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Eurasian 发音

英:[juˈreɪʒn]  美:[juˈreɪʒn; juˈreɪʃn]

英:  美:

Eurasian 中文意思翻译




Eurasian 网络释义

adj. 欧亚的;欧亚人的n. 欧亚混血儿

Eurasian 词性/词形变化,Eurasian变形


Eurasian 短语词组

1、Eurasian Plate ─── 欧亚板块

2、Eurasian otter ─── [网络] 欧亚水獭

3、Eurasian Beaver ─── 欧亚海狸

4、Eurasian woodcock ─── [网络] 丘鹬;山鹬

5、Eurasian Magpie ─── 欧亚喜鹊

6、Eurasian wolf ─── 欧亚狼

7、Eurasian Union ─── 欧亚联盟

8、Eurasian kingfisher ─── [网络] 欧亚翠鸟

9、Eurasian badger ─── [网络] 欧亚獾

10、Eurasian Hobby ─── 欧亚爱好

11、Eurasian hamster ─── [网络] 欧亚仓鼠

12、eurasian bank ─── 欧亚银行

13、Eurasian green toad ─── [网络] 欧亚绿色蟾蜍

14、Eurasian Steppe ─── 欧亚草原

Eurasian 常用词组

eurasian plate ─── 欧亚大陆板块

Eurasian 相似词语短语

1、Turanian ─── n.突雷尼语族;突雷尼人;adj.突雷尼人的;突雷尼语族的

2、Amerasian ─── n.美亚混血儿;美亚混血儿的

3、Caucasian ─── adj.白种人的;高加索的;n.白种人;高加索人

4、Eurasian ─── adj.欧亚的;欧亚混血儿的;欧亚大陆的;n.欧亚混血儿

5、euphrasias ─── 欧弗拉西亚

6、Eurasia ─── n.欧亚大陆

7、erasion ─── n.擦掉,消除;擦抹

8、Eurasians ─── 欧亚混血人(Eurasian的名词复数)

9、Afrasian ─── adj.亚非地区的;亚非混血人的;n.亚非混血人

Eurasian 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、I am an Eurasian, Chinese + Euro. I can understand Chinese, just don't know Chinese typing. ─── 你这么说我就明白了,是不懂中文,那你是华人吗.

2、Eurasian perennial naturalized in eastern North America having very spiny white cottony foliage and nodding musky crimson flower heads; valuable source of nectar. ─── 北美东部已引入的欧亚多年生植物有多刺的白色棉花似的叶子和麝香味的深红色的头状花序;水果原汁。

3、The tender young shoots of a Eurasian plant(Asparagus officinalis),eaten as a vegetable. ─── 天门冬属一种欧亚大陆植物的柔软的嫩芽(药用芦笋天门冬属)可作蔬菜食用。

4、A low-growing Eurasian plant(Asperugo procumbens) having rough stems and small blue flowers. ─── 岩生庭荠一种产于欧亚大陆(糙草糙草属)的矮生植物,长有粗壮的茎杆并开蓝色的小花

5、On the basis of an integrated analysis, the authors suggest that the collision between the India plate and Eurasian plate was initiated after 45 Ma. ─── 在综合分析基础上,笔者认为印度板块与欧亚板块的碰撞启动时间在45Ma以后。

6、A Eurasian plant(Umbilicus rupestris) having thick, peltate leaves and yellowish-green flowers. ─── 一种长有较厚且呈盾形的叶子和黄绿色花朵的亚欧(龙胆科小草)植物

7、Eurasian plant (Raphanus sativus) having a fleshy, edible root and white to purple flowers clustered in a terminal raceme. ─── 小萝卜:一种产于亚欧大陆的植物,(萝卜属萝卜),根肥硕可食,花为白色至紫色,末端为总状花序

8、An edible Eurasian freshwater fish (Tinca tinca) having small scales and two barbels near the mouth. ─── 丁鱥:一种产于欧亚的淡水食用鱼(丁鱥属丁鱥或丹溪鱼),有小的鳞片且在近口处有两根胡须

9、Eurasian herb cultivated for its dark-centered deep red flowers. ─── 因其黑心的暗红色花朵而培育的欧亚草本植物。

10、The Eurasian genus Glechoma and its relationship with allied genera. ─── 欧亚大陆活血丹属及其与邻近属的关系.

11、Eurasian tree with orange-red berrylike fruits. ─── 欧亚树种,有橙红色的浆果似的果实。

12、A Eurasian wheat(Triticum dicoccum) first cultivated by the Babylonians and now widely grown as a cereal grain and as livestock feed. ─── 双粒小麦一种欧亚小麦(双粒小麦小麦属),最初由巴比伦人种植,现在作为一种谷物和畜牧饲料广泛种植

13、It is the use of horses for transportation and warfare that explains why Inner Eurasian pastoralism proved the most mobile and the most militaristic of all major forms of pastoralism. ─── 正是马在交通运输和战争中的使用,解释了为什么欧亚大陆内部的游牧主义是所有主要游牧形式中最具流动性和最具军国主义色彩的。

14、Any plant of the genus Barbarea,yellow-flowered Eurasian cresses,widely cultivated for winter salad. ─── 山芥属的任意一种植物,开黄花的欧亚水芹,冬天里广泛用来做沙拉。

15、A Eurasian plant(Raphanus sativus) having a fleshy, edible root and white to purple flowers clustered in a terminal raceme. ─── 小萝卜一种产于亚欧大陆的植物,(萝卜属萝卜),根肥硕可食,花为白色至紫色,末端为总状花序

16、Japan is situated along the so-called Pacific Rim of Fire, at the point where the Pacific and Eurasian tectonic plates collide. ─── 日本位于太平洋和亚欧构造板块的碰撞点,即所谓的环太平洋地震带(PacificRimofFire)上,遭遇强震的风险巨大。

17、Eurasian rose with prickly stems and fragrant leaves and bright pink flowers followed by scarlet hips. ─── 一种欧亚蔷薇,茎多刺,叶芳香,花淡粉红色,果实深红色。

18、Any of various Eurasian birds of the family Muscicapidae that feed on insects, usually catching the insects in flight. ─── 鹟一种以昆虫为食的欧亚大陆鹟科鸟类,通常捕捉飞虫

19、Eurasian fern with simple lanceolate fronds. ─── 带有披针形复叶的分布于欧亚大陆的一种蕨类。

20、A Eurasian plant(Umbilicus rupestris)having thick,peltate leaves and yellowish - green flowers. ─── 一种长有较厚且呈盾形的叶子和黄绿色花朵的亚欧(龙胆科小草)植物

21、Eurasian plant cultivated for its seed and as a forage crop. ─── 一种欧亚植物,通过种植来获取其种子和用作饲料。

22、Small Eurasian shrub having clusters of yellow flowers that yield a dye,common as weed in England and United States,sometimes grown as an ornamental. ─── 欧亚产的一种小灌木,花黄色、簇生、可制成染料,在英格兰和美国为一种常见杂草,有时栽培供观赏。

23、As he ran, he gathered from some shouted remarks that a convoy of Eurasian prisoners was passing. ─── 他一面跑,一面从旁人的叫喊当中听出来,原来是欧亚国战俘的车队就要开过去。

24、The edible tubers of the Eurasian species S. sagittifolia or of the North American species S. latifolia. ─── 慈菇,宽叶慈菇欧亚种植物的可食用块茎慈菇或北美种植物的可食用块茎宽叶慈菇。

25、And keeping the powers of the Eurasian world island off balance is precisely what the Great Game has always been about. ─── 而维持欧亚大陆这一世界岛的权力平衡,恰恰正是大博弈始终的焦点所在。

26、Eurasian marten having a brown coat with pale breast and throat. ─── 欧亚大陆的貂,褐色皮毛,雄部和喉部为苍白色。

27、Eurasian walnut valued for its large edible nut and its hard richly figured wood; widely cultivated. ─── 欧亚一种胡桃,由于其大的可食用的坚果和硬的丰富的有纹理的木材而很有价值;广泛载植。

28、Eurasian annual plant (Kochia scoparia) having narrow, dense foliage that turns bright red. ─── 地肤:一种欧亚草本植物(地肤),枝叶狭窄、密集,在秋天变成红色

29、Sichuan lies near the boundary of two tectonic plates, the Indian and Eurasian landmasses, making it a particularly quake-prone area. ─── 四川省位于印度板块和欧亚板块这两个大陆板块的交界处附近,特别容易发生地震。

30、Tree seedlings, Eurasian migrants, and farm weeds all thrived along with the replanted prairie species. ─── 树苗、欧亚舶来种、还有农场杂草,都与草原植物一起旺盛地生长。

31、A Eurasian crow(Corvus monedula). ─── 寒鸦、鹩哥欧亚的一种乌鸦(寒鸦小乌鸦属)

32、Eurasian rail of swamps and marshes. ─── 欧亚大陆沼泽和湿地的秧鸡。

33、A northern Eurasian mink(Mustela siberica) having a dark brown coat with tawny markings. ─── 亚洲鼬欧亚北部的一种鼬(黄鼬鼬鼠属),有带黄褐色斑点的深棕色毛皮

34、A Eurasian lily(Lilium martagon)usually having pinkish - purple,spotted flowers. ─── 头巾百合一种欧亚的百合花(欧洲百合百合属),通常开粉紫色、带有斑点的花

35、Seismic activity of the Eurasian belt was relatively calm. ─── 亚欧带的地震活动相对沉寂。

36、At this time of E. U. weakness, the Eurasian Union was seen to be aimed at counterbalancing Western institutions. ─── 在此欧洲面临危机之时,欧亚联盟看来意在与西方国家抗衡。

37、In studies on the economy along the Eurasian Continental Bridge, bridgehead is a very important concept with special connotations. ─── 桥头堡是陆桥经济研究中一个具有特定内涵的重要概念。

38、"Sir, your lady is right." echoed the Eurasian. ─── “哎呀,先生,你的小姐说得对。”那欧亚混血儿应声道。

39、is particularly true of the horse pastoralism that emerged in the Inner Eurasian steppes, for this was the most mobile of all major forms of pastoralism. ─── 在欧亚大陆内部大草原上出现的马的游牧主义尤其如此,因为它是所有主要游牧形式中最具流动性的。

40、The western Caucasus earthquake occurred on the Eurasian seismic belt. ─── 亚欧带发生高加索西部地震。

41、Eurasian elm closely resembling the American elm; thrives in a moist environment. ─── 与美洲榆极相像的一种欧亚榆树,;在潮湿的环境才能健康生长。

42、Eurasian primrose with yellow flowers clustered in a one-sided umbel. ─── 欧亚报春花,花黄色,丛生于单侧的伞形花序。

43、The Eurasian seismic belt still remained in quiescence. ─── 亚欧带仍保持平静。

44、A Eurasian plum tree(Prunus insititia) cultivated since ancient times for its edible fruit. ─── 布拉斯李树一种欧亚李树(李属乌荆子李),因其果子可食用,远古时代就有人栽培

45、The collision and matching of the Lhase terrane with the Qiangtang terrane have caused the formation of the tectonic framework of Eurasian plate. ─── 拉萨地体与羌塘地体碰撞拼合形成欧亚板块构造格局。

46、How have soil temperatures been affected by the surface temperature and precipitation in the Eurasian continent? ─── 欧亚大陆地面温度和降雨是如何影响土壤温度的?

47、Eurasian perennial herb with hairy divided leaves and yellow flowers; naturalized in North America. ─── 有毛裂叶和黄色花冠的欧亚多年生草本植物;北美洲野生植物。

48、Eurasian thistle growing in sand dunes and dry chalky soils. ─── 在沙丘或干旱白垩土壤中生长的欧亚蓟。

49、I preferred instead to hang out with my pop-song loving Eurasian and Malay buddies. ─── 对西洋流行歌曲的爱好使我跟欧亚裔人比较熟络,他们和马来朋友成了我的死党。

50、Eurasian plant widely naturalized as a weed in North America; used as salad greens and to make wine. ─── 欧亚植物,被北美作为一种草引入;用于生菜或造酒。

51、A Eurasian army (Oceania was at war with Eurasia: Oceania had always been at war with Eurasia) was moving southward at terrifying speed. ─── 欧亚国的一支军队(大洋国在同欧亚国打仗;大洋国一直在和欧亚国打仗)南进神速。

52、All those factors indicated the worldwide recognition of the Eurasian Patent System and the increased authority of Eurasian patents. ─── 所有这些因素表明了欧亚专利制度的全球认同以及欧亚专利权威性的逐步增加。

53、Eurasian weed with heads of small yellow flowers. ─── 有小黄花头状花序的欧亚杂草。

54、A violent windstorm of the Eurasian steppes, accompanied in summer by dust and in winter by snow. ─── 布冷风来自欧亚大陆平原的猛烈的风暴,夏天伴有尘土,冬天伴有雪

55、Eurasian plant widely cultivated for its edible pungent root usually eaten raw. ─── 欧亚植物,其辛辣的根通常可以生吃。

56、Eurasian weed having yellow or mauve or white flowers and podlike fruits. ─── 欧亚杂草开黄色淡紫色或白色花和承窝的果实。

57、How have soil temperatures been affected by the surface temperature and precipitation in the Eurasian continent ? ─── 欧亚大陆地面温度和降雨是如何影响土壤温度的?。

58、Ah, it was more than a eurasian army that had perished! ─── 可是现在,覆亡的不仅仅是一支欧亚国军队而已。

59、Widely distributed low-growing Eurasian herb having narrow leaves and inconspicuous green flowers. ─── 广泛分布的低矮的欧亚草本植物有狭窄的叶子和不显著的绿花。

60、Eurasian garden perennial having scarlet flowers in dense terminal heads. ─── 在茂密的叶柄端部开猩红色花的一种欧亚多年生园林植物。

61、Eurasian toad with variable chiefly green coloring. ─── 欧亚大陆的各种主要为绿色的蟾蜍。

62、Any of several Eurasian plants of the genus Cynoglossum, having hairy leaves, small reddish-purple flowers, and prickly, clinging fruit. ─── 倒提壶属植物一种倒提壶属植物,产于欧亚大陆,叶子上长有绒毛,开红紫色小花,结有带刺、果肉紧贴于核的果实

63、Squirrels and Eurasian nutcrackers selected always the esculent seeds in Korean pine cones,about 73. ─── 松鼠和星鸦会选择具有萌发活力的红松种子贮藏在地被物下,在红松球果内种子只有73。

64、Eurasian perennial herb with hairy divided leaves and yellow flowers,naturalized in North America. ─── 有毛裂叶和黄色花冠的欧亚多年生草本植物,北美洲野生植物。

65、So maybe Asia's Eurasian craze is driven by the theories of that whitest of white men, economist Adam Smith. ─── 因此,或许是白人中的白人,经济学家亚当.史密斯的理论推动着亚洲的欧亚融合热。

66、Eurasian orchid with showy pink or purple flowers in a loose spike. ─── 一种生于欧亚的兰花,花呈粉红色或紫色,成疏穗状花序。

67、A small Eurasian freshwater fish(Gobio gobio) related to the carp and used for bait. ─── 鮈鱼一种小型的亚欧淡水鱼(鮈鱼鲤科),与鲤鱼近缘,用作鱼饵

68、Eurasian tulip with small flowers blotched at the base. ─── 一种产于欧亚的郁金香,花小,有带有白边的红色花被。

69、Eurasian butterfly with brown wings and white markings. ─── 欧亚大陆的蝴蝶,褐色的翅膀上有白色斑点。

70、The Pacific Ocean plate , Eurasian plate , Indian Ocean plate , Africa plate , America plate and Antarctica plate. ─── 太平洋板块、欧亚板块、印度洋板块、非洲板块、美洲板块和南极洲板块。

71、A Eurasian perennial herb(Polygonum bistorta) having cylindrical spikes of usually pink flowers and a rhizome used as an astringent in folk medicine. ─── 拳参一种欧亚产多年生草本植物圆穗蓼,通长生有圆柱形穗状花序的粉色花朵和民间医学中用于止血药的根茎

72、Eurasian pigeon with white patches on wings and neck. ─── 欧亚大陆翼和尾上有白色斑点的鸽子。

73、As China emerged, it has provided important opportunities for the countries around world, especially the Eurasian ones . ─── 中国的发展给世界各国尤其是欧亚地区国家带来重要机遇。

74、The New Eurasian Continental Bridge connects two continents. ─── 新亚欧大陆桥贯通了两大洲。

75、Eurasian pink widely cultivated for its flat-topped dense clusters of varicolored flowers. ─── 广泛种植的平顶、密集、多色串状花瓣的欧亚石竹。

76、Eurasian plant with pink to purple-red spice-scented usually double flowers; widely cultivated in many varieties and many colors. ─── 开从粉红到绛紫色带香味的双生花的欧亚植物;拥有许多变种和颜色。

77、A Eurasian parasitic shrub(Viscum album) having leathery evergreen leaves and waxy white berries. ─── 槲寄生一种欧亚寄生灌木,(槲寄生属白果槲寄生),有草质、绿色茎叶和蜡白色桨果

78、A Eurasian plant(Lamium amplexicaule) having toothed, opposite leaves and small white or purplish-red flowers with two lips. ─── 宝盖草,佛座一种(宝盖草野芝麻属)欧亚植物,有齿状的、对生的叶子和小小的、白色或微紫红色的、由两片唇瓣构成的花朵

79、A Eurasian lily(Lilium martagon) usually having pinkish-purple, spotted flowers. ─── 头巾百合一种欧亚的百合花(欧洲百合百合属),通常开粉紫色、带有斑点的花

80、Eurasian watermilfoil, a weed not native to Frida Lake, has reproduced prolifically since being accidentally introduced there. ─── 欧亚水草是一种不属于弗里达湖的杂草,自从被意外引进后,就大量繁殖。

81、Located at the heart of the Eurasian continent, Xinjiang is of vital strategic importance. ─── 作为欧亚大陆中心,新疆在各方面都具有重要的战略地位。

82、Eurasian herb with solitary nodding fragrant white flowers. ─── 欧亚一种只开一次下垂的带香味的白花的草本植物。

83、The 25 species-patterns belong to respectively the 3 floristic kingdoms(or subkingdoms)of Eurasian Temperate, Malesian, and mainly to East Asiatic. ─── 2 5个种分布型分属于欧亚温带、东亚和亚洲热带 3个植物区域。

84、Any of several willows having long rodlike twigs used in basketry, especially the Eurasian Salix viminalis and S. purpurea. ─── 柳树一种长有可用于编篮的鞭状长细枝的柳树,尤指欧亚大陆植物青刚柳和红皮柳

85、But at Sicily the African and Eurasian plates are colliding, so one would expect the stresses to be compressive rather than extensional. ─── 但是在西西里岛,非洲板块和欧亚板块相撞,因此有些人会认为这里的应力是压缩而非伸张。

86、Yang analyses that Turkey is located at a Eurasian juncture and is a regional power, which has important influence in Central Asia and Middle East . ─── 土耳其地处欧亚要冲 ,是对中亚和中东地区具有重要影响的地区大国 ,同时也是美国欧亚战略中的重要棋子。

87、A Eurasian plant(Raphanus sativus)having a fleshy,edible root and white to purple flowers clustered in a terminal raceme. ─── 小萝卜一种产于亚欧大陆的植物,(萝卜属萝卜),根肥硕可食,花为白色至紫色,末端为总状花序

88、The tender young shoots of a Eurasian plant(Asparagus officinalis), eaten as a vegetable. ─── 天门冬属一种欧亚大陆植物的柔软的嫩芽(药用芦笋天门冬属)可作蔬菜食用

89、The generation of the earthquake is related to the collision of the Indian and the Eurasian plates. ─── 根据青藏高原强震分布的特点,提出强震的发生是由于印度板块和欧亚板块的碰撞,其能量的来源与地幔物质的活动有关。

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