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09-12 投稿



heteromorphic 发音

英:[ˌhetəroʊˈmɔːrfɪk]  美:[ˌhetərəʊˈmɔːfɪk]

英:  美:

heteromorphic 中文意思翻译

常见释义: 异形的


heteromorphic 网络释义

adj. [生物] 异形的,[生物] 异态的;[化学] 多晶型的

heteromorphic 短语词组

1、heteromorphic rock ─── 异形岩

2、heteromorphic male ─── 异型雄性

3、heteromorphic locus ─── [医]异形位点

4、heteromorphic chromosome ─── 异形染色体

5、heteromorphic pair ─── 异形对

heteromorphic 词性/词形变化,heteromorphic变形

名词: heteromorphism |

heteromorphic 相似词语短语

1、hydromorphic ─── adj.具有适于水生的结构特性的

2、heteromorphous ─── adj.[生物]异形的;多晶的

3、heterotrophic ─── adj.非自养的

4、heterotopic ─── adj.异位的;异位素的;异原子序的

5、heterostrophic ─── 异营养

6、heterographic ─── 异相图

7、heteromorphism ─── n.异形;[遗]异态性;多晶现象

8、heteromorphy ─── 异态现象

9、homeomorphic ─── adj.同胚的

heteromorphic 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、heteromorphic regions ─── 异形区(细胞遗传学)

2、heteromorphic fruits ─── 异形果实

3、heteromorphic bivalent ─── 异形二价体

4、less incidence of increased total-WBC number and heteromorphic lymphocytes was recorded, as well as more incidence of decreased platelets. ─── 白细胞升高及异型淋巴细胞增多的发生率较低,血小板降低发生率较高;

5、From the cytogenetic perspective, only a small proportion of fish species have heteromorphic sex chromosomes. ─── 几十年的细胞遗传学研究表明,鱼类性别决定几乎包括了动物的所有性染色体类型。

6、Effect of blend ratio on the luster of the blended yarns of heteromorphic polyester ─── 混纺比对异形涤纶混纺纱光泽的影响

7、Nutlets homomorphic or both homomorphic and heteromorphic, oblong-ovoid, ca. 3 mm, adaxially tuberculate; ─── 小坚果同形或者同形和异形,长圆状卵球形,约3毫米,正面具瘤;

8、heteromorphic lymphocyte ─── 异形淋巴细胞

9、Through tandem mass spectrum, the results show that heteromorphic leaves are different in photosynthesis and respiration. ─── 通过对差异蛋白点的串联质谱鉴定,发现异形叶在光合及呼吸作用方面存在差异。

10、Effect of Homologous and Heteromorphic Restore Line on Ear Traits of Sorghum Hybrid ─── 同源异形恢复系对高粱杂交种穗性状的影响

11、heteromorphic pair ─── 异形对

12、heteromorphic incompatibilty ─── 异态不育; 异态不亲和

13、heteromorphic incompatibility ─── 异态不亲和

14、heteromorphic vanes ─── 异形叶片

15、Heteromorphic data integrity contains three steps: data preparation, data mapping and data combination. ─── 异构数据集成包括三个步骤:数据准备,数据匹配和数据合并。

16、broken heteromorphic cells were found in the part of longitudinal split. ─── 部分纵裂部位有裂口异形细胞。

17、Nutlets 4, adherent to gynobase by entire adaxial rib or only by rib base, erect, homomorphic or heteromorphic; ─── 小坚果4,通过整个正面的肋骨或者只通过肋骨基础对雌蕊基粘性,直立,同形或者异形;

18、heteromorphic male ─── 异形雄(粉螨)

19、variant or heteromorphic chromosome ─── 变异或异型染色体

20、heteromorphic alternation of generations ─── 异型[细胞]射线

21、heteromorphic epithelioma ─── 异形性上皮瘤

22、Heteromorphic chromosome pairs. ─── 异型染色体对

23、heteromorphic chromosomes ─── 异形染色体

24、Cauline leaves reduced upwards, sometimes heteromorphic; ─── 茎生叶向上退化,有时异形;

25、There were 24 pairs of chromosomes in somatic cell, including one pair of heteromorphic chromosomes which lengths were different from corresponding chromosomes in other karyotypes reported. ─── 该对异型染色体的长度与其他核型的相应染色体有明显差异,这是在自然界中发现的又一种新核型。

26、Heteromorphic systems mainly have sporophytic recognition and the system occurs in widely scattered plant families. ─── 异态自交不亲和性系统主要有孢子体识别,它广泛分布在各科中。

27、Flowers bisexual, regular, 5-merous, usually heteromorphic, heterostylous. ─── 花两性,整齐,5瓣,通常异形,花柱异长。

28、heteromorphic nuclei ─── 异形核

29、Research on bank protection and scour prevention with reinforced gabions and heteromorphic concrete blocks ─── 钢筋石笼和混凝土异形块护岸防冲应用研究

30、heteromorphic transformation ─── 异形变化

31、heteromorphic alternation ─── 异性交替

32、heteromorphic segmentation ─── 异形卵裂

33、Upper stem leaves conspicuously heteromorphic; ─── 显著的上面茎生叶异形;

34、They show a heteromorphic alternation of generations, the gametophyte eging the dominant generation. ─── 苔藓植物具有明显的世代交替现象,配子体在世代交替中占优势。

35、Cauline leaves similar or heteromorphic to the basal, smaller or absent. ─── 茎生叶与基部叶相似或异形,小的或无。

36、heteromorphic chromosome ─── 异形对染色体

37、Stems prostrate, ascending, base branched, sometimes with numerous short stolons; leaves not heteromorphic. ─── 茎匍匐,上升,基部分枝,有时具多数短匍匐茎;叶不异形。

38、cotyledons heteromorphic. ─── 子叶异形。

39、Conclusion: The heteromorphic enhanced vessel sign is a valuable CT characteristic for diagnosis and distinguishing diagnosis for small lung carcinoma. ─── 结论:异形血管强化征对小肺癌的诊断和鉴别诊断具有特殊意义。

40、The corneal endothelium was heteromorphic and the degeneration of the epithelium occurred. ─── 伤后9天后内皮细胞异形明显,上皮细胞出现变性。

41、Cauline leaves similar or heteromorphic to the basal, smaller or absent. ─── 茎生叶与基部叶相似或异形,小的或无。

42、Keywords heteromorphic plate;epoxylite;crack; ─── 异形板;环氧树脂;裂纹;

43、Research on bank protection and scour prevention with reinforced gabions and heteromorphic concrete blocks ─── 钢筋石笼和混凝土异形块护岸防冲应用研究

44、double heteromorphic chromosome pairs ─── 双异形染色体配对

45、heteromorphic locus ─── 异形位点

46、Heteromorphic systems involve two or three different forms of flower with differences in pollen and stigma structure and usually differences in style and stamen length. ─── 异态不亲和系统涉及两种或三种不同类型的花,它们的花粉和柱头结构存在差异,通常是花柱和雄蕊的长度不同。

47、Ningbo Qiushi Heteromorphic Forging Factory ─── 宁波市裘市异型锻压件厂

48、Heteromorphic girder ─── 异形箱梁

49、On the Heteromorphy and Heteromorphic Poems'Values of the Chinese and Foreign Poems ─── 论中外诗歌中形异及形异诗的价值

50、Cauline leaves reduced upwards, sometimes heteromorphic; ─── 茎生叶向上退化,有时异形;

51、Through tandem mass spectrum, the results show that heteromorphic leaves are different in photosynthesis and respiration. ─── 通过对差异蛋白点的串联质谱鉴定,发现异形叶在光合及呼吸作用方面存在差异。

52、leaf blade heteromorphic, undivided or 3-5-divided, glabrous, basal veins 3-5, lateral veins 5-7 pairs, veinlets slightly raised; ─── 叶片异形,不裂或全裂,无毛,基部脉3-5,侧脉5-7对,细脉稍突起;

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