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09-12 投稿



photogenic 发音

英:[ˌfoʊtoʊˈdʒenɪk]  美:[ˌfəʊtəʊˈdʒenɪk]

英:  美:

photogenic 中文意思翻译



photogenic 短语词组

1、photogenic meaning ─── 上镜意义

2、photogenic pro apk ─── 上镜亲apk

3、photogenic seizure ─── [医] 光原性癫痫

4、photogenic memory ─── 上镜记忆

5、photogenic face ─── 上镜脸

6、photogenic organ ─── [医]发光器(官)

7、photogenic bacteria ─── [医] 发光菌

8、photogenic picture ─── 照片

9、photogenic definition ─── 上镜定义

10、photogenic bacterium ─── 上光细菌

11、photogenic tissue ─── 发光组织

12、photogenic colony ─── 发光菌落

13、photogenic spot ─── 上镜斑点

14、photogenic epilepsy ─── [医]光源性癫痫

photogenic 词性/词形变化,photogenic变形

副词: photogenically |

photogenic 相似词语短语

1、photonic ─── adj.光激性的

2、phototonic ─── 光子

3、erotogenic ─── adj.唤起情欲的,引起性欲的;性感带的

4、photogenes ─── n.余像;视觉暂留

5、photogen ─── n.页岩煤油

6、protogenic ─── adj.原生的

7、photogeny ─── 光生

8、phytogenic ─── adj.起源于植物的(等于phytogenous)

9、photogene ─── n.余像;视觉暂留

photogenic 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、photogenic animals ─── 发光动物

2、It is possible to read candidate bios at the official beauty pageantry sites, examine photographs and vote for the most photogenic. ─── 在官方的选美网址上,人们能读到有关选手的生平介绍之类的报道,浏览照片以及为选手投票。

3、photogenic tissue ─── 发光组织

4、photogenic seizure ─── [医] 光原性癫痫

5、Study photogenic people as well as photos in which you think you looked best. ─── 学习上相人士以及你认为那些看起来在相片中不错的人。

6、Officials replaced the younger girl because they judged Lin more photogenic. ─── 官方替换了这个年纪小些的小女孩,因为他们断定林妙可更上镜些。

7、photogenic epilepsy ─── 光源性癫痫

8、Many photogenic auroras have been triggered from a solar wind stream that recently passed the Earth.The auroras were unexpected because the initiating Sun has been unusually quiet of late. ─── 许多发光性的极光活动是由于太阳风直接通过地球,而今年由于太阳活动异常平静,因此并不预期极光的出现。

9、I can only say that he is indeed a very photogenic. ─── 我只能说是自己真的很不上镜了。

10、At the age of 21, French acting legend Jeanne Moreau was told by a casting director that her head was too crooked, she wasn't beautiful enough, and she wasn't photogenic enough to make it in films. ─── 被誉为法国演艺界的传奇,21岁的时候,一位摄像师说她的头不平整,长得也不算很漂亮,又不够上镜,很难在演艺圈出人头地。

11、Love is photogenic. ─── 爱情就象照片。

12、You're really not photogenic. ─── 你真的很不上相。

13、The Whirlpool galaxy, M51, has been one of the most photogenic galaxies in amateur and professional astronomy. ─── 无论是对于业余的天文爱好者还是专业人员,M51漩涡星系都是一个特别适合拍照的星系。

14、Diana, with her photogenic good looks, her sympathetic gestures and an air of vulnerability, seemed much more relaxed than the other royals, and much more accessible. ─── 戴安娜有着一副上镜的姣好容貌,她那能让人产生共鸣的手势和毫不设防的表情,让她看上去远比王室其他成员平易近人。

15、Love is photogenic, it needs darkness to develope. ─── 爱情就像照片,需要大量的暗房来培养!

16、It’s allegedly the most photogenic of the nine hells. (Photos: L Plater and phototravel). ─── 据说是九处地狱温泉中最上照的一处。

17、I disagree. Oh, Steven, just look at that face! He's more photogenic than any of the other actors. ─── 我不这么认为。噢,史蒂文,看看这张脸,他比其他的演员更上镜。

18、photogenic cell ─── 发光细胞

19、Mix to anaemia icteric more serious case of illness, with serological photogenic the blood that close makes the give sb a shot in the arm that change blood is the most important treatment method. ─── 对贫血和黄疸较重的病例,以血清学上相合的血液作换血输血是最重要的治疗方法。

20、photogenic colony ─── 发光菌落

21、My younger sister has a photogenic face. ─── 我妹妹有一张很上镜头的脸。

22、For example, some of Raquel Welch"s titles included "Miss Photogenic" and "Miss Contour. ─── 该国多数人认为:这是一个对外表特别关注的社会。

23、The photogenic comet was so bright that it even remained visible though the din of Earthly flashes. ─── 这颗迷人的彗星如此明亮,甚至在地球喧嚣的闪光中还能看到这颗彗星。

24、Her mother is very photogenic. ─── 她妈妈很上镜。

25、I'm not very photogenic. ─── 我这人不大上相。

26、From about an hour before sunset this effect is at its most noticeable - photographers and film makers call this the golden hour because the light takes on very photogenic qualities. ─── 根据在落日之前大约一个小时这种影响在它最显著-摄影者和电影导演黄金时间打电话给这,因为灯呈现非常发光的质量。

27、She is a so beautiful girl but she is not a photogenic one. ─── 她是一个很漂亮的女孩,但是她却不上相。

28、I'm not very photogenic. ─── 我不大上相。

29、I've got a million photos of my boy. He's very photogenic. ─── 我给我儿子拍了好多照片。他非常上镜。

30、Determination of Synthetic Biological Toxicity of Drilling Fluid by Method of Photogenic Bacteria ─── 发光细菌法测定钻井液综合生物毒性

31、Cai sunlighting peak tells a reporter, he is in Fair of first net goods is photogenic medium business of acting industry of head of two home appliance. ─── 蔡昱峰告诉记者,他在首届网货交易会上相中了两家电脑代工企业。

32、A fairly photogenic actress ─── 十分上镜的女演员

33、a photogenic sunset, village, kitten ─── 适于拍照的日落、 村子、小猫.

34、This year, PDSA is inviting proud owners to submit photographs of their pets in two categories in the Pets Gallery Competition, the Most Photogenic Pet and the Lookalike Pet. ─── 今年,生病动物之家会邀请信心十足的宠物主人提交照片参加两个奖项的角逐,分别是最上镜宠物和最名人脸宠物。

35、To the left of the Horsehead Nebula, visible as a small dark indentation, is the photogenic Flame Nebula, while the textured area just below it is the Foxfur Nebula. ─── 在马头星云左侧,可以看到一个小黑斑,那就是焰火星云,而就在它下方有纹理的区域是狐皮星云。

36、i'm...t very photogenic. ─── 我这人不大上相.

37、Your friend is very photogenic. ─── 你朋友很上镜。

38、Love is photogenic so it needs darkness to develop ─── 爱情就像照片,需要大量的暗房时间来培养。

39、photogenic organ ─── 发光器(官)

40、It is possible to read candidate bios at the official beauty pageantry sites, examine photographs and vote for the most photogenic. ─── 在官方的选美网址上,人们能读到有关选手的生平介绍之类的报道,浏览照片以及为选手投票。

41、Miss Chou is very photogenic. ─── 周小姐很上镜头。

42、Some people are photogenic, and sane are not.Very ugly people sometimes take good pictures, so don't be taken in ─── 有人上照,有人不上照,很难看的人往往照相很好,你别上当。

43、You're Beautiful Eric: May I take your photograph, Jane? Jane: Well, I do not consider myself photogenic. ─── 你很漂亮埃里克:简,我可以帮你照张相吗?简:请不要。埃里克:为什么不要?你很漂亮啊。简:呃,我不认为自己很上相。

44、If someone were to start a blog tomorrow documenting the young life of an extremely photogenic kitten, I can almost guarantee a huge amount of traffic. ─── 如果明天有人建立一个博客,用来纪录一只极其富于照相细胞的小猫的童年生活,我绝对保证你会有巨大的读者群。

45、Thus staging, whether it be creating the event or rearranging it for a more photogenic outcome, creates conflict in the photojournalist. ─── 因此,布景,无论是制造事件还是重新安排事件,只要是为了画面更上镜,都为摄影记者制造了冲突。

46、Many photogenic auroras have been triggered from a solar wind stream that recently passed the Earth. ─── 许多上镜的极光都是因为太阳风最近通过地球而引发的。

47、Jane : Well, I do not consider myself photogenic. ─── 简:呃,我不认为自己很上相。

48、photogenic seizures. ─── 光捕获

49、She's very photogenic so the camera just loves her. ─── 她非常上镜头所以大家的照相机都喜欢拍她。

50、Red Shiyan area open flat terrain, photogenic powder white sandy beaches, clear blue sea. ─── 红石岩景区地势开阔平坦,沙滩洁白细柔,海水清澈湛蓝。

51、Explanation: Comet McNaught was perhaps the most photogenic comet of our time. ─── 说明: 在我们这个时代,麦克诺特彗星可能是我们所见最上镜的彗星。

52、Love is photogenic,It needs darkness to develo. ─── 爱情就象照片,需要大量暗房时间来培养。

53、photogenic layer ─── 发光层

54、I attach here my picture for you, though I am not all that photogenic, i hope you wouldn't mind. for you to see what i look like. ─── 附件里是我的照片,虽然我不是很上镜,但我希望你不要介意。我想让你看看我的样子。

55、I visited as soon as I could and I was surprised to see how photogenic these monkeys were. ─── 我尽快去了,并惊讶的发现拍起照来这些猴子有多合作。

56、In the afternoon it all became coffee-table photogenic: blue skies, white ice, calm waters, a lone cormorant on a steeple of ice, and twee chinstrap penguins hiking up snowy slopes. ─── 到了下午,一切又变成咖啡桌上的照片那么漂亮:蓝色的天空,白色的冰,平静的海面,浮冰上栖息着的一只鸬鹚,可爱的颏带企鹅摇摇摆摆走上白雪覆盖的山坡。

57、Encircled by a photogenic range of mountains and bisected by the River Reuss, Lucerne is beloved for its storybook charm. ─── 卢塞恩四周环绕着风景优美的群山,坐落在罗伊斯河的两岸,因其充满童话色彩的魅力而深受游人喜爱。

58、A photogenic sunset,village,kitten ─── 适于拍照的日落、村子、小猫.

59、Evaluation of Synthetic Toxicity of Productive Sewage of Oilfield by Method of Photogenic Bacteria ─── 用发光菌评价油田采油污水综合毒性

60、Study photogenic people as well as photos in which you think you looked best. Look at your best angle. ─── 向那些“上相”的人和你认为自己最“上相”的照片学习。

61、" The film star belied her own apothegm by hiding a brilliant, inventive mind beneath her photogenic exterior. ─── 这位影星用自己这句格言给世人以假象,把她那聪明又有发明才能的头脑隐藏在十分上镜的容貌之下。

62、You will find the author's barony photogenic, and the author, if we should spot him, has weathered well himself. ─── 准备好你们的相机,如果我们有幸碰上他,会发现我们的作者穿戴整齐,是位很有镜头感的男爵。

63、Take a good photograph ;look attractive in photographs;be photogenic ─── 照出像来好看;上相;上镜.

64、This landscape is photogenic. ─── 这个风景很上镜头:


66、photogenic plant ─── 发光植物

67、Wow, your girl is very photogenic . ─── 你女朋友非常上相。

68、Love is photogenic,lt needs darkness to develop. ─── 爱情就象照片,需要大量的暗房时间来培养。

69、photogenic bacteria. ─── 发光菌

70、Love is photogenic,it needs darkness to develope. ─── 爱情就像照片,需要大量的暗房时间来培养。

71、To the left of the Horsehead Nebula, visible as the small dark indentation near the image top, is the photogenic Flame Nebula. ─── 在左侧的马头星云,靠近图像的顶部,可见小而黑暗的锯齿状物,那便是上镜的火焰星云。

72、These photogenic tree-dwellers have the appearance of a bear and the agility of a monkey, but they actually belong to the raccoon family. ─── 这些上镜头的树居民外观像一只熊和敏捷灵活的猴子,但是它们实际上属于浣熊家庭。

73、Shannon was chosen over all the other siblings because she was more photogenic. ─── 在其他所有姐妹中苏珊娜被选中了,因为她更上镜。

74、But more important than not repeating the same party dress is choosing the ensemble that is the most flattering -- and the most photogenic. ─── 不过,比避免穿同一套衣服出席派对更重要的是,选择最好看、最上相的服饰。

75、The old village is full of photogenic corners. ─── 这个小聚落充满了美丽的角落.

76、photogenic bacteria ─── [医] 发光菌

77、But the tall, svelte and photogenic woman with strawberry blonde hair is more than just the stereotypical politician’s wife, looking pretty and staying in the background. ─── 但是,这个草莓红发的又高又苗条又上镜的女子不仅是刻板的政治家夫人,既漂亮又待在幕后。

78、In fact, it is part of the photogenic Sombrero Galaxy, one of the largest galaxies in the nearby Virgo Cluster of Galaxies. ─── 事实上,这是上镜的草帽星系的一部分,草帽星系是邻近室女座星系团内最大的星系之一。

79、You are very photogenic. ─── 你很上像。

80、photogenic bacterium ─── 发光细菌发光菌

81、be photogenic ─── 上相[极适于拍照的]

82、Beach clean water, the photogenic powder white sand, gentle terrain. ─── 海滩水质清澈,沙白细柔,地势平缓。

83、The little girl is very photogenic. ─── 这小姑娘很上镜。

84、Bibcock should be in with face basin form a complete set, design, class is photogenic and harmonious, can reflect the aesthetic feeling that gives a kind of tune so. ─── 龙头要与面盆在配套、款式、档次上相协调,这样就能体现出一种和谐的美感。

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