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n. 诺斯替教(初期基督教的一派)
Gnosticism 相似词语短语
1、monasticism ─── n.修道院生活;禁欲主义;出家;隐修制度
2、Gnosticise ─── 诺斯替派
3、agnosticism ─── n.不可知论
4、Gnosticises ─── 诺斯替派
5、Gnosticize ─── v.维持或宣扬诺斯替教义
6、dynasticism ─── n.王朝的统治
7、Gnosticism ─── n.诺斯替教(初期基督教的一派)
8、Gnosticised ─── 灵知的
9、Gnosticiser ─── 诺斯替者
Gnosticism 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Jung was especially knowledgeable in the symbolism of complex mystical traditions such as Gnosticism, Alchemy, Kabala, and similar traditions in Hinduism and Buddhism. ─── 他特别熟悉复杂神秘教义(如诺斯替教、练金术、犹太神秘哲学)的象征手法、熟悉印度教和佛教中的类似教义。
2、Hence, the aporia of aesthetic myth writing derived from Gnosticism's dualism, which was represented in western aesthetic history of Prometheus myth writings. ─── 因此,审美神话的寓言式书写困境承诺斯替主义二元论而来,在西方审美思想史上绵延不绝的普罗米修斯神话创作中见出。
3、The origins of the Gnostic world view have been sought by scholars in the dualism of Iranian religion, the allegorical Idealism of the Middle Platonic philosophers, and the apocalypticism of certain Jewish mystics. ─── 诺斯替世界的起源可以从波斯宗教的二元论学者找到,寓言般的中期柏拉图哲学的理想主义和犹太宗教的启示论。
4、A further example of this is the various gnostic cults (such as Pelagianism) which adopted the personage of Jesus or the concept of a Savior, yet did not adopt the underlying doctrinal elements. ─── 这种各式各样认知上的祭礼的一个更典型例子就是采用了耶稣这个人或救世主的概念,并没有采用下面的潜在学说原理。
5、The Gnostic's Nag Hamadi text "Apocalypse of Adam", for instance contains the account of the enlightenment Adam received, for which certain angels became jealous. ─── 例如,诺斯替派纳哈马地文库文献“亚当的启示”,包括了对亚当所获得的启示的记载,为此某些天使变得妒忌起来。
6、The designation Gnosticism, derived from the Greek gnostikos (one who has gnosis, or "secret knowledge"), is a term of modern scholarship. ─── 诺斯替主义的名称,源自希腊的灵智派(拥有灵知,或者“秘密知识”),是一个现代的学术用语。
7、A believer in Gnosticism. ─── 诺斯替主义信徒或信仰者
8、Mediaeval Alchemy contained Gnostic elements. ─── 中世纪炼金术包含诺斯替教的成分。
9、This form of "classical gnosticism" is only one of many different currents. ─── 这种“经典灵知主义”的形式仅仅是诸种不同倾向中的一种。
10、Manichaeism and Gnosticism accepted the concept of reincarnation, as do such modern spiritual movements as Theosophy. ─── 摩尼教和诺斯底派,还有现代的精神运动如神智学,都接受转世的概念。
11、One of the consequences of Gnosticism was a moral gap between what you preached and how you lived. ─── 诺斯底主义的后果之一,就是在所传和所做之间有道德的断层。
12、Such a definition stretches "Gnosticism" so far as to include any effort at social reform. ─── 这一对“灵知主义”的定义走得太远以至于包含了任何试图改革社会的努力。
13、One of the central teachings of Gnostic saints was the experience of the inner Light. ─── 诺斯替教派圣者的主要教理之一就是内在光的体验。
14、Then, I became interested in Sufism, and another early religion known as Gnosticism. ─── 那时,我对苏非派禁欲神秘主义产生了兴趣,这是另一个早期的宗教,被称为诺斯替教。
15、8.Most Gnostic groups seem to have been organized as schools, in which the authoritative teaching was transmitted, interpreted, and kept secret. ─── 大多数诺斯替派团体看来都是以学校的形式组织起来,权威的教导被传送,解释和保持秘密。
16、Evidence for the Gnostic phenomenon, found in the Church Fathers who opposed Gnostic teachings (Irenaeus, c. 185; ─── 灵知现象的证据,发现在反对诺斯替派的教导的教父里面(Irenaeus,c.185;
17、Eastern Gnosticism took a somewhat different course. ─── 东方的诺斯替派有些不同的实践。
18、In Gnostic lore, Sophia was the mother of all angels. ─── 在诺斯替教的传说中,苏菲亚是天使之母。
20、The eleventh problem concerns a parallel with Christianity. Is Gnosticism the closest type of Christianity to that which is given through this source? ─── 问:第十一个问题是与基督教有关。是否诺斯底教义更接近与这个管道给出的讯息?
21、Keywords: Cromileptes altivelis Valenciennes, dia gnostic features, structure of internal organs, hermaphrodite, ─── 关键词:驼背鲈,形态特征,内部组织,雌雄同体
22、Eastern Gnosticism took a somewhat different course. Under the influence of traditional Iranian religion, the semi-Gnostic Manichaeism developed an absolute cosmic dualism between soul and matter. ─── 东方的诺斯替派有些不同的实践。在伊朗传统宗教的影响下,半诺斯替主义的摩尼教发展了一种绝对的宇宙二元论,是灵魂与物质。
23、Moreover, it showed the enormous influence of Syrian asceticism, but it was equally rooted in popular Gnosticism and preserved its essential doctrines. ─── 此外,也表明了受到叙利亚人禁欲主义的庞大影响,但这是与流行的诺斯替主义有同等的根源,保留了它本质上的教条。
24、Still, Jung did not teach the return of human essence to the Gnostic pleroma, where individuality was lost, but instead adhered to individuation, which maintained the fullness of human individuality. ─── 容格仍然没有教导人类回归诺斯替派的佩雷若玛的精华要素,在那里个性已经消失,但取而代之的是粘附着的个性化,维持着人类个性的圆满。
25、I've talked in the class about Gnosticism. ─── 我们在班上讲过诺斯替教。
26、Yet Gnostic sects appear to have shared an emphasis on the redemptive power of esoteric knowledge, acquired not by learning or empirical observation but by divine revelation. ─── 至今诺斯替派的出现是共享一种深奥知识的救赎,并不是被后天知识或经验主义的观察而得到,而是由神的启示。
27、The Gnostic influence can be seen in the New Testament, particularly the Gospel of John. ─── 他的思想也有很多信徒,包括君士坦丁皇帝。
28、10.The Gnostic sects of the 2nd century made use of Hebrew and Christian religious writings, employing the allegorical method to extricate Gnostic meanings from them. ─── 二世纪的诺斯替派使用希伯莱和基督宗教的作品,使用讽喻的方式去从它们那里散发出诺斯替的意义。
29、The doctrine of reincarnation and the Gnostic mysteries of Christ were declared heresies by the Church in 553 A.D. ─── 在公元553年,教会宣布,基督有关再生的教义和诺斯替神秘主义的教义为异端。
30、Gnosticism's dualism ─── 诺斯替主义的二元论
31、This tradition informs the treatment of Satan in some forms of Christian gnosticism. ─── 在基督教诺斯替派的一些形式里面,这种传统是论及到撒旦。
32、One of the consequences of Gnosticism was a moral gap between what you preached and how you lived. ─── 诺斯底主义的后果之一,就是在所传和所做之间有道德的断层。
33、a deity in Gnosticism,Manicheeism,and other religions who creates the material world and is sometimes viewed as the originator of evil ─── 在诺斯替教,摩尼教和其他宗教中创造了物质世界,有时也被视为罪恶的创造者的神
34、Mani's religion was a complex Gnostic system offering salvation by knowledge. ─── 摩尼的宗教是一个复杂的诺斯替教体系,提供了通过知识而拯救的途径。
35、Another hug antic, gnostic waste of my life. ─── 混帐东西,浪费我的时间。
36、Gnosticism remained a source of inspiration, however, for the few who knew of its ideas, which were kept secret. ─── 诺斯替教秘而不宣,然而,对于少数理解它的思想的人来说,它依然是灵感的源泉。
37、23. (Q) The eleventh problem concerns a parallel with Christianity. Is Gnosticism the closest type of Christianity to that which is given through this source? ─── 问:第十一个问题是与基督教有关。是否诺斯底教义更接近与这个渠道给出的信息?
38、There are analogies also with Egyptian and Mesopotamian thought. It was only with the rise of Christianity, however, that Gnostic syncretism came to full expression. ─── 类似的也发现在埃及人和美索不达米亚人的思想里,它开始了基督教的兴起,然而,灵知的汇合进入了一种完全的表达上。
39、In Gnostic tradition, Sophia plays a very active role in our world. ─── 在诺斯替派的传统,索菲娅在我们这个世界扮演一个非常积极的角色。
40、gnostic sensations ─── 新生感觉
41、A deity in Gnosticism, Manicheeism, and other religions who creates the material world and is sometimes viewed as the originator of evil. ─── 造物主在诺斯替教,摩尼教和其他宗教中创造了物质世界,有时也被视为罪恶的创造者的神
42、Theodotus The Gnostic ─── 狄奥多图斯
43、This resembles the gnostic fallacy, a claim that only an initiated elite has access to a higher esoteric knowledge. ─── 这复现了诺斯替教派的谬论(注:相信神秘直觉说的早期基督教派),声称只有神授的精英才能进入到更高的深奥的知识。
44、5.In the Gnostic view, the unconscious self of man is consubstantial with the Godhead, but because of a tragic fall it is thrown into a world that is completely alien to its real being. ─── 在诺斯替的观点里,无意识的人本身是与神的头是同质的,但是一个悲惨的堕落,因此掉进一个完成地与真实存在完全相异的一个世界上。
45、Gnostic texts concern the fall of man from the divine to the material world. ─── 诺斯替著作涉及人类从神的国度降落至物质世界。
46、Sophia was very likely venerated by early Followers of the Way, and her veneration has survived in the West today in the form of Gnosticism. ─── 索菲娅非常很可能被早期的道路追随者崇拜,她的崇拜在今天仍幸存于西方,在诺斯替派的形式里。
47、Ancient Middle Eastern Gnostic sect surviving in Iraq and southwestern Iran. ─── 幸存于伊拉克和伊朗西南部的古中东诺斯底派。
48、The Gnostics and the Manichaeans also believed in transmigration, but early Christians who adopt-ed Gnostic and Manichaean doctrines were de-clared heretics by the church. ─── 诺斯替派和摩尼教都相信转世说,但那些接受诺斯替主张和摩尼教教义的人都曾被宣布为异教徒。
49、Two teachers of Gnostic, heterodox repute, traveled abroad at different times during the middle of the second century AD. ─── 非正统的诺斯替派的两位导师,在公元二世纪中叶期间,分别两次游历海外。
50、What if Voegelin's attacks on Gnosticism were a rhetorical deception to disguise the true origins of totalitarianism? ─── 如果沃格林对灵知主义的攻击是为了掩盖极权主义的真正起源的修辞把戏,又会如何呢?
51、Ancient Gnosticism, if you want to call it that, does not seem to have been one church. ─── 古老的诺斯替教,如果你想这样叫的话,似乎并不是一个教派。
52、The various Gnostic sects played an important part in early Christianity. ─── 各种诺斯替教派在早期基督教中扮演了一个重要的角色。
53、Gnosticism;Followers believed that the Holy Spirit was superior to either Jesus or God. ─── 诺斯替派:信徒认为圣灵是高于耶稣和父神。
54、Epiphanius, c. 375) and in the Gnostic writings themselves, reveals a diversity in theology, ethics, and ritual that defies strict classification. ─── Epiphanius,c.375),和诺斯替派文献本身里面被发现,展示出神学,道德规范和仪轨的差异,和对严格的阶级制度的反抗。
55、gnostic diagram ─── 诊断图
56、" Gnosticism would remain his main dedication for the rest of his life. ─── 诺斯替主义仍然是他余下生命里面的主要贡献。
57、On the theory and practice of the Gnosticism ─── 试论诺斯替宗教修行的理论与实践
58、The development of Christian doctrine was to a large extent a reaction against Gnosticism. ─── 基督教教义的发展很大程度上是反对诺斯替派的反应。
59、Platonism itself might be called proto-Gnostic, that is, Gnosticism before Gnosticism. ─── 柏拉图主义本身可以被称为原始诺斯替,也就是诺斯替之前的诺斯替。
60、Gnosticism was denounced by the Christian theologians Irenaeus, Hippolytus, and Tertullian. ─── 诺斯替教揭露了基督教神学家爱任纽,希波吕托斯,并良。
61、Gnosticism reached the Western world through Egypt. ─── 诺斯替教经由埃及传到西方世界。
62、But Simon's gnosis remained essentially Jewish and monotheistic, as did that of the Gnostic circles to which later parts of the New Testament allude. ─── 但是,西蒙的诺斯替主义本质上保留着犹太教和一神论的元素,诺斯替的盘绕也映射在新旧的后期部分。
63、The neo-platonic Gnostic school of Alexandria became its centre in the first centuries A.D. ─── 亚历山大的新柏拉图诺斯替学院在公元最初几个世纪成为诺斯替教的中心。
64、Of or relating to Gnosticism. ─── 诺斯替主义的,关于诺斯替主义的
65、Gnosticism As Represented in Contemporary Literature ─── 现代文学中的灵知主义
66、Sophia was very likely venerated by early Followers of the Way, and her veneration has survived in the West today in the form of Gnosticism. ─── 索菲娅非常很可能被早期的道路追随者崇拜,她的崇拜在今天仍幸存于西方,在诺斯替派的形式里。
67、These teachings later developed into Gnosticism in the 2 nd century, saying that they wanted to help the “lesser”, the “weaker” believers to attain deeper spirituality. ─── 这些都不会为你带来拯救。即使是把信心建立在一些好的教义上也对你没有帮助。信心必须建立在耶稣基督、神的儿子以及神的身上。
68、Gnosticism is a blanket term for various mostly dualistic mystical religions and sects most prominent in the first few centuries A. D. ─── 诺斯替主义是头几个世纪的各种主要的二元论神秘宗教和教派的一个广泛术语。
69、As it turns out, the attribution of virtually everything bad in the modern world to "Gnosticism" has an interesting genealogy. ─── 正如已被证明的那样,将几乎所有现代社会的坏事无都归结为“灵知主义”有着有趣的谱系。
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