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09-12 投稿



speculates 发音

英:[ˈspekjuleɪts]  美:[ˈspekjuleɪts]

英:  美:

speculates 中文意思翻译



speculates 词性/词形变化,speculates变形

动词现在分词: speculating |动词过去分词: speculated |动词过去式: speculated |动词第三人称单数: speculates |

speculates 短语词组

1、speculates crossword clue ─── 推测纵横字谜线索

2、speculates def ─── 推测def

3、speculates meaning ─── 推测意义

4、speculates recipe ─── 推测配方

5、speculates mean ─── 推测意味着

6、speculates synonyms ─── 推测同义词

speculates 常用词组

speculate on ─── v. 推测;考虑

speculates 相似词语短语

1、peculate ─── vi.盗用,挪用(公款等);vt.盗用,挪用(公款等)

2、speculate ─── vi.推测;投机;思索;vt.推断

3、peculates ─── vi.盗用,挪用(公款等);vt.盗用,挪用(公款等)

4、speculators ─── n.投机者(speculator的复数)

5、peculated ─── vi.盗用,挪用(公款等);vt.盗用,挪用(公款等)

6、speciates ─── vi.(通过进化)形成物种

7、spectates ─── vi.出席观看

8、speculated ─── vi.推测;投机;思索;vt.推断

9、speculatist ─── 投机者,

speculates 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The News of the World also speculates that Spurs could move for Wigan’s Emile Heskey, whilst Michael Owen has also been tipped as being a replacement for Berbatov. ─── 世界新闻报还推测,马刺队能够为维甘的埃米尔赫斯基,而欧文也被打破,作为被替换贝尔巴托夫。

2、At times, Fantina seems to stop short of his stated goal of getting beyond psychoanalysis, as he speculates about biographical details and relies on these details as keys to reading the texts. ─── 凡狄纳有时似乎停止了他所确定的超越心理分析的目标,他推测传记的细节部分并依据这些细节作为阅读文本的关键。

3、Farnell speculates that by "evolving" other parts of the engine, engineers may produce a design that will optimize the engine overall. ─── 据泛内尔推测,在发动机的其他部分引入同样的“进化”机制,可以帮助工程师们对发动机进行整体优化。

4、Nicholson even speculates that the organisms could play a role in neurological disorders, such as attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, Tourette's syndrome and autism. ─── 尼柯森甚至推测,注意力不足过动症、妥瑞氏症候群、自闭症等神经系统疾病也和这些微生物脱不了关系。

5、Gregory speculates that by 1936 Stalin may have been worried about unflattering comparisons between himself and Lenin, but this hardly seems an adequate explanation. ─── 格里高利推测,1936年之前,斯大林可能一直担心与列宁相比较,自己会显得逊色,不过这个解释不大靠谱。

6、He speculates that there could be "100 or more" autism genes. ─── 他推测大概有100个或者更多的自闭症基因。

7、He speculates that, for reasons as yet unknown, a mother's immune system takes note of the number of male offspringthat each succeeding male fetus is subjected to increased levels of antibodies. ─── 他推测,尚不为人知的原因,母体免疫系统可监测男性子代的数量,并且升高的抗体水平会影响每一个后孕男胎。

8、Autocar speculates that Ferrari would use the system in tandem with a start/stop, almost guaranteeing an improvement in fuel economy. ─── 汽车推测,法拉利车队将使用该系统的同时,开始/停止,几乎保证改善燃油经济性。

9、Feral cats in the region could be eating eggs and young iguanas, Gentile speculates. ─── 这一区域的野猫可能正在吃鬣蜥蛋及其幼崽,金泰尔猜测。

10、Furthermore, the author speculates its cleveloping prospect: he fint mentions its abaptation to the need of the modern society then he extends his research to the vigor of yangge . ─── 探索冀东地秧歌的美学价值,对冀东地秧歌的发展前景进行探讨,一是对冀东地秧歌适应现代化社会需求的讨论,二是对冀东地秧歌生命力的再认识;

11、Craig Kinsley of the University of Richmond, Virginia, who did the work with rat mothers, speculates that Dr Gould's new findings may reflect human behaviour quite closely. ─── 这对于作父亲的人类而言意味着什么呢?这很难说。父绒猴(对幼子)的关爱令它们成为一个极端的例子。

12、He often speculates about the future. ─── 他经常思索未来。

13、Here, the paper reviews the current study results and speculates about the underlying mechanisms, clinical application and problem existed in adult stem cells plasticity. ─── 文章对成体干细胞可塑性的研究结果、分化机制、应用前景及需解决的问题等进行了综述。

14、Something about being infected themselves might give extra urgency to the dendritic cells' communication with the other immune cells, Rice speculates. ─── 莱斯怀疑,受到感染的细胞可能有某种东西,能够送出更紧急的讯号,加强树突细胞和其他免疫细胞进行沟通。

15、In light of these traits, Flaherty speculates that some activity in this area could foster the urge to blog. ─── 因此,佛拉尔帝推断,该区的活动可能让人产生写部落格的强烈渴望。

16、Parents might be able to boost the IQs of younger siblings by scheduling in more indiidual time with them, Sulloway speculates. ─── Sulloway推测:父母们通过计划好更多的与他们个人相处的时间,可能能够促进年小孩子的智商.

17、Maybe it saves energy, he speculates. ─── 他推测,也许它是在保存能量。

18、" And the Daily Express speculates on the ultimate cost of the Lehman collapse with the headline, "500,000 Will Lose Jobs in Britain". ─── 每日电讯报推算了雷曼破产的最终代价,撰写了“英国50万人将失业”的标题。

19、Gilbert speculates that the reason for this increase of transport rate is the reduction of friction losses by the presence of fine suspended material in the flow. ─── 吉尔勃特认为输沙率增加的理由,是水流中存在的细悬移泥沙将减少阻力损失。

20、He speculates that the next America's Cup victor might tack more sharply using a bumpy rudder. ─── 他预测下一届美国杯帆船赛的胜利者,很可能使用凹凸不平的方向舵,灵活地御风航行。

21、“the present is I speculates in the stock market the fourth big opportunity which in 20 years saw. ─── “ 现在是我炒股二十年里见到的第四次大机会。

22、He speculates that, if other therapies fail, “maybe all you need is a minor or mediocre effect in order to reduce suicides overall. ─── 他认为如果其他治疗方法不起作用,也许患者所需要的只是通过服用这类疗效一般的抗抑郁药物来降低自杀的风险。

23、Bloomberg Businessweek speculates that she might one day be the president of the United States. ─── 《彭博商业周刊》推测说她有朝一日可能会成为美国总统。

24、If the mother's asthma is well controlled, fewer pro-inflammatory hormones may be transmitted, Boushey speculates. ─── Boushey推测,如果母亲的哮喘得到很好的控制,进入婴儿体内的盐皮质激素的量也会减少。

25、Caixia speculates that Zijin must have owed a huge debt again and has thus gone in hiding. ─── 彩霞指紫荆一定是又欠了一大笔赌债,没脸见人,所以躲着不敢见开旺,宝钻不以为然。

26、In addition, Wei speculates that worsening water contamination from industrial runoff andother sources may be causing sturgeons to change their sex. ─── 另外,危起伟推测,由工业废水和其它污染引起的不断恶化的水质将导致中华鲟变性。

27、JPMorgan speculates that lower costs and stricter government regulations will spur the growth of hybrid sales. ─── 摩根推测,降低成本和更严格的政府规章将推动经济增长的混合销售。

28、How this happens is unclear, but she speculates that the compound may interfere with the body's ability to deal with glucose in the blood. ─── 虽然这种情况是如何发生的还不清楚,但是她推测该药物可能扰乱了肌体处理血液中葡萄糖的能力。

29、Goats, Mr Stroud speculates, might help them in their task. ─── 斯特劳德先生推测,山羊可能会帮助他们完成这一任务。

30、The newspaper speculates that the goalkeeper may not play again until the New Year, but Foster remains upbeat about his future. ─── 媒体普遍推测福斯特将要在新年时才能复出,但他本人却非常乐观。

31、He also speculates that slime could protect bacteria from high levels of toxic gas. ─── 他同时猜测粘液能够保护细菌免受有毒气体的侵害。

32、The voice comments, speculates, judges, compares, complains, likes, dislikes, and so on. ─── 声音评论、揣测、评价、比较、抱怨、喜欢、不喜欢等等。

33、It was quite shocking. Every October someone speculates about this and you learn not to pay attention. ─── 我很吃惊,每到十月就会有人对这个奖项作出推测,而我也不会特意去关注。

34、Renee Friedman of the British Museum speculates that King Scorpion ordered the development of writing to record the payment of taxes to the royal treasury. ─── 英国博物馆瑞 - 弗兰得曼推测,蝎子王下令发展文字是为了记录王室财政体系的税款收入。

35、He speculates on a rise. ─── 他在上涨时投机炒作。

36、Kitazato's group speculates that soft foraminifera thrive in the Mariana mud because they are among the few creatures that can withstand the huge pressures there. ─── 北里洋的研究小组推测软壳有孔虫之所以在马里亚纳海沟的泥里能够兴旺发达是因为它们是为数不多的能够抵挡那儿如此巨大压力的生物。

37、William McGurn, his chief speechwriter, speculates that Mr Latimer is angry because he lost his office in the West Wing to someone more important. ─── 前主要演讲撰稿人威廉麦格恩推测道,拉蒂默先生之所以愤怒是因为他在总统办公室的地位被某位更具实力的人所取代。

38、The Purdue group speculates that a separate genetic archive may serve as a hedge against hard times, such as an extended drought, by allowing a plant to access genes that helped its ancestors persist. ─── 普渡大学的研究小组臆测,植物可能有另一套遗传资讯档案库,以备在环境恶劣(例如持续乾旱)时之需,它让植物能使用曾帮助祖先存续的基因。

39、Dan Pinkston, a Seoul-based analyst with the International Crisis Group, speculates Washington and Pyongyang may soon reach a verification compromise. ─── 平克斯顿是“国际危机组织”驻首尔的分析人士。他推测,华盛顿和平壤很快会就核实核清单的问题达成一项妥协性协议。

40、He speculates that market reformers at the central bank may be trying to shake up the domestic financial markets. ─── 他猜测,央行的市场改革派或许在试图提振本国金融市场。

41、The author speculates as to whether there could have been an Italian version of the Nuremberg trials, and what difference it might have made. ─── 作者思索,当初是否有可能上演一场意大利版的纽伦堡审判,而且结果会有什么不同。

42、Value Theory, which separates human beings from the universal world and the whole social life, and speculates the sole subject-object relation, undoubtedly results in metaphysics. ─── “效用价值论”割裂了人与世界的普遍联系.脱离了社会生活的整体,只考察单一物我关系,最终只能陷入形而上学。

43、Wilder speculates that anesthesia could cause learning problems in young children because it travels to the brain at a time when the brain is developing rapidly. ─── 怀尔德推测在年纪小的孩子里麻醉药物影响了学习能力,因为它进入大脑时,正是大脑开发很快的时期。

44、It also summarizes the contribution and weakness of the previous research and speculates on the prospect of investigating how Chinese ESL learners process such sentences at the end. ─── 在总结前人研究的贡献与局限的基础上,本文展望了以中国学生为对象开展相关研究的前景。

45、MrGreenstein speculates that the president is really trying to force Congress toattach the health-care tax-incentive proposal he unveiled in January. ─── 格林斯坦认为总统的真实用意在于强迫国会将医疗计划与总统本人在一月提出的加强税收计划相结合。

46、However, judging from its close affinity to other dinosaurs known to have been feathered, Xing Xu of the Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology in Beijing speculates that it was. ─── 这说明在向鸟类演化的过程中,不同恐龙类群的特征演化模式和潜在的发育机制是不同的。这增加了鸟类起源的复杂性。”

47、Babies, she speculates, are monitoring their environments for signs of security and caring. ─── 她猜测,婴儿时刻在观察周围环境中给他安全感和关爱的信号。

48、" Shanshan speculates that it was this personal story that made all the difference. ─── 姗姗认为,这是除了她的成绩外,最能打动国外大学的地方。

49、Mr Kohut speculates that the real problem lies in who picks up the phone. ─── 他认为真正的原因是接受电话民调的人群不同。

50、But now global warming is making the Baltic Sea (map) more comfortable for the critters, a new study speculates. ─── 但是,最新的研究推测,现在全球变暖使波罗的海更适合这些小家伙的生长。

51、As for the forearm, geneticist and co-author Julia Segre speculates that exposed arms make a good landing pad for bacteria. ─── 关于前臂,基因学家、文章的合著者茱莉亚.撒格雷猜想也许是暴露的胳膊为细菌提供了一个良好的着陆台。

52、The risk factors for mild impairment (such as advancing age) may be different for men, she also speculates, or they may occur at different phases of life for men than for women. ─── 她推测,轻度认知障碍的风险因素(如年龄增加)可能对男性的影响不一样,或者与女性比起来,可能发生在不同的年龄阶段。

53、No man speculates he would win the game. ─── 每个人都相信他将取得比赛的胜利。

54、Beside in recent years, bought and sold the gold to become purchases homes speculates in the stock market the another popular investment field. ─── 近年来,买卖黄金成为买房炒股之外的又一热门投资领域。然而在推广“藏金于民”理念的同时,许多投资者因地下炒金导致损失的案件也频频发生。

55、The reason is a mystery, but Mathews speculates that glucose may be key. ─── 其中的原因是一个谜,不过马休斯推测:葡萄糖可能是个关键因素。

56、However, has not studied the technical person is frequently the interim estimate estimates, this is very dangerous speculates in the stock market the method. ─── 不过,没学过技术的人常常是毛估估,这是很危险的炒股方法。

57、In the pesticide-doused orchards of California, this may well have caused the selective sweep, Schlenke speculates. ─── 这是个重要的线索:研究人员猜想,两个物种间不变区域的重叠部分肯定含有自然选择出来的基因。

58、Those women may view such fabrications as necessary to preserve an equal status with their husbands, Turiel speculates. ─── 图列尔猜想这些女性或许认为这样的谎言对跟她们的丈夫维持一个同等的地位是必需的。

59、Humans are the only species that hasmuch variation in risk-taking, Zuckerman said, and he speculates that it has todo with our history. ─── 祖克曼表示在勇于冒险方面,人类是个体差异最大的物种;他推测这与我们的历史有关。

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