表现出;钻探(prove的过去分词)
2、proves ─── 证明;证明是
3、provers ─── n.证人;校准仪
4、Grover ─── n.格鲁佛氏;调弦系统;卷弦器
5、proven ─── v.证明;(面包)发酵(prove的过去分词)
6、drover ─── n.把家畜赶到市集的人;家畜商人;牲畜贩子
7、plover ─── n.珩;千鸟;珩科鸟(如凤头麦鸡)
8、trover ─── n.取得;追索侵占物诉讼
9、proverb ─── n.谚语,格言;众所周知的人或事
prover 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Prove to me that your interest is sincere. ─── 你向我证明一下你真的很关心这件事情。
2、A rumour does not always prove (to be) a fact. ─── 传闻弄到最后不一定是事实。
3、He cited the encyclopedia to prove his statement . ─── 他引用百科全书来证明自己的说法。
4、If you want to be one of my people you must prove that you're good at out trade. Come, you shall steal from George. ─── 如果你想成为我的人,你得证明你是擅长我们这一行的。来,你去偷乔治。
5、He is going to have to prove his innocence. ─── 他将不得不证明他是无辜的。
6、She will prove a danger to our family. ─── 她将是我们家的祸根。
7、The task prove inconceivably more difficult than we have imagine. ─── 任务的困难程度超过我们的想像,确实难以置信。
8、Battle me! Prove yourself to me. ─── 和我战斗!证明你的实力。
9、Only that would prove the point. ─── 只有这种方式能够证明这一点。
10、Facts prove this conclusion is ill-founded. ─── 事实表明,这一结论是完全站不住脚的。
11、You must prove you can deliver the goods. ─── 你必须证明你能不负众望。
12、Although less automatic, efficient usage of a theorem prover can handle much larger designs than model checkers and requires less memory. ─── 尽管缺少自动化,高效地使用定理证明器能处理比模型检查器更大的设计并且要求更小的内存。
13、Your visit here prove great help throughout. ─── 你到此地来访对本公司帮助很大。
14、A man at sixteen will prove a child at sixty. ─── 十六岁不成人,六十岁不成器。
15、Can you prove that to the court? ─── 你能在法庭上证明这一点吗?
16、Replay attack prevention: Each issued U-Prove token also contains a token-specific public key that is known only to the Prover. ─── 重放攻击(Replay attack)防护:每个发布的U-Prove令牌中还包含专门针对每个令牌的公钥,这只有验证方才知道。
17、Was it because you couldn't prove an alibi? ─── 不就因为你提不出你不在现场的任何证据吗?
18、The Depression appeared to prove him right. ─── 之后的大萧条证实了他的观点。
19、PVS is a verification system: that is, a specification language integrated with support tools and a theorem prover. ─── PVS是一个确认系统:这就是说,它的语言综合了支持工具和一个定理证明器。
20、He thinks it is necessary to prove a man's worth . ─── 他认为考验一个人的价值是必要的。
21、Can you prove that you really mean it? ─── 你能证明你说的是真的吗?
22、The decision was to prove ruinous. ─── 后来证明这个决定造成了极大的危害。
23、Such form of pastime seems to prove him sincere. ─── 从那种娱乐的形式看来,好象可以证明他的不忠实。
24、He has no way to prove his own innocence. ─── 他没有办法证明自己的清白。
25、She challenged the newspaper to prove its story. ─── 她要求这家报纸证实报道的真实性.
26、It suffices to prove the second assertion. ─── 只要证明第二断言即可。
27、He tried to prove that the triangle was isosceles. ─── 他想证明那个三角形是等腰的。
28、He weighed in with information to prove the point. ─── 他提出一些资料以证明这个论点。
29、Can you prove where you were on May 3rd? ─── 你能证明你5月3日在何处吗?
30、He weighed in to prove the point. ─── 他插手来证实那个论点。
31、Perhaps this book will prove to be of some use to you in your studies. ─── 也许这本书会对你的研究有用处。
32、If you do have something , prove it. ─── 如果你真的有二把刷子,证明它吧!
33、He was unable to prove his innocence. ─── 他无法证明他的清白。
34、He has evidence that can prove his innocence. ─── 他有证据能证明自己的清白。
35、She wants to prove my point, you mean? ─── 你的意思是她想证实我们的话?
36、Can you prove where you were on May Day? ─── 你能证明五一那天你在什么地方吗?
37、He produces document to prove his claim. ─── 他出示文件来证明他的要求权。
38、Anyone being considered for such an important job has to take several tests to prove that he is up to snuff. ─── 为这样一份重要的工作物色人选得让他参加几种测试,以证明他是否胜任这项工作。
39、She defied her accusers to prove their charges. ─── 她激自己的指控者证实他们的指控
40、History may prove that in Dec.1944, the Germans shot their bolt at the Battle of the Bulge; after that, their defeat was just a matter of time. ─── 历史可以证明,德国人在1944年12月的反攻巴尔吉之战中使出了最后的力量,从那时起,他们的失败只不过是时间问题而已。
41、Don't fret, they can't prove him guilty! ─── 不要着急,他们没法子证明他有罪!
42、She was determined to prove everyone wrong. ─── 她决心证明大家都错了。
43、She defied him to prove her guilty. ─── 她量他不敢证明她有罪。
44、The fact will prove these worries groundless. ─── 事实会证明这担忧是无根据的。
45、He is determined to prove his friends rs innocence. ─── 他决心替他的朋友洗清罪名。
46、He gave me chapter and verse to prove the value of this program. ─── 他振振有词,有根有据地向我证明这项计划的价值。
47、They talked about how the uses and abuses of figures to prove things in politics. ─── 他们谈到人们如何在政治问题上使用及滥用数字来混淆视听。
48、The hardest task of a girl's life is to prove to a man that his intention is serious. ─── 女孩子生命中最困难的任务是去证实一位男士(对她)的意思是认真的。
49、Can you prove where you were on March 2nd? ─── 你能证明你3月2日在什么地方吗?
50、How can you prove that you are right? ─── 你如何能证明你是正确的呢?
51、Why should he have to prove his loyalty to you? ─── 为什么他必须向你证实他的忠诚?
52、His good looks won him the election but he has still to prove that he's not just a pretty face. ─── 他由於仪表堂堂而当选,但他尚须证明决非徒有其表。
53、"I can prove you're wrong," Josh had burst out. ─── “我可以证明您的看法是错误的,”乔希发火了。
54、He delights to prove his brother wrong. ─── 他很乐意证明他的弟弟错了。
55、He adduced nothing to prove his theory. ─── 他没能举出例子来证明他的理论。
56、Their leader told them to prove their manhood by fighting well. ─── 他们的首领要他们奋勇作战,以此显示男子汉气概。
57、You'd better cite an example to prove your opinion. ─── 你最好举出一个例子来证明你的观点.
58、They will prove worthy of the Party's trust. ─── 他们不会辜负党对他们的信任。
59、Without automated theorem prover, programmers have to generate all proofs by hand, which is a huge workload. ─── 没有自动定理证明器的支持,程序性质的证明全部需要程序员手工完成,工作量巨大。
60、Adduced nothing to prove her theory. ─── 她没能举出例子来证明她的理论。
61、The Issuer will protect the token by signing it and by including a public key known only to the prover. ─── 发布方会通过对其进行签名并且包含只有验证方才知道的公钥来保护令牌。
62、She always delights to prove herself right. ─── 她总是喜欢证明她自己是对的。
63、His effort to woo her to his side prove fruitless. ─── 他试图说服她站到自己一边的努力徒劳无功。
64、A prover for parallel numerical verification of a class of constructive geometry theorems. ─── 一类构造性几何定理的数值并行法证明器。
65、The only reason why he did it was to prove himself to the public. ─── 他做这件事的唯一原因是要向公众证明他有能力。
66、Are you just doing this to prove a point? ─── 你这么做就是为证明自己对吗?
67、In these cases, a first-order theorem prover may fail to terminate while searching for a proof. ─── 在这种情况下,一阶定理证明者可能会失败而终止,而寻找证据。
68、To compute this response the Prover applies the private key for the U-Prove token to a presentation challenge of the Verifier. ─── 为了对这个响应进行计算,验证方会把针对U - Prove令牌的私钥应用于校验方的表现请求。
69、Even so, the motive may prove inscrutable. ─── 即便如此,其动机可能还是令人费解。
70、She claimed that money had been wasted and our financial difficulties seemed to prove her point. ─── 她断定那笔钱用得不是地方,而我们在经济上遇到的困难却也似乎说明她言之有理。
71、Perhaps this book will prove useful later. ─── 也许这本书今后会有用。
72、Surely the crown lawyers must prove that. ─── 公诉律师肯定会证明这一点。
73、He tried to prove that to the court . ─── 他试图向法庭证实那件事。
74、How did you prove that he was the robber? ─── 你如何证明他就是那名强盗?
75、Prove thy friend ere thou have need. ─── 在你需要朋友帮助前,先要考验他们。
76、It prove difficult to disguise her anxiety. ─── 她的忧虑很难掩饰。
77、She may very well prove to be on the up and up, but it pays to be careful. This burg is full of gold diggers, you know. ─── 她这个人可能是很正直的,但是以小心谨慎为妙。你要知道,这个城里到处是以色相诱骗男人钱财的女子啊。
78、Just give me a chance and I'll prove it to you. ─── 只要给我个机会,我会证明给你看。
79、Medical evidence was called to prove that the murdered girl had been brutally interfere with. ─── 医学证据用来证明了那个被谋杀的少女曾被残忍地强暴过。
80、What are you trying to prove to me? ─── 你要向我证明什么?
81、To her, they might prove very injurious-very. ─── 他们对她可能很不好,很不好。
82、They go drinking and whoring, just to prove how macho they are. ─── 他们经常酗酒嫖妓,就是为了证明他们多有男子气。
83、How far must they go, to prove to you? ─── 为了向你证明,这种事还要发展到哪部田地?
84、Can you prove where you were to the police? ─── 你能向警方证明当时你在哪儿吗?
85、Analysis prove quality well within standard as faq. ─── 分析检验表明质量达到标准,属于上等品。
86、She would prove a very light young person. ─── 她说不定终究是个非常轻佻的年轻女子。
87、Only there (pain) can also prove zedoary / alive. ─── 只冇(疼痛)才能证明莪还/活着。
88、The Prover randomly generates it during the issuance protocol, together with a corresponding private key for the U-Prove token. ─── 验证方会在发布协议中随机生成公钥,此时会使用针对U-Prove令牌的相关私钥。
89、You have the numbers to prove it. ─── 你有著显赫数字来证明自己。
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