considerately 发音
英: 美:
considerately 中文意思翻译
considerately 短语词组
1、considerately stated ─── 体贴地陈述
2、considerately synonym ─── 体贴的同义词
3、considerately def ─── 深思熟虑地
4、considerately define ─── 深思熟虑地定义
considerately 相似词语短语
1、consideration ─── n.考虑;原因;关心;报酬
2、considerable ─── adj.相当大的;重要的,值得考虑的
3、considerative ─── 体贴的
4、consideratively ─── 体贴地
5、consideringly ─── 体贴地
6、considerably ─── adv.相当地;非常地
7、considerateness ─── n.体谅人
8、considerate ─── adj.体贴的;体谅的;考虑周到的
9、inconsiderately ─── adv.不替别人考虑地;考虑不周地;轻率地
considerately 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、You should consider the problem. ─── 你应该考虑这个问题。
2、He thought he painted them considerately, lovingly exploring the tones and the textures, whatever his detractors said. ─── 他认为,他为他们作画,周到、热切地探索色调和纹理,无论他的批评者们说什么。
3、Consider yourself lucky you weren't fired. ─── 你没被解雇,算是万幸。
4、Should you consider voluntary contributions? ─── 您是否要考虑自愿性供款?
5、He can get off in her when, always open door considerately for her. ─── 他会在她下车时,总是体贴地替她开车门。
6、Consider their rebellious natures. ─── 先说他们的逆反性格。
7、You must consider those matters as a whole. ─── 你们必须全盘考虑这些事情。
8、You have to consider what to do next. ─── 你必须考虑下一步该做什么。
9、You have to consider what to do next . ─── 你得考虑下一步怎么办?
10、Consider the matter in its entirety. ─── 全面考虑这个问题。
11、We can consider it. When do you want this delivery? ─── 我们可以考虑,你什么时候需要这批货?
12、If this Administration has the unity of America within its heart, and I assume it has, it must consider, without prejudice, and with an open mind, such recommendations of the opposition. ─── 如果政府心中有美国整体——我假设是有的——就一定会不怀偏已地、胸怀坦荡地考虑反对党的这一建议。
13、If he could do this thing now, even considerately, he could do much more when he was free and away later. ─── 只看他现在尚且做得出这样的事来,将来自由之后,必然要更甚于此。
14、Consider the farmer who plants a crop of wheat. ─── 想想看种植小麦的农夫吧!
15、They regard the problem as no worth to consider. ─── 对这一问题他们都认为不屑一顾。
16、Don't consider the facts in isolation from others. ─── 不要孤立地考虑这些事实。
17、Consider the postage stamp: its usefulness consist in the ability to stick to one thing till it get there. ─── 想想那邮票吧:其用处在于它能粘住一样东西直至达到目的为止。
18、Curious to consider how heedless flies are! ─── 想一想苍蝇那种粗心大意倒也是很有趣的
19、But if the order is a sizable one, we'll consider it. ─── 不过,如果订货数量大,我们可以考虑。
20、While you live in safety, consider unseen dangers. ─── 居安应思危。
21、I wouldn't consider him a proper candidate. ─── 依我看,他不是个合适的人选.
22、She had made it her philosophy of life to consider the lilies. At any rate, she toiled not, neither did she spin. ─── 她已经把得过且过作为她生活的宗旨。无论如何,她都不会人一已百,四处奔波。
23、Personally,I consider he may have his own opinion. ─── 我个人认为他可以有自己的主张。
24、Sorrow makes us go slower and more considerately, and introspect our motives and dispositions. ─── 忧愁使我们想得更周到,不致操之过急,以及深深体察我们的动机和目标。
25、If he could do this thing now, even considerately , he could do much more when he was free and away later. ─── 只看他现在尚且做得出这样的事来,将来自由之后,必然要更甚于此。
26、If you cut out all the dead wood, we might consider your book for publication. ─── 如果你删去所有多余的章节,我们可以考虑出版你的书。
27、We must consider this question in all its bearings. ─── 我们因该考虑到问题的各方面。
28、If L.C. do not reach June consider cancel contract? ─── 如果信用证不能开到六月份,将考虑到消合同。
29、There are also subtleties of security to consider. ─── 在安全性方面也有一些微妙之处需要考虑。
30、Conclusions fat emulsion intravenous infusion can increase the serum free fatty acids considerately. ─── 结论静脉输注脂肪乳剂能使大鼠血清游离脂肪酸明显升高。
31、You consider crime a mere spasmodic disease. ─── 你们认为犯罪只不过是一种突发性的疾病。
32、He obstinately refused to consider the future. ─── 他执意拒不考虑未来。
33、Although women’s status has changed considerately, their complete liberation if far from being realized. ─── 尽管妇女的地位有了很大程度的提高,但她们的彻底解放依然任重道远。
34、Would you ever consider having cosmetic surgery? ─── 你会考虑做美容手术吗?
35、If satisfactory we may consider further orders. ─── 如果满意的话,我们可以考虑进一步的订单。
36、Let's consider the pluses and minuses of moving house. ─── 咱们考虑一下搬家的利弊吧。
37、For friendship's sake, we may exceptionally consider reducing our price a little, but never to that extent. ─── 为了友谊,我们可以破例将价格降低一点,但决不会那么多。
38、They did not consider him a reliable comrade. ─── 他们认为他是一个不可靠的同志。
39、A judicial mind consider both side of a dispute fairly before make a decision. ─── 公正的人总是不带偏见地考虑发生争执的双方的意见,然後才作出决定。
40、They consider the critical period is not over. ─── 他们认为危机时期还没有结束。
41、They always consider themselves in the right. ─── 他们总认为自己对。
42、In judging him you should consider his youth. ─── 在对他进行评审时,你应该考虑到他还年轻。
43、They did not consider whether they could afford the time or not. ─── 他们没有考虑是否抽得出时间。
44、Do you consider it any good trying again? ─── 你认为再做一次有什么好处吗?
45、A difference of opinion, handled considerately, can bring you and a certain somebody closer. ─── 如果小心处理不同意见,会使你和那个人能关系更亲密一些。
46、I ask you before you play your last card and destroy me, to consider where you will be without me. ─── 在你们还没有摊出最后一张牌来毁我之前,我请求你们好好想想,没有我,你们的地位会怎样。
47、They sat down to consider the problem. ─── 他们坐下来考虑这一问题。
48、With a certain sampling accuracy, when the pollen density was high, sample size could be reduced considerately. ─── 当抽样精度一定,花粉浓度大时,可适当减少抽样数目。
49、Please consider the above and telegraph your reply. ─── 以上意见望考虑电复。
50、Consider the matter well before deciding. ─── 慎思而后决定。
51、In case of the value of a single order exceeding ... we may consider an increase in your commission. ─── 如果单一价值订单超过。。。我们将考虑给你方增加佣金。
52、As an artist he didn't consider himself constrained (ie restricted) by the same rules of social conduct as other people. ─── 他认为自己是艺术家,不必像一般人那样要受社会行为准则的束缚。
53、We'd like you to consider our request once again. ─── 我们希望贵方再次考虑我们的要求。
54、You should consider other people before you act. ─── 你在行动之前应当考虑到别人。
55、They'll consider it a breach of hospitality. ─── 他们会认为这是辜负了他们的好意。
56、Whatsoever you attempt, consider you goal . ─── 凡举事切忌无的放矢。
57、You may think more considerately of other people. ─── 你该多想着点儿别人。
58、Personally, I consider the CEO a qualified leader. ─── 我个人认为这位首席执行官是一个合格的领导。
59、We must consider every eventuality. ─── 我们什麽事情都要考虑到。
60、I don't know what you think but I consider this other firm is poaching on our preserves. ─── 我不知道你是怎样想的,不过我认为这另一家商行是在侵犯我们的利益范围。
61、How do you consider his suggestion? ─── 你对他的建议有何想法?
62、We have to check up on him before we consider his application. ─── 在考虑他的申请以前我们必须对他本人进行审查。
63、They halt to consider their next move. ─── 他们停下来考虑下一步的行动。
64、Another option to consider is volunteer work. ─── 另一可考虑的选择是去做义务工作。
65、Every mother's son wish to be consider solomon. ─── 人人都希望被大家看做是聪明人。
66、If you consider that she has only been studying English for six months, she speaks it very well. ─── 你如果考虑到她学英语才不过六个月,那么她英语讲得的确不错了。
67、A difference of opinion, handled considerately , can bring you and a certain somebody closer. ─── 如果小心处理不同意见,会使你和那个人能关系更亲密一些。
68、They didn't consider the piece up to the standard. ─── 他们认为这个工件不合格。
69、Will you consider helping me with my study? ─── 你考虑帮助我学习吗?
70、Containing the natural floristic ingredients, it can considerately protect your skin. ─── 蕴含天然植物成分,提供肌肤周全的保护。
71、Your plan is a good one as far as it goes, but there are several points you've forgotten to consider. ─── 你的计画目前看来还算不错,但有几点你忘了考虑进去。
72、Do not you consider it wrong to cheat in business ? ─── 你不认为做生意行骗是不对的吗?
73、Our service is just like the sunshine shine on every student warmly considerately . ─── 我们的服务有如阳光般温暖、周到、照耀着每一个学员!
74、I no longer consider people on welfare white trash. ─── 我不再认为靠福利救济的人是白人当中的废物。
75、She would not consider me a principal. ─── 她不会把我当作重要人物。
76、He is always welcomed because he dresses well and behaves gracefully, considerately and politely, giving other a good impression. ─── 他穿戴得宜,礼貌周到,举止文雅,永远给别人留下好的印象,所以他是受欢迎的。
77、Growth models usually consider labor as homogeneous. ─── 增长模型常常把劳动力视为同质的。
78、I can not consider like such work. ─── 我不会考虑象那样的工作。
79、Efficacy: Special neck mask design considerately takes care of neck skin with its moisturizing and smoothing features. ─── 功效:特有颈膜设计,水嫩透白,更加周到呵护颈部肌肤;
80、There is another matter to consider. ─── 不有一件事要考虑。
81、You should consider the matter from various angles. ─── 你应该从各个角度来考虑这件事。
82、We have to consider what material to use first. ─── 我们先得考虑用什么材料。
83、He didn't consider the fitness of the tool. ─── 他没有考虑到这工具是否适宜。
84、They consider it better not to drive so fast. ─── 他们认为开车不这样快好些。
85、Do you consider his complaint dangerous ? ─── 你以为他的病危险吗?
86、Again, we have to consider the legal implications. ─── 再者,我们还要考虑到法律方面的含义。
87、Moslems and Jews do not consider pork a clean meat. ─── 回教徒和犹太教徒认为猪肉是不能吃的肉。
88、They began to consider how to make use of it. ─── 他们开始考虑怎么利用它。
The men who sat nearest considerately turned their faces towards the other end of the field, some of them beginning to smoke; one, with absent-minded fondness, regretfully stroking the jar that would no longer yield a stream.
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