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09-12 投稿


hawthorn 发音

英:[ˈhɔːθɔːrn]  美:[ˈhɔːθɔːn]

英:  美:

hawthorn 中文意思翻译




hawthorn 网络释义

n. 山楂;山楂树n. (Hawthorn)人名;(英)霍索恩

hawthorn 词性/词形变化,hawthorn变形


hawthorn 常用词组

hawthorn fruit ─── 山楂

hawthorn 短语词组

1、hawthorn berries ─── 山楂果

2、azarole hawthorn ─── 杜鹃花山楂

3、cockspur hawthorn ─── [网络] 鸡爪山楂

4、hawthorn bush ─── 山楂树

5、nathaniel hawthorn ─── 纳撒尼尔山楂

6、pear hawthorn ─── [网络] 梨山楂

7、maybush hawthorn ─── 梅布什山楂

8、hawthorn tree ─── 山楂树

9、hawthorn flower ─── 山楂花

10、hawthorn university ─── 山楂大学

11、hawthorn fruit ─── [化] 山楂

12、English hawthorn ─── 英国山楂

13、hawthorn berry ─── 山楂果

hawthorn 相似词语短语

1、althorn ─── n.高音萨克斯;高音喇叭

2、hartshorn ─── n.鹿角精;鹿角;氨水溶液

3、earthborn ─── adj.地中长出的;会死的;尘世的;凡人的

4、Shorthorn ─── n.短角牛(等于Durham);新来的人

5、lanthorn ─── 提灯

6、hawthorns ─── n.山楂;山楂树;n.(Hawthorn)人名;(英)霍索恩

7、hawthorny ─── 山楂

8、Hawthorne ─── n.霍桑(男子名);霍桑(美国加利福尼亚州西南部城市)

9、Rawsthorne ─── 罗斯特霍恩

hawthorn 常见例句(双语使用场景)


2、Hawthorn products have the function of pacifying the stomach and spleen, and promoting digestion. ─── 山楂制品,和中消食。

3、flavone from hawthorn biloba ─── 山楂叶总黄酮

4、Simultaneously drinks the Chinese hawthorn tea frequently, regarding treats hypertension to have the obvious auxiliary curative effect. ─── 同时经常饮用山楂茶,对于治疗高血压具有明显的辅助疗效。

5、Overview: The Division of hawthorn tincture of hawthorn mainly produced in Shandong, obtained with a hawthorn tincture ethanol extraction. ─── 概述:本司山楂酊主要采用山东产的山楂,用乙醇萃取制得山楂酊。

6、the soaked things of compound hawthorn ─── 复方山楂提取物

7、Hawthorn is also recommended in cases of functional heart pain and mild arrhythmias. ─── 山楂也用于治疗功能性心绞痛和轻微心律失常。

8、Br.or Crataegus Pinnatifida Bge.two plants of Hawthorn genus,rose family. ─── BR.或山楂CrataegusPinnatifidaBge.的干燥叶提取的总黄酮。

9、I like to sing the song hawthorn. ─── 中文:我喜欢唱‘山楂树’这首歌。

10、Hawthorn nuclear-run oil is the treatment of skin diseases such as neurodermatitis of the better drug. ─── 山楂核馏油是治疗神经性皮炎等皮肤病的较好药物。


12、Development of Hawthorn Juicy Tea Compound Beverage ─── 山楂汁茶复合饮料的开发

13、At throwing the hammer George had no compeer ;but there was a knack in putting the stone which he could never acquire, and here Hawthorn beat him. ─── 在掷铁锤方面,乔治无人能及,但是在搬石块方面,需要一些特别技巧,乔治总是不得要领,经常输给霍桑。

14、The resistance of chinar, hawthorn and ural falses piraea are relatively low, which maybe bring problems. ─── 二球悬铃木、山楂等抗性相对较弱,使用再生水灌溉可能产生问题。

15、Her musings led her again to memories of "The Hawthorn Tree," and her heart was filled with a tangle of contradictory emotions, among which was delight at her embarrassment of riches. ─── 她想着,又想起了那支《山揸树》,觉得心里充满了一种矛盾的、幸福感和奢侈感交织的心情。

16、Measuring Dpctin in Hawthorn Cake ─── 山楂片中果胶质的测定

17、Ingredients:chrysanthemum、green tea 、honeysuckle、medlar、hawthorn、hongzao、orange peel、rock sugar. ─── 产品介绍:配料:贡菊花、烘焙绿茶、金银花、枸杞、野山楂、红枣、陈皮、冰糖。

18、ATZ-216 is a kind of compound, which is extracted from szechwan lovge rhizome, lobed kudzurine root, safflower, hawthorn fruit, and other Chinese medicinal herbs. ─── ATZ-216是从中药川芎、葛根、红花、山楂等中草药中提取的复合制剂,含有多种有效成分。

19、The fruit of a hawthorn. ─── 山楂山楂的果实

20、chungtien hawthorn (crataegus chungtienensis) ─── 中甸山楂

21、Algebra is applied to the clouds;the radiation of the star profits the rose;no thinker would venture to affirm that the perfume of the hawthorn is useless to the constellations. ─── 代数可运用于云层,日光旋惠于玫瑰,任何思想家都不敢说山楂的香气于星群无涉。

22、thorny shrubs and small trees: hawthorn; thorn; thorn_apple. ─── 多刺灌木和乔木;山楂;刺;刺苹果。

23、Can lower blood pressure: The Hawthorn, the Hang Ju 10 grams, 15 grams of cassia, the drug will be on water decoction, filter Jianzhi check. ─── 可降低血压:取山楂、杭菊各10克,决明子15克,将上药加水煎煮后,滤取煎汁。

24、Main Ingredients:LingZhi,Hawthorn Fruit,Danshen Root,root of Multijugate Sweetvetch,Loquat Leaf,Powder of Bamboo Liquid,Combination of absorbing fat herb,etc. ─── 主要成份:灵芝、山楂、丹参、黄芪、枇杷叶、竹液粉、吸油植草组合等。

25、Effects of hawthorn on exocrine pancreatic secretion in Beijing ducks ─── 山楂对鸭胰腺分泌的影响

26、Each capsule contains 150 mg of Hawthorn Leaves &Flowers extract standardized to provide 2% Vitexin. ─── 保存方式:开封后,请保持瓶口紧盖,放置于冰箱或阴凉乾燥处,避免阳光直晒;避免儿童自取。

27、Studies on the Best Extracting Process of the Hawthorn Juice ─── 山楂最佳浸汁工艺的研究

28、However, many fruits such as persimmon, hawthorn, almond, pineapple and so can not be an empty stomach to eat. ─── 但是,很多水果如柿子、山楂、杏仁、菠萝等都不能空腹吃。

29、The hawthorn was the strongest in antioxidant capacity among all fruits and followed by winter date, guava, kiwifruit, purple mulberry, strawberry and agate pomegranate. The honeydew melon, watermelon and persimmon were the weakest. ─── 3 0种水果中 ,抗氧化活性以山楂最强 ,冬枣、番石榴、猕猴桃、桑葚、草莓、玛瑙石榴等次之 ,白兰瓜、京欣一号西瓜和柿子最弱 ;

30、Treatable coronary heart disease: Hawthorn, the brown sugar 30g, Chi Xiaodou 60 grams, 50 grams of japonica rice into pot boiled Xi Yu. ─── 可治疗冠心病:将山楂、红糖各30克,赤小豆60克,粳米50克放入锅中煮成稀粥。

31、Major industrial products are cement, hawthorn leaves flavonoids, diosgenin, wires, cables, batteries, etc. maintenance-free more than 50 kinds. ─── 主要工业产品有水泥、山楂叶总黄酮、薯蓣皂素、电线、电缆、免维护蓄电池等50多种。

32、Drizzle wi th sauce. Set cod fish in the centre of a serving plate, asparagus,strawberry and hawthorn around fish. ─── 将芦笋,草莓,山楂分别放置再盘子的四周,淋上适量酱汁在中间部位,鳕鱼块放上即可.

33、Determination of Inorganic Element in Hawthorn and Hawthorn Production by FAAS ─── 山楂及其中药制剂中无机元素的光谱测定

34、John's wort P.E., epimedium P.E., wWolfberry P.E., white willow bark P.E., hawthorn leaf P.E., rhodiola P.E., red clover P.E., and angelica P.E. ─── 主要产品:贯叶连翘提取物、白柳皮提取物、红车轴提取物、淫羊藿提取物、当归提取物、山楂叶提取物、红景天提取物、枸杞提取物等等。

35、Sell Hawthorn Leaf Extract Crataegus pinnatifida Bge. ─── 卖山楂叶提取山楂.

36、A crushed lady-bug, a feather fallen from a nest, a branch of hawthorn broken, aroused their pity. ─── 一个被踏死的瓢虫,一片从鸟巢里落下的羽毛,一根被折断的山楂枝,都会使他们伤感。

37、Virtual every usable part of the Hawthorn plant including its leaves, flowers and berries have been used for hundreds of years by herbalists as a cardiovascular tonic. ─── 山楂的有效营养成分集中在它的叶子、花和浆果上,曾在中药上用作心血管的滋补剂。

38、It was past the disillusioned moment which divides the day and night-still and lingering and warm, with hawthorn scent and lilac scent clinging on the riverside air. ─── 一天中那个日夜交错的迷幻时刻已经过了--外面静静的,又旖旎,又温暖,山楂花和紫丁香的香气仍旧留在河边空气里。

39、Study on the Composition of Hawthorn bee pollen ─── 山楂蜂花粉的成分研究

40、Leaf-shoots were beginning to sprout on the hawthorn. ─── 叶芽开始在山楂树上长出来。

41、Comparison of the total DNA extraction methods in hawthorn ─── 山楂总DNA提取方法的比较

42、Almond blossom is distinct on the nose followed by floral notes of hawthorn and camomile leaving space for a vegetal background.In the mouth it is well-structured, silky and enveloping. ─── 唯一有问题的是他自己说的和鱼一起配菜,我今天在吃泥鳅,后来杯口都是腥味,影响了对酒的气味的感觉。

43、Effect of Different Extraction Techniques on the Quality of Hawthorn Juice ─── 不同提取工艺对山楂汁质量的影响

44、Hawthorn as a medicine in ancient China, there are a lot of medical records. ─── 山楂作为一种药材,在我国古代很多医书中都有记载。

45、The blossoms of the hawthorn. ─── 山楂花,五月花

46、The extracts impacts on dog's left ventricle of the leaf of the hawthorn ─── 山楂叶提取物对犬左心室的影响

47、Protective Effect of North Hawthorn on Acute Myocardial Ischemia in Rabbits ─── 北山楂对家兔急性心肌缺血的保护作用研究

48、Oh that's hawthorn root. It increases circulation. ─── 哦,那是山楂根。能增进循环。

49、Perfect Pearl: Incarnation of Hawthorn's Inner Remorse ─── 完美的珍珠:霍桑内心忏悔的化身

50、A crushed lady-bug, a feather fallen from a nest, a branch of hawthorn broken, aroused their pity, and their ecstasy, sweetly mingled with melancholy, seemed to ask nothing better than to weep. ─── 一个被踏死的金龟子,一片从鸟巢里落下的羽毛,一根被折断的山楂枝,都会使他们伤感,望着发怔,沉浸在轻微的惆怅中,恨不得哭它一场。

51、Study on the Eradicating Effect of Oxygen Free Radicals by Hawthorn ─── 山楂水提液清除氧自由基作用的研究

52、Hawthorn Pills Safe for Heart Patients ─── 山楂药丸对心脏病患者是安全的

53、The farmer is now pleaching the hawthorn and wild plum. ─── 农民正在把山楂树枝和野柏树枝编成矮篱笆。

54、The simple and easy technique of making hawthorn sauce ─── 山楂酱的简易制作

55、always carried, Eragon had decided to forgo a new sword in favor of the length of knotted hawthorn. ─── 随身携带,伊拉贡已决定放弃一个新的剑有利于长度山楂节。

56、A drink produced by hawthorn and carrot juice was introduced. And its optimal ratio of process, optimal using of the clarifier and optimal conditions of sterilization were studied. ─── 介绍了山楂胡萝卜为原料生产的山楂胡萝卜汁果蔬饮料,着重研究了山楂胡萝卜汁生产工艺的最佳配比、澄清剂的最佳用量及最佳杀菌条件等。

57、Keywords hawthorn;matrimony vine;tea Complex;teabag; ─── 山楂;枸杞;茶叶;复合袋泡茶;

58、Research suggests that hawthorn has the ability to increase the strength of contraction of the heart, and to increase coronary blood flow. ─── 研究建议,山楂树有能力增加心脏的收缩力量,并且增加冠状血流。

59、A hawthorn or similar tree or shrub ─── 山楂或类似的树或灌木

60、Hawthorn fruit of Freund's Song and Shigella, deformation bacteria, E. coli has a certain inhibition. ─── 山楂果对福氏与宋氏痢疾杆菌、变形菌、大肠杆菌都有一定抑制作用。

61、Each capsule contains 150 mg of Hawthorn Leaves & Flowers extract standardized to provide 2% Vitexin. ─── 保存方式:开封后,请保持瓶口紧盖,放置于冰箱或阴凉乾燥处,避免阳光直晒避免儿童自取。

62、Hawthorn promoting digestion, lotus leaf can be heat-clearing and detoxifying, as well as swelling, weight loss, beauty role. ─── 山楂促消化,荷叶可清热解毒,还有消肿、减肥、美容作用。

63、A cuckoo began calling from a hawthorn tree. ─── 一只布谷鸟开始在一株山楂树里咕咕地呼叫。

64、Treatable Jiuxie deficiency in children: Hawthorn access (to nuclear), the sub-yam and medicine, joined the amount of sugar. ─── 可治疗小儿脾虚久泻:取山楂(去核)、淮山药各等分,加入适量白糖。

65、Methods Ultrahigh pressure extraction method,ultrasonic extraction method,microwave extraction method and soxhlet extraction were used to extract flavonoids from Hawthorn. ─── 同时,采用超高压提取法、超声波法、微波法、索氏提取法获得山楂提取液。

66、Treatable hyperlipidemia: Hawthorn taking 20 grams, 10 grams Motherwort, 5 grams of tea, brewed with boiling water, this generation of tea a day can be used. ─── 可治疗高脂血症:取山楂20克,益母草10克,茶叶5克,用沸水冲泡,每日可以此代茶饮用。

67、Hawthorn leaves, flowers and berries have been used for generations by herbalists as a cardiovascular tonic. ─── 山楂叶、花和果,在草药学上已应用于心脑血管几十年。

68、Treatable with acute gastroenteritis: 30 grams Hawthorn cut sheet after Chaojiao, ginger and 3, 15 grams of brown sugar together into the water decoction, and then Qu Zhi. ─── 可治疗急性胃肠炎:将30克山楂切成片状后炒焦,与生姜3片、红糖15克一起放入水中煎煮,然后取汁。

69、Keywords hawthorn;hyperoside;ursolic acid;antihyperlipidemia; ─── 关键词山楂;金丝桃苷;熊果酸;降血脂;

70、Keywords Hawthorn;Hyperin;Total Flavanone;Fluorimetry.; ─── 山楂;金丝桃苷;总黄酮;荧光法;

71、Compared to the most suitable hosts, the epicuticle hair numbers, hair length, epidermis thickness and branch diameter of hawthorn were, respectively, 2.73、3.27、2.77 and 3.47 times higher. ─── 山楂表皮毛密度、长度、皮层厚度和枝条直径分别是最适宜类寄主枝条4种物理结构指标平均值的2.73、3.27、2.77倍和3.47倍。

72、Your eyes are lode-stars and your tongue's sweet air More tuneable than lark to shepherd's ear, When wheat is green, when hawthorn buds appear. ─── 你的眼睛是两颗明星,你的甜蜜的声音比之小麦青青、山楂蓓蕾的时节送入牧人耳中的云雀之歌还要动听。

73、southern United States hawthorn with pinnately lobed leaves. ─── 一种产于美国南部具有羽裂叶的山楂植物。

74、Chinese hawthorn Gan Suanwei is warm, is whets the appetite the digestion, the enhancement digestion function good medicine. ─── 山楂甘酸微温,是开胃消食,增强消化功能的良药。

75、English Language Centre at Hawthorn ─── 墨尔本大学赫梭语言中心

76、Keywords Hawthorn;Gastrolith;Endoscopy;Crushed stone; ─── 山楂;胃石;经内镜;碎石;

77、A naked cockspur hawthorn tree stands in new soil, and freshly dug plants bend in the wind. ─── 一棵光秃秃的鸡距山楂树挺立在新培的土壤上,刚刚栽上的植物在风中摇曳。

78、The hummingbird perches on a twig of the hawthorn. ─── 小蜂鸟栖在山楂树枝上.

79、Hawthorn is also called “mountain red”.The shape is like a giant cheery.Hawthorn has eet and sour taste This dessert can dissolve cholesterol deposit and promote digestion. ─── 山楂即山里红,状似大个儿樱桃,酸中带甜,为北方特产的水果,”山楂”具开胃解腻之效。

80、Hawthorn stem and leaf decoction of Staphylococcus aureus and Bacillus anthracis is also a disincentive. ─── 山楂茎、叶煎剂对金黄色葡萄球菌和炭疽杆菌也有抑制作用。

81、Pork Soup With Hawthorn Fruit And Fructus Leonuri ─── 山楂决明瘦肉汤

82、I would like to grow into a hawthorn, guarding you to the pain, a thousand years. ─── 我想长成一棵山楂树,守着你给的疼痛,一千年。

83、Hawthorn pregnant women eat more products will stimulate uterine contraction, or even cause miscarriage. ─── 孕妇食用较多的山楂制品,会刺激子宫收缩,甚至造成流产。

84、In order to improve the quality of hawthorn juice and increase the rate of product,pectosase is used in juice immerging experiment. ─── 为提高山楂汁产品内在质量,提高出汁率,在山楂汁浸汁工艺中采用果胶酶处理。

85、Introduction: hawthorn cake Changzhi City are well-known specialty for over 20 years of production history. ─── 介绍:山楂饼是长治市的著名特产,已有20多年的生产历史。

86、Finger Citron, Lotus Seed, Malt, Hyacinth Bean , Chicken's Gizzard-membrane, Nutmeg, Common Floweringquince Fruit, Hawthorn Fruit, Villous Amomum, Angelica Dahurica , and so on. ─── 佛手、莲子、麦芽、白扁豆、鸡内金、肉豆蔻、木瓜、山楂、砂仁、白芷等。


88、Hawthorn nuclear agents of Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus subtilis, E. coli has a good effect to kill. ─── 山楂核制剂对绿脓杆菌、金黄葡萄球菌、枯草杆菌、大肠杆菌都有较好的杀灭效果。

89、In Chinese hawthorn rich flavanone class and massive Vitamins, can the effective impediment free radical production, strengthen the bodily immunity. ─── 山楂中丰富的黄酮类及大量的维生素,能够有效的阻止自由基的生成,增强身体免疫力。

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