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09-12 投稿


bragging 发音

英:[ˈbræɡɪŋ]  美:[ˈbræɡɪŋ]

英:  美:

bragging 中文意思翻译





bragging 短语词组

1、bragging rights define ─── 吹牛权

2、bragging gif ─── 吹牛的gif

3、bragging definition synonyms ─── 吹牛定义同义词

4、bragging-rights ─── 炫耀的权利;吹牛的权利;狂傲资本

5、bragging about ─── 吹嘘,炫耀

6、bragging definition ─── 吹牛的定义

7、bragging rights ─── 耀武扬威 胜者为王

8、bragging synonym ─── 吹牛同义词

9、bragging on oneself ─── 自吹 ─── 自擂

10、bragging forc ─── 吹牛场

11、bragging point ─── 吹牛点

bragging 常用词组

brag about ─── 吹嘘,炫耀

bragging 词性/词形变化,bragging变形

动词过去分词: bragged |形容词比较级: bragger |动词第三人称单数: brags |形容词最高级: braggest |动词现在分词: bragging |名词: bragger |动词过去式: bragged |

bragging 相似词语短语

1、blagging ─── vt.索要;骗取

2、dragging ─── vt.牵引(drag的现在分词);adj.拖延的;拖曳用的

3、braggingly ─── 吹牛

4、scragging ─── v.(非正式)粗暴对待;痛打;(英式橄榄球)搂住(对手)脖子;扼杀;杀死;谋杀;n.骨瘦如柴的人(或动物);(非正式)人的脖子;羊颈肉

5、ragging ─── v.嘲笑,捉弄;(用碎布蘸另色油漆)擦亮(油漆表面);用碎布将(油漆)擦在表面上;责骂;(冰球中)为掌握比赛节奏运球(rag的现在分词)

6、-ragging ─── v.嘲笑,捉弄;(用碎布蘸另色油漆)擦亮(油漆表面);用碎布将(油漆)擦在表面上;责骂;(冰球中)为掌握比赛节奏运球(rag的现在分词)

7、bagging ─── n.装袋;[纺]制袋材料;v.把…装入袋中(bag的ing形式)

8、braggings ─── n.吹牛;vi.夸口;v.夸耀(brag的ing形式)

9、fragging ─── v.(用爆炸装置)蓄意杀伤;n.碎片弹;手榴弹;n.(Frag)(美、英、俄、埃、希、波、墨)弗拉格(人名)

bragging 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、He's always bragging about his prowess as a hunter. ─── 他老是吹嘘自己作为猎手的高超技能。

2、Beyond mere bragging rights, China has economic motives for trying to go global with the renminbi. ─── 除了可以炫耀外,中国促进人民币国际化还有其经济动因。

3、Not bragging about good deeds accumulates merits, as streams flow into the sea. Not mending minor flaws leads to failure, as a stone is worn away day by day, unnoticed. ─── 不夸小善,终积大德正如涓流,点滴汇聚,终成大海不除小恶,终必败事则如磨石,不见其灭,曰有所损。

4、He'll probably go around bragging to his friends. ─── 他可能会到处去向他的朋友们吹嘘。

5、He can tell her of something good he has done without fearing she will think he is bragging. ─── 他可以告诉她他做的一些好事而不用担心对方会认为自己在吹嘘。

6、Brag is a good dog,but holdfast is a better. ─── [谚语]说得再漂亮不如扎扎实实地干点事情。

7、Brag about the other person in public. They will know you have faith in their abilities to achieve. ─── 公开谈论别人,会让别人感到你很信任他。

8、He used to brag about the unique and wonderful fans he sold. ─── 他常吹嘘他的扇子天下无双、美妙绝伦。

9、He's been bragging about his new car. ─── 他一直夸他的新汽车。

10、When they make some small contribution, they swell with pride and brag about it for fear that others will not know. ─── 出了一点力就觉得了不起,喜欢自吹,生怕人家不知道。

11、Even when the Lakers suck, which is almost never, you still have bragging rights over every other team in the league, INCLUDING Boston. ─── 即使当湖人沦落了,这当然是不可能的事情,但是湖人对于联盟的任何一支球队,包括凯子队都仍然有资格自夸。

12、But here is America's best-run company almost ashamed of its profits and bragging about how much less it's paying its people. ─── 但是就在我们眼前,这家美国经营最好的公司却几乎在为自己的成绩感到羞愧,并忙不迭地宣传自己少给员工发了多少钱。

13、They flaunt rebellious leather, show off Harley and Honda choppers, and brag of outracing cops. ─── 他们炫耀着身上叛逆的皮装以及胯下的哈雷和本田机车,吹嘘他们逃过警察尾追的光荣史。

14、He's been bragging about his new computer. ─── 他一直夸他的新电脑。

15、There's the bit of bragging with the boys, the fine head of the buck hung high up on the wall - sure, there's a thrill in all of it. ─── 可以在男孩面前炫耀,伟大的战利品公鹿头可以高悬在墙上-确实,这一切都令人激动。

16、Three rats are sitting at the bar talking bragging about their bravery and toughness. ─── 三只老鼠在酒吧吹牛,谈论他们有多么勇敢和顽强。

17、I'll try and brag as little as possible from now on. ─── 以后我尽量少吹牛就是了。

18、An increasing number of business executives have taken to bragging about how much sleep they get. ─── 越来越多的企业行政主管开始把自己有时间睡觉作为吹牛的资本。

19、The remainder of the second half was largely a war of attrition, as tempers flared and tackles flew in from two sides eager to take both bragging rights and points. ─── 下半场剩余的时间变成了拉锯战,双方火气增大开始放铲。大家都想赢球。

20、"You look very presentable now," she said, "and I don't think anyone will suspect you've been up to your tricks unless you brag about them. ─── "好了,现在你完全可以出台了,"她说,"我想除非你自己吹牛,谁也不会怀疑你玩过这种花招的。

21、He often brag about how well he plays the golf! ─── 他常常自夸他高尔夫球打得如何如何好。

22、There's a prizefight underway in markets, with two heavyweights slugging it out for bragging rights and big winnings. ─── 市场上,两位重量级拳手正为炫耀的资本和大奖而进行着激烈角逐。

23、Fokker: You don't have to brag with me, Rick. I know all about your winning the amateur flying competition last year. ─── 别冲我牛,瑞克。我知道的很清楚你赢了去年的业余飞行比赛的冠军。

24、And yet - an' I ain't just makin' a brag of it - I've ben different from the people I've herded with. ─── 不过,不是自夸,我跟我的伙伴们还是不同。

25、They talk nonstop, they brag, they dance, they sometimes quote Homer in Greek, and they'll even go stand on their head if attention should flag. ─── 他们无休止地高谈阔论,自吹自擂,手舞足蹈,时而还引用一下荷马的希腊文原句。倘若他人的注意有所转移,甚至会不惜头脚倒立。

26、Over compensating. Making a big deal out of things. Con?dence , bragging, poo-pooing insecurities when they shouldn't have even been brought up. ─── 做出过多的付出.,把所有事情都看得很认真(爱计较),或者当自大,吹牛等被揭穿是表现的很不安

27、Not to brag, but I went toart school. ─── 不是吹牛。

28、He loved to talk big and brag about a variety of things to other people. ─── 他喜欢说大话,很多事情都喜欢跟人乱掰一通。

29、Go on bragging!I don't believe you any more. ─── 你继续吹牛吧!我再也不会相信你了。

30、They like his slang and his brag and his blunders. ─── 他们很喜欢听他说土话,吹牛皮或胡说八道。

31、Don't brag about what you're going to do. Get something done. ─── 先别吹, 做出具体成绩来再说。

32、You mayboast about them,you may brag about them,youmay say you are procuring consideration fof thecountry. ─── 你们可以炫耀这些义务,吹嘘这些义务,你们可以说你们是为国家着想的。

33、You and Madeleine were tossing your heads, coquetting, bragging . ─── 你和马德琳扬头侧脸,卖弄风情,大吹大擂。

34、People love to brag about technology in their homes:the picture quality of their TV. ─── 一般人大都喜欢吹嘘家中的高科技设备,例如电视的画质。

35、Ms Taiwan: Can't work at all, but still brag and quibble rascally. ─── 台湾小姐:明明不行,还要硬拗、赖皮逞强。

36、Three boys were bragging about their fathers. The first one said, "My father runs so fast he can fire an arrow, start running, and get there before the arrow! ─── 三个小男孩在吹他们的爸爸。第一个说,“我爸爸跑的很快,如果和射箭比赛的话,箭都还没有到终点,我爸爸就到了。

37、He`s a regular Yankee now, and he was makin` a brag... ─── 他现在是有身份的北佬啦.他吹牛说...

38、And their incentive to write an exploit has much more to do with bravado and bragging rights than money. ─── 他们写(漏洞)利用程序的动机虚张声势和自夸胜于金钱。

39、You brag about how special your relationship with Rory is. ─── 你在吹嘘你和Rory的奇特关系。

40、Would he brag about his conquest? ─── 他会夸耀他所征服到的爱吗?

41、You and Madeleine were tossing your heads, coquetting, bragging. ─── 你和马德琳扬头侧脸,卖弄风情,大吹大擂。

42、Men brag to hide their fears. ─── 人们吹牛是为了掩盖他们的恐惧。

43、People paid thousands of dollars more than for regular airliners to fly the Concorde, not only for its speed but also for bragging rights. ─── 以前,人们为了乘坐协和式飞机而不惜多掏数千美元,不仅是因为它速度快,而且因为它可以让人引以为荣。

44、Don't brag so much. I guarantee you will eat your words sooner or later. ─── 别说大话,我保证你迟早要收回前言,承认错误。

45、Maybe, somewhere, in the back of my mind is the dim hope that I'll be able to someday brag, I was told off by Ewan McGregor. ─── 也许,在我的潜意识里我悲观地希望,将来的某一天我能够吹嘘说,我曾经被伊万迈克格雷戈骂了一顿。

46、That man running for mayor went around bragging he'd win the election by a big 50,000 majority. ─── 也许举个例子能更好的说明to eat crow的意思。

47、Chuck likes to brag his conquests, not his victims. ─── Chuck喜欢吹嘘他的胜利,而不是失败.brag, 吹牛,吹嘘.

48、He likes bragging a little bit. ─── 他有点喜欢吹牛。

49、He made a great brag of his ability. ─── 他夸耀自己的能力。

50、Boasters brag most when they cannot be detected. ─── 吹嘘者在自认为无人知晓的情况下吹嘘的最夸张。

51、Through their bragging, they caught the attention of many and the emperor asked them to make him a suit of the finest materials. ─── 他们靠吹牛获得了许多人的信任,国王请他们用这种最好的材料为他做一套衣服。

52、Three rats are bragging about their bravery. ─── 三只老鼠在吹嘘他们的胆量。

53、He didn't even die in a fine glow of gallantry in battle, so she could brag about him. ─── 可恨的是他并非光荣地死在战场上,连一点可以吹嘘的资本也没给她留下。

54、But every potential investment target has been bragging about their special connections for the last 20 years. ─── 但在过去的20年,每个潜在投资者的目标都被特殊的关系所夸大了。

55、Brag it !I would not believe you again. ─── 吹你的牛吧!我再也不相信你了。

56、Do not be over-confident and careless. Your circumstances may change quickly and the emptiness of your bragging will be exposed. ─── 切勿过度自信大意.否则世事变迁,很快便是你暴露之时.

57、If I cannot brag of knowing something,then I brag of not knowing it; at any rate,brag. ─── 倘使我不能自夸知道一些事情,那我就自夸毫不知情;总之,自吹自擂就是了。

58、An engineer, an accountant, a chemist and a bureaucrat were bragging about how smart their dogs are. ─── 一个工程师,一个会计,一个化学家,还有一个官僚主义者在大吹他们的狗如何聪明。

59、He is bragging of his achievements. ─── 他夸口他的成就。

60、He is always bragging about what he can do with a car. ─── 他总是吹牛他对车子有多在行。

61、Indian have the right to brag about enjoying their democracy. But we are talking about economy... ─── 印度有权利为自己享受的民主而吹牛,但我们正在谈的是经济....(中国人的回复?

62、And have to listen to them brag about how popular their daughters were. ─── 你还得听她们吹嘘自己的女儿有多少人在爱慕。

63、What do you think of the final exam?: It's a piece of cake to me.: You're bragging again. What if you failed? ─── 你觉得期末考试怎么样?:那再容易不过了。:你又在吹牛了。你要是不及格呢?:不可能。

64、He did not enjoy the social life of south London, the pub culture, the bragging, the put-downs, the racism and violence. ─── 他不喜欢伦敦南部地区的社会生活——酒吧文化、自吹自擂、轻蔑贬低、种族主义还有暴力。

65、Don't brag. Please don't brag. You're so sweet and you don't have to brag. ─── 别吹,亲爱的。请你别吹。你已经满好了,用不着再夸口了。

66、He was bragging as how he could run faster than anybody else. ─── 他吹牛说他比任何人都跑得快。

67、Brave Husband.... The husband was bragging himself to the returning wife out of town from the home of her folks. ─── 勇敢的丈夫-丈夫正在向他刚从乡下亲友家回来的妻子大吹特吹。

68、At Belcourt and Bab-el-Oued, old men seated in the depths of cafes, listening to the bragging of young men with plastered hair. ─── 在贝尔库和巴布法河地区,老人坐在咖啡馆的角落里,听着那些梳着灰发的年轻人在吹牛。

69、A smuggler that managed to shave off a sizable portion of the 18-parsec Kessel Run had bragging rights indeed. ─── 一位走私者自夸说,他曾尝试将十八秒差距的凯索航道缩减了可观的部份。

70、Untidy work is nothing to brag about. ─── 不整洁的作业没有什么值得自夸的。

71、My uncle always likes to brag about the worthy son of his in front of his relatives. ─── 叔叔总是喜欢在亲朋好友面前显扬自己的宝贝儿子。

72、Bragging about his value instead of embedding it. ─── 吹嘘自己如何如何有价值.

73、Three famous surgeons were bragging about their skills. "A man came to me who had his hand cut off," said one. "Today that man is a concert violinist. ─── 三个有名的外科医生正在吹嘘他们的技术。“一个人断了一只手,他来找我,”一个说,“如今那个人是个音乐会的小提琴手。

74、He's been bragging a lot just now. ─── 他刚才吹了半天牛。

75、You who brag about the law, do you dishonor God by breaking the law? ─── 你指着律法夸口,自己倒犯律法,玷辱神吗?

76、Not just a brag,not just a stepping stone to a higher title,not just an adjunct to competition. ─── 一个较高的称号不仅仅是自夸,也不仅仅是一块垫脚石,更不是参与竞争的附属物。

77、Stop bragging! ─── 别吹牛!

78、They like bragging and boasting although they are nothing more than just saying in most cases. ─── 他们喜欢自吹自擂,尽管多数情况下只是说说而已。

79、When trying to impress someone, there's a big temptation to brag. ─── 你很容易想通过夸耀自己以获得某个人的青睐。

80、He does nothing but brag; he's such a bore. ─── 他除了吹牛,什么也不干,他真烦人。

81、Two boys are bragging about their fathers. ─── 两个孩子夸耀自己的父亲。

82、He is a fast talker.= He is always bragging. ─── 他老是说得天花乱坠。

83、He was not bragging, not showing off. His sole motive was to make her happy, to make her proud of him, to justify her long faith in him. ─── 他没有吹嘘,也没有炫耀,一心只求她高兴,求她为他骄傲,也证明她长时间以来对他的信心并没有错。

84、Hindus brag very much that in the golden old days, people were so rich that locks were never used on the doors. ─── 印度人很爱吹嘘那遥远的黄金时代,人们十分富裕,因此门都不上锁。

85、He used to brag that he would make lots and lots of money. ─── 他经常吹牛说自己会赚很多很多钱。

86、I'm not trying to brag about my age, but you're still a young fellow and easily worked up. ─── 也不是我攀个大,你还是小兄弟呢,容易挂火。

87、Bragging or blustering manner or behavior. ─── 吹牛吹牛或夸口的态度或行为

88、The University of Florida has two things to brag about this morning. ─── 今天早上,佛罗里达大学有两件事值得夸耀。

89、Empty or pretentious bragging. ─── 吹牛空洞或造作的大话

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