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09-12 投稿



opulent 发音

英:[ˈɑːpjələnt]  美:[ˈɒpjələnt]

英:  美:

opulent 中文意思翻译



opulent 短语词组

1、opulent society ─── 富裕的社会

opulent 词性/词形变化,opulent变形

副词: opulently |

opulent 相似词语短语

1、-ulent ─── 无精打采的

2、opulently ─── adv.富裕地,丰裕地

3、opulency ─── 富裕

4、corpulently ─── 肥胖的

5、olent ─── 有香味的,有气味的

6、crapulent ─── adj.暴饮暴食的;因暴饮暴食而身体不适的;酗酒的

7、corpulent ─── adj.肥胖的

8、opulence ─── n.富裕;丰富

9、nonpurulent ─── 无污染的

opulent 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Designed to move upmarket to compete better with the Rolls-Royce Phantom and the Maybach, the new Bentley will possess far more luxuries than its already opulent predecessor. ─── 旨在使竞争更高档的劳斯莱斯幻影和迈巴赫,新的宾利将拥有更多的奢侈品比其前任已经富裕。

2、Taste notes: Chateau Margaux makes opulent and rich wine. ─── 品尝记录:玛歌庄园酒丰硕浓郁。

3、Opulent illustrations show the wide range of hotel types: from stylish business accommodations to extravagant luxury hotels and superb country houses. ─── 丰富的例证显示大范围旅馆类型:从时髦企业膳宿到侈奢的豪华旅馆和雄伟乡间别墅。

4、The opulent British company and the poor individual American traders suffered from the same handicap. ─── 富有的英国公司与个别的美国商人遭遇到同样的障碍。

5、" This 1968 recording features the original team of conductor and stage designer in an opulent setting at Berlin's Deutsche Oper. ─── “1968年录制功能,这在柏林德意志歌剧院华丽的设置导体和舞台设计师原队。

6、Palate: Rich and opulent sweet fruit with layers of chocolate, plum pudding and subtle but unmistakable Barossa spice. ─── 口感:带出了丰富甜美的果味,与巧克力、李子布丁和微妙而明确的巴罗莎香料味。

7、Benefit's favorite pressed powder in sun-kissed rose is paired with opulent gold-flecked shades of pinks and browns for eyes and lips - to make you look like a million bucks! ─── 当它扫过你的眼部,两颊,前额,下巴和双唇时,立即让你拥有无比健康和容光焕发的脸孔!

8、The show car looks almost entirely ready for production - given Rolls-Royce’s opulent nature, we couldn't discern a single detail that might not make it beyond the concept stage. ─── 展车看上去几乎完全准备好生产-鉴于劳斯莱斯的华丽性质,我们无法辨别一个细节,很可能只是使它超越概念阶段。

9、From the change in the lower-class society we see that the common people as a class have gradually left the limbo of stupidity, manifesting its rich energy in the opulent repertoire of life force. ─── 总结以上春秋时期平民社会的变革情状,可见平民社会已渐次脱离昏昧的状态,而展现其蕴蓄无穷的精神活力。

10、David Deans, as we have said, was easy, and even opulent in his circumstances ─── 如我们所知,戴维?迪恩斯家境不差,甚至相当富裕。

11、The concept of the couch is also symbolically connected to a kind of lifestyle that is opulent, exclusive and of course, comfortable. ─── 沙发的意思也是象征的表达了一种富足,专享的生活方式,当然,也是很舒服的体验。

12、It was these new immigrants who fuelled the fantastically opulent and innovative nightlife culture in the town . ─── 正是这些新移民们给当时的夜生活文化注入了新活力。

13、Creamy and opulent with good balance between fruit and wood. ─── 柔顺丰满,很好的混合介于水果和木头之间。

14、Pauillac wines generally have a lot of body, tannic and acid when they are young; they have an opulent bouquet with aromas of blackcurrant and cedar when they age. ─── 波亚多葡萄酒通常初期酒体饱满,收缩感强烈;成熟后拥有浓郁的黑醋栗和雪松的芳香。

15、The style and fashion of beautiful fabrics,opulent color,trend setting styles. ─── 个性和时尚的款式,在颜色上更丰富多彩,是现代家居的时尚风标。

16、Inside, the Tiret Coupe also gets Nappa leather seating, fine wood trim and real diamond accents throughout the cabin. Opulent is an understatement. ─── 内,跑车的议题还获得纳帕真皮座椅,罚款木材装饰和真正的钻石口音整个机舱。华丽是一种轻描淡写.

17、Between the chaos of Regent Street and opulent bustle of New Bond Street ─── 在喧嚣的摄政街和熙熙攘攘的富人区新邦德街之间

18、an opulent feast ─── 丰盛的酒席

19、Blue Stone's sound resonates with ambrosial melodies, opulent piano interludes and seductive siren vocals;interweaving a tapestry of enigmatic story-telling.The music transcends from the speakers; ─── 在青石的音乐中,优美的旋律、丰富的钢琴插曲和媚惑人心的嗓音相互共鸣,交织成一匹华丽的织锦,倾诉着神秘的故事。

20、opulent society ─── 富裕社会

21、the opulent elite of Europe ─── 欧洲富有的上流社会

22、Expanding Corn Industrial Economy Building the Country into Opulent Society ─── 拓展玉米产业经济建设农村小康社会

23、Regardless of slowdown in the opulent car market in global, the German opulent car producer Audi is aiming for a 55 per cent increase in the sales in India in the present year. ─── 不论放缓华丽汽车市场在全球,德国豪华的汽车制造商奥迪的目标是为百分之五十五增加在印度的销售额在本年。

24、The opulent clothing is decorated with jewelry over the body. ─── 祂衣著华丽,身上佩戴著许多装饰品。

25、It featured lavish spectacles complete with circus animals, diving horses, opulent sets, and 500-member choruses. ─── 剧院里头有许多华丽的装饰,并且还有许多马戏团的动物、潜水的马匹、美食、还有500人的合唱团。

26、We took a look into the opulent life of this incredible entrepreneur. ─── 我们来了解一下这位神奇企业家的炫彩生活。

27、Liberally sprinkled with cyber cafes, jazz clubs and opulent shopping districts, it also struggles to fit in the endless stream of refugees befuddled by 17 years of civil war. ─── 城市中随意地散布着电子咖啡馆,爵士乐俱乐部和繁华的购物区,它也在努力地发展,来接纳着17年内战中产生的无穷难民潮。

28、Paved Roads outside of a settlement are somewhat opulent in the Medieval age, but offer the best possible surface for both armies and traders to traverse quickly. ─── 中世纪城邑修建石道所费不赀,但良好路面状况令军队和商旅都能迅速通行。

29、Each of these opulent individual sanctuaries is sea facing and surrounded by tropical gardens. ─── 每个华丽的个人的小屋,是海上面临的包围的热带花园。

30、Most importantly, Ramada's professional team offers the guest superb service of opulent warmth and personal attention to ensure the guest stay is a most memorable one. ─── 最为重要的是,酒店的专业化服务团队以热情洋溢、个性化、细致周到的服务保证留给客人一次愉快的住宿经历。

31、David Deans, as we have said, was easy, and even opulent in his circumstances. ─── 如我们所知,戴维·迪恩斯家境不差,甚至相当富裕。

32、ve and beautiful, Austrian-born Marie Antoinette enters the opulent French court, which is steep... ─── 娱乐新天地:绝代艳后Marie Antoinette (Movie) When betrothed to King Louis XVI, the naï

33、She visited America frequently and felt right at home there, reveling in the lavish attentions of the opulent and famous and delighting in the effusive responsiveness of the public to her charms. ─── 她经常访问并在那里感到像在家一样。她陶醉于那些富有、显赫的人们对她的注意并对美国公众对其倾国倾城之魅力所给予的热切反响洋洋自得。

34、This Palatial home is designed for opulent entertaining on a grand scale with arguably Brisbane's finest city and river views. A low maintenance, busy Executive's inner-city retreat like no other ! ─── 专为在各国角落都饱览美丽的布里斯本河景、市景而设计的壮丽豪宅。极易维护,位于忙碌与繁华的市中心,闹中取静,似世外桃源。

35、Each suite overlooking the shimmering desert is an opulent, stand-alone, tent-roofed structure complete with a large, chilled, private plunge pool. ─── 从每间套房都可以眺望在太阳下闪闪发光的沙漠,每间套房都是一栋独立的建筑,以帐篷为顶,极其豪华。还配有一个硕大的私人游泳池。

36、The Syrian officers, their families, day-trippers from across the border - including the Syrian elite - provided an important customer base for the town's opulent restaurants and other businesses. ─── 叙利亚官员及其家人,跨境的一日游客--包括叙利亚精英,是该镇豪华酒店及其他店铺重要的顾客来源。

37、He lives in an opulent apartment But has no visible means of support. ─── 他住在一间豪华公寓里,但看上去没有任何经济来源。

38、Research on Countermeasures of Transferring of County Opulent Laborers under the Duel Economic Construction in China ─── 中国二元结构下农村剩余劳动力转移的对策研究

39、A cetain world of brahmas is prosperous and opulent and the brahmas abide negligently. ─── 彼处繁荣有梵天界,梵天于此住于放逸住。

40、Our century has given a privileged layer of humanity an industrially organized life more opulent, more wasteful yet also more frenetic, alienated and depressed than that of any ancient hierarch. ─── 我们的世纪已给予特权层的人类一工业有组织的生活更富裕,更浪费,但也更加狂热,疏离和压抑,比任何古代教主。

41、Like Teutonic Warriors perched on hills overlooking Rome, they can't wait to sack the opulent and corrupt establishment. ─── 如果政府那时不采取措施,美国金融体系可能真的崩溃。

42、They shall be properly subscribed for by Party andgovernment organizations,bodies, units of armedforces,institutions and opulent rural people's communes, production brigadesand teams. ─── 机关、团体、部队、事业单位和农村富裕的社队,可以适当认购。

43、said McGarren, pleased to be consulted by the opulent manager. ─── "麦格伦先生问道。 这个富有的经理这么看得其他,着实让他高兴。

44、"You are sumptuous, opulent, expensive," her father rejoined,"You look as if you had eighty thousand a year." ─── “你看上去豪华、富丽、阔绰

45、This is a rich, opulent wine with juicy sweet primary fruit characters and a fruit-driven mid palate.There are elegant fine and long tannins and the oak offers a savoury complexity to the finish. ─── 此酒有洋李、桂皮、甘草等复合香味,入口结构紧密,充满水果的香甜味,单宁柔和,稍带橡木的香味,且余韵持久。

46、Although the opulent redecoration of its principal rooms, begun in the early 1990s, seemed fine to him at the time, much of it does not now. ─── 上世纪九十年代早期馆内主要展厅的装修很华丽,当时他也觉得那很不错,但现在大部分的装饰佩尼先生并不觉得满意。

47、It may be a bit early for all the opulent color you see in these photos but really is so worth seeing. ─── 也许欣赏这些色彩丰富的图片还为时过早,它们值得你去一睹真容。

48、Experiencing her most opulent stage in her life, Xiang Jing is progressing to the future.We believe, with life continuing, we would taste more fruits and delicacies of her creation. ─── 向京,现在正经历她人生中最丰饶的阶段,一切都在向未来展开,相信随着生命的继续,我们会品尝到她生产的更多甘果与珍馐。

49、you are sumptuous , opulent , expensive , " her father rejoined , " you look as if you had eighty thousand a year . ─── “你看上去豪华、富丽、阔绰!”父亲接着说,“好象一年有八万元收入。”

50、Settings are also diverse, from exotic desert resorts to opulent hotels overlooking the sea. ─── 所处的环境也各有不同,有的位于富有异国情调的沙漠度假村,而有的是在面向大海的豪华酒店。

51、Maintain modesty, don't show opulent, don't create envy and enemies. ─── 保持谦逊的作风,不要露富,以免引起嫉妒甚至树敌。

52、opulent tastes in cars ─── 对汽车豪华装饰的讲究.

53、another was a wasteful and opulent gush of "fine language"; ─── 二是堆砌词语,滥用华丽词藻;

54、In orbit over Coruscant, Xizor maintained an opulent skyhook resort called the Falleen's Fist. ─── 在环绕科洛桑的轨道上,西佐保养着自己奢华的疗养太空梭,法林之拳号。

55、This ensemble of opulent objects and lyrical pictures is displayed in rooms “papered” with intensely coloured silks. ─── 所有华丽的物件和奔放的图片都在布有极其生动颜色的丝绸的房间里展出。

56、opulent furnishings ─── 华丽的陈设

57、With its opulent surroundings, The Sutton Place Hotel, Vancouver brings a taste of Europe to one of North America's most beautiful cities. ─── 拥有如此壮丽风景的范库弗峰萨顿大酒店为北美洲众多美丽城市带来了一股欧洲风潮。

58、In a volume of impressive detail and opulent photography the British landscape architect and art historian Penelope Hill has portrayed the developments in contemporary European garden art. ─── 在这本内容翔实,照片繁多的著作里英国景观设计师和艺术史学家佩内洛普山介绍了当代欧洲园林艺术的发展。

59、Our century has given a privileged layer of humanity an industrially organized life more opulent, more wasteful yet also more alienated and depressed than that of any ancient king . ─── 当今世纪给人类的特权阶层带来了工业化生活方式,比任何古代的帝王的生活方式更奢华浪费,更自闭压抑。

60、He lives in an opulent apartment but has no visible means of support. ─── 他住在一间豪华公寓里,但看上去没有任何经济来源。

61、Although the opulent redecoration of its principal rooms, begun in the early 1990s, seemed fine to him at the time, much of it does not now. ─── 上世纪九十年代早期馆内主要展厅的装修很华丽,当时他也觉得那很不错,但现在大部分的装饰佩尼先生并不觉得满意。

62、opulent sunshine ─── 充足的阳光

63、What a stark contrast his dress was to how opulent and dramatically theatrical his parties are. ─── 他的衣著如此简单,他的派对却如此奢华、过度戏剧化,形成何等强烈的对比。

64、“The inspiration for my Spring collection was opulent, sophisticated India: where neutral hues explode in an infinite variety of tones and shades, and color is unexpected, like saris in the desert. ─── ” (这一季是我今年春季系列的延续,来自古老神秘的印度:在那里中性的色调可以迸发衍生出各种各样的色彩,而那些色彩全部出乎你的意料。

65、We took a look into the opulent life of this incredible entrepreneur. ─── 现在我们来了解一下这位神奇企业家的炫彩生活。

66、An SUV crashing into an opulent mansion ─── 一辆SUV车撞凹了豪宅

67、Opulent Spain was cast as a place of darkness, ignorance, and evil. ─── 富饶的西班牙被描绘成了一个黑暗愚昧的邪恶之地。

68、Early white wines are showing a good balance of acidity and more opulent, exotic fruit flavours. ─── 早期白葡萄表现出良好的酸度平衡和更为充足更富吸引力的果味。

69、She is depicted in a room within an opulent palace. ─── 她被描绘成住在一座豪华宫殿的房间中。

70、While not out of reach of most people, its opulent look and feel mean it does carry a premium. ─── 尽管不是特别的普及,雪山华丽的外观和感觉意味着它确实代表着高贵的品质。

71、An opulent priest is a contradiction ─── 教士养尊处优,就是离经叛道。

72、The arrangement of the house, and the general air of the housekeeping, indicated easy, and even opulent circumstance ─── 屋子里的陈设和气派都说明此人家道小康,甚至可以说得上颇为富裕。

73、Heavy silverplate adds an opulent touch to a formal dinner party. ─── 沉甸甸的镀银餐具给正式晚宴增加一种奢华感。

74、Nose: Intense, open and complex nose than brings out opulent flower and plant fragrance. ─── 产品特征:浓烈的麦杆黄,明亮的金黄色泽,清澈透明,带点淡淡的青铜色。

75、The duke built an opulent palace for himself nearby. ─── 公爵还在附近为自己建了一座豪华的宫殿。

76、One way to cozy up to the leader of the free world is to give him and his wife opulent gifts. ─── 自由世界的领袖搞好关系的方式之一是给他和他妻子多多送礼。

77、opulent fabrics/surroundings ─── 华丽的织物/环境

78、Orrin Hatch (R-UT), who pressured Sasha to enumerate her expenses, estimated that the first daughter spent more than 20 percent of her earnings on opulent gowns for her dolls and on sour candy. ─── 据哈奇的估计,这位美国第一女儿有超过百分之二十的收入花费在为她的那些洋娃娃购置一批华丽奢侈的礼服以及酸味糖果上了。

79、The centerpiece of the Antonia Graza was its opulent grand ballroom, where couples would dance the night away to the romantic strains of a live orchestra. ─── 安东尼娅-格雷扎号最突出的装修就是有许多豪华的舞厅,在哪儿情侣们可以在管弦乐队现场伴奏的浪漫氛围中整夜地翩翩起舞。

80、"You are sumptuous, opulent, expensive," her father rejoined, "You look as if you had eighty thousand a year." ─── “你看上去豪华、富丽、阔绰!”父亲接着说,“好象一年有八万元收入。”

81、We cross traditional boundaries to merge old and new, traditional and modern, opulent and austere, to ultimately create a dynamic platform of design. ─── 我们将突破传统束缚,融合旧与新、传统与现代、简朴与奢华,最终打造出设计的完美境界。

82、Smeared with the gold of the opulent sun. ─── 涂抹着富有的太阳的金粉。

83、Blue Stone's sound resonates with ambrosial melodies, opulent piano interludes and seductive siren vocals; interweaving a tapestry of enigmatic story-telling. ─── 在青石的音乐中,优美的旋律、富的钢琴插曲和媚惑人心的嗓音相互共鸣,交织成一匹华丽的织锦,倾诉着神秘的故事。

84、One of the opulent graves, which contained a large gold wreath of oak leaves, is generally accepted to have belonged to Philip II. ─── 在这些非常奢华的墓群中,一个出土了金子做成的巨大橡树叶工艺品的墓室,被普遍认为,属于菲利普二世。

85、The most unique and opulent inhabitant is the star Eta Carinae, at far left. ─── 最特别、最华丽的居民就是船底座Eta星,靠近左边。

86、opulent banker ─── 大银行家

87、Those who have not but pretend to have,who are empty but pretend to be full,and who are hard up but pretend to be opulent are difficult to consider constant. ─── 没有却充作有,空虚却充作盈实,贫困却充作奢泰,这样的人是难以恒守操守的。”

88、Privet Drive is part of a co-ordinated development of quite opulent detached houses consisting of at least six streets. ─── 女贞路是一组至少有六条小街组成的、相当豪华的独立房屋群里的一部分。

89、The president and Mrs.Bush joined other guests at a social dinner hosted by Russian President Vladimir Putin and his wife Ludmilla at the Peterhof Palace, the opulent summer home of Peter the Great. ─── 布什总统携夫人参加了由普京总统和夫人柳德米拉在彼得大帝夏宫举行的社交晚宴,这座金壁辉煌的宫殿原先是彼得大帝的夏季宫殿。

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