exempting 发音
英:[ɪɡˈzemptɪŋ] 美:[ɪɡˈzemptɪŋ]
英: 美:
exempting 中文意思翻译
exempting 反义词
enforce | nonexempt
exempting 同义词
spare | let off | immune | release | excepted | off | except | let go | relieved | license | let |excuse | off the hook | nontaxable | relieve | free | excused | released | discharge
exempting 词性/词形变化,exempting变形
形容词: exemptible |动词过去式: exempted |动词过去分词: exempted |动词第三人称单数: exempts |动词现在分词: exempting |
exempting 相似词语短语
1、exemption ─── n.免除,豁免;免税
2、coempting ─── 共同继承
3、empting ─── 清空
4、exeming ─── 埃克塞明
5、executing ─── v.执行(execute的ing形式)
6、excerpting ─── n.摘录,引用;vt.引用,摘录;vi.摘录,引用
7、excepting ─── prep.除……之外;conj.只是,要不是
8、exemptive ─── 免责的
9、exemptions ─── n.[税收]免税额,免除(exemption复数形式)
exempting 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、The interest is exempt form income tax. ─── 利息收入免征所得税。
2、Imports by petrochemical enterprises sanctioned by the industrial authority are exempt from this provision. ─── 但经工业主管机关认定之石化业厂商输入者,不在此限。
3、Incomes undeclared since before January 1, 2006 will be exempt from penalties for personal income tax evasion. ─── 2006年1月1日之前未申报的收入,也不会因为逃避个人所得税而要交纳罚款。
4、The remaining imported goods shall all be exempt from consolidated industrial and commercial tax. ─── 其余的进口货物,都免征工商统一税。
5、School property is exempt from all taxes. ─── 学校财产免除一切赋税。
6、He was exempt from charges by virtue of his youth/of being so young/of the fact that he was so young. ─── 他因年幼而获得免费。
7、It was once widely believed that living organisms might be exempt from the second law of thermodynamics. ─── 人们曾一度广泛相信,活着的有机体不受热力学第二定律的制约。
8、Suddenly, food profession “exempting from inspection” hides rapidly. ─── 一时间,食品行业的“免检”迅速遁形。
9、registration of insurance enterprises engaged in international shipping insurance business revenue, exempting. ─── 注册在上海的保险企业从事国际航运保险业务取得的收入,免征营业税。
10、Internally, the device is Pb-free, except for flip-chip high-temperature Pb-based solder balls, currently exempt from RoHS. ─── 在内部,除倒装法使用的当前豁免于RoHS的高温含铅焊球外,该器件不含铅。
11、China and Russia have come to a mutual agreement on exempting visa requirement. ─── 中国与俄罗斯两国订有互免签证协议。
12、Therefore, representative offices do not need to apply to the local taxation authorities for exempting business tax. ─── 因此,代表机构不需要向当地主管地方税务局提出营业税免税申请。
13、This was recognised and addressed in the recent Eurogroup decision exempting from subordination the bonds of countries in a programme. ─── 最近欧元集团在一项计划中决定对一些国家的债券豁免这种排序,就是认识并解决了这个问题。
14、He points his stick to exempt this one and that. ─── 他用手杖指点着,豁免一个个人。
15、It is therefore requested that you exempt me from Advanced Test temporarily and require me to take it after enrollment. ─── 因此特请求你暂缓我的Advanced Test,待录取后再补考!
16、Exempting the format string argument, all other arguments must be squeezed in with either a tuple or a dictionary. ─── 格式化字符串参数,所有其他的参数都必须用一个元组(tuple)或是一个字典(dictionary)进行挤压。
17、Between 1994 and Spring 2003 ELSPA voluntarily rated computer games released in Britain that were exempt from legal classification by the BBFC. ─── 1994年到2003年之间ELSPA主动地对由英国电影分级组织(BBFC)豁免的游戏进行了分级。
18、In human resources we spend a lot of money trying to break down the walls between exempt and nonexempt employees. ─── 他们知道完全可以靠我去处理他们的生意,就像让我处理自己的生意一样。公司的客户对你的反应好不好?
19、You should have declared that. Perfume is not exempt from import duty. ─── 你应该早些申报,香水是不免进口税的。
20、Justice and efficiency,revealing according to the law,revealing each other,and public interests exempting are the principles of... ─── 公正与效率、依法开示、双向开示、公共利益豁免是证据开示应遵循的原则。
21、Even the white man, whose God walks and talks with him as friend to friend, cannot be exempt from the common destiny. ─── 即使是白人男子,其神阶层和与他会谈的朋友的朋友,不能免除的共同命运。
22、Price moves that are conducive to environmental protection and energy saving are exempt from the restraint. ─── 对节约能源或者环境保护有利的价格变动是可以免于价格设限的规定的。
23、Tea party-backed lawmakers echo that argument, and they're not exempting the military's multibillion-dollar budget in a time of war. ─── 茶话会支持的议员回声这样的说法,并不能免除他们在战争时期军队的数十亿美元的预算。
24、Students with a physical disability will be exempt from gym classes. ─── 具有生理残障的学生将免修体操课。
25、All those who made improper remarks or did wrong things abroad are exempt from investigation. ─── 对在国外说过一些错话、做过一些错事的,一律不予追究。
26、For any additional folders that you would like to make exempt, repeat steps 6-9. ─── 对于要进行免除的任何其他文件夹,重复步骤6-9。
27、Income which are approved to be exempt from tax by the financial department of the State Council. ─── 十、经国务院财政部门批准免税的所得。
28、Is abolished regarding exempting from inspection, Pan Mintong takes a stand directly: “this is a good deed! ─── 对于免检被废除,潘鳘同直接表态:“这是好事!
29、On the basis of categorized management. the pilot work for the products exempt from inspection shall be carried out. ─── 在分类管理的基础上,开展出口免验产品的试点工作。
30、He is exempt from punishment about this thing. ─── 关于此事对他已免于处分。
31、Mr Walker himself has muddied the waters by exempting police and firemen from the cutbacks and restrictions. ─── Walker先生自己也因豁免警察和救火队员免受削减费用和一些限制而搅混了这摊水。
32、The person whom he has so engaged would be so exempt if the provisions of that paragraph were applied to him. ─── 假如该项的规定也适用于他所雇用的人,这个人也同样会免除责任。
33、He was exempt from charges by virtue of his youth. ─── 他因年幼而免被指控。
34、Foreign investors engaged in the development of tailings are exempt of the compensation fees. ─── 利用尾矿的,免缴矿产资源补偿费;
35、If the student's scholarship income is exempt from taxation, there is no need to report it on the federal income tax return. ─── 如果学生的奖学金是可以免税的,就不用在联邦所得税申报书上填报了。
36、Applicants who are married to EU citizens are exempt from fees. ─── 与欧盟国家公民结婚的申请人无需交纳签证费。
37、It is an unwritten convention: when two states are at war, the envoys are exempt from execution. ─── 两国交战,不斩来使,这是不成文的规矩。
38、He is exempt from military service, because of his bad health. ─── 他由于身体不好而免服兵役。
39、Even if the material requested under FOIA were exempt from disclosure, the agency might still decide to release it as a matter of discretion. ─── 即使根据《信息自由法》要求的材料属免于披露范围,行政机关仍会以自由裁量为由决定公开发表。
40、From the tax point of view, the sale and purchase ETF stamp duty-free funds, dividends are also exempt from income tax. ─── 从税收方面来看,买卖和申购、赎回ETF基金均免印花税,分红也免缴所得税。
41、In fact, three deer itself are “national exempting from inspection” “name brand” product. ─── 事实上,三鹿本身就是“国家免检”的“名牌”产品。
42、Persons exempt from jury duty. ─── 免去陪审团义务的人。
43、A concerned party is exempt from responsibility. ─── 则有关的一方免除其责任。
44、China and Russia have come to a mutual agreement on exempting visa requirement. ─── 中国与俄罗斯两国订有互免签证协议。
45、Greed is in no short supply,and few individuals, businesses, or countries are exempt. ─── 世界永远不会缺少贪婪,很少有人、有公司或国家能例外。
46、Let no one suppose that evolution will ever exempt us from struggles. ─── 不要有人假设演进会让我们免于挣扎。
47、he didn't say is that I've also proposed exempting all start-up companies from capital gains taxes. ─── 他未提及的是我还提议对所有新企业减免资本收益税。
48、Passenger cars conforming to Canadian Motor Vehicle Safety Standard 115 are exempt from this paragraph. ─── 客车遵照 加拿大的马达交通工具安全标准 115 从这个段落是免除的。
49、Children under 16 are exempt from prescription charges. ─── 16岁以下的儿童免付处方费.
50、As a rule they are not immune to natural death, but they are exempt from passing through the seven mansion worlds. ─── 他们不是对自然死亡的控制不受影响的,但是他们是经过免除第七大厦的世界。
51、Going to vocational school meant being exempt from pre ure and te ion. ─── 上职业学校意味着得以免除压力和紧张。
52、No language is more exempt from error and oBscurity than the language of mathematics. ─── 任何语言都比不上数学语言那么精确和明了。
53、However, naturalization citizenship is exempt from eligibility to become President and immediate eligibility to be a member of Congress. ─── 但通过入籍方式得到的公民无资格担任总统也不能在短期内担任国会议员。
54、It will also exempt businesses from value added taxes and consumption taxes if they trade with each other," Zhang said. ─── 如果他们进行交易的话,它也将从增加的和消费的税收价值里免除商业。”
55、Only the very poorest citizens should be exempt from income taxes. ─── 只有最贫困的公民才能免交个人所得税。
56、There was one member of his side that Mourinho was careful to exempt from the collective criticism. ─── 不过穆里尼奥特意将一个人排除在了受到批评的集体外。
57、Taiwan's youth can not exempt themselves from military responsiblity. ─── 在台湾的年轻人都不能免除当兵的责任。
58、Which kind of subsidy can be exempt from tax? ─── 哪些补贴可以免税?
59、Any expenditure in respect to exempt income would be excluded. ─── 任何与免税所得相关的开支都被排除在外。
60、He is exempt from military service because of hiss bad health. ─── 他因为身体不好而被免于服从兵役。
61、The job postings currently available on the Alcoa career site are for US-based salaried exempt positions only. ─── Alcoa就业站点提供的空缺职位公告仅适用于美国的无加班费薪资职位。
62、Religious organizations are exempt from taxation. ─── 宗教机构被免除赋税。
63、No one above 18 can be exempt from military service. ─── 凡是年龄在18岁以上的人都不能免服兵役。
64、A charge is always rendered for missed appointments or late cancellation, including exempt patients. ─── 失约或取消延迟都会被收费,包括免责病人。
65、Greed is in no short supply,and few individuals,businesses,or countries are exempt. ─── 世界永远不会缺少贪婪,个人、公司或者国家很少能有例外的。
66、So it is worth considering to exempt multilateral environmental agreements from GATT rules. ─── 因此它从各方面来看是值豁免来自关税贸易总协定规定的多边环境的契约。
67、Self-admission has the validity of constraining parties and courts and of exempting another partner's quoting right. ─── 但并非所有的自认都能产生法律意义上的效力,其受到一定的限制。
68、No nation owns these aspirations, and no nation is exempt from them. ─── 实际上,没有一个国家单独享有追求自由和正义的梦想,所有的国家都离不开它们。
69、Sold in the five years after the purchase of commercial housing, Both are exempt from tax. ─── 在购入商品房五年后卖出的,则免除上述两项税费。
70、On the basis of categorized management, the pilot work for the products exempt from inspection shall be carried out. ─── 在分类管理的基础上,开展出口免验产品的试点工作。
71、Rich players will be exempt from taxes, I mean, durability repair prices. ─── 富裕的玩家将免于纳税,我是说,装备修理费。
72、Exempting from inspection title's forfeit, means the extra honorary privilege and marketing channel's forfeit. ─── 免检头衔的丧失,就意味着额外名誉特权和营销渠道的丧失。
73、To exempt or release, as from a duty or religious obligation. ─── 免除或豁免,如职责或宗教义务
74、Persons exempt from jury duty;income exempt from taxation;a beauty somehow exempt from the aging process. ─── 免去陪审团义务的人;免税的收入;永恒之美
75、Persons exempt from jury duty; income exempt from taxation; a beauty somehowexempt from the aging process. ─── 免去陪审团义务的人;免税的收入;永恒之美。
76、China has previously enacted a series of new measures to boost the domestic real estate market by exempting taxes on properties and land. ─── 中国曾颁布了一系列新措施,以促进国内房地产市场,免除税收财产和土地。10月下旬,中国还下调利率-第二次这样做的一个月。
77、He is exempt from military service because of his bad sight. ─── 他由于视力不好而免服兵役。
78、Why should fashion be exempt? ─── 为何时尚应该是个例外?
79、HRDC confirmation exempt under NAFTA, GATS, CCFTA, or significant economic benefit (i.e. intra-company transferee. ─── 在NAFT,GATS,CCFTA或重大经济利益(如公司内部人员调动)的情况下,HRDC(人力资源部)的确认可免除10
80、Which types of income derived by foreign individuals can be exempt from IIT? ─── 七、外籍个人所得税有哪些免税规定?
81、The product is the national exempting from inspection product, the quality is superior, the moderate cost, welcome to select and purchase. ─── 产品均为国家免检产品,质量优越,价格适中,欢迎选购。
82、The regulation of Article36 of every two weeks a two days rest is exempt here. ─── 三二周内至少有二日之休息,作为例假,不受第三十六条之限制。
83、Even those deceptively cheap weekend breaks cannot be exempt. ─── 即使那些看似无伤大雅的周末度假也无一例外要被取消。
84、it could accomplish that just as easily by exempting part of such offers from the salary cap or luxury tax. ─── 它可以通过让此类续约的一部份薪资不受工资帽和奢侈税限制来轻松达到目的。
85、He is exempt from military service. ─── 他免服兵役。
86、As a non - profit - making organization, we are exempt from tax . ─── 作为一非赢利组织,我们可以免税。
87、What are mycotoxin controls or country of origin if exempt of flour for noodles? ─── 如果忽略面条面粉的原产地,如何控制霉菌毒素?
88、Therefore we are not exempt from the pain that you are in. ─── 因此我们不能被免除你所处的痛苦。
89、For another 2 per year, a citizen could become exempt from working on the streets. ─── 另外,不愿打扫街道的市民每年还要多交2。
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